Power of islam

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I have a solution.

Every one who thinks their religion is worth killing for or dying for, we fulfil their destiny by killing them all.

The rest of us can than carry on and attend to more useful and practical issues, like living a good life.

The Power of Islam? Is the power of any organised religion. It delivers free labour, land, money, control and lives into the hands of those that control that religion. The mores stupid you are, the more you’re willing to do for ‘your’ religion.

"The mores stupid"

The more stupid
The stupid mores? 🙂
Yep let's have a debate - just why is Islam the fastest growing religion in the world
Personally I am not religious myself.

But I trully want to hear opinions of what people think.

poverty? easier to manipulate? plus trend following
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I hear what you are saying in your last post, tar, but the problem is that you yourself seem to think that war is the solution to the so-called problems you mentioned - assuming that diplomacy has failed. If book burning is a cause for war then the militant murderous image many non-Muslims have of SOME of your co-religionists is re-inforced. You cannot say it's only individuals slaughtering and at the very same time support war against a nation if a mob burns a mosque or your scriptures - that itself is unacceptable extremism and SUPPORTS the murderers. The "justification" of terror is that no Muslim army is strong enough to go out and slaughter the innocents so the terrorist groups will do it instead. So you can't justify war for quran burning and then say it's individuals who are not representative. Now I know that most Muslims do not approve of terror, but that terror is born of your attitude that war is justified for what most think are flimsy reasons born of religious intolerance..
In other words, your own attitude helps create the environment that gives rise to terrorism which is INEVITABLY CARRIED OUT IN THE NAME OF YOUR RELIGION
One last point, you say, "i didnt say war Mr charts i said ( Diplomatic action then military ) ..."Military action IS war !!!
I've taken the time to answer you, tar, because I hope there is some hope of dialogue/discussion with you and people like you; unlike some others on this thread who are obviously consumed with hatred.

Mr Charts i ( unsubscribed to the thread ) yesterday because i think i am done here but i said i will make a check maybe Mr charts has something 🙂
ok : i didnt say burning Quran from an angry mob is a reason for a war please check my post # 160 no need to repeat , i was talking about if there is an organised war against ( muslims or their citizens from other religions ) from this Country X , my example was clear . I came here to explain to u guys that these attacks against civilains not from my religion and i explained what is Jihad in Islam and i admit there is something important called Jihad in my religion but this is in any other nation respect itself but they call it something else and it is not only to defend the land the defence should be to any serious threat . And this what is exactly the British army and the US army is doing they have operations outside their countries and they call it defence against threat from X Y Z , this is life but their is justice and rules should be followed to protect nation X and its civliasition and Jihad is done by the state and the goverments not by indiviuals. Mr charts asked for an example for Jihad and i gave the example , but if any muslim was angry because of what he sees in the tv or his son killed or .... then he goes and kills civilians from the other side , this is not Islam's fault , and we cannot change our religion ! because of these actions , i quoted b4 from the prophet Mohmad about civilians . I want to give something from reality : most of these attacks against civilians happened in muslim's countries , for example b4 few years here in Jordan at Ridisson SAS hotel there was a wedding by accident and an attack happened there ! .

Zambuck , gamma : Guys no need to repeat we r here talking about Islam not indivual muslim actions , u can open a new thread about the old ( India , Pakistan ) conflict , here we r talking about Islam , muslims make mistakes but also others make mistakes , we dont want to bring this to these forums , civilians casualties r from both sides and u r telling half of the story guys , mosuques burned as well , Quran burned ,muslim women rapped , muslim kids killed with a cold blood , nothing is without a reason , when u say muslim burned a church in X country , there will be few mousques burned as well b4 it , no need to bring this to these forums , i am a muslim infront of u and i know well about Islam i told u no no no for the killing of civilians and i quoted b4 from the prophet Mohmad words about this , and i explaind about Jihad how it can happen for reasons as an military war like any other nation do.
Islam give the rights for some of the religions to practice their own religon like Jews , Chrstians but not all religons, for example Heathens who prays for Idols not allowed under the Islam umbrella , simply because it is the exact opposite of Islam .
Prohphet Mohmad got married to a Jewish woman and christian woman as well and he didnt push them to convert they stayed on their religion . My brother is married to a british chrstian woman . My girlfriend was chrstian then she converted by her own decision to Islam , but she was chrstian when i knew her .
My friend here in Jordan has good few friends non muslims from India lives in Jordan they r really good friends, he told me about them .
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just to remind you it was a trader by a hindu name who started this so called ''power of islam thread''

My guess he's done this to create controversey

Absolutely agree !.. As i said in a previous post...

If it is perfect then it will stand up to close examination and it will bear satire.

If it is flawed then it will break down when questioned and throw a hissy fit when ridiculed.

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Islam give the rights for some of the religions to practice their own religon like Jews , Chrstians but not all religons, for example Heathens who prays for Idols not allowed under the Islam umbrella , simply because it is the exact opposite of Islam

This sentence says it all and sums up the thinking o most muslims and shows you what is wrong with these people


Infact if there really was a God he would distance himself from the monotheist religions (Judiasm,Christanity,Judaism) as these have done more harm than good for humanity

This is my last comment on this subject
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....Islam is a very closed religion....it only recognises muslims....It considers all other religion as not in accordance to it's ways and hence wrong.....We were in malaysia couple of years back and we saw a really beautiful mosque....I was interested to see ot from inside....

A veiled lady at the reception said 'Are you Mislim?...I said No...well then you can't enter..unless you convert...!!

I have been to many churches...no restrictions....many temples....no restrictions....many gurudwaras...no restrictions....

...In fact you are not allowed to enter Mecca's holiest shrine unless you renounce your religion and accept Islam....

....Not a sign of what was once perhaps great religion run by scientific and moderate minds....Now it appears to be controlled my miniscule minded idiots and countries who give it bad name...!!

...Any religion that does not recognise my religion, and it's ways, purely because it's not their way, quite frankly is extremist in it's ways...!!
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Partition of India and Hindu Holocaust

India partition was very moving and all that human suffering has identifiable and clear causes which even the most educated, enlightened minds wont see.
The history of India (now, the South Asian subcontinent) of the last 1000 years - is a saga of relentless blood stained conquests - religious and imperial.

In a sense, the downfall of the Vedic Dharma due to insufficient intellectual discourse and denial of the martial spirit due to widespread Buddhist value system has to be blamed for the current state of play in India. Further the promotion of Gandhi's non violence has made the citizen weaklings.

It is that deep - the Hindu holocaust at the hands of Islamic invaders is documented and known and is only recently finding space of publicity, long suppressed for fear of antagonizing dubious secular credentials.

So with all that Historical and civilization baggage and the total emasculation of the memory of the Muslim converts of the Indian subcontinent (90 % of whom can trace their blood lines to Hindu forefathers), the venom was already they’re waiting to explode.
It was only helped along by insufficient intellects of 'Mahatma' Gandhi (with his selective insomnia to Muslim intransigence) and the debauchery and Stupidity of Nehru and Jinnah (whose forefathers were, by the way Gujarati Brahmins converted to Islam).
Partition of India is a mistake of colossal proportions - and it is not even a partition, only a partial partition.
If Pakistan is the homeland of the Muslims of India, then what are 140 million of them doing in India? Secularism (distorted or otherwise is unthinkable if India was 80 % Muslim). India is secular and still continues to give unbridled access to tamper with the way of life of India, only because India is 80 % Hindu.
The day India is 50 % or less of Hindu, we can expect a second or third partition. Lets face up and look upon the Partition as another example of the result of appeasing the devil of Islam.
just to remind you it was a trader by a hindu name who started this so called ''power of islam thread'' My guess he's done this to create controversey

Controversy?? NO NO NO
If the foundations of teh argument is weak then it will have no legs to stand, it will collapse - simple.

I am trying create a debate and also try and highlight the dangers. The sooner our politicians wake up to this threat the better.

Bush targeted the wrong Muslim, Sadaam Hussein was westernised, and a secular leader. Yes he was ruthless and killed many innocents. West are ignoring the dangers of Paki Fundamentalism

Wake up!
Bhavin someone must have told you its not gentlemanly to discuss money, power or religion when at a dinner part/ in a group/ internet forum etc etc ...

and guess why ...unsuprisingly it only leads to pointless arguments ... just a little tip for the future

......Yes...keep ones religion to one self......until....how about converting to ours..we will give you fruits.....how about converting to ours..or we will chop your head off.....

....my god is more powerful then yours.....

.....and then it will be back to the real 'world'.......
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.....If a country is just unresponsive to world opinions and concerns about state of affairs and states that things are normal and under control, while doing deals with terrorists who implement archaic and medieval laws, then frankly they deserve this jolt for them to prompt into action...

.....One's own dose of medicine is sometimes painful.....but very necessary....

I wonder how much of this is true. They have been allowing it all along, now all of a sudden they want to fight the Taliban ? I dont think so. I think its just a ploy to get the $1 billion in aid from the US.

Do you think the country has no money ? They do, just not to spend it on fighting terrorism. Let someone else pay for it and it suddenly they are prepared to go to war . But for how long and to what extent ? How can they be expected to destroy the very thing they have been nurturing for decades ?

Just dont have much faith in the word of the Pakistani government when a $1billion candle is dangled in front of them. The temptation to agree is too much but the leadership to fulfill the promise is not there.

I actually think Zardari has a new outlook for Pakistan, but this will be compressed and eventually destroyed by the extreme military factions that run the country. He may be in power but he has no power .
( Any un acceptable behaviour ) from the type mentioned in my example , its clear what i mean , and i didnt say war Mr charts i said ( Diplomatic action then military ) ...

did you ever hear an expressions - dont bover other people, and dont use such a delicate matter as a relligion as a springboard for your material purposes.
in short the whole thing i svery frightening indeed. I wonder what future world will our children grow in, with the islamisation of the world.

It is indeed very frightening

focus your efforts on sorting out poverty problems in your country and dont bover about religions mate
.....I think India has moved greatly in that direction and is emerging as a power...poverty elimination is going ahead...but it is the neighbours who are themselves in mess...have no economic clout...and whatever money they get from US is used to train and export the terrorism to Indians and other countries, is what is the issue....

....If they left others alone then quite frankly they can go to hell if they so desire...!
I wonder how much of this is true. They have been allowing it all along, now all of a sudden they want to fight the Taliban ? I dont think so. I think its just a ploy to get the $1 billion in aid from the US.

Absolutely I agree.As soon as they have money, they will start their terrorism.
They say that there is a war against militants, but there is NO independant western or UN confirmation.

The big question is that US went into Iraq, and afghanistan, but why no military action against Pakistan

I am baffled
.....I think India has moved greatly in that direction and is emerging as a power...poverty elimination is going ahead...but it is the neighbours who are themselves in mess...have no economic clout...and whatever money they get from US is used to train and export the terrorism to Indians and other countries, is what is the issue....

....If they left others alone then quite frankly they can go to hell if they so desire...!

well you got bear in mind that If India reduced their military budget byhalf, then poverty would be eliminated!

But they cannot reduced their defence, cos they are sarrounded by enemies
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