Re: current loss/Profit
wow, mate just wow...😱
we should consider that these mistakes is part of trading which can happen to anyone, however the outcome should be profit... have you used PGI Alert for all of them?
I think a lot of people would be against showing their own figures and it does not really prove a lot. Why doesn't it I hear you say.
1. Different people will trade different amounts making larger or smaller losses.
2. The figures do not show if the strategy has been followed correctly
That's the main reasons
Anyway that aside I'm not one to be shy and I have always been truthful with everything I have put forward. My figures will include alerts that I messed up, ones that I reverse bet and extras. So read into them what you will
USD acct (up to May09) -$25,318.50 USD exchange rate at the time was around .63 so it works out at AUD -$40188
AUD acct -$43,577.27
Total -$83765.27
Add to that the $16500 to get involved and it's over 100K :-0 😱 😢
wow, mate just wow...😱
we should consider that these mistakes is part of trading which can happen to anyone, however the outcome should be profit... have you used PGI Alert for all of them?