...there is room for all levels in trading...ultimately you get out what your prepared to put in...what is not acceptable is...
1....arrogance over others.....be it at what level of knowledge you currently are the possibility for improvement always exists..this is until arrogance creeps in....it forms a barrier to learning and equally distorts decision making..before long if arrogance persists it will effect your "bottom line" and you will find yourself back at the very "rung of the ladder" which you so smugly looked down upon.
2....and equally....ignorance....the constant dismissal of those with the passion and drive to take it beyond a money making exercising and instead a pursuit of excellence with money as a consequence is disgusting....i doubt many top sportsman start out soley driven by money but instead the craft....the cyber chavs are allowed to belittle anyone who seeks to better themselves.....ultimately this is down to thier own insecurities...and is typical of society at the moment...never put down those who are prepared to sacfrice and work to improve self and others....these peopl will be the ones who will be paying your dole money one day.
.......seems pretty simple.....dont pretend to be at a level your not to YOURSELF and others....dont brag about the level your at.....and dont dismiss the level others strive to become.
cheers mark j
A good post by Mr Markus, hope you don"t mind the re-print ?
fw ....... Grey answers all pm"s and posts requesting info and from what I can see asks nothing in return. He deals with risk 1st just not to your satisfaction
fw ...... you have made many bad calls over on the dow thread, I assume Grey took his loss as per his method and moved on, bad call ....so what does that prove ? he was not an early Bear
He asks for live proof regards 2 pt stops or at least doubts it .......
seems a reasonable request to me, you claim it = Put up or shut up
Grey does not have anything to prove, you do fw imo, Grey was just posting his thoughts and concerns for something he does not think is very possible or achievable on a consistant basis.
Sure his only concern is that new traders will attempt it and end up overtrading and end up trading on emotions etc resulting in blown accounts
your live trade calls are behind closed doors these days on this site, so who benefits from them fw ?
thought it was a good thread before the usual BS surfaced
anyhows, latter............
thread infected 🙂