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No you weren't alone, I couldn't either. It used to be that you couldn't PLACE a bet in the last 90mins, now it seems they have changed it and you can't place a bet to START within the last 90mins.

Previously I have placed bets for the last hour right up until the 59min mark, to start at 10 past, but playing with it tonight, it seems now that you can't even place a bet at the beginning of the day to start within the last 90mins. So I think that means that to end any time in the last 90 mins, the bet has to start before 14.50 or earlier (14.40) if it is the swiss index.

If you did that in anticipation of it losing you would not be able cancel it if it suddenly won in the last 10 mins. and you would be risking losing more than you won.

Seems like a very dodgy move on the part of BOM to me.

And yes, rather difficult for pgi to claim the win in the 3rd hour if no one can actually place the 3rd hour bet.

Paul Jensen unfortunately that means that the two alerts last night were both loses as it lost in thw 0830-0900 bracket today which was the next available betting window. I hope that the figures are changed to reflect this as well as the incorrect inmformation you have been given from the analysts about that Italian alert in january. Still waiting to hear back on why they have incorrect figures for that one.

With the changes regarding no betting during the last 90 minutes of trading day and no bets starting before 0830 on the start of the trading day, can you advise what PGI's position is now on alerts that go through these times like last nights?
I was already looking at the timing of the alerts and most of the dodgy alerts come later in the night, so I am no longer going to trade any of the late alerts.

This new development with BOM in the last 90mins clinches that idea for me.

The figures I have worked out so far seem that we would be in profit (at least since nov) if we just ignore the late alerts. It cuts out a lot of wins, but importantly it cuts out most of the losses.

That's something I had considered awhile ago but haven't looked into. Actually I was going t ocheck out some figures on all the loses, was even thinking of it today, just got to get around to it.
Hi all,

This is what I have so far on the idea of only trading the earlier alerts.

I am just working with Nov dec jan feb, as before that was a total loss, no strategy could have made sense of it. The figures I have so far (it is still a work in progress) are as follows

Alerts for 9.10
Total 27
1st hour win 11
2nd hour win 9
3rd hour win 5
losses 2
win rate: 92.6%

Alerts for 10.10
Total 46
1st hour win 25
2nd hour win 13
3rd hour win 7
losses 1
win rate:97.8%

Alerts for 11.10
Total 28
1st hour win 11
2nd hour win 12
3rd hour win 4
losses 1
win rate: 96.4%

Alerts for 12.10
Total 45
1st hour win 20
2nd hour win 16
3rd hour win 4
losses 5
win rate: 88.8%

Alerts for 13.10
Total 35
1st hour win 10
2nd hour win 19
3rd hour win 2
losses 4
win rate: 88.5%

Alerts for 14.10
Total 21
1st hour win 7
2nd hour win 7
3rd hour win 2
losses 5
win rate: 76.2%

Alerts for 15.10
Total 5
1st hour win 2
2nd hour win 1
3rd hour win 0
losses 2
win rate: 60%

The figures for the later alerts could be even worse now if we can't even put a bet on for the last hour of trading.

So if we only trade alerts before 12 we would have been in profit for each of the past 4 months

Even better, if we were to trade in the opposite direction in the first hour on alerts from 12.10 onwards we would increase the profit. But I would trade only on the first hour regardless of the outcome as there are more alerts that lose in the first hour then win. If the alert loses and we win, great, stop there. If the alert were to win and therefore we lose, so be it we have only lost the one hour. stop there. As long as we win more first hours on the later alerts we will make up the loss over the month.

I'm assuming this happens because later in the evening america wakes up and starts making announcements that can make the markets head in strange directions very quickly, and perhaps the pgi model isn't dealing with this very well (?)

As I said it is still a work in progress, for example, I haven't updated all the feb alerts yet. and i may have missed something.

Anyone got any comments, feedback, suggestions?

I can post rough estimates of profits if anyone is interested.
Hi all,
As I said it is still a work in progress, for example, I haven't updated all the feb alerts yet. and i may have missed something.
February alerts from 1210 onwards have had 13 win on 1st hour and 11 go past first hour so up to today it would be negative return on the 1st hour bet this month.
In January there were 14 1st hour and 20 past first hour. So it will vary month to month.
February alerts from 1210 onwards have had 13 win on 1st hour and 11 go past first hour so up to today it would be negative return on the 1st hour bet this month.
In January there were 14 1st hour and 20 past first hour. So it will vary month to month.

Actually, now that I've updated Feb, I have 13 wins in the first hour and 18 go past the first hour.

So still a profit.
Hi all,

This is what I have so far on the idea of only trading the earlier alerts.

I am just working with Nov dec jan feb, as before that was a total loss, no strategy could have made sense of it. The figures I have so far (it is still a work in progress) are as follows

Alerts for 9.10
Total 27
1st hour win 11
2nd hour win 9
3rd hour win 5
losses 2
win rate: 92.6%

Alerts for 10.10
Total 46
1st hour win 25
2nd hour win 13
3rd hour win 7
losses 1
win rate:97.8%

Alerts for 11.10
Total 28
1st hour win 11
2nd hour win 12
3rd hour win 4
losses 1
win rate: 96.4%

Alerts for 12.10
Total 45
1st hour win 20
2nd hour win 16
3rd hour win 4
losses 5
win rate: 88.8%

Alerts for 13.10
Total 35
1st hour win 10
2nd hour win 19
3rd hour win 2
losses 4
win rate: 88.5%

Alerts for 14.10
Total 21
1st hour win 7
2nd hour win 7
3rd hour win 2
losses 5
win rate: 76.2%

Alerts for 15.10
Total 5
1st hour win 2
2nd hour win 1
3rd hour win 0
losses 2
win rate: 60%

The figures for the later alerts could be even worse now if we can't even put a bet on for the last hour of trading.

So if we only trade alerts before 12 we would have been in profit for each of the past 4 months

Even better, if we were to trade in the opposite direction in the first hour on alerts from 12.10 onwards we would increase the profit. But I would trade only on the first hour regardless of the outcome as there are more alerts that lose in the first hour then win. If the alert loses and we win, great, stop there. If the alert were to win and therefore we lose, so be it we have only lost the one hour. stop there. As long as we win more first hours on the later alerts we will make up the loss over the month.

I'm assuming this happens because later in the evening america wakes up and starts making announcements that can make the markets head in strange directions very quickly, and perhaps the pgi model isn't dealing with this very well (?)

As I said it is still a work in progress, for example, I haven't updated all the feb alerts yet. and i may have missed something.

Anyone got any comments, feedback, suggestions?

I can post rough estimates of profits if anyone is interested.


Don't start any new trades after 12.10.
Get more sleep and
Get higher percentage return for money invested:clap:
Hi Peter Jensen,

I had been meaning to welcome you to the thread when you first posted. I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to get some direct feedback from PGI.

However in this instance, I will have to question your post regarding the 4 Jan alert. When I look at the figures provided by BOM I see the same as already posted by bigfoot. These do not tally at all with what you have provided.

Can you clarify for us where your analysts got these results from. Perhaps you could double check them yourself and see if they match.


Hi Argento,

Thanks for making me feel welcome to this thread.

In regard to the Index Trader alert: Italian 1410 Down 2nd hour on 4th Jan 2010, please see this link on the PGI website, which was posted expressly in response to this question. You will find screenshots from ESignal (our data provider) which show the trade as being successful in the 2nd hour.

If in fact a trade was placed for this alert with BOM and the trade was not paid as successful in the 2nd hour then you need to take this up with Bet On Markets directly, as we have no jurisdiction to do so.

I hope this has helped clear up the issue for that particular trade alert.

Have a great evening. Best Regards, PJ.
Paul Jensen unfortunately that means that the two alerts last night were both loses as it lost in thw 0830-0900 bracket today which was the next available betting window. I hope that the figures are changed to reflect this as well as the incorrect inmformation you have been given from the analysts about that Italian alert in january. Still waiting to hear back on why they have incorrect figures for that one.

With the changes regarding no betting during the last 90 minutes of trading day and no bets starting before 0830 on the start of the trading day, can you advise what PGI's position is now on alerts that go through these times like last nights?

Hi lovenlust72,

The 2 alerts last night (for 26 Feb 2010) were sent out for:

French 1310 Up
German 1310 Up

These had plenty of time to be traded before the cut-off time, there was over 3 hours to go.

In regard to the trade on 4 Jan 2010 - Italian 1410 Down - please see page 59 of this thread as I answered Argento. Sorry I'm not able to re-post as this forum does not allow it. In that reply I have posted a link to our website with screenshots from ESignal, showing the trade did win in the 2nd hour.

As for the "no betting in the last 90 minutes" ... hot off the press...I'm happy to say that we received an email just today from BOM telling us they've just changed it to 60 minutes. If you're a member you can see the email in the Members section of the PGI website, under "Latest News" for 2010 entitled "03/03/2010 Great News For PGI Traders From Bet On Markets".

Best Regards, Peter Jensen
Hi Argento,

Thanks for making me feel welcome to this thread.

In regard to the Index Trader alert: Italian 1410 Down 2nd hour on 4th Jan 2010, please see this link on the PGI website, which was posted expressly in response to this question. You will find screenshots from ESignal (our data provider) which show the trade as being successful in the 2nd hour.

If in fact a trade was placed for this alert with BOM and the trade was not paid as successful in the 2nd hour then you need to take this up with Bet On Markets directly, as we have no jurisdiction to do so.

I hope this has helped clear up the issue for that particular trade alert.

Have a great evening. Best Regards, PJ.

thanks for your response, Peter.

I just want to ask - do you trade pgi's system? If so, on what platform?
For ALL PGI Traders please see the Members section of the PGI website, under "Latest News" for 2010 entitled "03/03/2010 Great News For PGI Traders From Bet On Markets".

Great News.. BOM have just changed their cut-off from 90 minutes to 60 minutes!!

I'm sure this will help a lot of you. Best Regards, Peter Jensen
thanks for your response, Peter.

I just want to ask - do you trade pgi's system? If so, on what platform?

Hi Argento,

I put through the odd trade on the Index Trader using BOM. I must admit I don't trade regularly as I'm very busy with the current company expansion and therefore I travel a fair bit as well, so it's not always convenient. However, I do keep my finger on the pulse with the market analysts in order to know exactly how it's all going.

Have a great day! Best Regards, Peter
Good Morning All,

For all PGI Index Traders,

Just thought I'd let you know there is a new post in the Members section of the PGI Website under "Latest News" entitled "New Extended Betting Times on BOM". I highly recommend checking the members section fairly regularly as there are some good changes happening. We are trying to respond to your needs as much as possible.

Have a great day! Regards, Peter Jensen
Anyone know how UK went on 2-3-2010 @ GMT 11:52

Hi Alex1987,

Just thought I'd let you know we are now posting the Index Trader alert results on both the Prosperity Group International website as well as the official PGI Blog. You will find the Trading Results under the "Solutions" tab on the top right-hand side of the website at This is the link to the March 2010 results page. You can find the PGI Blog at

Hope that helps you out 😉

Best Regards, Peter Jensen
Hi all,

Does anyone have the result for Dutch index 4/3/10 Higher (DOWN) 12.10? PGI has it winning in 3, but i have it as winning in 4 hours. Anyone confirm this?
Hi Argento,

I put through the odd trade on the Index Trader using BOM. I must admit I don't trade regularly as I'm very busy with the current company expansion and therefore I travel a fair bit as well, so it's not always convenient. However, I do keep my finger on the pulse with the market analysts in order to know exactly how it's all going.

Have a great day! Best Regards, Peter

Thanks Peter,

Is there anyone there at pgi that trades pgi alerts regularly using BOM?

We used to have access to a live trading account, is that still available? I can't find it on the website. It would be good to access that again.