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[PORTFOLIO] ViroMajor’s portofolio investment

  • Thread starter Thread starter Viro Major
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Thanks for the development. It must correspond to a certain reality of Darwinex
If you’re timing entries, in theory you’re not aiming anymore for max return (accepting full DDs at the same time) but optimising other criterias. That appears like a bet inviting to perform at analysis since the Darwins tend to not yield or not much on average to begin with. Attempting to filter could miss out performance, like in the stocks market, most of the performance is concentrated in little time. It appears tricky to me but if it suits you...
When trading, I try to not analyse the market. In concrete, I‘d find it quite ambitious to predict a vehicle I have no control over. I accept my own limitation here

About SL, I guess there are different ways to approach it but it appears necessary to have exit rules
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It is new asset class.Much to learn.Priority is risk,performance is for later.The goal is to find a point where your risk monetarily is smallest and will become risk-free as soon as possible.
Most people are buying highs,looking for performance and they get burned.Darwins are not like FX or even stocks(if you look at German or Japanese stegnation).Good darwins are not random on yearly basis-they are rising.
It’s obvious I‘m really not interested in this. I see no point in 2020 about handling parameters that are reversed this way given the choice of opportunities there is.
I will only accept to invest no time on an equal basis of investments which work without efforts or as a standpoint comparison that I can measure from time A to time B without torture. Wide eyes opened, it isn’t worth my energy and focus. Everything indicates masochism.
October ends, results

As reported by the monthly report of the Darwins
PDC +3.04%
PII -7.56%
SKI -0.26%
SKN -0.81%
SYO -8.78%
THA -0.92%

Accessorily, as reported by the demo portofolio, accounting for “virtual slippage”
PDC +1.48%
PII -6.78%
SKI -0.80%
SKN -0.74%
SYO -9.66%
THA -0.95%

After the 1st week of november
PDC = +2.69%
PII = +1%
SKI = -0.12%
SKN = -0.12%
SYO = +1.84%
THA = -3.64%

Who’s got the edge and from who can you expect good surprises ? Not possible to dream big when you bet on the group of struggling snails



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SKI has been long on gold after the election of Biden pfff. The portofolio is making a new low after a short rebound
PDC stops for the rest of the month (but really did a few days ago before 15 days of trading so that now management fees don’t apply).
Let’s take a picture (demo investing / uninvested report)

PDC = +1,56% / +1.45%
PII = +0.50% / +0.30%
SKI = -1.61% / -1.62%
SKN = -1.70% / -1.77%
SYO = +2.87% / +2.83%
THA = -4.37% / -4.25%
No Bitcoin Darwin ? Damn 😌
+360% YTD unleveraged. It was supposed to underperform for some
I’m looking them now but the past of AZG is not so nice with too many consecutive red months which is not very motivating (it will likely happen again) and the magnitude of both results, despite positive, doesn’t shine. I mean it’s a few % per year and especially it is beat by other know investments which don’t carry any degree of risk (Celsius on stablecoins, hedged). It‘s just not enough !
Let me rephrase what stands out to me, PPP’s ambitions are 50% yearly with a slick tamed risk, which in that case makes it worthwhile to consider as an alternative investment, whereas their expectations seem already known in advance as bounded, falling short in atractivity in comparison of what exists! No need to wait, there is better out there with zero efforts than AZG / VRT. PDC may be a promise but a manageable one given the foundations. It’s the only one I would stop by if it succeeded
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I think @Viro Major will confirm that’s a better trading here : https://www.trade2win.com/threads/showtime-with-pure-pip-producer.238918/

Because the base is more solid and not based on shifting sands.

Because there is none chance to have a losing quarter.

Because the Drawdown is at ZERO.

Because the numbers of days past by the Equity Curve at the high water mark is superior than the number of days past in Drawdown.

So, a lucky november is only for believers...

As they are not sure as i am to be 100% sure to be positive in the next month...

That’s make all the diference!

100% sure to be positive in december versus 0% sure to be positive in december.

High level super trader versus Lucky Monthly...
Anyway, here is his new thread where it’s possible to get a preview of his process
In the end, the real lesson comes if you can get inspired (not mimic) an approach at your turn. Cause there is no guarantee that the most successful Darwinex traders will stay available for investment in the long term, so all is left is lessons derived from talks
Yeah there are multiple challenging goals that are not found elsewhere, which make it appealing whereas the rest of the managers are just meh, predictable, at danger of instability due to serious psychological bias in their definition, standard if not basic.
PPP’s ambitions are absolutely not unrealistic, which shows only the own limitations of his detractors, which is concerning... so it’s just better to follow overall
We have a huge problem. Why stick with below average performance when being aware there is much better on the side. To tell truth, it’s a bordering insanity behaviour

Only PPP pretends to do better than mediocre. I don’t understand why people stop by for so long on mediocre results (at best). Who is more or less realistic: those who dream on turnings the odds inside out of a rigid context when it has proven to be horribly difficult and failing for many years ? For me, this is non sense, but to each his own.
If success AT Darwinex prevails, despite having to lever mountains to see a mice below it, it became obsessive. I’m really not impressed to verify very struggling results. I wish we‘ll have a better representation, that’s where I’m turning at instead of settling
I will add a very simple remark. It’s alarming if a Darwin makes only 1% per month approximately.
For instance on the indices, more than 1% is the daily average range.
That means that those Darwins which receive a focus they shouldn’t, despite trading the whole month or repeatedly for some, not even catch one single day of amplitude (because on leverage !!)
What to expect of this hassling fight ? No stability, it won’t last forever. These managers show no talent. Sorry, if you cannot hear it but I meant it.
In fact, I’m sure that the randomness is more robust than them projected into the future ! 😱

We often hear: “aim at the stars, at least you’ll land on the moon”. But I have no idea where these traders demonstrate aim in the first place. I believe they look at their feet, trying to create sophisticated processes to extract nothing out of the market... that’s quite shocking. It’s like they don’t have a view anymore of the big picture ! Doing nothing they might do better. Wow
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Mr Dunn is returning 12% annualized with a VaR of 15% and a max Dd of 30%

Can you find me something better?

Unknown market wizards ? I bought the book the day it was out.

Also, weeks ago, told you about Celsius. It yields 14-16% with no trading by generating broker earnings, which is a safe business! It’s there in front of us, paying interest every monday, with 0.00 % drawdown. Have you switched ?

Nobody dreams of Dunn because nobody is going to make a living out of 12%
However, those who understood what Celsius was about, well some of them are retired


What I don’t get is why dream of 1% leveraged by AuM ? How realistic is it for us ? Darwinex has not proven yet to create fortunes ! The top of the Hall of Fame is far from rich. How many opportunities are slipping our hands in the meantime ? This is really energy leaked.

Or from the perspective of the investor, let’s say 10% per annum is achieved as deal sealed, on which capital, for how long for it to mean anything ? I’m 40, you’re older I think. There’s just no point I’m afraid...

The better value stays on the side of the provider, that’s a fact then money could flow in quicker. But speaking from the data, Darwinex has not proven that managers on AuM are going more far than those without ...so they and the investors will need someone who do bring 50% with properly managed risk (even if it means periods of no trading for the purpose) because 10% doesn’t lead anyone anywhere given the criterias of the space we’re in
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Or from the perspective of the investor, let’s say 10% per annum is achieved as deal sealed, on which capital, for how long for it to mean anything ? I’m 40, you’re older I think. There’s just no point I’m afraid...

You perfectly nailed why I am investing Tesla! 🙂

Are you sure?
Maybe you are missing the present results of VRT by @VolcanoFX and AZG by @ASGTrade .
Both my investor portfolios are going very well in November and are positive also on 6M.
Thanks for the mention, but his type is exactly the kind of investors I don't want to attract. People looking for a shiny green trackrecord with little or no drawdown. My trackrecord won't be good for him. Neither will SYO or others.

He believes his buddy, who has closed accounts in difficult moments, is the best thing since sliced bread while those that rode the difficult moments, learnt from it and are forging ahead are not attractive. Lol.

You think I loved having 5 losing months in a row and haven't done anything about it? Lmao. Even then the total loss was still less than 15%.

About making 50% a year without a double digit drawdown, I'd like to see someone try to achieve it live with this 6.5% VAR setup. Not some phony migrations. Of all those that came with migrated >50%+ years, NONE has had a better year than their highest.

AZG first year was an excellent 50% on the 10% VAR. The second year was a challenging one in part due to trading mistakes, but also it was when the struggle to keep up with the Darwinex environment was intensive. Still ended the year with a manageable loss. This 2020. That 10% VAR darwin has over 40% with DD with around 10% DD.

Anyone that doesn't mind a double digit drawdown would have made well beyond 50% on AZG (74%) so far with the 3x leverage with DD <20%. On the underlying which has never gone above 24% VAR, the last three years has seen more than 250% profit even with the losing year.

Is it the best Darwin? No. But there aren't more than 15 Darwins with a better last 3 years (traded fully on Darwinex not migrations).

Like VRT said somewhere else, I am just focusing on my rules now and not looking for any investors (they are mostly impatient and unrealistic anyway). If they come, they come. If they don't, so be it. Thank fuck for Darwinia. If that ends, I'll focus on growing whatever capital I have.
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