my journal 3

eric sprott, gold doomsayer, like me:

his interview here: Sprott 12:7:2013.mp3

he don't got a wiki entry, but his school got a wiki entry:
The Sprott School of Business is a faculty of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. It is named in honor of Eric Sprott, a well-known philanthropist and alumnus of the school.

I guess wiki don't like him, cuz he speaks against the governments

The chat is the usual message about how sooner or later... the money printing will cause hyperinflation.

A lot of the interview is on gold manipulation as well. He says the physical gold will run out and central banks won't be able to keep prices down anymore.


Link sent to me by a reader, of an article by dan norcini on eric sprott and his failed forecasts:
There is a devastating story that came down the Dow Jones wire feed today detailing the woes of Eric Sprott and the impact of the consequent severe market losses to his flagship fund. That fund is down more than 50% this year alone!

It should be required reading for all investors/traders.

The article goes on to state that Mr. Sprott had under management some $3billion in 2008. That has fallen to about $350 million due to a combination of both redemptions and losses.

Here is where the impact of these enormous losses makes itself evident. The investment company, Sprott Inc., is phasing him out of the investment decisions. By the end of next year he will no longer make the firm's investment decisions.
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skipping a few shows ahead, but this is really worth watching:

And worth reading, the description below it:
Die Deutsche Wochenschau (English: The German Weekly Newsreel) is a series of German newsreels from 1940 until the end of World War II.

Mixing room of Die Deutsche Wochenschau.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau speaker Harry Giese.After the invasion of Poland (September 1939, the outbreak of the Second World War), the Nazis consolidated four separate newsreel production efforts into one. These newsreels (Ufa-Tonwoche, Deulig-Tonwoche, Tobis-Woche, Fox-Tönende Wochenschau) were merged into a single wartime newsreel, but kept their respective opening titles until June 1940. After that, the merger was made public by use of a single new opening title: Die Deutsche Wochenschau.[1] This was the sole series of German newsreels until the end of World War II. It was a source of footage for late Nazi propaganda films such as Der Ewige Jude and Feldzug in Polen, as well as innumerable post-war documentaries. Despite Harry Giese's signature rat-a-tat narration that gives the proceedings a documentary-like tone, liberties were taken in retelling the facts in this Nazi propaganda tool.[2] Comedic public service announcements were delivered by the Tran and Helle duo.[3] Die Deutsche Wochenschau was also exported to occupied territories that had been annexed to the Reich, like Austria and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg. For other occupied regions, or for neutral nations (like Sweden), another newsreel was made: Ufa's Auslandstonwoche or 'Foreign Weekly Newsreel'.
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good video on reptilians:

Unfortunately, they are still on the loose and they're messing with my trading positions. Today I took a beating from the reptilians and barely avoided a margin call.
This waiting and waiting (have been waiting for over 4 months) is really exhausting me.

This time I haven't been kicked out of my position by boredom but by margin. This hasn't caused me a loss, but a missed profit (I had to exit NG and CL, which would have made me about 10k more profit, whereas I only made 2k, also because I picked the wrong CL contract).

I can't believe gold, silver and corn are taking so long to reverse. Especially gold and silver have been a torture.

The gold bugs websites keep talking about an imminent rise, and have been saying it for over a year. I have stopped looking at those websites months ago.

I could have gotten away with these positions and made a lot of profit, had I not exited that Natural Gas contract about 3 weeks ago, right before the Thursday report, expecting it to fall (instead it rose). That made me lose about 3k of profit in the ensuing days, which would have allowed me to keep my CL position as well, on which however I had the wrong contract (a year away, and it didn't move almost at all). These two small mistakes have screwed me quite a bit, and caused me a missed profit, with which I could have kept everything open.

Now I am still in the game with most of my positions, but I don't know how long more i can last with gold, silver and corn not delivering the profits I had taken for granted.
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ZDF Mediathek

I just discovered a great link, ZDF Mediathek:

Hours and hours of previous shows, including movies.

You can do very advanced searches and customize them, and mark programs for later viewing:


One could learn German just by being on this website, and by using the Google Voice translator:

which is what I am doing (on top of watching the deutsche wochenschau)


great one: world war 1 in color:ündenfall
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I had no idea that Hitler began his political career as a spy for the army and entered the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) in order to monitor it:
After World War I, Hitler returned to Munich.[74] Having no formal education or career prospects, he tried to remain in the army for as long as possible.[75] In July 1919 he was appointed Verbindungsmann (intelligence agent) of an Aufklärungskommando (reconnaissance commando) of the Reichswehr, assigned to influence other soldiers and to infiltrate the German Workers' Party (DAP). While monitoring the activities of the DAP, Hitler was attracted to the founder Anton Drexler's antisemitic, nationalist, anti-capitalist, and anti-Marxist ideas.[76] Drexler favoured a strong active government, a non-Jewish version of socialism, and solidarity among all members of society. Impressed with Hitler's oratory skills, Drexler invited him to join the DAP. Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[77] becoming the party's 55th member.[78]

According to this documentary, also Ernst Röhm had infiltrated the same party for the same reason:

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Interesting speech (full speech) after the western campaign:

This is the text of the speech: (BEST VERSION)

Speech with simultaneous translation (it's unpleasant though, so it's better to read it):

I still haven't read it all, but this is the entry:
Im Verlauf dieser Reichstagsrede in der Berliner Kroll-Oper aus Anlaß der Beendigung des Westfeldzuges richtet Adolf Hitler ein wiederholtes, dieses Mal aber letztes, Friedensangebot an Großbritannien. Wenige Wochen zuvor, am 24. Mai 1940, erteilte Hitler einen Haltebefehl, um der britischen Armee bei Dünkirchen mit der Operation Dynamo die kampflose Evakuierung seiner im Westfeldzug eingesetzten und geschlagenen Truppen zu ermöglichen. Die Gründe für diesen Anhaltebefehl waren die weitere Hoffnung Adolf Hitlers auf einen endgültigen Friedensschluß mit England und Frankreich.
You see, he was indeed asking for peace with Britain, and that is why he let them get away at Dunkirk. However, he shouldn't have gone ahead by attacking the Soviet Union, when they still hadn't sealed the peace. You don't start something that big, before ending the previous thing.

This is the video leading to the moment he gave the speech:

Everything went perfectly until June 1940, then that's when he started screwing things up, right at Dunkirk.

Actually they published the full speech in a newspaper, that can be found here:
(images at the bottom of the page)

This is going to be a lot of work, before I can understand German well enough to understand this speech. But my curiosity should get me there, in time.
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minute 10: US and USSR fighting each other during world war 2
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The Kapp Putsch — also known as the Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch, after its leaders Wolfgang Kapp and Walther von Lüttwitz — was a coup attempt in March 1920 aimed at undoing the results of the German Revolution of 1918–1919, overthrowing the Weimar Republic and establishing a right-wing autocratic government. It was supported by parts of the Reichswehr (military) and other conservative, nationalistic and monarchistic forces.

The coup took place in the capital, Berlin, and the legitimate German government was forced to flee the city. However, the coup failed after a few days when large sections of the German population followed a call by the legitimate government to join a general strike and most civil servants refused to cooperate with the illegitimate government of Kapp. Despite its failure, the putsch had significant consequences for the future of the Weimar Republic. It was the cause of the left-wing Ruhr Uprising, which the government later militarily suppressed, whilst dealing leniently with those behind the putsch. These events polarized the electorate, resulting in a shift in the majority after the June elections to the Reichstag.
The government, forced to abandon Berlin, moved to Dresden, where they hoped to get support from Generalmajor Maercker. However, Maercker had been ordered by Berlin to take them into "protective custody". That same day they thus moved on to Stuttgart.[3]

The cabinet's proclamation on 13 March, calling on Germany's workers to defeat the putsch by means of a general strike met with enormous success. The strike received massive support among the working class. The majority unions, sympathetic to the government dominated by social democrats, joined the call for a strike on the same day, as did the USPD and the DDP; the communists of the KPD followed one day later. In Berlin, the strike started on 14 March and by the next day it had spread all over the Reich. It was the most powerful strike ever in Germany, involving up to 12 million workers,[13] the country ground to a halt. In Berlin the gas, water and power supply all collapsed.[3]

Adolf Hitler, who had been in contact with the members of the Nationale Vereinigung and was eager to help the coup along, flew into Berlin from Munich. He was met by striking workers at the airport and had to disguise himself.[14]üttwitz#Kapp-L.C3.BCttwitz_Putsch
Gegenrevolutionäre Gruppen
Im Oktober 1918 trat ein „Deutscher Volksrat“ unter der Führung des „völkischen“ Literaten Heinrich Pudor an die Öffentlichkeit, der mit dem Hakenkreuz als Symbol zu Pogromen gegen Juden aufforderte. In der Novemberrevolution wurde das Hakenkreuz neben Schwarz-Weiß-Rot zum Hauptkennzeichen der Revolutionsgegner, darunter einiger Freikorps und der völkisch-rassistischen Thule-Gesellschaft. Es erschien als Graffito an Wänden und auf Straßen, als Uhranhänger oder Bierzipfel, Anstecker oder Brosche, auf Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und Broschüren, an Panzerwagen oder LKW. Viele Schulen mussten ein Trageverbot erlassen, um Schlägereien zu verhindern. Die Marine-Brigade Ehrhardt trug es beim Kapp-Putsch im März 1920 auf ihren Stahlhelmen und bekundete damit ihren Willen, die aus der Novemberrevolution entstandene Weimarer Republik zu beseitigen. Für viele Mitglieder der Freikorps war das Hakenkreuz Teil ihrer „Landsknechtmode“, die ihr kriegerisches Auftreten demonstrierte.[38]
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Wochenschau n. 517:

At the start we see the girls of the Hitlerjugend female branch, called Bund Deutscher Mädel. Here's an interesting fact about them, that I read here:
Ilsa McKee noted that the lectures of Hitler Youth and the BDM on the need to produce more children produced several illegitimate children, which neither the mothers nor the possible fathers regarded as problematic.[19] These and other behaviors taught led parents to complain that their authority was being undermined. In 1944, a group of parents complained to the court that the leaders of the League were openly telling their daughters to have illegitimate children.[20] Public opinion attributed a great deal of sexual laxity to the members.[21]

The preparation camps for the Landdienst of girls and boys often lay nearby. 900 of the girls participating in the 1936 Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg came back pregnant. In 1937, a prohibition came out saying that camping was forbidden to the BDM.[22]
In fact, they do make reference to this fact in the movie Europa Europa, which is excellent.

In the second half, the Germans occupy the Channel Islands, minute 16. You can tell that they're getting along quite well (minute 16), and how differently they're treated by Germans than the Polish or the Russians.

Very interesting information on wikipedia, such as the fact that the Channel Islands stayed under the Nazis until the very end of the war:
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Contingency table of my colleagues

Here's my latest classification of (my Italian) colleagues into 4 categories:

1) those, like me, who work and let you work
2) those, like the orangutan, who work but don't let others work, because they're constantly making noise (whistling, yawning loudly, singing, etc.)
3) those who, like a couple of people in my room, do not work much but allow you to work, because they slack off quietly
4) those who, like my former roommate, do not work and do not allow you to work, because they would like to get you involved in their slacking off

Of these 4 categories I would like to exterminate #2 and #4, in other words rude people. #2 is a category that I would allow to exist. Maybe I'd pay them less.

Once again, here's my classification, this time in an order of preference, from best to worst:
1) work and let work
2) don't work but let work
3) work but don't let work
4) don't work and don't let work

Let's see, in my room, out of... 8 people:
1) work and let work: me, GD, CS, PM
2) don't work but let work: MB, RP, DM
3) work but don't let work: AM (evil mofo, the orangutan, an animal basically)
4) don't work and don't let work: none

There were 2 people I knew in #4, but one was Vito the Chimp, he's now at the hospital with a tumor in his head, probably due to all my wishing unpleasant events on him. In fact, when we were roommates I did wish him to be hospitalized, all the time. It happened. I am starting to think that I have some... extra dimensional powers.

My former roommate who was another animal who didn't work and didn't let others work, also ended up in the hospital for 4 months, but he didn't learn his lesson and he's still screwing around with people and occasionally with me, too. Just 3 days ago he came into our room and told me that I had to get a haircut, then was going to tell me that I had some white hair at which point I told him "to stop busting my balls".

Today I wished quite heavily some hospital time upon my colleague AM. Hopefully it will work. I just need him to be gone for 12 months. I am not asking for much. I just ask for rude people to disappear.

I've summarized it in a nice table:


I work and let work, but unfortunately at my office there's a majority of people whom I despise (55% of people, who either don't work or work but bother you). The best example is the gorilla at my office, the guy who served in the Italian SWAT team (the equivalent of it), and I guess he was taught to stay as rude as he was. He works, but while he works, he sings, he whistles, he yawns very loudly, he coughs very loudly, and each time he receives a text message (every 5 minutes), his cell phone whistles a tune. Yet no one, for one reason or another, ever dared to tell him anything. I think that polite people just lose in any fight against rude people. The only weapon we have is avoiding them, which I do as much as possible. This guy is basically proud of being a rude... animal.
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Armistice of Cassibile on the Deutsche Wochenschau

Skipping ahead to deutsche wochenschau no, 680, from September 15th:

At minute 14 and later, the week's most important event is almost imperceptible in the deutsche wochenschau, and yet it is the most important event for Italians throughout the war, that is the Armistice of Cassibile (which we call "the 8th of September", by how important we deem the day on which it was made public with the ensuing chaos):
The Armistice of Cassibile[1] was an armistice signed on 3 September 1943, and made public on 8 September, between the Kingdom of Italy and the Allies ("United Nations") of World War II. It was signed at a conference of generals from both sides in an Allied military camp at Cassibile in Sicily, which had recently been liberated by the Allies. The armistice presented a total capitulation of Italy and was approved by both King Victor Emanuel III and Prime Minister Pietro Badoglio.
After its publication, Italy left the Axis powers but the country was plunged into a civil war with some co-belligerent forces joining the Allies while others remained loyal to Mussolini and the Axis. Italian forces both in and outside Italy who would not join the Axis but could not resist until the Allies reached them were interned by the Germans.
"Interned" but also, in thousands of cases, executed by firing squad.

Italy and area controlled by the (former) Axis in those days:


A day when the king told Italians that he had decided to switch sides and side with the winners. And he told us so, only after he had crossed the front and by fleeing into the hands of the Americans. Obviously the Germans didn't take it so well.

More here:
Operation Achse (German: Fall Achse, "Case Axis"), originally called Operation Alaric (German: Unternehmen Alarich), was the codename of the German plans to forcibly disarm the Italian armed forces after their expected armistice with the Allied forces in 1943. Several German divisions had already entered Italy after the fall of Benito Mussolini in July 1943 (the Grand Council of Fascism had dropped Mussolini 24./25. July), while Italy was officially still an ally of Germany, despite the protests of the new Italian government under Pietro Badoglio.

The Armistice of Cassibile (signed on 3 September 1943) was made public on 8 September. Then, the German forces moved rapidly to take over the Italian zones of occupation in the Balkans and southern France, and to disarm Italian forces in Italy. In some cases, the Italian troops resisted the Germans, most notably in the Greek island of Cephalonia, where over 4,500 men of the 33rd Acqui Division were executed after running out of ammunition and surrendering. In other cases, individual soldiers or whole units, like the 24th Pinerolo Division in Thessaly, went over to the local resistance movements. Only in Sardinia, Corsica, Calabria and in the southern part of Apulia were Italian troops able to offer resistance until relieved by the arrival of Allied forces.

According to German accounts, the Italian forces disarmed totalled 1,006,370. Broken down by region, they were:
415,682 in northern Italy
102,340 in southern Italy
8,722 in France
164,986 in Yugoslavia
265,000 in mainland Greece and the Aegean islands

So basically when wochenschau says at minute 16, "our troops are cordially received" or similar, when the Germans invaded Italy and took it over, the Italians who are shown cheering are clearly the ethnic Germans of South Tyrol, which was and is still an Italian region:
In 1943, Mussolini was deposed and Italy surrendered to the Allies, who had invaded southern Italy via Sicily. German troops promptly invaded northern Italy, and South Tyrol became part of the Operation Zone of the Alpine Foothills, annexed to Greater Germany. Many German-speaking South Tyroleans, after years of linguistic oppression and discrimination by Fascist Italy, wanted revenge upon ethnic Italians living in the area (particularly in the larger cities) but were mostly prevented from doing so by the occupying Nazis, who still considered Mussolini head of the Italian Social Republic and wanted to preserve good relations with the Italian Fascists, still supporting Mussolini against the Allies. Although the Nazis were able to recruit South Tyrolean youth and to capture local Jews, they prevented anti-Italian feelings from getting out of hand. Mussolini, who wanted to set up his new pro-German Italian Social Republic in Bolzano, was still a Nazi ally.

More on the Jews here:
The deportations of Italian Jews to Nazi death camps began after September 1943, when Italy capitulated to the Allies and, in response, the German troops invaded Italy from the North. However, by the time they got to the Campagna concentration camp, all the inmates had already fled to the mountains with the help of the local inhabitants. Rev. Aldo Brunacci of Assisi, under the direction of his bishop, Giuseppe Nicolini, saved all the Jews who sought refuge in Assisi. This effort became the basis for the novel The Assisi Underground. In October 1943, Nazis raided the Jewish ghetto in Rome. In November 1943, the Jews of Genoa and Florence were deported to Auschwitz. Jews of Friuli were deported to Auschwitz via Risiera di San Sabba concentration camp. It is estimated that 7,500 Italian Jews became victims of the Holocaust.
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My positions are getting hammered by the banking cartel

My positions are getting hammered, and I suppose that it is being done by the banking cartel.

I am quite miserable.

Just a few months ago, probably around 2 months ago, I had reached 45k and I felt on top of the world, and I was far from thinking that the positions that took me to that level could lose in value: gold, silver and JPY in particular. Least of all was I expecting that they'd lose in value all at once. I thought my way was paved and that I'd easily go from 45k to about 80k.

Corn was doing badly even then, but everything else was doing great and it looked like it was going to continue to do so.

Instead they went below where they had been, and I have lost almost 50% of what I had.

I feel very miserable but I don't feel like I've made any major mistakes. I was positive about these events, and yet I was wrong, and so I am not mad at anyone. Things just went... normally for the turn of events. I can't even blame myself: how could I have expected that gold and silver would have been this low (1200 and 19 dollars) for so many months?

I don't blame the cartel, even though everyone agrees they've been manipulating prices, and I don't blame myself for not predicting it.

My account is very depressing and yet I am not that mad. I am not mad at all. I am just exhausted from holding all these unprofitable positions.

On the other hand my account is much higher than what I started with, so that might help and maybe that's why I don't feel so bad after all. I am sad, I am exhausted, but I am not angry, neither at myself nor at the markets.


I feel like Germany, in September of 1943, when it had just been stabbed in the back by its Italian ally and not all was lost but...


... they were all hoping for a secret weapon, that they knew nothing about. I hope for a secret weapon, too. A secret weapon that will defeat the banking cartel. Even total financial collapse. WHATEVER it takes to bring gold and silver back up.
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Back at the island for my holidays.

Not much to say. I took the ship this time, pretty unpleasant crew, all from Naples.

Am staying at my aunt's for a few days.

Yesteday, while I was on the ship, I looked at my TWS, and saw that all my positions had recovered.

The only big regret is that, since they were all correlated, and having come down all at once, I was kicked out of Natural Gas (actually I exited this one), GBL, and AUD, right before they went my way.

One lesson learned is that, no matter how confident you are, you always need some extra margin for unexpected moves against you.

But even having lost 500 dollars on AUD and 300 on GBL should not bother me too much, considering that I made several thousand dollars on similar positions. Indeed, it's not a big deal. It is a big deal just for perfectionists like me, whereby you can't exit a position unless you're at least profitable by 1 dollar. This is really madness, as mad as washing your hands 50 times a day, which of course I don't do.

Now the question is when my remaining positions of oil, gold, silver, corn and JPY will finally rise. If they rise, all my problems are over.

It's just a matter of weeks at the most. Time is on my side.

And king world news is on my side, too:


But I have stopped relying on his encouraging forecasts a while ago.

I am reading the last of his articles:
“The East is has an absolutely voracious appetite for gold at these levels. And by the West continuing the suppression, at prices that are preposterous, they are rapidly accelerating the day when the West won’t be able to make delivery.

This is showing up in things, once again, such as almost permanent backwardation. Ever since gold broke below $1,300 a few weeks ago and the price had stayed in the low-to-mid $1,200s, gold has basically remained in permanent backwardation. This means that various people and entities were becoming suspicious of their ability to convert paper or IOUs into physical gold.
Usual feel-good article. I hope he's right. I've been waiting for months and months.
GOFO rates have more recently started to turn negative again. All of this is indicative of serious strains in the system. This also suggests that the current suppression cannot be indefinitely continued. The Western central planners would have to find other sources of physical gold in order to keep this scheme going, and our strong sense is that their traditional sources, which are these swap agreements with other central banks, that vein of gold appears to us to be running dry. This is why the strains are reappearing in the system.

So we are optimistic that in Q1, and possibly as early as January, we are going to see a turn. Keep in mind that, as I mentioned to you earlier, we will most lilkely see a violent move in gold once the turn occurs. KWN readers also have to understand that one of the possible consequences for the West continuing with this paper gold price suppression scheme include the possible end of the Comex as we know it. The rigged casino will simply close its doors and the players will go home.”
Sounds VERY reassuring. The most reassuring article I've read to date.


They definitely paid for their arrogance, didn't they? One almost feels sorry for them. I think studying nazism is teaching me many things about people, about politics, about the world and how things work. This is because this period by now is free from propaganda (such as what we hear now on the "war on terror" and similar bull**** by the US) and yet we have plenty of documents on it.
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Still at the island, doing a little better as far as my positions.

Corn has been rising, so is oil. Gold, Silver and JPY are still doing quite badly, still very low.

Let's get some consolation from king world news:

“Now, due the very fact that China and much of the East are rapidly increasing their bullion inventories in an escalating move to ‘de-Americanize their economies,’ there is a resultant scramble in the West to repay rehypothecated bullion from both unallocated and allocated LBMA bullion accounts.

This includes the Fed and the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), who are unable to even repay current requests by the likes of Germany to repatriate just a fraction of their gold. And it should be noted here, Eric, that the amount requested to be repatriated will take seven years, but is less than half the gold cleared by the LPMCL (London Precious Metals Clearing Ltd.), amongst the LBMA members every single day here in London.

The BIS and the Fed are providing leased gold into the market, but, importantly, laying the liability directly upon the bullion banks who are no longer receiving any bullion, just credit ledger entries. This most recent attempt to force producer hedging is the final stage of being able to milk future supply out of the market, as GLD is about tapped out of the weak hands, and will in the future be much more difficult to dislodge from increasingly strong hands.
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Still at the island. Xmas with my favorite relatives.

Some arguments between my aunt and her daughter-in-law... I caused it... over xmas gifts to the children. Long story.

Positions doing slightly better, as far as gold, silver and corn... and JPY unchanged.

Financial collapse is imminent, according to king world news. I can't wait.

More reassuring news from
Last week the financial MSM admitted for the first time that the West’s gold is being physically drained to Asia and that London’s gold vaults are “virtually empty“.
Now, allegations that banks are rigging the gold and silver markets continue to gain credence among the mainstream as Bloomberg has published an article by Rosa Abrantes-Metz entitled ‘How to Keep Banks From Rigging Gold Prices’’...
Yeah, that's good... here's some more:
...At the same time competitive currency devaluations are taking place globally with central banks debasing currencies. We also see outright intervention in currency markets in order to lower the value of national and supranational currencies.

Japan is the glaring example of this and Switzerland’s ‘pegging’ of the Swiss franc was in the same vein. With governments surreptitiously and openly manipulating and debasing their currencies, it would seem logical that some governments might have an interest in not seeing gold and silver prices soar.

Surging gold prices are a vote of no confidence in fiat paper currencies and government and central banks stewardship of these currencies.

This is especially the case with the US dollar as the global reserve currency and all governments have an interest in maintaining faith in the dollar and in fiat currencies which is a possible motive for intervention in the gold and silver markets.
Yeah, good points.
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