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[PORTFOLIO] ViroMajor’s portofolio investment

  • Thread starter Thread starter Viro Major
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  • Watchers Watchers 8
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Community managed website, monitoring parameters, news, and the evolution as a whole

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The rates are realistic and non dreamy (conservative) because the whole mechanism is grounded and not based on air. Instead it is a real financial business which is ran behind the scenes

but at the end of the day, it’s never negative 😉 by doing nothing and sipping cocktails...
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This is the track record of Alex Machinsky before Celsius


You must know at least tumblr and Etsy which are very popular worldwide...
PDC stops for the rest of the month (but really did a few days ago before 15 days of trading so that now management fees don’t apply).
Let’s take a picture (demo investing / uninvested report)

PDC = +1,56% / +1.45%
PII = +0.50% / +0.30%
SKI = -1.61% / -1.62%
SKN = -1.70% / -1.77%
SYO = +2.87% / +2.83%
THA = -4.37% / -4.25%

How it developed (mostly a degradation) = also the complete results for november
PDC = +1,56% / +1.45%
PII = -1.56% / -1.84%
SKI = -2.78% / -2.80%
SKN = -2.96% / -3.13%
SYO = +3.22% / +3.18%
THA = -4.37% / -4.25%

The losses slowed down but not quite an achievement


PDC is the only Darwin with 2 green months.
Dang, +1100% since yesterday on my personal trading. Super easy and comfortable.
Looks like the context of december post US election is appropriate to make a killing.
Hummmm I may even be in position to beat my personal record : +120k € in 24 hours (night included, sometimes I don’t sleep for 3 days in a row) in 2014, which was only 1600% back then. Although I cross fingers that I will crush it in value instead relative % 😉 I’m betting on a more swing sequence than only intraday here. Actually, I have in mind 3 day trading legs next over a matter of days. I already completed the ignition with 3 intraday ones and half of the first daytrading
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PDC stops trading for the month. Snapshot for reference

Demo / uninvested results
PDC : +3.26% / +3.15%
PII: -1.91% / -1.94%
SKI: 0.19% / 0.19%
SKN: -0.01% / -0.06%
SYO: -0.89% / -0.89%
THA: 0% / 0%

No need for comment. The numbers speak 😛

Rendez-vous at the end of the month to check if the snaily contenders improved or worsened
Merry christmas !
It is a good news for the performance of the darwin pdc but it is a bad news for me because i'm addicted to watch the darwin pdc moving! I don't know you but when i look it, i feel safe. I am not affraid because i know emanita and purepipproducer are behind this move. It is the first time i feel so relaxed when i look a darwin moving in real time data. I wish you a merry christmas too! And i'm sorry to say this but this forum makes no sense without purepipproducer. So, i'm not sure to come back.
Ok, stopping here the portofolio experiment, too much embarrassement. The so called alpha of even the best ones is way too thin and can be doubted.

In january, will live invest on PDC alone and focus on my trading
This is also my final conclusion. This Darwin has nothing to do with others. It's not the same category at all. Those who do not see it are blinded by their ancestral beliefs. I spoke with him in private again and what he says is exactly what he does. Whether this will continue is indicated by the fact that it has one of the lowest var of all existing darwins. When I see everyone else still fighting in the financial markets even though he settled this in 10 days, it's really funny. Those who attacked him closed their mouths as if by magic, by the way! I can't wait to see the darwin pdc evolve again in january and I'm happy to not have invested in the others because they are almost all diving. The darwin pdc maintains a level of very high statistics of which they were announced before. it is even more impressive exactly because it was announced before. The short track-record is counterbalanced byt the very low value at risk of Darwinex. I believe it all stems from the fact that the pips extracted are pure. It's written on the package. Great concept!
This is also my final conclusion. This Darwin has nothing to do with others. It's not the same category at all. Those who do not see it are blinded by their ancestral beliefs. I spoke with him in private again and what he says is exactly what he does. Whether this will continue is indicated by the fact that it has one of the lowest var of all existing darwins. When I see everyone else still fighting in the financial markets even though he settled this in 10 days, it's really funny. Those who attacked him closed their mouths as if by magic, by the way! I can't wait to see the darwin pdc evolve again in january and I'm happy to not have invested in the others because they are almost all diving. The darwin pdc maintains a level of very high statistics of which they were announced before. it is even more impressive exactly because it was announced before. The short track-record is counterbalanced byt the very low value at risk of Darwinex. I believe it all stems from the fact that the pips extracted are pure. It's written on the package. Great concept!
ah you managed to control your impulses so well up to till now. then gave the game away. sad
The words are nothing, the numbers have spoken. We simply must return to cesar what belongs to cesar. You all who attacked him are all so far behind his level of results that you could all grow up by admitting he is fully and clearly superior. Stay little mind or admit your mistake to grow up is the question which is asked to you all. Excepted viro major who was the only one who defend this concept and this trader.
My Darwinex replacement for long term savings


Dukascopy CHF > SIX transfer (-2.3 CHF) > Interactive Brokers > EUR conversion to USD (-$2)
> free transfer > TrustToken (free) = TUSD > Celsius
> hedge position @ IB on 6E / E7 / M6E future contracts (+ OANDA Europe for leftover finetuning below $1250)

effortless yield = +12.5 % with strictly 0% DD (guaranteed)
minus the glory but who cares, be smart
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Ok so PDC live in january and nobody else
About my own trading, Darwinex will come last, since I have other priorities to focus on
Should check here every once in a while. Later
Excuse me. I received funds today.


Do you know the reason why I cannot transfer funds to the investor account ? There is nothing to select as “destination”
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