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The Darwinex AuM millionaires demo portfolio

July closed with a smart profit of $ 153.89 before building the portfolio for August.


The results before selling the leaving position are:

WNJ has to leave the protfolio as its 3 month DD of -6.2 % violated rule D).

The other positions remain unchanged, and since there is no new Darwin, WNJ is sold and the proceeds added to the remaining five positions.

After seelling this Darwin, there are $ 5,232.40 available for investment.
This is a share of $ 1,046 for each remaining Darwin.
The portfolio for August contains now the following positions:

with the history of these transactions:

Note: the "invalid date" shown is today. 🙂

Performance fee is to pay (retained fee) or was paid to these Darwins:

Management fee was also to pay:

The equty shown increased by about $ 120, but as not all positions were sold, there are some payments for investor fees open which will be calculated and deducted latest in two months.

Darwinex meanwhile corrected the monthly results of the portfolio for July and August.
I removed my Darwin MOT from th demo portfolio and added the money to the other 4 Darwins left.


So this is the current demo portfolio:

August closed with a profit on equity of $ 565.21 before building the portfolio for September.

Before closing positions, the portfolio shows these values:

The filter for the demo portfolio contains only 2 Darwins

So THA and YOX have to leave as they didn't make 1 % profit in the last 3 months, a violation of rule B)

This is the list of their closed transactions:

After seelling this Darwin, there are $ 18,060.44 available for investment with leverage x4.
This is a share of $ 9,030 for each remaining Darwin.
The portfolio for September contains now the following positions:

History of buy transactions:

Performance fee is to pay (retained fee) or was paid to these Darwins:

Management fee was also to pay:

The equity was reduced by nearly $ 23 against last month, caused by the fees again.
September closed with a loss of 1.3% on equity.
There ae no changes for October as only these two Darwins fill the requirements.


Performance fee is to pay (retained fee) or was paid to these Darwins:

Management fee was also to pay:

For a very few hours on the 15th of September the quity was shown with more than $ 10,000, but then it fell back in the red zone.
October closed with a loss of 1.81% on equity.


I doubt that it makes sense to continue this portfolio longer than end of 2023 as the desired profit is not shown.
Current positions before closing them:

All positions are changed now.
WGP is leaving the portfolio as the 3 months return is negative.

BAX is leaving the protfolio as it net lost investors in the last 3 months.

The equity is down again to $9,369.65:

There are 3 new Darwins to store in the portfolio with a share of $12,492 for each:

And this is the portfolio for November 2023:

BAX is the new leader of the history profit in the performance fee list.

Management fee was also to pay:
November closed with 3.88 % profit.

Open positions before closing today:

The following Darwins would build the portfolio for December 2023:


As ERQ can't be bought today, it will not join the portfolio in December (Rule E).

The equity raised to 9,679.23 after selling and paying the investor fees:

$ 12,905 will be invested in each Darwin for December:

These Darwins brought profit to the portfolio when closing trades:

Management fee paid:

Without management fee the portfolio could show some profit after November 2023, but now it has to show still losses.
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Hi there! Really interesting thread, I'll be following your progress 🙂 I have a 5 darwin portfolio that I intend to keep long term, and last week was also fantastic for me as I also have IXA, as well as BAX and both did an impressive +5-6% so an amazing start for my portfolio 🙂 I have WGP also, but hasn't done any trades since November 14th, is this normal? I found it odd that it focuses on G10 pairs only, and didn't trade the big volatility of the EUR/USD. I'm keeping an eye on to see if the Darwin has stopped trading to allocate the funds somewhere else, but for now I'll hold it until the end of the year to see if it resumes trading. It's annoying me a bit that 1/5 of my portfolio is just not moving at all... I wish we'd have a thread here of the Darwin for more info from the trader, to know what's going on!
Hi there! Really interesting thread, I'll be following your progress 🙂 I have a 5 darwin portfolio that I intend to keep long term, and last week was also fantastic for me as I also have IXA, as well as BAX and both did an impressive +5-6% so an amazing start for my portfolio 🙂 I have WGP also, but hasn't done any trades since November 14th, is this normal? I found it odd that it focuses on G10 pairs only, and didn't trade the big volatility of the EUR/USD. I'm keeping an eye on to see if the Darwin has stopped trading to allocate the funds somewhere else, but for now I'll hold it until the end of the year to see if it resumes trading. It's annoying me a bit that 1/5 of my portfolio is just not moving at all... I wish we'd have a thread here of the Darwin for more info from the trader, to know what's going on!
I think WGP is waiting for collecting the investor and DarwinIA fees after a great November.
I hope thery will start trading in January and not wait a month longer.

There is a public filter available for the selection of the Darwins for this portfolio as far as it can be done by a filter.
I think WGP is waiting for collecting the investor and DarwinIA fees after a great November.
I hope thery will start trading in January and not wait a month longer.

There is a public filter available for the selection of the Darwins for this portfolio as far as it can be done by a filter.
Oh I see, that makes sense thank you! That's a bit annoying for investors though.. but I'll hold it for now and see if resumes trading in January
Oh I see, that makes sense thank you! That's a bit annoying for investors though.. but I'll hold it for now and see if resumes trading in January
According to my demo portfolio, you don't pay management fee since December 8th for WGP so the inactivity of this Darwin is free of charge since then 😉
December closed with a profit of 4.58 %, the 2023 profit was made on the last day after a drawdown.


The open positions closed thios month with the following results:


WGP did not trade in December, it's their first month without a trade since 2017. Really unusual.

All Darwins will be sold as ERQ is expected as a new entry.
If they are available to buy, the following Darwins shall be bought on the first trading day of January 2024:


ERQ is not really a new entry, but it was not available to buy on the review date for the December portfolio.
After selling the December Darwins, there are $40,592.12 to invest:


Each Darwin was bought with $10,148:


This is the complete list of performance fee paid or to pay of this portfolio since it started in January 2023:


Management fee was and is also to pay:


Both fees together exceed $ 1,000 per year for this leverage x4 demo portfolio which is more than 10% of the deposit and more than 10 times of its profit of the whole year 2023.
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Worst result ever in January 2024 - no more words necessary ...


Before cleaning up ..


Heroic results after selling:


The new candidates


FFG has a nice track record, the three others have left profit in this portfolio.

The fresh February portfolio after the January crash:


Complete list of performance fee with p&l in the 3rd column:


Management fee paid:

The fees paid or retained exceed (slightly) the net losses of nearly 10%.
Will this portfolio ever have a chance to recover under these conditions?
Worst result ever in January 2024 - no more words necessary ...

View attachment 332962

Before cleaning up ..

View attachment 332963

Heroic results after selling:

View attachment 332964

The new candidates

View attachment 332965

FFG has a nice track record, the three others have left profit in this portfolio.

The fresh February portfolio after the January crash:

View attachment 332966

Complete list of performance fee with p&l in the 3rd column:

View attachment 332967

Management fee paid:
View attachment 332968

The fees paid or retained exceed (slightly) the net losses of nearly 10%.
Will this portfolio ever have a chance to recover under these conditions?
Well ...... the odds (and all the fees) are stacked against you, but good luck!
IXA was taken in this portfolio under violation of Rule D) The Darwin must have made more than 50% profit so it was removed when I found it out. IXA should not be part of this portfolio if it was bought below 150, I didn't see that in time.

IXA left a nice profit of about $ 600 in the portfolio so the mistake rescued the 2023 results.
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Do you think a recovery is possible after this temporary February result and the month is not even half over now?
I think I will discontrinue the portfolio after the February result as also the platform has bad funktionality (after logging me out daily deleting all my links to lists and filters - for me an incredible manipulation which should be removed ASAP).

February was another losing month, with a max. DD of 13.52 % which was partially recovered in the second half of the month.


Selling transactions:

3 Darwins apply to the selection criteria:

Current equity is down more than 10%:

The new candidates are bought:

Performance fee table, soterd by P&L:

Management fee increased again: