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CYOF said:Quote:
Originally Posted by bluetipex
A very popular thread, which has perhaps deviated a little from the original theme.
I have only dabbled in options a few years back, so am by no means an expert. There are many here who I'm sure are far more knowledgeable, so what I'm about to say may be completely wrong! I'm sure I'll be corrected very swiftly if that is the case!
It has been said that the Writer has the edge over the Buyer, and I believe this to be true from simply looking at the 3 to 1 ratio of successful end results of writing over buying. However, I, like a few others, submit that this has not been proven by the exercise completed. Simple logic is all that is required to conclude this. In addition, the "edge" has never been adequately defined. It is up to the subjective opinion of the reader to define this for themselves. Therefore, the stated aim of this thread has NOT been accomplished.
In my humble opinion, a simplistic view of a successful trader is one who is skilled in predicting TIMING and DIRECTION. If one can master this then you will be successful.
What Socrates has proven, in my humble opinion, is that he has mastered this very, very, very difficult task. (I have assumed that the trades were actually placed by him, etc. I believe he deserves the benefit of the doubt).
To emphasise my point even more clearly, I'd like you to consider the following scenario:
Suppose another contributer to T2W, let's say his nick is "PYTHAGORUS", decided to prove that Option BUYERS have the edge over Option WRITERS by successfully completing 20 option trades, buying FTSE Call options over the past 3-4 weeks. He posted his trades live, and could be seen on the web etc. These 20 trades are all profitable. How many of you would then agree that PYTHAGORUS has proven his hypothesis? I would not. I would say that PYTHAGORUS is an excellent trader, and has mastered market TIMING and DIRECTION. He would deserve, in my opinion, equal respect and admiration as Socrates.
If PYTHAGORUS and SOCRATES sit opposite each other, each drinking a glass of their favourite tipple, each arguing that their case has been proven, who would win the argument? Surely they would go round and round and round in circles?
The above scenario illustrates why I believe the stated aim of this thread has not been proven. A DIFFERENT exercise would have to be carried out to PROVE this aim, after having DEFINED all the parameters involved, especially "EDGE".
Would one of you option experts please correct me if my grasp of options has been exposed for the inadequacy that is highly likely? Please show me the flaw in my logic.
(I also wonder how quickly someone will create the nick "PYTHAGORUS" and start posting live trades!!!!)
Total Realised Profits so far...................................................................................................£5255=
(this is not including trade E, carried out by CYOF)
Open Positions:~
Trades D, 6F, 7 and 9. all in FTSE 100 Apr 5925 puts, totalling 23 puts
written at a mean average price of
48.8260 each.
Market price to buy last seen at close to buy is 21
therefore current unrealised profit for these is (27.826 X 23 X 10) =.................................................................................................................................................... £6400=
Trade number 12...
3 X FTSE 100 Index puts 6225 May written @ 115.5 and last seen 28
therefore Current Unrealised Profit for this one is (3 X 87.5X 10 ) = ..........................£ 2625=
Trade 15
6 Apr 6175 Written @ 84
Closing Price 52.5
(6 X 31.5 X10)= Unrealised Profit..........................................................................................£1890=
Trade 15A
Written 3 May6225 @ 110
Closing Price 87.5
(3 x22.5 X10)= Unrealised Profit...............................................................................................£675=
Plus ....
Trade 16
Written 3May 6075 @ 74.5
Closing Price 56.5
(3 X 18 X10)= Unrealised Profit...............................................................................................£520=
Written 6 Mar6175 @ 42.5
Closing Price 21.5
(6 X 21 X10) =Unrealised Profit............................................................................................. £1260=
Trade 19
Written2 May5925 @ 62
Closing Price 36
(2 X 26 X10)= Unrealised Profit.................................................................................................£520=
1 May6225 @ 116
Closing Price 87.5
(1 X28.5 X10)= Unrealised Profit................................................................................................£285=
Sub total of Unrealised Profits so far................................................................................ £14,175 =
Realised Profits so far carried down......................................................................................£5255=
Total Profits so far................................................................................................................... £19,430=
And all in under a fact a total of only 18 trading days...
Now bluetipex,
You can waddle on about all the rubbish you so desire, about jimmy who might do this, and jack who might do that, but it is those that Just Do IT -thanks for that great phrase, Charlton - who gets things done :idea:
If you want to listen to all the usual non sensical rubbish from Profitaker and his buddies, who by his own admission does not even trade, then be my guest.
But, do not become like the majority here, whom, for some stupid reason, unknown to me, try to Tell others how to think.
What a mentality 😱
Facts - Facts - Facts >>> Truth - Truth - Truth
Everything else, as some of our limited mind posters say, is nothing only pure drosse, or something to that effect. I prefer to call it, a total waste of time, and as Time = Money, I am sure we are all keen to cut all the bull and see what it is we really need to be looking at, as opposed to what we Think it is we should be looking at :idea:
Supposen, Supposen, 3 men were frozen 😱
We do not have the time, nor the mentality, for supposen anything, period :idea:
Money = Time
Time = Watch
Watch = Opportunity
Opportunity = Movement
Movement = Error
Error = Feedback
Feedback = Adjust
Adjust = Money
Money = Time
Everything operates in cycles :idea:
The best cycles are the ones with harmonic vibrations :idea:
Time for Telly Tubby Toast 😀
Au Revoir,
I shall disregard all of your posts because you talk utter, utter nonsense. You seem incapable of normal, constructive debate. I believe my post was fairly clear, and you (indeed no-one) has responded with a reasonable counter-argument, or pointed out the flaw in the logic, in clear, concise English. Communication with you is really hard work. Unnecessarily so. Very sad.