Plain Vanilla Options Trades.

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You really are a piece of work, bertie. Get a bit of your own back and you cry like a girl.

Sensitivity is not your strong suit. Try something else.
dbphoenix said:
You really are a piece of work, bertie. Get a bit of your own back and you cry like a girl.

Sensitivity is not your strong suit. Try something else.
No, exactly, taking my gloves off does not worry me in the slightest if the situation warrants it, and you know that. You also know it is not wise to engage me inappropriately.

Just answer the question instead of using your habitual divergent tactics like you always do to try to extiricate yourself when you get into deep water with me. When you wade into deep water with me you know I will not let you off I am not interested in any back chat from you. Just answer the question. I want a proper answer and not your usual s#it.
Ever the drama queen. Rip off those opera gloves, bertie. Smack me. Hurt me. Call me Helen. 🙂
This thread, too, has defeated me. I will not close it until socrates has a chance to conclude his trades but i warn everyone to make sure they stick well on the right side of the guidelines or I will give them a holiday from the site. thanks


Total Realised Profits so far...................................................................................................£5255=

(this is not including trade E, carried out by CYOF)

Open Positions:~

Trades D, 6F, 7 and 9. all in FTSE 100 Apr 5925 puts, totalling 23 puts
written at a mean average price of
48.8260 each.

Market price to buy last seen at close to buy is 22

therefore current unrealised profit for these is (26.826 X 23 X 10) =.................................................................................................................................................... £6170=


Trade number 12...

3 X FTSE 100 Index puts 6225 May written @ 115.5 and last seen 24

therefore Current Unrealised Profit for this one is (3 X 91.5X 10 ) = ..........................£ 2745=


Trade 15

6 Apr 6175 Written @ 84

Closing Price 51

(6 X 33 X10)= Unrealised Profit..........................................................................................£1980=


Trade 15A

Written 3 May6225 @ 110
Closing Price 90

(3 x20X10)= Unrealised Profit...............................................................................................£600=

Plus ....

Trade 16
Written 3May 6075 @ 74.5
Closing Price 56.5
(3 X 18 X10)= Unrealised Profit...............................................................................................£540=


Written 6 Mar6175 @ 42.5
Closing Price 17
(6 X 21 X10) =Unrealised Profit............................................................................................. £1530=


Trade 19
Written2 May5925 @ 62
Closing Price 3.5
(2 X 58.5 X10)= Unrealised Profit.................................................................................................£1170=


1 May6225 @ 116
Closing Price 90
(1 X26 X10)= Unrealised Profit................................................................................................£260=

Sub total of Unrealised Profits so far................................................................................ £14,995=


Realised Profits so far carried down......................................................................................£5255=

Total Profits so far................................................................................................................... £20250=

And all in under a fact a total of only 23 trading days... and this week the index declined net 8 points.

And...not to rub it in....but because it is a fact...every single position is profitable and has been profitable from the word go.....may this serve to please my fans and infuriate my detractors, ........
I Thank You Once Again.... ...

I must have missed a post because I'm confused. CYOF recently wrote the following:

But, how do think that Socrates was able to add this very effective tool to his trading arsenal, for, from Socrates' previous threads, it is apparent that he was not trading FTSE INDEX OPTIONS.

You also confirmed that you were NOT trading FTSE INDEX OPTIONS.

Could you please explain what exactly is going on?

Might be nice to bring the thread to a final conclusion as it seems to have run its course.

bluetipex said:

I must have missed a post because I'm confused. CYOF recently wrote the following:

But, how do think that Socrates was able to add this very effective tool to his trading arsenal, for, from Socrates' previous threads, it is apparent that he was not trading FTSE INDEX OPTIONS.

You also confirmed that you were NOT trading FTSE INDEX OPTIONS.

Could you please explain what exactly is going on?

Might be nice to bring the thread to a final conclusion as it seems to have run its course.

What he means is that I have never mentioned options before on this site, only live calls on futures ,and very occasionally, FX.

This thread is not finished.

There is still some way to go...there are still profits to be plucked from this.

You will see that I have several open running positions posted here.

Last week some bright spark ventured to comment that scalping profits on written options was not good just to please him, I am going to run these to expiry, where the result in line with expectations will be....that if not all of them then very nearly all of them will expire worthless and I get to keep the premium.
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Great trading, SOCRATES, and an interesting update.
I'm now going to reveal something to all your detractors who are concerned about a Black Swan.
SOCRATES knows and everyone can find out by ringing 01932 862 364
I'm sorry, my friend, but you should not keep that sort of thing to yourself.
Mr. Charts said:
Great trading, SOCRATES, and an interesting update.
I'm now going to reveal something to all your detractors who are concerned about a Black Swan.
SOCRATES knows and everyone can find out by ringing 01932 862 364
I'm sorry, my friend, but you should not keep that sort of thing to yourself.
That's odd, chap there said he had to ban a stunted Irishman, a philosopher type, and a madman only last week due to their incessant waving of the FT, quite upset the regular clientèle he claims.
Now you see why people are having such great difficulty is they are looking for the wrong beast... it's not the black swan at all's the black turkey that brings the harbinger of doom and may I suggest they start their search with ...."bootiful"
Mr. Charts said:
Great trading, SOCRATES, and an interesting update.
I'm now going to reveal something to all your detractors who are concerned about a Black Swan.
SOCRATES knows and everyone can find out by ringing 01932 862 364
I'm sorry, my friend, but you should not keep that sort of thing to yourself.
Yes Sir, yes, that will learn them won't it ?

In any event the portents show the Black Swan is not due before September.

Here is the macro analytical rhyme:~

June.....too soon,

July....stand by..

August...lok out you must..

September....REMEMBER !

and October.....all over.

2 quotes about writing naked Puts from Bulldozer: -

If ur naked SHORT puts become deep ITM? the margin will be heavily increased and if marg payments are not paid i think most brokers will not allow u to roll position over to a longer month and may risk having all positions closed at massive loss.

Dont forget, the broker needs to protect his company too and must apply the rules. In the event of a mrkt crash there will be hundreds of Option traders faced with this MARGIN problem. If he allows all the traders to roll over positions and the mrkts FALL deeper still, ur margin will be massively increased and ur problem made even greater and this will send the broker and you down [bankrupt] and possibly all the profits made in the past will NOT be enough to settle the losses. "

"I was mainly refering to index Put selling.
Are you saying there is NO risk in selling puts indices Do you have any idea what kind of margin will be charged if position goes 100-300 pts ITM? Also, how much time do U think ur broker gives u to meet the margin payments? and what happens to ur positions if margin payments are not paid?

If ur positions were on Margin call? would ur broker allow U to roll positions without first settling the margin call? He would be mad to let u do so. If my broker was to allow traders to roll positions without first settling the margins calls, do u know what I'll do? I'll get the hell out of that company and find one that does NOT allow that facility.

There are many strategies that says limited gain with unlimited loss potential. What is generally meant is that ur account could get wipe'd out and still be left owing the brokers a LOT of money."

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