my journal 3

Physical Silver: How & Where to Buy Silver Bullion at the Best Price

Newbie question on pre 1965 half dollars?
Current Melt Value Of Coins - How Much Is Your Coin Worth?

says they are worth $9.4185 each or about 18 times face value.

More realistically he can get about 16 times face for them at a coin store.

How To Get Real Silver From Your Bank By Saying 5 Words - YouTube

1964 Kennedy Silver Half Dollar Melt Value - Coinflation
Using the live silver price and the specifications above, these are the numbers required to calculate melt value:

$19.63 = silver price / ounce on Aug 01, 2013.
.90 = silver %
$3.1256 = copper price / pound on Aug 01, 2013.
.10 = copper %
12.5 = total weight in grams
.0321507466 = ounce/gram conversion factor
.00220462262 = pound/gram conversion factor (see note directly below)

The CME uses pounds to price copper and that means we need to multiply the metal price by .00220462262 to make the conversion to grams. The silver price is based in troy ounces and that means we need to multiply the metal price by .0321507466 to make the conversion to grams.

1. Calculate 90% silver value :

(19.63 × .0321507466 × 12.5 × .90) = $7.1000905022

$7.1000 is the rounded silver value for the 1964 silver Kennedy half dollar on August 01, 2013. This is usually the value used by coin dealers when selling these coins at melt value. However, the total melt value is continued below.

2. Calculate 10% copper value :

(3.1256 × .00220462262 × 12.5 × .10) = $0.0086133

3. Add the two together :

$7.1000905022 + $0.0086133 = $7.1087038022

$7.1087038022 is the total melt value for the 1964 silver Kennedy half dollar on August 01, 2013.
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Oil Limits Reduce GDP Growth; Unwinding QE a Problem
This model “works” fairly well, as long as the economy is growing fast enough–population continues to grow and resource extraction continues to grow as planned. In a finite world, we know that this model cannot work forever. At some point, we can expect to start reaching limits.

What do these limits look like? I would argue that in the case of resource extraction, these limits look like increasingly high cost of extraction...