Nigel Farage

tar - I think you're wasting your time. For some reason, the mods are not as keen to apply the site rules as uniformly as you would imagine. And let's face it, we serve at their pleasure, not the other way round. They can snuff you out at any time for no particular reason and bend the rules as much as they wish as there isn't anyone in control of them. That's not a moan, just a statement of how things are. We take it or leave it.
Have you lot forgotten that this thread is about Farage ?

He could single handedly collapse the Tory vote - so a man with a mission whether you agree with him or not.

Personally I hope the EU stops being so arrogant as to think there shouldn't be any changes for the better. It is a worthwhile group if :-

1. Their supreme Court could be sacked. Their decisions are really bad. Countries should be able get rid of their immigrant jihadis if they want.

2. Votes for prisoners ? I don't think so. They would change the laws and put the few good guys left behind bars or worse. etc.

3. Control immigration


P.S. a bigger pension for El Splitto lol
Have you lot forgotten that this thread is about Farage ?

He could single handedly collapse the Tory vote - so a man with a mission whether you agree with him or not.

Personally I hope the EU stops being so arrogant as to think there shouldn't be any changes for the better. It is a worthwhile group if :-

1. Their supreme Court could be sacked. Their decisions are really bad. Countries should be able get rid of their immigrant jihadis if they want.

2. Votes for prisoners ? I don't think so. They would change the laws and put the few good guys left behind bars or worse. etc.

3. Control immigration


P.S. a bigger pension for El Splitto lol

I'll vote for the P.S. 👍

I did not like coalitions but a few seats in Parliament for UKIP would not be a bad idea, provided that Nigel got one. He's got more gift of the gab than most and would give Cameron and Milliband a hard time and take some power away from the major parties.
British politicians seem to always lumber the country with what they think is good for them not what they would like.
We stoically go along with this attitude of they know best. They could try things like less tax on alchohol, fags and fuel. Paying pensions that one could actually live on and a little left over for the grand children. Less on bombs, bulletts and warships.

Some people got no sense at all.
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British politicians seem to always lumber the country with what they think is good for them not what they would like.
We stoically go along with this attitude of they know best. They could try things like less tax on alchohol, fags and fuel. Paying pensions that one could actually live on and a little left over for the grand children. Less on bombs, bulletts and warships.

Some people got no sense at all.

My rich friend rang last week. He is bitterly complaining that he will have to pay a mansion tax if the socialists get in. He only has 3 in this country and some more abroad !! Hard to find any sympathy with such a mean fellow. As someone pointed out he could always give away 2 !! Like the one in Chelsea worth £10m.!

There is just a chance that a new party, called Podemos, in Spain, might be able to become a good third party and take some of the power from the two main ones. We'll see. First, we have to get Cataluña sorted out. I live there, so am very interested!
I guess you are all still in shock over last Thursdays election results, judging by the lack of comments !

Any established party voters worried yet......Should be, cos UKIP won't lie down and won't be going away 😆
I guess you are all still in shock over last Thursdays election results, judging by the lack of comments !

Any established party voters worried yet......Should be, cos UKIP won't lie down and won't be going away 😆

Wow - what a result.
Would it possible for him to become PM with the UKIP party standing alone.

Few reads on democracy.
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They really must be ruffling some feathers.

Last night, Panorama aired some half baked programme trying to discredit Farage.

I wonder how many more converts they will get now that the establishment are all rallying round trying to shut them down !! 😆

It's also been announced that UKIP will be included in some of the televised debates in the run up to the general election next yr.

I think the writing is on the wall for the Libs and it's also very probable that UKIP will secure enough seats to hold the balance of power in a hung parliament.

Interesting times !!
Have to be very cautious about this one man band. Who else is there but Farage? Names please?

Party apparatus takes more than one man drinking and smoking with a few grey cells.

People rallying around him are fog eyed blurried disgruntled bodies for a quick buck. Will they represent your average worker? I doubt they will. Bit like Nick Griffen they'll be lining their pockets and of no interest to party or cause.

Policies not thought out but knee jerk populist stuff. Immigration is what has supressed wage growth imo. If restricted wages will increase in return for little or no productivity and then we may see some increase in inflation and what may be perceived as an improvement which will quickly derail into higher interests and loss of competition. There will be a shortage of NHS and other skilled workers at top and bottom ends of the spectrum. Did I forget to mention an impending pension crises due to increasing average age???

Conservative party has struggled with EU membership for ages and almost wrecked it letting Blair have power for three terms. Now this smarmy twaddle??? Poor show indeed.

Sorry guys but there is more of a tendency to boot the establishment than any significant representation of a party that holds a future for the UK imo.

I hope I am wrong. 👍
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The mind boggles at the thought of him getting power. Getting enough seats in Parliament to male the existing parties wake up might be a good thing.
The mind boggles at the thought of him getting power. Getting enough seats in Parliament to male the existing parties wake up might be a good thing.

My mind is still boggling at the thought of Cameron ,Clegg and Milliband.
You are right - Farage needs to build a GOOD team with attractive policies to stand a chance and not be like the old SDP which soon faded ( never seemed to have any )
My mind is still boggling at the thought of Cameron ,Clegg and Milliband.

You must not boggle! I can afford to boggle because I don't live there. I have enough to worry about with future Catalañ elections! 🙂