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[PORTFOLIO] WhatsthatGuy investments

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Gargamel: thank you for this explanation. It is a jungle! You are right i will modify my crietria thanks to you. I will add : amount of money invested by the darwin trader superior to the amount invested in his trading account. That’s an important filter because by doing this the darwin trader is exposed on the risk of the darwin. Great idea. Also i will modify « high return » to only « positive return ». So, it is end up to 4 criteria : var under 3.25% + 2 drawdowns under 10% + positive return + trader exposed on the darwin.
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I add a new criteria (6 months of track record) because i understood the algorithm of darwinex need 6 months for the real var of the strategy of the darwin trader.

criteria: var under 3.25% + 2 drawdowns under 10% + positive return + trader exposed on the darwin + 6 months of track record
criteria: var under 3.25% + 2 drawdowns under 10% + positive return + trader exposed on the darwin + 6 months of track record
Filter by VaR of underlying strategy, honestly, I also have no ideas how to filter, except that open they, one by one.
Anw, regarding to above criterias, I suppose you already found out one. 😆
Just, try to locate some more others.
TrungLN: after looking for 24 hours i find how to do! Go to "all darwins", click on "set up filter" on the right of the screen, scroll down until "underlying strategy's var", click on "next", then select "underlying strategy's var" on the left of the screen, then write min. 0 max. 1, and 21 darwins will be validate by this filter. Then ranking by drawdown only 12 darwins have a low var for the long term survive in future (as explained in the videos of darwinex) and a low drawdown to see the management of the darwin trader in the past.
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The guide that I linked has been written by Javier Colon, one of the founder of Darwinex.
hum I’m surprised of the source because it conveys quite a lot of poor advices that can be criticised. I would disagree with half of the points made. I even started to argument but gave up due to the hassle at convincing of work-arounds
better start from a blank page imho
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