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😉 You get my vote John. Have purchased the course and does what most books dont...explain in simple english.
You say they "could make them £1,000 to £2,000 per month for life. Thats [sic] fact."

Yes, it could, but DO they? If they were, we'd have heard about it by now - you'd have been busy hyping the fact all over these boards by now I'm sure. 😀

Buying a £1 lottery ticket COULD make you £5 million in one week. Any advertising using these words would be banned by the ASA as it was pure hype. Personally, I don't see the difference.

Hype is hype, and as any good marketing person will tell you - the best way of selling anything is word of mouth. Vendors use hype because there's no word of mouth.
Seems to me this thread is losing its purpose.........Bildonone was seeking help as a Newbie.

If you want a discussion on HYPE suggest you start a new thread.

Disapointing Response from Moderator

With correct knowledge - and a good grounding in the basics many people could, should (AND DO) make £1-2,000 a month - If they didn't these boards would not exist! There would be no spreadbetting companies! That is about an average wage for some very hard work! not Hype - Its an objective within everyones reach who enters trading - if not, Why Bother? it takes hard work to learn to trade properly - Many people go on to achieve much higher rewards when they build on their experience and can trade up.
Hype is I Quote - "Did you make £9,800 last month!"
"How I turned £24,000 into £720,000 in 18 months!"
Now thats Hype - aiming to earn a modest income of £250 -£500 per week by offering value training at a low price is not

I often see adverts for the lottery as you stated "Rollover" " £15 Million this week etc" they are not banned.

Regards to word of mouth - that works but it takes time - Our workshops are usually fully booked each month- many people have now purchased the CD's - Word of mouth is working - But the assistance of some honest advertising (incidently which helps maintain this Free site to all ) helps to speed things up 🙂

I agree with your last post UNCLE lets get back to the subject
Thanks Skim I was beginning to think I was the only one to think the claim was a bit over the top!

£1000-2000 per month spreadbetting £1-£2 per point (John B's claim). That's 1000 dow points profit every month in return for attending a one day course. Not even day trading, just a quick scan for an hour every day and you can make 1000 points profit every month! Where have we all been going wrong, it's obviously all so simple.

If anyone, and there are over 4000 members on this site, is consistently making 1000 points in profit on the dow every month spreadbetting please let us know. Whether or not you have been on this course I don't see that sort of target as realistic for a quick one hour scan everyday.

I just don't think it is necessary to advertise the course this way as it does lead beginners to believe that trading is an easy route to riches. Let's face it if you can make £2000 a month from just £2/pt then surely at £100/pt you'd have a nice regular income of £100,000 a month. All tax free from those nice fair fellows at the spreadbet company's with their ridiculous spreads and unreliable trading software.

I actually do believe that the course itself looks fantastic value and covers a huge amount of material. It certainly looks to be one of the best courses available for new traders. I just think that by making the same silly claims that many other courses and systems make it devalues what is a fundamentally a good product. As Skim says let the punters do the talking.

My personal financial targets are my business.
John B:
It may be disappointing to you, but it's truthful. I'm not trying to sell something; you are. Sidinuk is not trying to sell something either.
OK about time we called a halt it wasn't a claim it was an sensible objective- and I agree with sidinuk what you trade should remain your own business my apologies for asking - John B
PS. 25 points per day X 5 days X 4 weeks = 600 pts per month?
However with 50% losing days providing your Money managment strategy and stop stategy in place plus increasing winning positions and trailing stops - your ahead - just basic !
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To Fazalv - sorry - can't remember minimum account with deal4Free. I put in £1000. I think with finspreads you can start with £300 ?.
Here is my unbiased opinion. 25 - 50 points a day is not an unreasonable target and JB's claims are perfectly in the ball park. There will be days when you can make an easy 100 and there will be days where you will lose, hopefully not too much. Where I am not convinced, is when JB say's " for an hour a day". Maybe there is a strategy that he has worked out that will allow/enable you to do just that.. ... If you haven't tasted the cake are you entitled to say that it tastes good ( or bad)?
from what I read , they are not mutually exclusive.

In that 'one hour a day', you have to make your day's target.
and don't forget that is a net figure.

If it feels like it, looks like it and smells like it, it probably is. ?

I'm waiting to hear 'which' hour of the day.
or perhaps that should read 'witch' hour ?
I think JB says" one hours' preparation a day" ,as distinct from 1 hours' trading a day. There is a big difference. Picking the 1 hour to trade is a lottery, unless you fancy a flutter on the half hour open....
As I read it you get 1 hour, period.
and having done your scan, you place your trade.
and that's it.
and no more than £2 per point.
and for beginners to boot !
As one of the newbies who has attended JBs course my lasting
impression of that day was how JB passed some of his enthusiasm in my direction and gave me the incentive to persevere, I certainly took any suggestion of financial rewards
in the context of how they were given... some will achieve,
some wont. Luck to all. Eddy.
Personally i found the following site,as recommended before to be a help
It is j.p.wones website, and there are strategies there for beginners,and one in particular I liked, which may or may not suit your trading style, but can be adapted to longer time periods(which I have done).
Called "trading dow cash daily",is based on one minute set-up, but the thing that I found most helpful was trying to offset the s/b bias by buying into strength,when prices temporarily falling and vice versa.
Takes getting used to,for someone like myself who never considered how to beat this bias.
I paper traded for a long time using it,and would suggest anybody does.May not be your cup of tea,but there you are.
Good luck
Kevin referring to his method two revised
Yep, it's a long and, at times, a frustrating path. I work 9-5 and I trade when I get home.. I'm lucky in that I have a good friend who is a successful trader and we talk realtime via MSN.. though we can see the same charts and stuff and my analysis is at times as good as his.. he does a lot better than me.
What I've noticed is that he is confident in his system and doesn't fear at all.. whereas myself, though I am getting better, I fear when the market has moved 15 points against me.. it's hard to quash the fear...
I've realised that I need to build up confidence in my system so that I know myself that in the long term I will win more times than I lose... best way for it is to paper trade for now I think. I've learnt a lot about psychology when I was trading with real money... it's important to know your strengths and weaknesses!
Hi bildonone

If your interested in courses why not take a look at the Society of Technical Analysts

They are a recognized professional body and run courses for beginners and advance analysts. I don't know what cost is involved but at least your training will begin in a structured manner.

Good Luck

Has anyone noticed that sometimes the spread you pay on a SB doesn't even straddle the underlying share price????
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