Perfect Wave - 2011-Q3


Well-known member
I am starting a new thread for 2011 Q3 (Jul - Sep), including EUR, SP, Gold, and JPY. My wave counts of last quarter can be found from:

Elliott Wave reference can be found from:

My labeling for wave degrees in different time frames:
Monthly – [[]], [[[II]]], [[[III]]], [[[IV]]], [[[V]]], [[[A]]], [[]], [[[C]]]
Monthly – [], [[II]], [[III]], [[IV]], [[V]], [[A]], [], [[C]]
Weekly – , [II], [III], [IV], [V], [A], , [C]
Weekly – I, II, III, IV, V, A, B, C
Daily – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, a, b, c
Daily – _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _a, _b, _c
Hourly – __1, __2, __3, __4, __5, __a, __b, __c
SP Monthly :: Where We Stand at Now

Comments are welcome!


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  • 20110702 SP - Daily.png
    20110702 SP - Daily.png
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  • 20110702 JPY - Daily.png
    20110702 JPY - Daily.png
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  • 20110702 Gold - Daily.png
    20110702 Gold - Daily.png
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  • 20110702 EUR - Daily.png
    20110702 EUR - Daily.png
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You really should check EWT's Thread..............He has a very good thread on the S&P Mini, and is a very good Elliott Wave Technician..............

Good Trading,
You really should check EWT's Thread..............He has a very good thread on the S&P Mini, and is a very good Elliott Wave Technician..............

Good Trading,

Hey JahDave, Thanks for letting me know that. I just searched the forum and found his thread. I also found your thread on EUR. I bookmarked both threads. I did not know there existed those two wonderful threads on EW. Thanks for the info! :)
You are very welcome and a very good chartist yourself, and I appreciate you posting your work here.


Comments are welcome!


  • 20110706 SP - Intraday.jpg
    20110706 SP - Intraday.jpg
    126.4 KB · Views: 5,058
My count is an extended "C" wave on your chart. "C" waves are the most similar waves to 3rd waves,,,,,,That is why I use 3 time frames to make trades.............I have been faked out before by "C" waves...........

Good trading,
I think a lot of people will be surprised the next several weeks..................I think that we are in a wave 2 top.....................

Comments are welcome!


  • 20110709 EUR - Daily.png
    20110709 EUR - Daily.png
    45.1 KB · Views: 2,462
  • 20110709 Gold - Daily.png
    20110709 Gold - Daily.png
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  • 20110709 JPY - Daily.png
    20110709 JPY - Daily.png
    49.2 KB · Views: 2,521
  • 20110709 SP - Daily.png
    20110709 SP - Daily.png
    53.3 KB · Views: 2,704

Comments are welcome!


  • 20110712 SP - Intraday.jpg
    20110712 SP - Intraday.jpg
    129 KB · Views: 2,765

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  • 20110716 SP - Daily.png
    20110716 SP - Daily.png
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  • 20110716 JPY - Daily.png
    20110716 JPY - Daily.png
    48.8 KB · Views: 1,987
  • 20110716 Gold - Daily.png
    20110716 Gold - Daily.png
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  • 20110716 EUR - Daily.png
    20110716 EUR - Daily.png
    43 KB · Views: 2,022
Re: 07/16/2011

Comments are welcome!

Your charts are pretty much opposite of mine on the alternate count..............Check out my thread..............On the whole, I think that we have seen a bottom for the USD,,,,,,,,,,,Even though there will be a deep retracement of the USD...........
Re: 07/16/2011

Your charts are pretty much opposite of mine on the alternate count..............Check out my thread..............On the whole, I think that we have seen a bottom for the USD,,,,,,,,,,,Even though there will be a deep retracement of the USD...........

Hi JahDave, you know what ... now I check out your and EWT's threads very often. I think that we should form a EW forum for all EW technicians. It's very interesting to see people's wave counts from different perspectives. Yes, I did check out your EUR wave count yesterday. The reason that I label the current two or three months as ABC is that the fractals inside are 3 segments each. It seems to me a very complex corrective wave is forming, and it consists of very complex corrective waves inside. I could be wrong ... last week I was hoping the EUR could surge, but it went down. :(
Re: 07/16/2011

Hi JahDave, you know what ... now I check out your and EWT's threads very often. I think that we should form a EW forum for all EW technicians. It's very interesting to see people's wave counts from different perspectives. Yes, I did check out your EUR wave count yesterday. The reason that I label the current two or three months as ABC is that the fractals inside are 3 segments each. It seems to me a very complex corrective wave is forming, and it consists of very complex corrective waves inside. I could be wrong ... last week I was hoping the EUR could surge, but it went down. :(

Of course I could be wrong as well because the current scenario is not very clear. At some point things will clear up a lot, but that is not right now. That is why I use several technical indicators as well as EW counts. We are both good Elliotticians and we will both get better as time goes by because we both keep studying and learning.

Good Trading,

Comments are welcome!


  • 20110723 EUR - Daily.png
    20110723 EUR - Daily.png
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  • 20110723 Gold - Daily.png
    20110723 Gold - Daily.png
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  • 20110723 JPY - Daily.png
    20110723 JPY - Daily.png
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  • 20110723 SP - Daily.png
    20110723 SP - Daily.png
    52.3 KB · Views: 1,432

Comments are welcome!


  • 20110727 SP - Intraday.jpg
    20110727 SP - Intraday.jpg
    151 KB · Views: 1,375

We have completed a monthly bar for July this weekend, so my weekly post is monthly chart instead of daily one. Comments are welcome!


  • 20110730 SP - Monthly.png
    20110730 SP - Monthly.png
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  • 20110730 JPY - Monthly.png
    20110730 JPY - Monthly.png
    43.5 KB · Views: 1,353
  • 20110730 Gold - Monthly.png
    20110730 Gold - Monthly.png
    38.8 KB · Views: 1,212
  • 20110730 EUR - Monthly.png
    20110730 EUR - Monthly.png
    43.4 KB · Views: 1,283

Comments are welcome!


  • 20110807 EUR - Daily.png
    20110807 EUR - Daily.png
    48.2 KB · Views: 989
  • 20110807 Gold - Daily.png
    20110807 Gold - Daily.png
    47.4 KB · Views: 1,505
  • 20110807 JPY - Daily.png
    20110807 JPY - Daily.png
    49 KB · Views: 1,012
  • 20110807 SP - Daily.png
    20110807 SP - Daily.png
    52.3 KB · Views: 987

Comments are welcome!


  • 20110813 SP - Daily.png
    20110813 SP - Daily.png
    44.8 KB · Views: 3,465
  • 20110813 JPY - Daily.png
    20110813 JPY - Daily.png
    46.6 KB · Views: 3,842
  • 20110813 Gold - Daily.png
    20110813 Gold - Daily.png
    48.3 KB · Views: 3,709
  • 20110813 EUR - Daily.png
    20110813 EUR - Daily.png
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