Oh man, I'm so confused:(


Junior member
My problem is that I'm too new and don't which path to go down.

I'm learning to play Poker at the moment. It appears that many Poker players also do bit of trading which is what got me into this in the first place, lol
So I briefly intoduced myself in the first steps section and did bit of research about trading.

Now I don't know which one its the most suitable for me. Should I get into Forex trading? Stock trading? Bonds & shares, day trading? (I wonder what other types of tradingare there,) I want to pick one where I can start with small and increase my stakes as I get better.

It feels like walking to a casino and pick a game to play with, roulette, poker, Slots, blackjack, lol

Hi there Amazin, I too am new to the scene, may i suggest a demo spread betting account first, this is what i am currently learning the market on, without sounding to patronizing , you actually trade stocks and forex by betting on its movement rather than buying the stock, its actual prices taken from live markets and forex can be traded 24/7. you will soon learn just how hard it is to trade, there are many companies providing demo accounts, Many with different trading platforms.
I'm learning to play Poker at the moment. It appears that many Poker players also do bit of trading which is what got me into this in the first place, lol

No they don't. It's the other way around. Traders play poker. A lot of poker players who try transition to trading are very unsuccessful.

It feels like walking to a casino and pick a game to play with, roulette, poker, Slots, blackjack, lol

Probably best you stay away from it all if you can't see what's wrong with your statement.
It feels like walking to a casino and pick a game to play with, roulette, poker, Slots, blackjack, lol

Hi Amazin-Trade,
If I were you, I'd heed the advice offered by Masquerade. To help you understand what's wrong with this statement, click on the first two links in my signature and immerse yourself in them. After that, read the threads in the Trading FAQ forum, starting with this one: Which Should I trade - Stocks, Futures or Forex etc.?

If, having done the above, you're still confused, post your questions on here and we'll try and point you in the right direction.
My problem is that I'm too new and don't which path to go down.

I'm learning to play Poker at the moment. It appears that many Poker players also do bit of trading which is what got me into this in the first place, lol
So I briefly intoduced myself in the first steps section and did bit of research about trading.

Now I don't know which one its the most suitable for me. Should I get into Forex trading? Stock trading? Bonds & shares, day trading? (I wonder what other types of tradingare there,) I want to pick one where I can start with small and increase my stakes as I get better.

It feels like walking to a casino and pick a game to play with, roulette, poker, Slots, blackjack, lol


Why do you need to strictly pick one exclusive market/instrument???
Many methods/systems are suitable for almost all what moves.....
It is just the matter of starting to trade, learn the ropes, and then "your favourites" instruments will pop to you soon
Trading is trading (pretty much) so dont worry to much yet about WHAT you are gonna focus on

personally i'd start with something thats pretty straightforward ...like an indice .perhaps the big US ones Dow , S&P etc

learn everything about the instrument/market and then start playing with some simple trading concepts / systems as researched FOR FREE (dont buy anything for gods sake 😉)

until you make money this way (in demo) dont even start worrying about all the other markets ....:smart:

good luck
Originally Posted by Amazin-Trade View Post
It feels like walking to a casino and pick a game to play with, roulette, poker, Slots, blackjack, lol

Probably best you stay away from it all if you can't see what's wrong with your statement.

Right now I can't because I don't know anyhthing about trading or the stock market. Maybe I shouldn't compare the two but it was just a light hearted comment.

may i suggest a demo spread betting account first

My landlord lost £10,000 playing around with it. I also heard that you can easily lose more than you gain?

Why do you need to strictly pick one exclusive market/instrument???
Many methods/systems are suitable for almost all what moves.....

lol, good point, same with gambling, many systems can be used on different games.

Maybe I should look into stock trading?
Read this again:

It feels like walking to a casino and pick a game to play with, roulette, poker, Slots, blackjack, lol

Right now I can't because I don't know anyhthing about trading or the stock market. Maybe I shouldn't compare the two but it was just a light hearted comment.

You alleged to be learning to play poker yet seem to fail to understand why people play poker, that statement was nothing to do with how much you know about trading/markets.

From my instincts, I don't think you should be putting any money down on the markets or poker tables for now.
Now I don't know which one its the most suitable for me. Should I get into Forex trading? Stock trading? Bonds & shares, day trading? (I wonder what other types of tradingare there,) I want to pick one where I can start with small and increase my stakes as I get better.

Are you trolling cos you are definitely acting like a troll? You're once again bringing up poker / casino analogies. Get a grip, stop posting drivel, leave trading alone and go to the casino. Easy huh?

Btw you have many problems and the fact that you are new is the one you need to worry about least.
Hi there Amazin-Trade,

I am new to the forums and trading in general as well. 👍

I think the saying that may apply is "Jack of all trades, master of none". Focus on one subject at a time. Research both trading and poker extensively and then you should be able to make your own mind up on which suites you.

Just make sure that your motives are not gread and an eagerness to make money, your motive should be to learn at first. Research trading and start with small stakes, use demos etc

But for me, reasearch is obviosuly the first step. Plenty of free material out there on websites, as well as great paid for material such as books etc

Everyone who begins to learn something for the first time is confused. Just carry on 😉

are you both offended by my posts? If so, I'm sorry. I'm not here to troll or make enemies (I promise). The message I'm getting right now is that there are little or no similarities between poker and trading.

» Poker and Trading Correlations » Vantage Point Trading


I found those few weeks ago and I thought it was interesting. Like I said, I'm not sure if I have enough time to learn both and I really want to pick one and stick to it until I get good.

Will carry on with my research.
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... A lot of poker players who try transition to trading are very unsuccessful.


Hi Masquerade,

Why do you think that is? And where do you got that info from?

Poker and trading have many similarities, but also some distinctions.

I've played poker for some time very intensely and often with pro players. I consider myself a good player. But I've realized that I got into poker 5 years too late. Poker has become so popular and the education material so good nowadays, that one has only a little edge over other players (if any... of course, dependent on with whom you play).

In Trading on the other hand, the edge can be a lot bigger (dependent on your methodology).

The following is not referring to you, Masquerade...

For all those folks out there who say that Poker and Trading are different or compare it with gambling in general, you either don't understand Poker or you don't understand Trading.

Both are games of skill with a strong element of luck involved. The outcome of each individual hand/trade is very much dependent on luck. However, over the course of many hands/trades the good player/trader wins.

I put Black Jack (if you can count the cards) and Backgammon into the same category. But the average edge here is even smaller than in poker I would say.

However, you cannot compare Trading with Roulette or the Slots, as it is impossible to have an edge here.

So, you have to distinguish, if you talk about "gambling"...

And if it is of interest to you, I am a profitable trader.

For all those folks out there who say that Poker and Trading are different or compare it with gambling in general, you either don't understand Poker or you don't understand Trading.

definition of gambling (first one i came to): To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest

so poker, trading, and general - i assume you mean casino games as you mention it later - gambling are all gambling. you can add property developing, setting up a business, sports et al in there- they all have uncertain outcomes. ok?

poker and trading are v different in most areas - see my earlier post. they also have similarities - again refer to my post but the "to bet on an uncertain outcome" is the biggest similarity imo. you say they are the same cos they are a combination of skill + luck. true - but skill + luck is evident in many successful people's careers - so your statement is v vague i am afraid.

The outcome of each individual trade is very much dependent on luck
if the outcome of each individual trade is very much dependent on luck - then the outcome of the traders career (add each trade luck together / number of trades) has the same dependency on luck - which is wrong.
... but skill + luck is evident in many successful people's careers

That's the case.

if the outcome of each individual trade is very much dependent on luck - then the outcome of the traders career (add each trade luck together / number of trades) has the same dependency on luck - which is wrong.

Good luck with your trading.
That's the case.

Good luck with your trading.

keep posting vagueries.

if i have a win ratio of 40% per trade tested on thousands of live trades - please tell me exactly what large element of that trade coming in a winner or loser is down to luck/bad luck on an individual trade basis?

luck can play a part when over a long period of time the expectant 40% winning trades do not come in....bad luck would be a trader after 100 trades had only won 10% with a 40% win ratio - and thats why MM is key - to allow for these possible swings in luck. so over time you can be unlucky/lucky - but not on an individual trade basis, which is what you said.

and over time how often would a trader with an edge & a 40% win ratio only return 10% over 100 trades? not very many times - so its a rare occurrence. so luck is a rare occurrence.

you must be blind punting everytime you enter a trade for there to be a huge element of luck in each trade. so good luck trading.
keep posting vagueries.

if i have a win ratio of 40% per trade tested on thousands of live trades - please tell me exactly what large element of that trade coming in a winner or loser is down to luck/bad luck on an individual trade basis?

luck can play a part when over a long period of time the expectant 40% winning trades do not come in....bad luck would be a trader after 100 trades had only won 10% with a 40% win ratio - and thats why MM is key - to allow for these possible swings in luck. so over time you can be unlucky/lucky - but not on an individual trade basis, which is what you said.

and over time how often would a trader with an edge & a 40% win ratio only return 10% over 100 trades? not very many times - so its a rare occurrence. so luck is a rare occurrence.

you must be blind punting everytime you enter a trade for there to be a huge element of luck in each trade. so good luck trading.

Okay, it's about expectancy. You confuse expectancy with actual outcome. The actual outcome of any trade is luck, but not the expectancy. The expectancy is your edge (I hope). But it's just that... an expectancy. You expect to have 40% winners IN THE LONG RUN... that's the key... the large number of trades. Hence, if you have an edge, you know you will win in the long run. That's why you should not bet the ranch on individual trades. You just don't know for sure what the outcome of each individual trade is, you just know your expectancy of that trade. It's in general the same in poker.