New Trades Thread

hh..the reason I do not get involved in many simple..i know that most of what is talked about is has no real will do nothing but cause you to waste your time..and can even cost you money if you are stupid enough to believe what someone writes..just because it is written

one must make in their business to find out what works whatever means possible..and that means hard dedication..some might have the money..and are not afraid of hard work..but most lack the dedication..and give up very early on..thus resigned to posting rubbish about nothing

I know after reading 1 post if the person knows what he/she is talking about..and very few do..and I am not being sarcastic or arrogant..just stating the facts as I see them can argue all you like..the aapl chart I posted shows what actually happened with aapl and es futures..i am not interested in the theoretical intricate workings of options and futures..and how they affect the stocks/indices..i am only interested in what I SEE..and what I make of what I SEE..i could not give a jimmy bout the maths behind it..nor do I need it

if you look at a chart..a picture..and can not take from the picture what others can..then..that is your fault..not others

why do you think some people pay big money for "paintings"..simple..they can see the value in it..while the pleb on the street will see it no different to a macdonalds sign🙂

you will never win this one..for..i know exactly how it I was shown by a person..i have mentioned this already..but..i have also mentioned I will never ever divulge what was shown to it got out it would be rendered useless in a very short period of time

my point is..if I can get the information..which I did..why can not anyone else get it..and we are now back to siding with the majority..and afraid to speak out and back up those who you think are correct in what they say

I really don't give a shi.te bout anyone else..never did..but I do care greatly about what I do with my time and money🙂
hh..the reason I do not get involved in many simple..i know that most of what is talked about is has no real will do nothing but cause you to waste your time..and can even cost you money if you are stupid enough to believe what someone writes..just because it is written

one must make in their business to find out what works whatever means possible..and that means hard dedication..some might have the money..and are not afraid of hard work..but most lack the dedication..and give up very early on..thus resigned to posting rubbish about nothing

I know after reading 1 post if the person knows what he/she is talking about..and very few do..and I am not being sarcastic or arrogant..just stating the facts as I see them

That is great. I am an inquisitive guy by nature. When somebody tells me something, I want to know why think that way. I like to know what shapes people's thought processes. Do they think that because they were told that or do they have logical reasons behind them. There are major differences between opinion, hypothesis and fact. We do not have the time nor mental energy to form proper hypotheses about everything that we encounter in this world. We have to sometimes resort to snap judgements based upon prejudicial bias, i.e. opinions.

I just want to know why I should be looking at the futures market while I am trading equities.
if you look at a chart..a picture..and can not take from the picture what others can..then..that is your fault..not others

why do you think some people pay big money for "paintings"..simple..they can see the value in it..while the pleb on the street will see it no different to a macdonalds sign🙂

This is a far flung analogy. Paintings are speculative just like futures. They are a derivative good. Paintings derive their value intrinsically based upon what other pretentious people will pay for them. They have no extrinsic value and are only physically worth what the canvas and paints are worth. I prefer to deal in things that have both intrinsic and extrinsic value. This is not the case for equities.

You should watch The Big Short
That is great. I am an inquisitive guy by nature. When somebody tells me something, I want to know why think that way. I like to know what shapes people's thought processes. Do they think that because they were told that or do they have logical reasons behind them. There are major differences between opinion, hypothesis and fact. We do not have the time nor mental energy to form proper hypotheses about everything that we encounter in this world. We have to sometimes resort to snap judgements based upon prejudicial bias, i.e. opinions.

I just want to know why I should be looking at the futures market while I am trading equities.

they think that way..predominately due to the way they were educated..i have already mentioned Montaigne..of the education of will not go there again..but it is a very valid reasoning for anyone who wants to look it up

to make money buying and holding is much need to..

cop the fu.k on

price will move..stop..move again..stop..move again

how far it will move will be greatly determined by where it has long it will stay at price..well..that can be don't even have to work that one out🙂

introduce too many things and you do nothing but interfere with your thought process..thus resulting in bad decisions..meaning losing more money than you should..or not making as much as you should

as a general rule..the futures lead the can get all the maths for futures prem values..i do not use them..i have no need..the charts tell all once you set them up correctly and look at them the right way..from left to right

one of the big problems now is algo has introduced movements into charts that are not the standard institutional money..but again..they can be sussed out code is written by humans..and humans being the thickos they are..will use "stuff" from the is really not that hard to explain when price suddenly reverses at a certain price..for..we all know there is a reason for is just seeing the reason is the hard bit🙂
they think that way..predominately due to the way they were educated..i have already mentioned Montaigne..of the education of will not go there again..but it is a very valid reasoning for anyone who wants to look it up

to make money buying and holding is much need to..

cop the fu.k on

price will move..stop..move again..stop..move again

how far it will move will be greatly determined by where it has long it will stay at price..well..that can be don't even have to work that one out🙂

introduce too many things and you do nothing but interfere with your thought process..thus resulting in bad decisions..meaning losing more money than you should..or not making as much as you should

as a general rule..the futures lead the can get all the maths for futures prem values..i do not use them..i have no need..the charts tell all once you set them up correctly and look at them the right way..from left to right

one of the big problems now is algo has introduced movements into charts that are not the standard institutional money..but again..they can be sussed out code is written by humans..and humans being the thickos they are..will use "stuff" from the is really not that hard to explain when price suddenly reverses at a certain price..for..we all know there is a reason for is just seeing the reason is the hard bit🙂

cop the fu.k on. I should say the same thing. Since I know for a fact that you do not know everything about everything, then I also know that many of your decisions are not fully based in fact. You have bias as a human being. My statement is still true.

I like to know what shapes people's thought processes. Do they think that because they were told that or do they have logical reasons behind them. There are major differences between opinion, hypothesis and fact. We do not have the time nor mental energy to form proper hypotheses about everything that we encounter in this world. We have to sometimes resort to snap judgements based upon prejudicial bias, i.e. opinions.

one of the big problems now is algo has introduced movements into charts that are not the standard institutional money..but again..they can be sussed out code is written by humans..and humans being the thickos they are..will use "stuff" from the is really not that hard to explain when price suddenly reverses at a certain price..for..we all know there is a reason for is just seeing the reason is the hard bit

This is not being argumentative, but this still does not explain anything. Why do you think this is a problem? You are being tangential.
This is a far flung analogy. Paintings are speculative just like futures. They are a derivative good. Paintings derive their value intrinsically based upon what other pretentious people will pay for them. They have no extrinsic value and are only physically worth what the canvas and paints are worth. I prefer to deal in things that have both intrinsic and extrinsic value. This is not the case for equities.

You should watch The Big Short

it might well be..but they still sell for the big money😀

who cares about the reason..for..

ours is not to reason why..ours is but to do..and die

the stats will never change..again..due to the education sytems..for..if you keep doing the same thing (educating people the same way) you will keep getting the same results (people will keep doing the same things)

maybe I am completely stupid..maybe I am dreaming all of this..maybe the majority are right and the minority are wrong..well..if history is anything to go by..then..the minority are always they control the majority..

I always end up going back to history and education..i wonder why😀
cop the fu.k on. I should say the same thing. Since I know for a fact that you do not know everything about everything, then I also know that many of your decisions are not fully based in fact. You have bias as a human being. My statement is still true.

I like to know what shapes people's thought processes. Do they think that because they were told that or do they have logical reasons behind them. There are major differences between opinion, hypothesis and fact. We do not have the time nor mental energy to form proper hypotheses about everything that we encounter in this world. We have to sometimes resort to snap judgements based upon prejudicial bias, i.e. opinions.

This is not being argumentative, but this still does not explain anything. Why do you think this is a problem? You are being tangential.

I do not think it is a IS a fact..algo traders account for a very large % of futures trades now..i do not have the exact stats..nor will I get them..but you can find many research docs on the net in google

it becomes "an issue§ when it interferes with the normal chart reading process..which it does when the algos kick you are not aware of the difference..then you will be like the monkey scratching his head

I will do a quick summary for you hh..🙂


work it out..get it working..keep it working..make money..and FU.K everyone one really gives a FU.K about is all just one big FU.King show..the only thing people are concerned about is money..and..when they get enough of that..then power becomes an even bigger issue with them

I will give you an old saying..that was said to me many times..and has been proved to be correct many times..and it is

your only TRUE your POCKET
I do not think it is a IS a fact..algo traders account for a very large % of futures trades now..i do not have the exact stats..nor will I get them..but you can find many research docs on the net in google

it becomes "an issue§ when it interferes with the normal chart reading process..which it does when the algos kick you are not aware of the difference..then you will be like the monkey scratching his head

That does not sound like a problem to me. I would not call it an interference. It is just how algos operate. It is also just how big firms operate. You will always be a minnow swimming with the sharks. I still do not see a problem with algos. If someone else's trading style interferes with yours, it is not their fault. The market is Darwinian.

I will do a quick summary for you hh..🙂


work it out..get it working..keep it working..make money..and FU.K everyone one really gives a FU.K about is all just one big FU.King show..the only thing people are concerned about is money..and..when they get enough of that..then power becomes an even bigger issue with them

I will give you an old saying..that was said to me many times..and has been proved to be correct many times..and it is

your only TRUE your POCKET

Everything in red is pretty much irrelevant here and anecdotal. Besides, I could do without the swearing. I ask questions not because I do not have an answer already formulated, but because I want to know what others think. They are more prone to give answers if they think you know nothing.

Be Wise but Play the Fool

Feign Madness but Keep your Balance

Feign Ignorance Without Going Crazy

Or even:

Play Dumb are completely is very relevant

you have people pretending that they want to share their knowledge with others..but for a fee..well..that is just a part of what i am is all about you really think a vendor gives a shi.te about the person they get the money hell they fact..i would say 90% or more never even meet the person..our new "information age" makes it easy to deal with people without even seeing them..what a load of bollox..but hey..that's life

most people are stupid gullible idiots when it comes to trading..again..yes..AGAIN..ed..u..***.in..cation!

time for the leaba 🙂 are completely is very relevant

you have people pretending that they want to share their knowledge with others..but for a fee..well..that is just a part of what i am is all about you really think a vendor gives a shi.te about the person they get the money hell they fact..i would say 90% or more never even meet the person..our new "information age" makes it easy to deal with people without even seeing them..what a load of bollox..but hey..that's life

most people are stupid gullible idiots when it comes to trading..again..yes..AGAIN..ed..u..***.in..cation!

time for the leaba 🙂
This is a digression and is irrelevant. Why are you talking about vendors when I am talking about algorithmic trading?
you will never win this one..for..i know exactly how it I was shown by a person..i have mentioned this already..but..i have also mentioned I will never ever divulge what was shown to it got out it would be rendered useless in a very short period of time

You have mentioned about your chart reading abilities and the knowledge you have about interpreting data, graphical or in a table.

Is this knowledge/ability the same as provided by the person you are referring to?
This is a digression and is irrelevant. Why are you talking about vendors when I am talking about algorithmic trading? might seem irrelevant to you..but not to me

you ask many things..about futures..charts..algos..historical data..and whatever else you have asked..and..the reality is that most of what you ask is order to make money trading..not only do you not need to know the intricate details of everything..and..trying to know same can cause you to make bad trading decisions

if you want to list all of your unanswered questions..syarting with no.1..etc..then we can discuss what it is YOU are trying to achieve..and why YOU think you need to know such information

if YOU are just arguing with someone..for arguments sake..then that is called time wasting

do YOU see the logic in this?
You have mentioned about your chart reading abilities and the knowledge you have about interpreting data, graphical or in a table.

Is this knowledge/ability the same as provided by the person you are referring to?

if you trade long will discover that..there is no right way..or wrong is all down to the it is you who makes the decisions that will determine your outcome

some ways work better for certain markets..not as good for some markets..but..there is one commonality for all markets..and that is using charts..looking at historical determine the highest probability of where price might go to next..and how long it might take to get there

the way that most people interpret charts..which can be found in the many not the best way..meaning..there is another way that works far requires a different mindset to interpret what "the painting" is able to portray..much the same way the art connoisseur can see what the painter was thinking about when he painted the picture..

we all know that the majority will not even think about the artists thoughts when painting..they will just look at the image and colors..and if it "looks nice" what i were shown the only thing i use..the answer is NO..but when i get carried away..and think about things too much..everytime i go back to what i was shown..i kick myself in the ****..again..for it is correct more than 80% of the time..which you will not get by using any other form of data interpretation

your biggest obstacle for making money worth talking your is your silly thoughts that will screw you up..even when you know what works best use internet forums to condition your mind..and make sure you are in rhe right state of mind before you risk good money

why do you think i am here🙂 use internet forums to condition your mind..and make sure you are in rhe right state of mind before you risk good money

why do you think i am here🙂
spock-eyebrow1.png need to remind yourself you are not one of the fools..and the best way to do that is to talk with them

i hope you see the "logic" in this😆
Yes, I do. Thank you for your explanation.

So you have a more of a Buddhist way of investing? Being in a particular frame of mind and all?
1. Let us address this statement. Why is this an issue? You used the word issue.

it becomes "an issue§ when it interferes with the normal chart reading process..which it does when the algos kick you are not aware of the difference..then you will be like the monkey scratching his head

That does not sound like a problem to me. I would not call it an interference. It is just how algos operate. It is also just how big firms operate. You will always be a minnow swimming with the sharks. I still do not see a problem with algos. If someone else's trading style interferes with yours, it is not their fault. The market is Darwinian.

you ask many things..about futures..charts..algos..historical data..and whatever else you have asked..and..the reality is that most of what you ask is irrelevant

2. What I ask is not irrelevant, especially since you cannot provide reasons why it is not relevant. If you do not know the answers then just say so. Again, my questions are about your statements. I asking for your reasoning and evidence behind the things that you say. It is exactly as you said here " might seem irrelevant to you..but not to me".

if you want to list all of your unanswered questions..syarting with no.1..etc..then we can discuss what it is YOU are trying to achieve..and why YOU think you need to know such information

if YOU are just arguing with someone..for arguments sake..then that is called time wasting

do YOU see the logic in this?

3. No, I do not. Stating something without evidence is not logical.
I do not know how you are missing the point. I am not trying to achieve anything except get a straight forward answer about my questions without you swearing, using anecdotes, talking about Germany, all CAPS, vendors or anything that I have not asked.

the way that most people interpret charts..which can be found in the many not the best way..meaning..there is another way that works far requires a different mindset to interpret what "the painting" is able to portray..much the same way the art connoisseur can see what the painter was thinking about when he painted the picture..

Please stop talking about what others are doing wrong. This is a conversation between you, fullset and I. I do not care about what others are doing wrong.
Yes, I do. Thank you for your explanation.

So you have a more of a Buddhist way of investing? Being in a particular frame of mind and all?

no..that stuff is all crap..same as that german fella mentioned recently..really..who gives a shi.te if some german woke up some morning and found his thought process to be clearer..i can not understand how people latch on to someone else..all it means is that the person is insecure..and not able to deal effectively with his/her own issues

the trading is the easy part..if you but sit back and look at the i keep is "your head" that will screw you you must sort out your head at all costs..otherwise you are on a road to nowhere
1. Let us address this statement. Why is this an issue? You used the word issue.

That does not sound like a problem to me. I would not call it an interference. It is just how algos operate. It is also just how big firms operate. You will always be a minnow swimming with the sharks. I still do not see a problem with algos. If someone else's trading style interferes with yours, it is not their fault. The market is Darwinian.

2. What I ask is not irrelevant, especially since you cannot provide reasons why it is not relevant. If you do not know the answers then just say so. Again, my questions are about your statements. I asking for your reasoning and evidence behind the things that you say. It is exactly as you said here " might seem irrelevant to you..but not to me".

3. No, I do not. Stating something without evidence is not logical.
I do not know how you are missing the point. I am not trying to achieve anything except get a straight forward answer about my questions without you swearing, using anecdotes, talking about Germany, all CAPS, vendors or anything that I have not asked.

Please stop talking about what others are doing wrong. This is a conversation between you, fullset and I. I do not care about what others are doing wrong.

you have not listed your

you must answer what you are asked..otherwise you will get nowhere🙂