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Have just received a free introductory cd (£2 p&p) for spreadbetting from click events/JS Bartlett. Obviously they want you to sign up for the full course, but i wanted to ask if anyone has used them before or would i be better sticking to the boards.


I have bought John Bartlets course and IMHO it is a very good place to start. It starts at the very beginning and shows you, without any gloss or you can make thousands a week promises, how to start spreadbetting. Some books on TA go into great depths on loads of different indicators to the extent that information overload sets in, John focuses on a few indicators that he has found useful and goes into great detail with chart patterns, support/resistance and a handholding of the pratical issues of actually opening an account and putting on a bet, sorry did I say bet I meant trade.
I know a lot of board members do not think much of spreadbetting
but for a beginner it is a very cost effective way of gaining some experience.

kind regards

I have bought John Bartlets course and IMHO it is a very good place to start. It starts at the very beginning and shows you, without any gloss or you can make thousands a week promises

Looks like they've sold out then, as this is what a "T2W Partner Offer" says about the course which I received yesterday:

You could earn £1,000 - £2,000 plus every month just by spending a short time each day on your PC

I must say it's very disappointing to receive such hyped up claims for courses from what I thought was a trusted reputable website. Has this all been an elaborate scam just to obtain thousands of registered users in order to advertise 'systems' which promise £1000's a month for a few minutes work spreadbetting?
Thanks-but i am getting confused more and more by some of the conflicting opinions that are being written.
What's a course?
These are real people here with real time trading experience.
There's more knowledge here than any book.
Save your money or use it to gain trading experience.
Keep asking questions.....
Clickevents do the Interview with a Traders CD.. maybe that might be interesting.. see what they have to say and how they made it. I believe Chartman is interviewed also!!!
Speaking from a newbie point of view, which I am very qualified to do, I agree that there are very experienced traders on this board and yes all are very willing to help us ( which is enormously appreciated) but there is an huge learning curve facing beginners, (more so in this subject than most others) and without some structure to the acquisition of this knowledge we are liable to drift around in circles.
I think if one is serious about become proficient it is necessary to spend a lot of time and invest sufficient funds to do so, be that books, seminars, courses, tuition, whatever, oh and asking inumerable questions here.
bildonone - if you notice, the one thing that was not suggested by anyone, before you mentioned it, was going on a course. 😀

Courses have their places, but you appear to have virtually no experience whatsoever of the markets, and therefore the suggestions here have been to get you familiar with some of the basics first. You need to know about charts, how the markets operate, OHLC bars, timeframes, etc. We're all trying to get you to first base. At that stage you may wish to consider speeding up your knowledge by going on a course, and that then would be the time to discuss the appropriateness of courses, and in particular the tutor.

If you went on a course now, not only would you spend money, but you would suffer from serious knowledge overload, and not be able to see the wood from the trees. Trading takes time, and you need to know the basics before you're ready to take it a stage further. 😀
Skim's spot on regarding the courses!

These boards are full of priceless hints, tips and general guidance from very experienced & well known traders and best of all its free. Spend a few hours going though old posts even if it just to see which books people use and recommend will save you lots of time, money & effort IMHO.

The t2w chat room is another good place to visit, people always have time to explain and help those wishing to learn!!! 😀

Cheers a320
Just read your last post and was about to reply to the effect that the only reason I posted was to answer your specific question about Click Events then I noticed there were two further posts. I have to agree with a320 that as usual Skim is spot on.

Look back to Uncle's post, go to that website get a free trial membership and as Uncle said you can download a 5 part course. It is worth doing, also with your free trial membership you can also access the archives for the swing trader part of the website and at the end of each weekly newsletter there is an item called " Inside the black box" these are worth copying and printing also.
There is a member of this board called JPwone, he has a website called His site has a lot of valuable info.

Chartman has been running a daily commentary on trading the Dow, if you have the time go right back to the beginning and print out the lot, NewtronBomb has compiled it all into an educational masterpiece.

What ever you do, or don't do, don't be in a hurry. If you do not spend enough time learning how to trade, you will just be wasting money, you will in effect be gambling.

I do not miss a single post on this board, even Techies Corner which most is over my head, I buy inkjet cartridges by the ton and get through boxes of reams of paper.
Whatever question you have there is someone on this board that knows the answer.

Good luck

Thanks for all the good wishes and the positive advice. I am off to do some studying as i have just received Financial Spreads pack.


Now you have info from Finspreads, read the posts on this thread again. DO NOT under any circumstances bet more than 1 - 2p a point, as previously mentioned by Skim. even if you find you are on a winning streak. It is so easy to be tempted to bet in £'s only to find your capital soon diminishes. It is said by many Professionals to bet on the daily Dow is folly, and a sure way to get wiped out, as the spread will kill you. Losing is all part of the learning curve, but losing £'s is the road to ruin. You are probably better trying futures - with a stop set in place - rather than daily, as this will allow you time to do other chores rather than glued to the screen.


Although not a spread better.
Finspreads looks a good way to bet 1p-2p a point and get a feel for the markets.Clickevents is an excellent site always trying to give a variety of trading knowledege to people.The owner of which is a friend of mine.

Their spread betting courses are very well run and offer an excellent introduction into the markets.

However after that one might like to progress a little further and because of this it is logical for many to trade the US markets,because as mentioned the liquidity is better and the moves are more predictable.The t/a moves being easier to see.

So many get stuck with UK trading when there is so much oppertunity with the US and it would be a wise person who didnt check this out if they wanted to take their trading a little further.
Deal4Free £1 per point

Hi guys - newbie myself, tried someone else's system for a few months, lost faith and now back to TA and (hopefully) my own system.

I agree SB's are the cheapest way to learn. I was using Deal4Free because their spread seems less ( I'm trying Indexes, quaterly futures). for example the spread on the DAX is 5 whereas Finspreads is 7.
however, the minimum per point is £1 on Deal4Free and 1p on Finspreads so I think I'll try Finspreads. Point to note is they told me the 1p is ONLY for the 1st 8 weeks, after that minimum is 50p.

Eventually would hope to go with a broker because I think the spread is a killer but that's way off (if ever ?).
Deal 4 Free


What is the minimum opening deposit for an SB account with D4F?

To Sidinuk

I notice you comment on the Hype on my course - when I say it is possible to make £1,000 to £2,000 per month - That is between £50 and £100 per day - Now I don't know where you are coming from Sidinuk with your claims of Hype - but I would have thought for a beginner that is a reasonable target. at £2 per point that is 25 points minimum per day.

Do you have to spend all day in front of a computer - NO - a hour or so scanning opportunities either at the end of trading or at the beginning is sufficient. (provided you know what you are doing) I do not believe that beginners should jump into Day Trading - " you need the bladder of a Camel and the concentration of a rocket scientist" quote Toni Turner.

Small position trades with correct research and 100% money management. (easy to do with disciplined training) should achieve these sensible targets. People try and make trading complex and difficult - it can be, there are over 27,000 books on the subject - Spread betting has bought the opportunity to trade world financial markets to the absolute novice. Cutting through the hype and keeping it simple is something many active traders wish they could return to.

On my CD course I trade as an example over 6 days on the index and achieve trading profits in excess of £600 at £1 - £2 per point to illustrate. So where is the Hype?. If you want the reaction of people who have been on my workshop look at the comments they make - they don't knock without comment - many of these have tried other courses (even the £3,000 ones) not any one complains of Hype or that they did not get value for money.

Its so easy to knock - What should the promotional material have said - "Its hard - your likely to lose £10,000 only 10% ever succeed. Most punters jump in without any knowledge!" The problem is getting started. Yes many people will learn from books and put their toe in the water (thats how I started) but the only courses whe I started were thousands of pounds (and many still are) - My aim was to introduce Trading through spread betting (a lot easier to start with than level 2 - buying shares - CFD's etc) for the beginner ) I have produced the CD - which contains a lot of basic information that will save novices and beginners a considerable amount of money without having to spend a lot of money on software, systems and expensive data feed. If at the end of the course they decide not to trade then that is their decision based on knowing what real trading is about - NO HYPE. that will still be the best £180 they have ever invested!

I'm sorry Sidink if you think £50 plus is a Hype daily target or a promise that cannot be achieved with proper basic training. Or perhaps you only trade on 5 or 10p as a hobby - I don't know what I should have put? - "make £10 a day" whats the point - £50 plus is an achievable and believable target.

Now lets see what you get for £180 - nowadays? one hour with a solicitor listening to your problems! one night in a London Hotel! 2 tyres for an average motor car! A meal for 4! one bottle of champagne at a Quality Restaraunt - 36 hours at the minimum wage! - Or 8 hours tuition in 17 different sections with 12 months online support for those wishing to learn to trade which could make them £1,000 to £2,000 per month for life - Thats fact - Not hype - Look at the references from actual students - I would be interested in finding out from Sidinuk what his Daily financial targets are when trading? - over to you......? 🙄

Naz incidentally the CD course and workshops aim at the US markets not the UK -
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