Nigel Farage

A politician who does not commit sins! The politicians in the opposing party will do what they can to prove that there is no such person.

Artur Mas and Junqueras, the leaders of the independent movement in Cataluña, are right in the firing line right now.

The Pujol Family have been discredited (with good reason, in my opinion) but Mas's father is supposed to have amassed a fortune in Leichtenstein,too. True, or not, the attention has swung to the son and heir, who is the President of Cataluña.
A politician who does not commit sins! The politicians in the opposing party will do what they can to prove that there is no such person. ............


Apparently Boris Johnson thinks (Party conference yesterday) UKIP people have sex with vacuum cleaners! Now, is that a sin and is it actually illegal?
Apparently Boris Johnson thinks (Party conference yesterday) UKIP people have sex with vacuum cleaners! Now, is that a sin and is it actually illegal?

No, but it is, certainly, original. One could not make that up without having tried the possibilities oneself.
Cameron said in his speech you go to bed with Nigel Farage on election night and wake up with Ed Miliband.....anyone else had projectile vomiting when they heard that?
A couple of years ago there was a story of a man who had to be rescued after sticking his pr1ck into the outlet valve thingy of a swimming pool. :cheesy:

Some people

Cameron said in his speech you go to bed with Nigel Farage on election night and wake up with Ed Miliband.....anyone else had projectile vomiting when they heard that?
No, I was too busy wondering why I thought Samantha Cameron was hot. Is there something wrong with me? She's sort of goofy yet dead bangable.
How long have you been in Spain split?

🙂 Is that a loaded question about your opinion about what I think constitutes a beautiful woman?

It's true. I have been out of the UK, too long, to know whether the UK has any, or not. But I know that Spaniards, coming back from UK, groan and say "Split. The women! Why did you leave?"

When I was young a female Scottish accent used to send me. In the end, it was a Spanish accent that won the day.

To answer your question. Fifty years next March.
No, I was too busy wondering why I thought Samantha Cameron was hot. Is there something wrong with me? She's sort of goofy yet dead bangable.

Looking at the selfie you have used as your avatar, no offence, but I don't think you'd stand a huge chance with SamCam, even if she broke up with David and was really desperate.
Looking at the selfie you have used as your avatar, no offence, but I don't think you'd stand a huge chance with SamCam, even if she broke up with David and was really desperate.
What selfie? My avatar is lifted straight off her official website.
Looking at the selfie you have used as your avatar, no offence, but I don't think you'd stand a huge chance with SamCam, even if she broke up with David and was really desperate.
Yeah, you're probably right. I'm sure she's had more than enough of nit-pickers. But I bet I can throw my poo further than he can.
Yeah, you're probably right. I'm sure she's had more than enough of nit-pickers. But I bet I can throw my poo further than he can.

You put it so delicately, Sigma.

What's in a name? Would that which we call poo, by any other name not smell as sweet?

It's ****. And if there are asterisks in it, they are not mine, but I hope that the spikes caused much bleeding on the way out.

I think that I am getting past this site. Too much griping and nitpicking,lately, and its so unfunny as to become boring.
You put it so delicately, Sigma.

What's in a name? Would that which we call poo, by any other name not smell as sweet?

It's ****. And if there are asterisks in it, they are not mine, but I hope that the spikes caused much bleeding on the way out.

I think that I am getting past this site. Too much griping and nitpicking,lately, and its so unfunny as to become boring.
What spikes split?
That gives you away with regards to multi nics

Thats why I am even thinking you might be the foul mouthed Mr Blonde - ie trying to play the complete opposite to who you really are

I am even thinking you are Edinburgh Trader as well ( apologies to ET if your are a genuine single nic)

One thing for sure you are not the real Forexmospherian - and if you had been the imposter last night - ie the Forexmospherain you surely would have another infringement ??

The clue was like how your Pieter Steidlmayor nic had a slight different spelling

I think you are getting lazy with the multi nics - and other "expert" clue finders like me have found you out.

With regards to SamCam - I am surely a lot older than you - and don't wear specs - but she is no hot chick - you worry me ;-)


If i were you i wouldn't talk about multi nics , you already admitted that you are "davies" ...
If i were you i wouldn't talk about multi nics , you already admitted that you are "davies" ...

Hi Tar

Davies is a dormant nic started well before F and the last comment made by this nic was not typed my me as you are well aware.

Davies as only made a few comments in what 2 years or so - only one relating to yourself - and has never posted a thread etc.

I admitted this up front - via my post - with no prompting

I understand you would not have admitted to you having another similar dormant nic if it had not been pointed out by admins / staff.

I have no other reason to have any other nics - as I dont "diss" other members and generally feel I am very polite and helpful - and i have even pressed the like button on some of your own posts when they have been constructive and given good advice

Please come up with some more and I might even "like" them as well in the future

Good Trading


It doesnt matter who was typing , its yours and you used it last month as a third person .
