another newbie hello


Hi, my name is Jenny. A newbie to both the forum and trading.

I recently suffered losses of about €5000 though shares and right now I have about €500 euro to invest.
Rather than trusting it to someone else I've decided to take matters into my own hands and see if I can turn that bit of cash around and make my money back.
I guess my first question is- is this possible?
And if it is, where do I start?

Thanks for any help or pointers guys, I'm going to have a browse through the forum and see what I can learn. 🙂
Yes, it is possible. Do you have a decent system? If not, I wouldn't be risking real money; get a demo account.
I'm the ultimate newbie, I've never tried anything like this before but I'm also in no particular hurry so very willing to learn.
Starting from absolute scratch, I need to learn a system I guess...and looking at your sig I'm guessing I should watch that video.
I decided to sign up with you guys because it looked like a good place to start and nothing beats learning from those who've bought the t-shirt! 🙂
Good. Patience is the key, so take your time to learn. There is a lot; it's a steep learning curve and there are no short cuts.
There's no such thing as the easy way eh! If I was told I'd make my money back in a few weeks or months I'd run a mile cos to me that means I'm about to get scammed! lol!
Right, time to dig in and read read read!!!
It is possible - but it will take time and patience.

First thing to do is examine WHY you lost your money in the first place. It's easy to say I was too inexperienced and not examine why. You learn through mistakes - not success. What mistakes did you make - what was it that made you enter the trades that lost - impatience, ego, lack of fear? If you can start doing that you have a chance.
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