From Poker to Spread Betting

Good afternoon/evening,

I've currently taken an indefinite break from poker after deciding it's not something which I'd like to base the rest of my life doing. Instead I would like to learn to trade and spread bet, I'm currently taking my 'first steps' and have done 2 months research, I'm currently planning on opening a simulation account to monitor my progress, with no real money changing into an account until I am making a consistent small profit. I've still got 2 more books I plan on reading, and I'm still properly familiarising myself with analysis of the markets. My preference would be to daily trade the DOW or FTSE100.

I'm extremely disciplined with bankroll management as the last 5 years of Poker have taught me, I guess my question is, does a successful poker player (over £100k) winnings have an edge when it comes to spread betting or financial betting? Are some of the 'needed' attributes already semi embedded. As previously mentioned BRM is something which is completely natural to me and I'm able to be strict with my money, I'm obviously well versed in ratios, %'s, odds and understanding a position I'm not favourite but I have a shot which is worth investment. Or am I just as at risk as everyone else?

Ay help, tips or thoughts of poker players, spread betters or investors are welcome, and I look forward to being a regular here.


Interesting topic! I think the fact that you’re a professional poker player should give you a better edge to trading the financial markets in my opinion. As you said, knowing your ratios, %’s, odds etc should all help with your decision making in the financial trading world. I’m sure there are other poker attributes which will also help you, like keeping cool under pressure!

Let me know how it goes!

Good luck