Nigel Farage

Yeah the same, I think it's high time the political elite got a smack on the nose. + I really want to see Farage giving it to these types on the telly.....precious little else worth watching so why not !

I admire the guy. And, despite the false 'racist' media propaganda, so do the Great British public on the whole.

Although it's been mostly lost given their obsession with immigration in the past years, they are the closest thing to a Libertarian party we have in the UK. And by 'closest' I mean not close at all really but much closer than the rest😆

Come the general election however, what should I do? I voted Conservative last time out.

I trust UKIP to free us from the clutches of the Eurocrat tyrants, but I trust the Tories with the fiscal future of the country. It would be tragedy for Labour to win power and if I switched from Tory to UKIP that can only help that lot. It needs some thought.
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I admire the guy. And, despite the false 'racist' media propaganda, so do the Great British public on the whole.

Although it's been mostly lost given their obsession with immigration in the past years, they are the closest thing to a Libertarian party we have in the UK. And by 'closest' I mean not close at all really but much closer than the rest😆

Come the general election however, what should I do? I voted Conservative last time out.

I trust UKIP to free us from the clutches of the Eurocrat tyrants, but I trust the Tories with the fiscal future of the country. It would be tragedy for Labour to win power and if I switched from Tory to UKIP that can only help that lot. It needs some thought.

Yes it's a problem isn't it.

The general voting public are fed crap from all established sides of the divide and they are the problem and also the reason why nothing will ever change...just bouncing around from one side to the other and back again.

I doubt most of them would be capable of taking on board the Libertarian message...too much hard work to engage brain and think about stuff that really matters.
Yes it's a problem isn't it.

The general voting public are fed crap from all established sides of the divide and they are the problem and also the reason why nothing will ever change...just bouncing around from one side to the other and back again.

I doubt most of them would be capable of taking on board the Libertarian message...too much hard work to engage brain and think about stuff that really matters.

You know what may well suit us two?

A UKIP-Tory coalition😎

You see, now I'm getting myself all excited before bed. That's the effect UKIP have on me though. Maybe it's just the thought of letting the fox loose in the chicken coup?
UKIP wont get even one seat in a general election in my view so no reason for any alliance. They may however split the Tory vote allowing Labour in as in marginal seats this could easily happen.
UKIP wont get even one seat in a general election in my view so no reason for any alliance. They may however split the Tory vote allowing Labour in as in marginal seats this could easily happen.

I'm still not convinced about this view.

It is possible the tory party can get on message and point to their economic successes which given recent political cycles, 3 terms going forward is doable. If anything, I think the country as a whole is moving right not left and UKIP may already be throwing massive spanners in the Labour vote by appealing to the very real sense of injustice for the working man of the UK.

One thing for sure, the Tories are fairly muted about the economic success so far. I would expect them to come out all guns blazing in the run up to the general election.

The Libs will be decimated. All they had to do was be responsible in was clearly too much for them to behave.

Actually, what if UKIP did win a dozen seats and the Libs were decimated and what if Scotland does decide to leave ensuring a Tory govt....some mouth watering possibilities.😆
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UKIP wont get even one seat in a general election in my view so no reason for any alliance. They may however split the Tory vote allowing Labour in as in marginal seats this could easily happen.

Oh yeah, very slim odds.

I'm allowed to dream though.
Who needs pollsters....we have all the answers on this thread.
The UKIP story has a long way to run 😆

How much is a pint of milk grommet?


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So, Farage gives establishment a right good kicking.

Clogg is on the ropes, rope a dope style, how long can he stagger on, will the bell save him?

Grommet is still under the illusion that what the people want and need is govt and more of it. When will that balloon ever learn eh, the people are sick of government and everything that goes with it.

The only one who half gets it is Cameron, but he has some way to go to fully embrace the message sent.

Be interesting to see what club Europe do about these results too !
So, Farage gives establishment a right good kicking.

Clogg is on the ropes, rope a dope style, how long can he stagger on, will the bell save him?

Grommet is still under the illusion that what the people want and need is govt and more of it. When will that balloon ever learn eh, the people are sick of government and everything that goes with it.

The only one who half gets it is Cameron, but he has some way to go to fully embrace the message sent.

Be interesting to see what club Europe do about these results too !

They have to sit up and listen.

Not sure what initiated this but I'm sure it has nothing to do with lice or health in the camps.
We really need to close our borders to non-EU immigrants (apart from genuine asylum seekers) unless they are highly qualified, but you've got to feel very sorry for people who risk their lives for a better life for themselves and maybe their families.
Immigrants who commit anything other than trivial crimes need to be sent home.
EU immigrants shouldn't be allowed in if they have a criminal record and shouldn't get benefits until they have contributed through paying taxes for a year.
But treat the innocent with dignity and humanity, and don't lump all immigrants together as being "undesirable".
And I don't like loud mouthed, populist, wannabe demagogues like Farage and Salmond !
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And I don't like loud mouthed, populist, wannabe demagogues like Farage and Salmond !

Scotland needs independence like a hole in the head and if by some freak chance they get it, just watch the money and jobs pour back to the rest of the UK. Salmond and Sturgeon are completely misguided.
If they become independent, there are plenty of advantages for England.
At Westminster Scotland has 11 Liberal (soon to be decimated anyway), 6 Scot Nat and 41 Labour MPs, so with Scotland gone, England will have a representative parliament and the days of the electoral pro-Labour bias will be over.
Hurrah for Scottish independence !
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Anyway, the flower of Scotland usually lives in England - like most emigrants they left for a better life here haha !