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Nice set of stat's 👍
Well to look at more recent figures here is the same since the start of November09.
From 187 alerts since 01Nov09
Market - losing percentage - losses/number of alerts
German - 0% - 0/18
Swedish - 0% - 0/14
Irish - 0% - 0/8
EURO150 - 0% - 0/1

Belgium - 4.76% - 1/21
Spanish - 6.25% - 1/16
Dutch - 8.33% - 1/12
Swiss - 9.09% - 1/11

French - 11.76% - 4/34
Italian - 14.29% - 2/14

UK - 16.13% - 5/31
US Comp - 40% - 2/5
Australian - 50% - 1/2

US Tech - NA - 0/0

Some markets much different recently compared to the longer term figures. Also be aware the markets with less alerts change percentage more when they have a losing alert.
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I had a message asking what the figures would be if the first hour lost and was traded from the 2nd hour so here is how it compares with normal from 01Nov09 to 12Feb10

Alerts: 187
1st: 78 - 41.7%
2nd: 64 - 34.2% (75.9%)
3rd: 27 - 14.4%
Lost: 18 - 9.63%
Win %: 90.37%

Starting from 2nd hour only
Alerts: 109
1st: 64 - 58.7%
2nd: 27 - 24.8% (83.5%)
3rd: 6 - 5.5%
Lost: 12 - 11.0%
Win %: 89.0%

So the answer is that since November if you ignored the first hour and traded the remaining hours you would finish losing a higher percentage despite having a better 1st hour percentage. There would have had to be 2 more alerts come through in the 4th hour to make it about even between the two.
Quick look at the full figures shows a similar result.
What has happened to pgi agent who posted earlier???????? (CANT BE BOTHERED TO LOOK UP HIS ALIAS)

Yeh I was also hoping he'd stick around but even taking his post into account, he obviously didn't even go through the thread to see that most people weren't happy with the system, he just popped in like a Moron and stated something stupid.

At this stage I'm so glad I haven't joined up, if this is how PGI look after their clients after paying a large amount then I don't wan anything to do with them.

The least he could have done was read the thread and offer some support..I'd indeed it's actually someone representing PGI...
Maybe I am too cynical after blowing my dough earlier this year and some may call me paranoid but is it possible PGI & BOM are one. Think about it.... PGI sell an expensive package and mathematically gives you a small taste of a win, then give dud alerts so BOM never have to pay out. They clean up either way. If they are connected they cant lose as our money goes to fund both entities. Eventually our money in BOM vanishes and they have it all.
Has anyone checked the bona fides of the 2 entities and is there a possibility of them being connected.
A ripper scam if they are. Many of you are right, has anyone actually made money on this. Statistically no, and I really feel for some of you who have blown a lot more than me.
Maybe I should start watching X Files repeats.
Hope I am wrong and good luck to all investors.
Maybe I am too cynical after blowing my dough earlier this year and some may call me paranoid but is it possible PGI & BOM are one. Think about it.... PGI sell an expensive package and mathematically gives you a small taste of a win, then give dud alerts so BOM never have to pay out. They clean up either way. If they are connected they cant lose as our money goes to fund both entities. Eventually our money in BOM vanishes and they have it all.
Has anyone checked the bona fides of the 2 entities and is there a possibility of them being connected.
A ripper scam if they are. Many of you are right, has anyone actually made money on this. Statistically no, and I really feel for some of you who have blown a lot more than me.
Maybe I should start watching X Files repeats.
Hope I am wrong and good luck to all investors.

I have also question similar to this Here
Maybe I am too cynical after blowing my dough earlier this year and some may call me paranoid but is it possible PGI & BOM are one. Think about it.... PGI sell an expensive package and mathematically gives you a small taste of a win, then give dud alerts so BOM never have to pay out. They clean up either way. If they are connected they cant lose as our money goes to fund both entities. Eventually our money in BOM vanishes and they have it all.
Has anyone checked the bona fides of the 2 entities and is there a possibility of them being connected.
A ripper scam if they are. Many of you are right, has anyone actually made money on this. Statistically no, and I really feel for some of you who have blown a lot more than me.
Maybe I should start watching X Files repeats.
Hope I am wrong and good luck to all investors.

Yeh ive had the same thoughts, I wouldn't suggest they being under the one entity, but i'd suspect at least them having some sort of agreement. I mean think about it, they are in constant discussion with BOM regarding issues with PGI's clients and the effectiveness of their system. What does BOM have to gain from helping PGI? If PGI's system actually worked BOM would be out of business, right? How could a gambling business make money if the gambler was always winning?

I know if I were BOM and I didn't have any affiliations with PGI, I would not be helping them whatsoever...
Maybe I am too cynical after blowing my dough earlier this year and some may call me paranoid but is it possible PGI & BOM are one. Think about it.... PGI sell an expensive package and mathematically gives you a small taste of a win, then give dud alerts so BOM never have to pay out. They clean up either way. If they are connected they cant lose as our money goes to fund both entities. Eventually our money in BOM vanishes and they have it all.
Has anyone checked the bona fides of the 2 entities and is there a possibility of them being connected.
A ripper scam if they are. Many of you are right, has anyone actually made money on this. Statistically no, and I really feel for some of you who have blown a lot more than me.
Maybe I should start watching X Files repeats.
Hope I am wrong and good luck to all investors.

Have had the same thoughts myself since around the end of JUNE 09. I was making very good money, then the bad alerts started along with BOM account abnormalities. Even thought that because I WAS making money, PGI amd BOM had it in for me, BUT THEN AGAIN, I COULD BE PARANOID.

Felt bad, that maybe I had caused it all.
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Maybe I am too cynical after blowing my dough earlier this year and some may call me paranoid but is it possible PGI & BOM are one. Think about it.... PGI sell an expensive package and mathematically gives you a small taste of a win, then give dud alerts so BOM never have to pay out. They clean up either way. If they are connected they cant lose as our money goes to fund both entities. Eventually our money in BOM vanishes and they have it all.
Has anyone checked the bona fides of the 2 entities and is there a possibility of them being connected.
A ripper scam if they are. Many of you are right, has anyone actually made money on this. Statistically no, and I really feel for some of you who have blown a lot more than me.
Maybe I should start watching X Files repeats.
Hope I am wrong and good luck to all investors.

I think so, their strategy based on BOM heavily, I have just lost, you win for few weeks then the time will come to gain all your profits and some of your captal

Still I am saying we should do somthing to make this forum in top search in google. If I could find this forum I would have never joined.

I ask this question again, has anyone really made any money out of the system?
Yeh ive had the same thoughts, I wouldn't suggest they being under the one entity, but i'd suspect at least them having some sort of agreement. I mean think about it, they are in constant discussion with BOM regarding issues with PGI's clients and the effectiveness of their system. What does BOM have to gain from helping PGI? If PGI's system actually worked BOM would be out of business, right? How could a gambling business make money if the gambler was always winning?

I know if I were BOM and I didn't have any affiliations with PGI, I would not be helping them whatsoever...

PGI make affiliate commisions from everyone that signed up to BOM using their link. Doesn't matter if you win or lose as BOM have their take anyway. SO PGI do make money from BOM. Having said that it is in PGI's interest to have people using BOM and betting more so they get more back from it. That means people need to be successfull for PGI to make more money from it. At least that is my understanding.
I do not beleive PGI intentionally send out bad alerts, that doesn't make good business sense. However PGI have been quite poor when it comes to customer service and also have some standover tactics when it comes to anything critical about them.
BOMs have been the reason that the system is no longer making a profit. I have not been able to find an alternative though.

As for the PGI Rep, he made two other threads, one for this system and one for the auto trader. Be worth keeping an eye on those.
PGI make affiliate commisions from everyone that signed up to BOM using their link. Doesn't matter if you win or lose as BOM have their take anyway. SO PGI do make money from BOM. Having said that it is in PGI's interest to have people using BOM and betting more so they get more back from it. That means people need to be successfull for PGI to make more money from it. At least that is my understanding.

Then why are they charging me 30k for this system? If their best interest is for us to make money, why not give us the system for at least just the monthly charge instead of that plus upfront costs?

If BOM were paying them for referals why charge so much?

Plus the COMET grant? Virtually the system costs would have been funded by the government so again why is the fee so great?
Just found PGI's Blog...makes interesting reading. ONe good thing, they are putting the results of alerts. This is a big step forward and adds accountability to them. THey aren't forcasting profits that you would make from them and to a novice looking at them would look like pretty good results. Not surprisingly they picked the Christmas break period to show 95% strike rate. Didn't include the 3 losses on 29Jan10 though.

Intersting article which to me seems to be just advertising. Strange choice of words though, ends on a high. I would have thought a title like, 'Thank God that year is behind us' would've be more appropriate.

I found these quote sinteresting
PGI’s Peter Jensen says “Our clients’ financial wellbeing is our ultimate driving force”.
BTW for those asking who the PGI guy was, that's his name there.
Of course most investors are seeking to participate in low risk, high return opportunities. Hence, platforms such as PGI’s Index Trader and Auto Trader, which fundamentally contain these benefits, have gained tremendous popularity in the last couple of years amongst those seeking to supplement their incomes.

On another press release
Compared to all other trading types, PGI Index Trading offers high return for low investment, needs very little time input by the trader, generates short-term profits and best of all it is attractively low risk.

In any case there is a bit of info there and provided PGI do the right thing and continue to show what results they are getting and look at ways of making things profitable again they are on the right track.

Now if only we could get a decnt trading platform that pays better than 80%
All the stuff I found on the net about them has been posted by themselves so all advertising, even as you said the results they show are only the good ones, why would a company show the bad ones? Or in this case there shouldn't be any bad ones.
Then why are they charging me 30k for this system? If their best interest is for us to make money, why not give us the system for at least just the monthly charge instead of that plus upfront costs?

If BOM were paying them for referals why charge so much?

Plus the COMET grant? Virtually the system costs would have been funded by the government so again why is the fee so great?

BetOnMarkets do not pay them for referrals but they will get affilliate commissions from BetOnMarkets on the trades placed.

To give an idea on how much they get
The "BetOnMarkets 5-Tier Net Revenue Share Commission Model" is a revenue model (a profit sharing scheme) that will reward an affiliate based on the "Net Revenue" generated each month from the clients that the affiliate introduced based on the tiers as shown below:
Tier Total Net Revenue Per Month Commission Rates
1 $0 - $10,000 12.5%
2 $10,001 - $20,000 15%
3 $20,001 - $35,000 17.5%
4 $35,001 - $50,000 25%
5 $50,001 and above 30%

As for why they don't just make the initial price smaller so they can benefit from more of these commisions. I can't answer that. You would think there would be enough money made that way alone.

As for the COMET Grant, well I think they should stop commenting about that one. It was given to them about 5 years ago and the betting strategy is no longer the same as what they got it for. The results have significantly changed as well. I think it is a case of living on past glories. If they got an award for the most profitable system now, that would be an achievement.
With the Blog showing results I found the following alerts that aren't in my figures. Just want to run by you guys to see if anyone can confirm them

6-Jan-10 Italian 910 Up Win 1
6-Jan-10 Dutch 1010 Up Win 1
6-Jan-10 Dutch 1310 Down Win 2
7-Jan-10 Belgium 810 Down Win 1
8-Jan-10 Swiss 1110 Down Win 2
8-Jan-10 Italian 1110 Down Win 2

There is also this one that I had recorded as a loss but they show as a win
04-Jan-10 Italian 1410 Down Lost 6 (they show as win 2)

I have only checked the Christmas trading results so far, will look atthe others later.

I will update my figures with the top ones and look to finding out about the 04Jan10 before changing that one.
The COMET grant isn't an award, it's just a grant that most companies could get if their sales pitch was good enough, the average grant is about 50k.

Similar to a first home buyer grant, you don't go around telling people it was an achievement..

I would join today if I didt have to pay a high premium for it, even if I had to pay the premium I would still join if they would guarantee their strike rate for 12 months, if their strike rate fell below an agreed level that would warrant a refund in full.
current loss/Profit

Can everyone just mention their current loss/Profit since they joined as per profit table?

I have started trading on 01/12/09 and my current profit/loss is: -12,228.58

(I have selected 9999 in profit table).
Re: current loss/Profit

Can everyone just mention their current loss/Profit since they joined as per profit table?

I have started trading on 01/12/09 and my current profit/loss is: -12,228.58

(I have selected 9999 in profit table).

I think a lot of people would be against showing their own figures and it does not really prove a lot. Why doesn't it I hear you say.
1. Different people will trade different amounts making larger or smaller losses.
2. The figures do not show if the strategy has been followed correctly
That's the main reasons

Anyway that aside I'm not one to be shy and I have always been truthful with everything I have put forward. My figures will include alerts that I messed up, ones that I reverse bet and extras. So read into them what you will

USD acct (up to May09) -$25,318.50 USD exchange rate at the time was around .63 so it works out at AUD -$40188
AUD acct -$43,577.27

Total -$83765.27
Add to that the $16500 to get involved and it's over 100K :-0 😱 😢
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