Power of islam

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13% of Muslims in Britain think that 7/7 terrorist are Martyrs
13% Of UK Muslims Call 7/7 Bombers “Martyrs” | Sweetness & Light

Is it not sad, that these Muslims claim taxpayers money, many are on social security benefits, and they support the terrorist!!!

I am only talking FACTS

DFID | Country Profiles | Asia | India key facts
Poverty in India
this things you should be concerned about mate, compare tis to the percantage of people dying in terrorist attacks from your pakistani friends in india (if is more you may be able to convince me)

everyone knows that radical islamism is dangerous - but let the nature correct itself and dont bother
....Infant mortality, malnutrition and lack of education in some ghettos of US is even worse than that of India......

....I think it is easy to dictate the statistics but reality is that poverty is equally bad in West and US as well....

....If US reduced it's defence budget to half then it will pay for free NHS for entire world and eliminate the global poverty...not just in US.....richest country in world cannot even treat their people....millions are on handouts....fi you haven't got insurance...the ambulance called out will only stitch you up to stop bleeding....sorry but can't mend that broken leg...!

...Will US reduce it's defence budget or should we let the nature run it's course and not do anything about it..?
Absolutely I agree.As soon as they have money, they will start their terrorism.
They say that there is a war against militants, but there is NO independant western or UN confirmation.

The big question is that US went into Iraq, and afghanistan, but why no military action against Pakistan

I am baffled

Because Pakistan has weapons of mass destruction.

The US has the biggest stock pile along with russia of WMD, pls also bear in mind that america is the only country in the history of the world to use this nasty wepond against a people - Hiroshima

Wake up people - dont believe the brainwashing propoganda that gets fed to you on the news everyday, always be cautious with news
....Infant mortality, malnutrition and lack of education in some ghettos of US is even worse than that of India......

....I think it is easy to dictate the statistics but reality is that poverty is equally bad in West and US as well....

....If US reduced it's defence budget to half then it will pay for free NHS for entire world and eliminate the global poverty...not just in US.....richest country in world cannot even treat their people....millions are on handouts....fi you haven't got insurance...the ambulance called out will only stitch you up to stop bleeding....sorry but can't mend that broken leg...!

...Will US reduce it's defence budget or should we let the nature run it's course and not do anything about it..?


not the US I believe but the US government, and not just the US government but the other governments too: Russian, French etc , and who they working for you could find out here:
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Absolutely I agree.As soon as they have money, they will start their terrorism.
They say that there is a war against militants, but there is NO independant western or UN confirmation.

The big question is that US went into Iraq, and afghanistan, but why no military action against Pakistan

I am baffled

For decades the US has been in bed with Pakistan so how can it go to war with them. I believe the US actually plays a pivotal role in the rise of terrorism throughout the world. This alliance is no longer beneficial because they are no longer playing ball, so a shift in attitude is being perceived.
It's worth bearing in mind that Pakistan has probably suffered more than any other country from Islamo-Fascism and terrorism. The involvement of the ISI is another matter.
I suspect the current offensive against the Taleban has resulted from US pressure on Zadari and even the suggestion that the Pak army will take over again if the govt. allowed the country to be split up. The prospect of the Taleban possibly getting their hands on Pakistan's nuclear weapons (extremely unlikely in my view) would be enough for either an Indian or US strike to take them out.
"If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not ... They are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing," said Egyptian cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya'qoub. "... You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth." (Al-Rahma TV (Egypt), Jan. 17, 2009)" from Jihad Watch: Ahmadinejad's Jew-hatred is common throughout the Islamic world
.....It's not only Jews....these guys hate anything and everything that is not in compliant with Islamic ways......

.....According to these guys if you are not muslim then you have no right to exist....!

....Islam has been hijacked by these idiots, and rest of the Islamic world, it appears, is oblivious to all these.....

....See what is happening in pakistan TODAY.....pakistani army, who did a deal with taleban only few months back, is now trying weed them out....

....Point of the matter is that if taleban can't keep a word in a deal they did with pakistan politicians, what choice non muslims like Jews and rest have...?
The Power of Islam is an oxymoron, and that's problem isn't it?

You can feel the rage ..... total impotence and bewilderment of the modern world.

Bhavin, you life seems to be very empty...
Have you got nothing to better to do in your life ..........I have seen this Thread and I am disgusted by the number of souls that one human ******* in this world can corrupt...It is becuase of people like you that there in no peace in this world...
I find this one of the most disgusting threads at a person has created...
You are no better than a pig ....you thrive on dirt...
Hell you have already created a beautiful place there...
You are an hindu lad and try to screw other people up and make them fight on the board...
I wonder why you were born....

Why dont you trade and stop causing havoc.....
I am disgusted by a lot of comments that have been made on this thread and all because of you
Bhavin, you life seems to be very empty...
Have you got nothing to better to do in your life ..........I have seen this Thread and I am disgusted by the number of souls that one human ******* in this world can corrupt...It is becuase of people like you that there in no peace in this world...
I find this one of the most disgusting threads at a person has created...
You are no better than a pig ....you thrive on dirt...
Hell you have already created a beautiful place there...
You are an hindu lad and try to screw other people up and make them fight on the board...
I wonder why you were born....

Why dont you trade and stop causing havoc.....
I am disgusted by a lot of comments that have been made on this thread and all because of you
The best thing ive read all week!!... Very well said.. People like that just cause hatred for no reason at all..!!!
Beware the EXTREMISTS of any and all religions and politics. They exist to kill and more the better !

They are sick psychos and should be treated like mad dogs. They have no compassion or mercy and expect none.

Anarchist extremists started World War I, a power crazed lunatic started World War II and it's not hard to see who is trying to start World War III. More crazy, blood lusting lunatics.
May Allah curse them !!
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