Nigel Farage

Cheaper to import than train up and pay well

You are right indeed. UK outside of EU is unthinkable. Problem is UK wants it all without really being honest about what it really wants.

EU knows its leading countries have a pending pension time bomb and a declining birth rate with people living well passed sell by dates. The recent pension reform in the UK is on the right tracks. Hand it back to the individual what can't be managed centrally.

Industry needs cheap labour with static wages. Foreign element do all the jobs the picky Brits do not wish to do. It's not about them taking our jobs. It's a reality check - they do jobs we choose not to. Skills shortage is another factor.

Personally, I would like to see borderless nations with free travel anywhere with standard taxation and laws throughout the land (AND NO state benefits). If one chooses to travel then one must be able to support one self fully. Single currency would also be great. It may take another 100-200 years but it is a good dream to hold. Single language would be just great too and English would be well cool.

Yes I have a dream indeed. 👍

Cheaper to recruit qualified ? nurses etc from abroad than to train UK nationals here. Plus if you have lots of overseas people chasing fewer jobs in the UK then wage rates are kept down. So win win for employers in UK.

Prof Jane Ball, a principal research fellow at Southampton University, said: “This shows we are in a serious shortage of nurses and it is a shortage that has been waiting to be realised; it is not new or sudden.

“This is about uncovering what has been a growing, deepening problem that the NHS decided not to focus on because of financial pressures and other challenges.” Hiring more and more nurses from abroad was “such a short-term stop-gap and so inefficient”, Ball said.

The last time workers had the upper hand was after the Bubunic plague when a shortage of skilled workers enabled the survivors to bargain for higher wages !
Cheaper to recruit qualified ? nurses etc from abroad than to train UK nationals here. Plus if you have lots of overseas people chasing fewer jobs in the UK then wage rates are kept down. So win win for employers in UK.

Prof Jane Ball, a principal research fellow at Southampton University, said: “This shows we are in a serious shortage of nurses and it is a shortage that has been waiting to be realised; it is not new or sudden.

“This is about uncovering what has been a growing, deepening problem that the NHS decided not to focus on because of financial pressures and other challenges.” Hiring more and more nurses from abroad was “such a short-term stop-gap and so inefficient”, Ball said.

The last time workers had the upper hand was after the Bubunic plague when a shortage of skilled workers enabled the survivors to bargain for higher wages !

This is nothing but politicians empty words lacking substance.

WHY don't we have British nurses now and what is going to change to train them up? Training is available now, working long hours, unsociable shifts under very stressful conditions over long periods day in day out for really really low wages.

Other countries are complaining about losing their nurses to the UK! I'm sure they'll be pleased with UKIP's policies. British nurses usually migrate to the USA where salaries are considerably higher. UK then fills these areas with nurses from Africa and Asia.

HOW will British nurses be trained and then encouraged to stay in the profession - in UK? Really be interested to know what the master plan is.
Arrr there you are. 🙂

Wondered where you lot been too - soooo quiet these days.

Had a dangerous thought recently. Why is this thread is called Nigel and not UKIP???

Like all great leaders before. Thatcher, Churchill they lead from the front 🙂
I know it winds you up, but facts are facts and some people just can't help telling it like it is !
Like all great leaders before. Thatcher, Churchill they lead from the front 🙂
I know it winds you up, but facts are facts and some people just can't help telling it like it is !

Guess who needs you?


He is and advanced version of Nick Griffin. Call it NGII

Nick Griffin expelled by BNP

Great leader indeed. You aving a larf 😆

Both have NG as initials. What a coincidence. More like No Good leaders imo.

You wind-up merchant or what :cheesy:

Guess who needs you?


He is and advanced version of Nick Griffin. Call it NGII

Nick Griffin expelled by BNP

Great leader indeed. You aving a larf 😆

Both have NG as initials. What a coincidence. More like No Good leaders imo.

You wind-up merchant or what :cheesy:


One characteristic of a great leader is the ability to get the message across...and Nigel does seem to do that quite easily.😆

Oh dear, I would hardly put Nigel in the same pen as Griffin, but if that's your way of trying to undermine his credibility, then so be it ! The people will be the judge not you nor me.

Speaking of Penn's, I notice France has a very large Marianne contingent in the EU Parliament such is their dissatisfaction with that inept Hollande who is running their economy into the ground 🙂

Far be it for me to say to the French..."I told you so" but Atilla, I told you so and it now looks like the markets are telling them so too. It's all a bit of a hoot all this putting the boot into the establishment both here and across the EU, but they only have themselves to blame.

Btw, one of the reasons the EU project cannot and will not work....far too much government by consensus across a wide variety of different economies and peoples.
While we're back on the subject of Farage, I just watched this Q and A session to see if there is a credibility gap. I must say, the guy just exudes common sense and I think the country is ready and wanting this after 2 decades of nonsense.

One characteristic of a great leader is the ability to get the message across...and Nigel does seem to do that quite easily.😆

Oh dear, I would hardly put Nigel in the same pen as Griffin, but if that's your way of trying to undermine his credibility, then so be it ! The people will be the judge not you nor me.

Speaking of Penn's, I notice France has a very large Marianne contingent in the EU Parliament such is their dissatisfaction with that inept Hollande who is running their economy into the ground 🙂

Far be it for me to say to the French..."I told you so" but Atilla, I told you so and it now looks like the markets are telling them so too. It's all a bit of a hoot all this putting the boot into the establishment both here and across the EU, but they only have themselves to blame.

Btw, one of the reasons the EU project cannot and will not work....far too much government by consensus across a wide variety of different economies and peoples.

We live in a global world. If anyone looks at the trends the world is getting smaller.

If one looks at the great countries what is the pattern or picture one sees.

Get your head around, productivity and working hard for low wages.
Declining birth rates through out advance economies.
Aging popullation.
Impending health and pension crises.

UK is by far in a much better situation than the rest as you may know. Cheap foreign migrant labour force is not the reason for our issues.

The reason is an excessive risk taking for short term bonus, Thatcher's idea of the big bang allowing self regulation and ridiculous numeration packages for our banking global bailout/debt crises. Fought miners demanding 33% wage increase but allowed politicians 9% and granted the ability to write out their own expense bills.

UKIP offers what? As one of our esteemed bloggers have mentioned. Stop foreign workers coming in to the country and train English ones.

Stopping foreign workers will impact productivity, wages, pension contributions, the birth rate and the skills shortage. It will not get the long term lazy unemployed off their arses.

As EU keeps telling us, why not stop benefits to unemployed migrants now? Why be so generous??? Let's ask Cameron? It is because it supresses wages and prevents inflation. Black market economy boosts the coffers of most people.

So much rollocks that's spouted by oil snakes salesmen.

What you will get is an establishment that encourages derogotary terms making UK a much less desirable place on the international stage. That's not cool. That's pretty daft, cold and an unsavoury place for anyone to visit.

Wake up mon ami & smell the coffee and croissants 😉
We live in a global world. If anyone looks at the trends the world is getting smaller.

If one looks at the great countries what is the pattern or picture one sees.

Get your head around, productivity and working hard for low wages.
Declining birth rates through out advance economies.
Aging popullation.
Impending health and pension crises.

UK is by far in a much better situation than the rest as you may know. Cheap foreign migrant labour force is not the reason for our issues.

The reason is an excessive risk taking for short term bonus, Thatcher's idea of the big bang allowing self regulation and ridiculous numeration packages for our banking global bailout/debt crises. Fought miners demanding 33% wage increase but allowed politicians 9% and granted the ability to write out their own expense bills.

UKIP offers what? As one of our esteemed bloggers have mentioned. Stop foreign workers coming in to the country and train English ones.

Stopping foreign workers will impact productivity, wages, pension contributions, the birth rate and the skills shortage. It will not get the long term lazy unemployed off their arses.

As EU keeps telling us, why not stop benefits to unemployed migrants now? Why be so generous??? Let's ask Cameron? It is because it supresses wages and prevents inflation. Black market economy boosts the coffers of most people.

So much rollocks that's spouted by oil snakes salesmen.

What you will get is an establishment that encourages derogotary terms making UK a much less desirable place on the international stage. That's not cool. That's pretty daft, cold and an unsavoury place for anyone to visit.

Wake up mon ami & smell the coffee and croissants 😉

Just finished reading Owen Jone's book, "The Establishment" whereby your politician is more interested in feathering his nest whilst ignoring or having no idea how the realities of life impact upon the normal working persons life (the plumber or office worker for example).Pressure groups of the rich or business giants fund ideas that denigrate nationalization of the UK transport system and growing chunks of Health and medicine.People are being "educated" away from a caring society into a dog eat dog world such as in the USA. Take rail fares -Europeans spend less of their wages on rail fares:

Remember when many politicians used to come from industry🙁

Maybe, one day, a new political party will come about to support the average man/woman, the less fortunate on Zero hours contracts etc and so on.Has to be better than the career politicians in their various "shades of blue" parties?

I'm glad I am not a young school leaver, with no "O" Levels (remember them) looking for an apprenticeship, let alone any other type of job that doesn't involve a degree in sport etc.
Just finished reading Owen Jone's book, "The Establishment" whereby your politician is more interested in feathering his nest whilst ignoring or having no idea how the realities of life impact upon the normal working persons life (the plumber or office worker for example).Pressure groups of the rich or business giants fund ideas that denigrate nationalization of the UK transport system and growing chunks of Health and medicine.People are being "educated" away from a caring society into a dog eat dog world such as in the USA. Take rail fares -Europeans spend less of their wages on rail fares:

Remember when many politicians used to come from industry🙁

Maybe, one day, a new political party will come about to support the average man/woman, the less fortunate on Zero hours contracts etc and so on.Has to be better than the career politicians in their various "shades of blue" parties?

I'm glad I am not a young school leaver, with no "O" Levels (remember them) looking for an apprenticeship, let alone any other type of job that doesn't involve a degree in sport etc.

Interesting you mention nationalisation and I agree. We've gone all the way towards feeding the greed of private companies. On the BBC they were talking about the rail services again.

Charging highest price on tickets. Umpteen services on same line with 000s of tariffs. Higher prices for poorer services and few shareholders benefit to the detriment of the millions who depend on the transport system.

People trumpet capitalism and the free economy but any system, anything and everything unregulated with no controls will ultimately end up consuming it self up it's own rectum imo. 👍
Britain is in for a big shake up imho.
The results of the next election may be the beginning of a nasty experience. The 2 major parties are just drifting along in the same old way, thinking nothing can be worse than the usual Govt or opposition. Giving away not much and the same old crappy policies.
What if all the little parties banded together ?
Probably chaos but it could happen.
Maybe, one day, a new political party will come about to support the average man/woman, the less fortunate on Zero hours contracts etc and so on.Has to be better than the career politicians in their various "shades of blue" parties?

Isn't that where the Labour Party started all those years ago?
New boy on the patch

Isn't that where the Labour Party started all those years ago?

Correct.......any fledgling parties on the horizon that may be tough enough to survive the early years of growth and withstand attacks from the establishment ? 🙂
Britain is in for a big shake up imho.
The results of the next election may be the beginning of a nasty experience. The 2 major parties are just drifting along in the same old way, thinking nothing can be worse than the usual Govt or opposition. Giving away not much and the same old crappy policies.
What if all the little parties banded together ?
Probably chaos but it could happen.

Agree we could be in for some shenanigans. But I suspect we'll follow the Italian/European example whereby the small individually ineffective parties aren't savvy enough to get together but spend all their time bickering trying to cobble together mini coalitions with resulting stagnation and frequent re-elections. It looks like we could be in for another dose of 1960s/70s minority government and all that entails.

Mind you, we could have Miliband leading a minority government dependent on Alex Salmond and Nigel Farage for support. Now that could be very interesting/disastrous/beneficial depending on your political persuasions but would certainly give the political pundits something to talk about.
Alex Salmond 😆 The same guy who based ALL his vision for Scottish economic independence on a Brent crude oil price of $113-$120 a barrel, not 6 months ago.

Atilla, much as I'd like to rip your argument apart...I really can't be bothered.
It is about time imho the internet was used a lot more. Anyone without an internet connection is probably too thick to have an opinion or an illegal immigrant.
Everyone knows MPs can't be trusted with the nation's future, if you only look back a few years. Would Joe and Jenny Average have put Britain into Iraq or Afghanistan ? I think not. Besides there would be too many to bribe by the US ( no more ex Prime Ministers on $1m dollar a year pay offs ). So decisions are made by internet with the minor details filled in by the Civil Service ?

And decent pensions - you skinflints !!
Nigel comes across as a genuine chap and represents the views of the majority of the nation.