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Talking of spreads, SBs are always caned over this (maybe deservedly) but I have been looking at Etrade CFD platform and on US stocks the spread is 10c plus over $19 commision per trade. Am I missing something?

E trade give a wide variety of platforms to trade US stocks.At the other end of the scale they offer lightspeed that will let you capture spreads, see whats happening before it appears on a chart and has the fastest direct fills i've ever traded.No re quotes,bias,shenanigans,no payment for order flow like some cheap Internet brokers, here you are the market you work your own order.

Some may like the CFD oco order that lets you put in your stop and profit objective,walk away and do other things only to come back later and look at the outcome.For me its up to each individual trader to asses his/her own trading personality and pick the trading set up that suits,we are all different.Its nice i think to be offered a choice of trading platforms and be able to pick the one we want rather than just be lumbered with only one. 😀
Hi Alan,
Thanks for the prompt reply, I do realise that direct access does give one the fastest trading platform and as you have said very tight spreads, on occasions no spread at all, I have just been looking around at all the various facilities available and was a bit surprised to find that the costs on CFDs was as high as it is.

Kind regards

Society of Technical Analysis - From their website today 24th July !!

Forthcoming Examinations
STA Diploma Exam 25 April, 2003
contact Katie Abberton (Fx: 07000 710208) if you would like to register for the exam
And just why would a newbie want to sit the Society of Technical Analysis exams?

No trader I know would want to waste their time on gaining a piece of paper to say they know the theory, when the most important part of trading is practice.
No one !!

Just pointing out Skimbleshanks how out of date their we site is!! - I think diplomas in TA a total waste of time and money (its £80 PA ) .......enuff said! 😱
I notice that John B has edited a previous post and added this:

PS. 25 points per day X 5 days X 4 weeks = 600 pts per month?

Does John B run 'maths for beginners' seminars too?

However with 50% losing days providing your Money managment strategy and stop stategy in place plus increasing winning positions and trailing stops - your ahead - just basic !

What? There's a free lolly to anyone that can explain what that means in proper English!
when somebody promotes a scheme that will teach you
how to use Gann , fine
or Fibonacci , fine
or other technical skills , fine

but the minute they say they will teach you to make money - forget it.

no-one can teach you how to make money.
its not a skill
its a result.

they are usually preying on human weakness or greed.

what flavour is the lolly , bitter sweet ?
Excellent posts boys - it's plain to see who are the full-time traders who have the knowledge and experience to know the difference between the wheat and the airy fairy chaff.
bottomdollar said:
Has anyone noticed that sometimes the spread you pay on a SB doesn't even straddle the underlying share price????

That's the lovely 'bias' referred to in Naz's post.

bildonone - stick with it & don't let some of the content on this thread put you off.
I have no intentions of disappearing. One thing i am learning fast is to tell the helpers from the helpless I am doing that much reading on this forum that i have not had time to study my beginners pack from finspreads. Thanks to Skim and all
you might like to try signalwatch they offer a free email service giving their comments on the dow along with charts - its a good learning site 😛 its free
Hi bildonone, i am new to the markets myself, but if you want to make a few imaginary trades go to Tradindex they offer a virtual account of 20K, this may be of some use to you. PeeDee.

Yep, and i got two copies again, and I am not even a subscriber.

What a way to boost circulation and con the advertisers!!!!

Although, once again, not sure it should be on this thread.

Hello all.

I've been reading this thread and the controversy surrounding the CD course offered by John B through Clickevents.

I have to say I have bought 1 or 2 CDs from them and have been pleased with my purchases.

I see the John B CD course is offered with a money back if not satisfied guarantee. Difficult to see how one can improve on that.

I shall purchase the CD course, spend the 7+ hours required to watch it, try it in the market (with a real broker rather than a SB merchant) and report on it on this board. If it makes money I shall say so. If it is cr*p I shall say so and claim my refund.

Look forward to reporting I am making $1,000s per month.

Talk to you all later.

Old (very) un

Check the small print. I don't know about this particular money back guarantee but some of the trading websites I have seen have all sorts of conditions that make it impossible to get your money back. It looks good but sometimes is just used as a sales gimmick.
Hi Bigbusiness,

My limited experience to date of clickevents is good.

If I have to ask for my money back (I am assuming I will) I have no reason to believe I will not get it. I see nothing in any small print or otherwise to suggest they are being less than frank.

If I want a refund and don't get it I'm quite happy to send a summons in exchange. I do not expect to have to enter into that sort of tussle.

Thanks for your concern.


Old (getting even more so by the minute) un
Good on you oldun, you have my admiration for putting your money where your mouth is.
Yours is the most logical and reasonably sane response regarding this dispute I have seen on this board.
Good luck to you mate. You may not make the figures quoted by JB, but for good nesss sake if you make a living which makes you happy, who are we to criticise?
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