my journal 3

My Private War (1990)

very interesting account of how the german soldiers felt at the time of Hitler and Nazism

Look at minute 31:45 of the film. It shows a human smile that makes you understand that these people, from so many years ago, are the same as people today, and that the Germans of back then are the same as any other nationality today. Those few seconds of a person smiling are telling you what he was thinking: "what the **** are you filming me for?". That could be me or it could be you. Maybe not me - I don't let people film me. But it could be you.

Another instant of humanity is minute 49:35, with the guy eating.


Excellent documentary on soldiers' private films. Absolutely excellent and useful point of view. I enjoyed it very much throughout it:
My Private War (1990)
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Amazing document:
Baldur von Schirach , David Frost interview

The most precious interview on Hitler I have ever watched, for the depth, for the person speaking, for his intelligence, sincerity and gift for synthesis:

In summary, what i gathered from this interview is that Hitler was a genius but too much success got to his head. Kind of like me with trading. Success makes you overestimate your abilities, you lose touch with reality, and suddenly you're not successful anymore.

Had Hitler not attacked the USSR but focused on the UK instead, just as Schirach suggests, now we'd all be speaking German. In the same way, I lost my mind when I was almost there. The only good thing about my situation is that I don't have to commit suicide for my mistakes (I think he escaped though).


More on Schirach:

Interesting how they insist on the concept of all germans being equal and making them all forget their social status and class. That was a nice thing. Although of course they also taught them that they were superiors to other countries.
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Yep, you guessed right. Hitler's normal voice, when he wasn't giving public speeches to the Germans. He sounds normal. You see, he wasn't crazy, at all. Sure, he had his ideas, such as the fact that killing people was necessary. But that comes not just with all politicians, but especially with politicians who went to the front as soldiers and lived in a period when killing millions of people was normal. Cfr. Russian Revolution, world war 1, etcetera.
As the days go by, I keep on regretting, ruminating and wondering how and why I took my 50k to 5k. in 3 months.

Now, first of all, did i do it on purpose and was it self-sabotage? No.

I took it back down to 5k in the same way I had taken the 4k to 47k: by betting, sometimes everything I had, on one single bet/future.

So I didn't do it on purpose, but I simply was unlucky and my effort to take my capital from 50k to 100k resulted in the opposite result, given that the markets went the other way and that I was terribly wrong.

So, I cannot blame myself for doing something that had worked so well until that moment.

But there is one mistake that I made and that I was aware of when I made it, and that I should remember.

I even wrote it here at the moment I made it.

Pride. Vengeance.

When I had 10 diversified positions that would have partially protected me from losses, I closed them all, to bet all my capital on GBL (back then it was at 145, now it is above 150).

This really destroyed my capital, and it was not necessary, and I knew that I was only doing it by pride.

GBL has made me so upset along all these years by proving me wrong that I wanted to finally make some money on it.

Had I kept my 10 diversified positions, I would have lost 50% of my capital rather than 95%, and now I'd be above 20k and I could make it back.

But, by betting everything on GBL, out of revenge trading, I unnecessarily risked everything.

So, once more, my mistake that I should remember is not "don't be wrong about your predictions" but rather "once you can afford diversification, stay diversified" and "don't engage in revenge trading", "no magical thinking". Somehow I felt that GBL had wronged me so many times that it was finally my turn to make money on it, and my anger and arrogance cost me dearly. "Arrongance" in the sense that I thought I had so much money that I could somehow manage to make the markets go my way, and I had been wronged so many times, and GBL was so high, that I thought "now it is my turn to win". But obviously the markets don't know who they are hurting and don't remember they've hurt you before by doing something. So it was all delusional thinking.

This is when it happened, the mistake on GBL. As I said I can't blame myself for being wrong about everything else. But I can indeed blame myself for not diversifying when I could - and trading out of anger against GBL, and I realized this mistake from the start. Here's some posts from the time (MAY 13, 2014, 6:23PM):

Short opportunity on the Bund (GBL), highly overbought. Furthermore, today is a Tuesday and usually they rise on Tuesday to fall on the rest of the week, starting on Wednesday afternoon.


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Another post, two days later, MAY 15, 2014, 5:53PM:

Losing lots of money on GBL still, I even increased the contracts. Usual problem of mine, of doubling up on losers.

I've also sold all the other diversified positions to invest everything (except gold and silver) on GBL. I haven't lost that bad habit.

In the meanwhile I got refunded (after opening a claim on PayPal) for the 20 euros I lost on the cap I bought on Ebay (which got lost/stolen in the mail).

Maybe I was so frustrated about that 20 euros that I took it out on my trading, and lost 10k as a consequence.

This pretty much sums it all up, when even back then, right when I was making the mistake, I wrote: "...I even increased the contracts. Usual problem of mine, of doubling up on losers." and "I've also sold all the other diversified positions to invest everything (except gold and silver) on GBL. I haven't lost that bad habit".

It's like when at night, I am tired, I know I should go to bed, but I don't do it. And here's all the examples I can think of this harmful lack of self-discipline:

1) trading (I should not double up on losing trades, but let's do it one last time)
2) sleeping habits (I should go to bed but let's stay up anyway)
3) eating habits (I should not eat, but let's eat it anyway)
4) scratching my head

There might be some more examples, although in my life I am usually disciplined.

The problem is that I allow myself to be free and not disciplined in the fields that are pretty harmful: sleeping and trading.

With one you make sure you have a crappy day, and with the other you make sure you have a crappy life.

I really have to think about these things. If they're worth keeping: rebelliousness and pride, that cause me to feel this urge to break my own rules, and to engage in revenge trading and revenge "staying awake".

What's even more amazing is that right now, as I speak, I am keeping GBL positions open and why? Because, being above 150, I think, it wouldn't make any sense to not be short on it.

But I was saying the same thing at 145, and 146, 147, 148 and 149 and that is why I lost all this money.

So, as I analyze my mistakes, I keep on making them.

Something escapes me.

Well, no actually, you can be several persons at once. There's the you who appraises mistakes and then there's the you, often at another moment, who repeats them. I don't believe anyone is immune from repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Except that we all have our different areas, where we say "i know I shouldn't do this, but I'll still do it". And unless I change my area, or abolish this area altogether, I am not likely to keep my profits. Not with all this magical thinking, revenge trading and so on.

So, it's time to stop being delusional, vengeful, angry arrogant, rebellious and it's time to start showing some more intelligence and discipline or this is simply not going to work. I am not going to be able to take any shortcuts.

Yes, indeed I was lucky, several times, to be able to reach the capital I had reached without having learned any of these rules and habits, but for this same reason, I wasn't able to keep the capital.

But another interesting thing I must add is that I don't know if I'll ever be able to learn all these rules I am talking of. I am not really sure for example if I'll ever be able to forget about my pride and do what is convenient (staying diversified) rather than what feels good (betting everything on the market that has wronged you).

You see, doing what's convenient is boring. Examples:
1) convenient: drinking water
2) feels good: drinking beer

1) convenient: going to bed early
2) feels good: going to bed late

1) convenient: eating vegetables
2) feels good: ice cream

Obviously we should act like an automated system, that always follows the same statistically convenient rules, but we don't do it not because we can't remember those rules, but because it's too boring to do so, and boredom equals frustration, and frustration means suffering.

Well, I'll keep trying. In this effort to make money and learn about myself.
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re repeating our mistakes

That is almost a soliloquy from a play.

From my understanding of the mind, when we make a mistake, we look back at it and seek an explanation that will help us to avoid it in the future.

It's quite easy when it's something compartmentalised, e.g. stepping in front of a car and almost being hit - we learn to look before crossing a road, end of story.

When it involves more complex scenarios such as trading, we find an explanation that is logical and are temporarily satisfied. Then we make the same mistake again. So it's obvious that the explanation we had for the first time was not detailed enough, because it didn't help us to avoid the second mistake.

So the issue becomes the attempt to determine whether we have really identified the cause of the mistake, or were we wrong about why or not detailed enough or concentrating on irrelevancies or whatever.

In my reading of your situation, you almost had the situation solved when you were trading for your investors, because that relationship inhibited your emotional motivations.
After all these years, I can summarize profitability in one simple sentence: to be profitable, you need the right personality or you need to change your personality.

Few people have the right personality (but some do), and so the rest of us either will fail and give up, will fail and keep trying all their life, or will manage to change their personality.


In my case, my problem is not the lack of hard work or persistence (which may be the case for others). In my case the problem is 1) taking things (losses) personally, 2) wanting things to be perfect, even when it's not necessary or possible.

Despite all my skills, which I definitely have by now, these two simple personality features keep me from being profitable. Two things: unmotivated vengefulness (taking things personally) towards the markets (such as in "GBL, you owe me thousands of dollars, now I want them back"), and harmful perfectionism (such as in "this trade must be profitable, too", and then you double up to make it happen).

I have these features in great doses. I am extremely perfectionist and I am extremely vengeful/touchy. To very sick and harmful levels in my daily life as well. I hadn't realized how touchy and perfectionist I am until I lost so much money in trading because of it.

What makes me double up instead of cutting losses? It's wanting to be right at all costs.

Why do I want to be right at all costs?

This comes from both perfectionism and from touchiness. I am mad the markets for wronging me and I want my trades to be perfect, that is the market needs to reward me with money for every trade I make. I cannot be wrong, in my own sick head.

This problem comes from my daily life: because in your daily life, when you do things right, they end up working out, in pretty much every field, except where other people are involved.

That is why I get mad at people who interfere with my work, and get mad at the markets who also interfere with my work by going in a different direction relative to where I expect them to go.

This is crazy, i know, but when you're a perfectionist, things go exactly where you expect them to go, to the slightest millimeter.

I can predict age, I can wake up and know what time it is, I can cook, I can predict what people will say and do... and yet I cannot predict the markets, no matter how hard I try... or rather: I cannot predict them all the time. I can predict them often, but not all the time: that's enough to get my account wiped out.

I think this is my best post ever, on the subject.


But I need to add something, because I just read my post, three posts ago, where I speak of lack of discipline. And even "boredom" and "urge to rebel".

Let's make my mind up on what the cause of my problem is.

Well, we could fit them all in one sentence. My problem is lack of discipline in repressing: 1) my harmful perfectionism, 2) my unmotivated and harmful vengefulness, 3) my urge to fight boredom by trading, 4) my urge to break all rules out of rebelliousness.

So, yes, the problem is a lack of self-discipline, but only in my case I need self-discipline for these 4 problems that are not common to all traders.

1) there are traders who don't have a boring life.
2) there are traders who are not overly and uselessly perfectionist.
3) there are traders don't have an ego that gets hurt and offended by the markets.
4) there are traders who don't feel an urge to break all rules and rebel against authority.

It seems that I don't have any quality required by trading and all deficiencies that keep me from making money, and this is somewhat the case, but the fact is that most people lack the persistence to keep trying, and to keep learning and all that. So I have the most important quality, but along with it, this persistence is also a persistence to keep all the deficiencies that keep me from being profitable. So I don't know if I am gonna solve this problem, within my lifetime. Maybe not.

Recently I've been thinking about this, quite a few times. Sooner or later, my parents will either die or give me some money for whatever reason. They keep throwing it away in various ways, with houses, an unprofitable hotel, getting jewelry stolen by the maid, who still hasn't been fired... many creative ways.

That day I will get my capital back. But then my question is: given my behavior when I already had this capital of about 50k before, and that is several times, and each time i lost it, would I be able to not blow away the money from my parents?

I don't think so.

I don't think that my ability to not throw money away can be relied on, unless I first learn to keep the money I make on my own, and unless I learn first of all, to consistently make money with trading. Indeed, until now I did bring my 4k to about 40k three or four times, and that was amazing, but, given all the times I've tried, that could also have been luck. I am not really confident about my profitability at all.

In fact I do not think I am profitable, but for some reason I also don't think bringing 4k to 40k for four times can only be luck, or that it could easily be achieved by martingale methods. I think I might have some insight about the markets, and that my judgment is better than tossing a coin, but I don't think that I am "profitable", nor "consistently profitable".


So, basically, what I am getting at, is that my parents should not give me any money, because I am not ready to handle it. I've lost my capital too many times to be able to say that I know how to protect capital. I don't know if I have some virus that gets to my head when I have more than a few hundred euros in my hands. I don't know what it is, but there might be a fifth component to my madness that keeps me from being profitable, but I am not talking about self-sabotage.

Rather, I am talking about a restlessness that gets into me once I feel that I am also at the point of quitting my job. A cockiness. Something like: "come on, you're almost there, just one last bet...".

I think with another 50k on my hands, I would immediately feel like I just need one more bet to finally quit my job, which is how I felt when I was at 50k in May. I had gotten there so fast, that I felt... nothing could stop me at that point. This delusional state is also another feature of my personality, maybe a sixth problem that I need to add to my list, but it is actually the same as the FIFTH PROBLEM:

FIFTH PROBLEM: delusional state that sets in with high stakes

No matter where I derive that big capital I had, i get the gambling fever, each and every time. So once again this is the list that my self-discipline has to deal with:

1) my harmful perfectionism,
2) my unmotivated and harmful vengefulness,
3) my urge to fight boredom by trading,
4) my urge to break all rules out of rebelliousness.
5) restlessness/delusional state that is triggered by having a large capital

You see, this list for me is so challenging that I am not sure I'll ever master myself enough to overcome these 5 problems. One problem is always gonna get away. One or more problems. We'll see. For now I've failed.
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Product to stop smoking, Austrian newspaper in 1940:


The name makes sense: tabak-ex. Ex-smoker.

You know, maybe Hitler lead by example, because he didn't smoke and didn't allow people to smoke in his presence, as Baldur von Schirach confirms in this interview:


I found this crossword puzzle. I am going to keep studying German by doing the crosswords on this newspaper. They've got the solution on the following issue, which is a week later, but I don't have to wait, because that is over 70 years ago:


Today I am starting with just one word, which is good enough.

You see, being a maniac at these things, like learning a foreign language, is a good thing. The problem is being a maniac at trying to get all your trades to be profitable. It's going to end in disaster. Learning a foreign language is like a lab experiment, where you have everything under control and can figure out everything, especially today, with the internet. But trading is different. You are learning something that hasn't been entirely figured out, and you don't know which parts you are learning that can be learned, and which parts you're learning that should not be learned... in other words... the same exact situation will not always yield the same outcome in trading, whereas the same exact combination of words in a sentence will always have the same meaning in a language and even more in Math. Trading is far from being like a language and even further from being like a math formula, although it is made of numbers - but you cannot figure out their relationship with certainty. And if you think you do, that's when disaster ensues, because you'll hold on to your losing position.
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This must be the best Kenny Powers' quote, (from Eastbound and Down)... I keep thinking of it every now and then. Today I took my two colleagues to lunch and one asked why I was paying, and why they were supposed to let me pay for them, and I immediately replied "to buy your friendship, like they say in that movie", which is the pure truth - it is more effective to pay for someone's friendship, spending 30 dollars on them, than to expect him to be a real friend, rely on him, and being a real friend to him. It's easier to spend some money and forget about that person. Rather than investing any real emotions and feelings on them. People are so stupid and so disappointing that they'll like you more for inviting them to lunch or even less, than for a lifetime of kindness -- which is much more expensive.

Anyway, I misquoted the movie. It was "to buy back your forgiveness":
Yo, Dustin.
What's up?
- I came to buy back your forgiveness.
- The **** are you doing - giving my kid an assault rifle.
- Hey, man. Dustin Jr is a well adjusted kid. He's responsible enough to own an assault rifle. Notice I didn't get Wayne one. I'm thinking this thing through.
Take it back. Return it.
You should hold on to that, man. They're about to ban that ****. I'm trying to protect your household. How much?
- What are you doing?
- Come on.
How much is your forgiveness worth?
Put your money away. Take the damn rifle.
Say a number. I'll break you a piece off.
No. Not a chance. Take it. Take the guitar. Get the **** off my property.
Excellent TV series, the best ever made.
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A heteronym (also known as a heterophone) is a word that is written identically but has a different pronunciation and meaning. In other words, they are homographs that are not homophones. Thus, row (propel with oars) and row (argument) are heteronyms, but mean (intend) and mean (average) are not (since they are pronounced the same). Heteronym pronunciation may vary in vowel realisation, in stress pattern (see also Initial-stress-derived noun), or in other ways:

A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
Do you know what a buck does to does?
They were too close to the door to close it.
Don't desert me here in the desert!
When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Yeah, interesting.
ads and progress with crosswords


Interesting ad: the one on the top is a product on how to lose extra weight and the one on the bottom, of the same area of the same page, advertises a product to gain weight. I wonder why we don't see such ads anymore.


If you don't like your present, and don't see a good future, what better solution than imagining that you're living in the past, let's say in 1940?

That's what I am doing with this directory of old newspapers. And I am also studying German.

Progress with the crossword puzzle:

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As I summarized a few posts ago, these are my personality problems to be overcome before I can hope to be profitable with discretionary trading or even with trading altogether, as discretionary trading always threatens my already profitable automated trading:

1) my harmful perfectionism,
2) my unmotivated and harmful vengefulness,
3) my urge to fight boredom by trading,
4) my urge to break all rules out of rebelliousness.
5) restlessness/delusional state that is triggered by having a large capital

Number five, we can wait for, because it won't happen for a while. It only happens above 40k.

Number 4 is not as important as the others.

Boredom we also postpone.

I want to work on the first two problems, which seem the biggest ones, and train myself.

1) my harmful perfectionism,

This means perfectionism when it won't make a difference.

For example, when I am losing 20 dollars from a trade, I can't close it, because it bothers me to lose 20 dollars. But then I am ok with risking thousands, in order to avoid that 20 dollars loss.

I have similar problems at the office with aligning the tables. Not just mine but also those of my colleagues. But the 20 dollars is still a bigger problem. Because that 20 dollars in red represents defeat. Also, when the neighbors make noises, that bothers me very much, as I wrote on my journal before. These are all perfectionist traits that I have to get rid of. I'll have to train myself.

Another one is when people don't reply to my emails. It bothers me. If I learn to accept all these things... I should be ok with this perfectionism, which also stems partly from pride.

2) my unmotivated and harmful vengefulness,

Yeah, because when someone doesn't reply, I write them some email blaming them for not replying.

And I will be mad at that market that caused that 20 dollars loss.

So, in a way they really border so much with each other, perfectionism and pride, that I don't know where the border is or if they are part of the same problem or caused by a common factor.

In other words, being angry against what interferes with my perfectionism is one state of mind that puts these two features together. And therefore I need to find the discipline to
1) solve the problems that can be solved and that hurt me, such as disorder, because being orderly is a good trait and a good consequence of perfectionism, but avoiding, at all costs, a 20 dollars loss is a bad trait and a bad implication of perfectionism.

Maybe I have to find in my daily life a bunch of these situations, and produce them. I have to train myself to recognize useless perfectionism, avoid it, and I have to basically completely get rid of anger in my life. Anger against anyone, myself or others, and most of all, anger and vengefulness against inanimate objects, such as the markets.

So I should welcome these situations, recognize them, and learn to handle them.
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more progress with my kreuzwort from June 1940:


A most fascinating way to learn a foreign language and history. For example, a question (22 vertical) was "new border river of Deutschland", 3 letters. What did I have to do find out that the answer was San?

Study this:–Ribbentrop_Pact#The_secret_protocol
Poland was to be partitioned in the event of its "political rearrangement"—the areas east of the Pisa, Narev, Vistula and San rivers going to the Soviet Union while Germany would occupy the west.


I first thought of Sudetenland (Munich Agreement, September 1938), and the invasion of Czech Republic, but I czeched and there were no rivers on the border between Slovakia and the Czech Republic (invaded by Germany in March 1939). So the only "new" border remaining was one that included Poland, because although France, the low countries, and Norway, had already been invaded, they certainly weren't considered part of "Deutschland".

Another question was "former border city with South Tyrol border" (19 horizontal). And that city is still there, still bordering with South Tyrol, but now, and in 1940, it is within Italy and it is just on a regional border, so here it is, Ala, in Trentino:


So each question is a journey into the past of German-speaking countries.

And, you see, this perfectionism in wanting to learn about every little detail doesn't help me but it actually benefits me by teaching me history and a foreign language. If I instead I apply the same perfectionism in trading, let me remind myself once again, it destroys my account.

A pedantic student learns a language properly, or at least he does the best he can do, and he produces good results. A pedantic trader blows out his account. This is one thing I cannot seem to get into my mind. I keep missing the big picture and get lost into details, and weigh dollars as if they were thousands.

Perfectionism and precision is not always profitable. Also at work, they know I am precise, but they don't really care. They prefer to me people who can go to meetings and bull**** their way through the meeting. Bull**** is not good in trading either, only at my Italian bank. But in trading, perfectionism and attention for details is going to get you focused on that individual trade, obsessively, to the point that you want it to be profitable, and do not realize the risks involved with that type of perfectionism. So, once again, perfectionism is not always a good thing.
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Very good synthesis of Nazism, at once very superficial but also a very good synthesis, citing all the most important points (hard to do better in one hour):

Hitler's personality and mine

Amazing document:
Baldur von Schirach , David Frost interview

The most precious interview on Hitler I have ever watched, for the depth, for the person speaking, for his intelligence, sincerity and gift for synthesis:

In summary, what i gathered from this interview is that Hitler was a genius but too much success got to his head. Kind of like me with trading. Success makes you overestimate your abilities, you lose touch with reality, and suddenly you're not successful anymore.

Had Hitler not attacked the USSR but focused on the UK instead, just as Schirach suggests, now we'd all be speaking German. In the same way, I lost my mind when I was almost there. The only good thing about my situation is that I don't have to commit suicide for my mistakes (I think he escaped though).


More on Schirach:

Interesting how they insist on the concept of all germans being equal and making them all forget their social status and class. That was a nice thing. Although of course they also taught them that they were superiors to other countries.

The more I learn about Hitler's personality, especially what I learned from the above Von Schirach interview, and the more I realize how similar to him I am.

First of all, we despise average people. And have a tendency to avoid them and/or ignore them.

Second of all, persistent but also obsessive, which is the bad side of being persistent, because in my case it caused me to go short on the Bund future with everything I had, and blow out my account, and in his case it caused him to go after Russia, and lose everything he had, too.

Third of all, we are both vegetarians.

Fourth of all, we don't smoke. But he was stricter.

Fifth, we don't drink. But he was stricter. If my sources are correct (yesterday's documentary) he didn't even drink or smoke at the front. Bullets flying by, people dying, and you say "I don't do it, because I don't want to endanger my health". Pretty amazing.

Sixth, we like making lists. I've heard him so many times in his speeches, making lists such as "erstens... zweitens... drittens..." (he usually doesn't go further).

Seventh, we don't like to be touched. Not what it's called "fear of intimacy" but I don't like and we both don't like people putting their arm on our shoulders. Or, rather, I don't trust them. And I find it disrespectful. Unless it's from the 5% of people I like. So I guess it was the same for hitler.

Eighth, we are both quite gentle, polite almost to the point of being effeminate (at least by american standards, who assume that you're gay if you're polite and don't walk like a football player).

Ninth, extremely polite and delicate, while at the same time, given our extreme intolerance, we could easily kill millions of people. I didn't do it. He did it. This is the main difference between us, for now. Also, we should add that Hitler's violence and attitude for killing can easily be explained if you consider he was in ww1, where killing was so common and so accepted and encouraged, and if you consider that while he was trying to fight communism in Germany, Lenin and Stalin had been killing millions in Russia in the process of establishing their communist dictatorship. He killed far fewer people in order to establish his dictatorship, just a few thousands at the most. The millions of dead came later, starting in 1939.

Of course there are plenty of other differences, such as the fact that I don't have a problem with jews or other minorities, and in fact I would kill majorities instead, such as the average German, the average Italian... and definitely the average American, too. Let's say that I'd avoid them, rather than kill them.

For example, here's how I would go about the selection process of people to send to the moon, or somewhere far away from me. Anyone slamming the door, away. Anyone riding a motorbike at night and waking other people up (which is why I am awake now), away. Anyone not working at the office, away. Anyone stealing, away. Anyone lying, away. This would already take care of 80% of people. Maybe I could live with the remaining 20% of humans. But usually I've always had in mind a figure of about 5% in mind.

In fact, my selection process would be the opposite of hitler's. He wanted sheep, I want critical thinkers. I want high IQ, he wanted low IQ. I would round up people who cannot think for themselves and gather in crowd and copy their neighbors or the majority, because these are the really dangerous people. Instead I would accept all those who don't have a problem with anti-conformism and thinking with their own head, regardless of what others are saying, thinking, doing at any given time. He wanted stupid conformists, whereas I want intelligent and, when necessary, anti-conformists. Not anti-conformists at all costs. For example, if at night you have to be quiet, then everyone should be quiet. But if there's a witch-hunt, I want people to defend the witch and not go after the witch just because everyone else is.

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wow, account wiped out

Can you believe this?


The Bund yield is now below 0.9% per year. GBL at 151.83. Now my account has gone from 47k to 3k, in 3 months.

**** happens, and I know it happened to others who are now reading me.

Still, I am surprised at how well I am taking it, because... although I am regretting my trading decisions every day, I am not even contemplating suicide. Also, this time I cannot blame anyone... well, like the other times (even though I always found excuses). It's all in my own head, the culprit.

Yep, fellas. It's just me. With trading, you can't blame anyone else. It's all in your hands.

Somehow in my delusions I had thought that GBL could never go above 148 and its yield could never go below 1.1%. Well, that serves me right.

This journal is definitely useful. Why did I ever say that it's useless.

The problem is that I am a slow learner. From the very first posts, the journal and I have been telling me that my problem is that I can't use the stoploss.

But it seemed too simple, and I seemed to myself too special to be needing simple answers.

So I went the other way.

But I am back to what I wrote years ago, in 2009, about the need to use the stoploss, how ironic. Yet I don't feel like laughing, nor do I feel like crying. Nor angry. Because I would have to be angry at myself.

Maybe this is the right time, when I'll learn something from my past mistakes.

1) I am not special
2) everything else I've recently said about my perfectionism and vengefulness, which in many ways take me back to the first point, that I am not special, so I should not be offended if things do not turn out to be perfect.

Yeah, it all boils down to this: this feeling that I have of being special, not just in the way I think, but also in the way the gods love me.

In fact, I say I am atheist, but I somehow also believe there's gods out there looking out for me. Which is not true, but I still believe it even as I write.

Furthermore, all my life, my parents inculcated into me that I am better, smarter, and entitled to excellence and great success in life. Yes, sure, my father has always also said that I was disappointing him, but always in the sense that he expected me to be the best, and I was disappointing him by not being the best.

So at once he humbled me and exalted me.

I thought I was rational but I definitely realize now that I have no sense of reality, mostly thanks to this upbringing, as an only child.


Once again, let's repeat this to myself. Who made all this happen? Not the markets. The markets go wherever they want. What made it happen is how I handled my capital, by closing my 10 positions and betting everything on GBL, assuming it could not wrong me one more time.

Well, it did. It can go wherever it wants. It doesn't worry about the fact that I've already been betting on it for 3 years and lost money on it 10 times out of 10.

Had I kept my 10 diversified positions of early May 2014, I would now have half of my capital, about 20k.

Instead, by betting everything on GBL, now I have 3k.

It is about time that I learn to either diversify or to use the stoploss.

I have to learn that I am not special, either way:
1) when the markets go against me, it is not to spite me, nor to anger me, so revenge trading doesn't make sense.
2) when the markets seem to go my way, it is not because I am blessed by the gods and there is no guarantee that it will continue.

My lack of a sense of reality, my magical thinking and my egocentrism (self-centeredness) have lead me to lose everything. It is time to get rid of my ego once and for all. No more taking offense at just about everything that I come across during my day. No more.

I am tired of being myself. Trading has made me tired of being myself. The office has made me tired of being myself. I am tired of thinking I am special, and paying the consequences of this attitude.

I am tired of thinking, when things go right, "you see, the gods love me", and, when they go wrong, "I will avenge all this suffering one day...". Things are random. No more of this magical thinking. Just statistical thinking from now on, in trading and in life. Sure, in the markets and in people there are rules that tend to be followed, but let's not expect these rules to be mathematical formulas that are always followed and let's not expect ourselves to completely have figured out what these rules are.

Otherwise we will be very disappointed in our human interactions and we will lose everything in the markets.

That's it. I am fed up of being myself. No suicide though. I want to change.

This wasn't just bad luck happening to someone who always followed the proper course of action, which could have very well been the case and could have even caused a similar disaster. This time it was normal events happening to someone who doesn't trade correctly. Indeed, if you keep on betting on one thing, and don't get out when you're wrong, sooner or later you are bound to lose everything, because sooner or later you will be wrong.

1) either you diversify (can't do it anymore now, without capital)
2) or you use the stoploss

You can't bet everything on one thing, not get out ever, and expect that it will work out in the long run.

In fact, in the past year, I got away with this reckless behavior twice, when I had brought my usual 40k back down to 20k, and brought it back up above 40k, twice, and each time I swore it would be the last time I did something as reckless. I got away, forgot about my promise, out of boredom and daily office frustration, closed my 10 positions, and bet everything on GBL... because... it had wronged me too many times and this time it was bound to go my way!

The same story over and over again. Over and over... I am tired of being myself.

... in a way my magical thinking, my thinking that I am special, makes me stupid. And I am exhausted by the consequences of my own stupidity, because this continuous blowing out of accounts means that each time I am adding one year to the time I'll be spending at my bank, with these idiots around me.

I am stupid. By thinking that I am special, and smarter, and blessed by the gods, I am precisely at that moment being as stupid as they are.

I am tired of being myself, I am tired of complaining about my parents, I am tired of not changing. I am tired of engaging in useless behaviors and useless talk.
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