Google Experiment: "organisation of"


Legendary member
hi guys,

Just as an experiment, could you enter the phrase "organisation of" into Google.
What are the auto-suggestions you get?

Context: I was watching a Joe Rogan (yeah, I know) YT with Gad Saad about male/female selection.
I ended up with another one on Islamic Immigration.
The point Gad made, was how the liberals in the west seem to bend over backwards to accommodate islamic issues, whereas there is no reciprocity for other cultures in islamic countries.
I wanted to verify this fact, and entered "orgainisation of". And lo and behold. the exact search option.
I think my laptop is conspiring against me, what with it knowing I am watching a specific YT program.

PS: PLEASE, this is not a thread about "islam", there is already one elsewhere.
Its about Google keeping track of non-google searches and viewing habits, and predicting what I might want to search for.


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Hi Trendie, I get exactly the same auto-suggestions as you. I'm also a fan of the JRE, I think the last video I watched was with Bob Lazar, so a completely different topic! (But one close to my heart)
I don't believe that google isnt monitoring everything I do!
Been watching a JRE show before, and watched a small clip today.
Apparently, someone may have built a car powered off the charged particles in the air.
So, I only google "are there charged", and the first option is "particles in the air".
I don't believe that google isnt monitoring everything I do!
Been watching a JRE show before, and watched a small clip today.
Apparently, someone may have built a car powered off the charged particles in the air.
So, I only google "are there charged", and the first option is "particles in the air".
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I get the same auto complete mate and I've not previously viewed anything related to this