my journal 3


today i fought like a lion for hours and what did i achieve from my trading?

nothing. I made some money, not much, but the systems made 2000 dollars and i made 500

or rather, they would have made 2000 had i let them trade

now i am focusing on my roommate

problems at work are solved and i cannot stand my roommate who touches me as he talks to me

i fixate on things and am unable to solve them out of being polite - i am very upset at being touched as someone talks to me, but i am too polite to tell them to keep their hands off me, because i know it would be perceived as a hostile remark

at the same time usually i obsess about things until i solve them, so i have a tendency to complain, to be polite, but also i have a tendency to solve problems

but this may not be as frequent when i have to deal with people as when i have to deal with objects

usually the way i solve problems with people is by removing them from my life altogether - i am not that good at handling people whom i don't know, and handling people who are not close to me

the problem with a roommate is that you're forced to be close to a person whom you don't consider close, so you are bothered without being able to defend yourself, precisely because you're not close to the person - he's just close to you physically

i don't know if i should deal with him and tell him "i am bothered by your touching me", or if, as i always do, I should wait that he's out of my life just as he was out before being my roommate. That's how i dealt with the idiot with the radio, who bothered me by playing his radio for a whole year. I put up with him and now he's in the union and he's the one who saved my ass and managed to keep me where i am and avoid being moved to another office.

Thanks to not having dealt with him when he was bothering me, i kept him as a friend. The list of friends who bother me is a long list. It's a list of people who consider me a friend, and whom i consider unpleasant people.

Just venting out. Don't have to reach any conclusion. Just clarifying the problems.
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just got up, drying up after a shower

capital is now at almost 9000, hoping to reach 10k by tonight, because there's still some trades open

if i do that, i will have caught up with the systems, and i can rest

i just need the markets to rise a little bit after yesterday's fall

and the bond futures to fall a little bit after yesterday's insane rise

I have 3 ongoing bets with ZN and GBL, bond futures that is, and they're looking good

The other bet is very hesitant, on CL - it just doesn't seem to want to rise any more, despite yesterday's loss of 5%

my eyes are glued to the screen but i must go to work unfortunately
Ok, back at work.

One trade got closed, the GBL. So now I only have 3 ongoing bets, two on ZN and one on CL. It doesn't look good at the moment. But we have to wait for the European indexes to lose a little bit and panic from yesterday's US markets, and then they all will bounce back up together - I think and I hope.
obscene roommate and obscene markets

The markets are not going up "yet". Hopefully they will. YM doesn't seem to want to rise, despite yesterday's 2.5% fall. CL is a little bit better. ZN sucks, too, in that it's rising instead of falling. Bund shows hope though, because it's not as strong as ZN. And they usually go together.

Roommate is obscene because he showed up at 10.15, as usual. Which is 1 hour and 45 minutes later than he's supposed to be here.

Then for 45 minutes he was eating nuts. While busy working, I could hear him chewing and cracking walnuts - pig and dishonest employee.

Then at 11 he began working and went to the neighbor to consult about some work he had to do. He kept going back and forth for 15 minutes. Then at 11.17... jesus what a prick dishonest mother ****er... at 11.17 he asked if I wanted to go on a coffee break with him, and now he'll be gone for about an hour as usual. As usual I said "have a nice walk", because that's what he's going to do. What a dishonest son of a bitch.

Yeah, he'll come back at 12, and at 12.40 he'll go to lunch and stay on a lunch break until 14.45. Then I don't know what the **** he does during the rest of the day because, being on part-time, I leave at 15.
Ok, roommate still AWOL and another bet got closed. The one on CL. Now I am missing just my double short bet on ZN, one closing at one level and one at another.

In the meanwhile the systems started two other trades, on NG and GBP.

Capital at 9000 again, and finally I am breathing again.
Back at home.

There's a few open trades right now: long GBP, short NG, long CL, short ZN. All automated except the one on ZN, which I mentioned in the previous posts.

As they say, right now I am "chilling out". I don't know what it means, but it sounds right.

You know, actually I don't like the people I've heard saying they were chilling out. They were the same people who say "cool" all the time, or rather a worse sub-group. The most stupid people of those who say "cool" are those who also say that they are "chilling out".

That's why I can't get along with anyone who speaks. Because they'll say something wrong or even pronounce something wrong. I like the japanese women, those who are quiet. I really get along with people who are quiet.
All right, I am caught with the systems. Now I can finally let go for a few weeks and maybe for good. Yep. I have behind me 7000 dollars of losses by the systems. Can't go much worse. Still in the game, with 1000 dollars more than what I started with. All caught up. Now I can finally let the systems trade.

Actually there's a couple of trades still open but those are almost certainly closed because they have very tight takeprofits on the ZN. After those get triggered and closed, I am done.

Capital at about 9000.

Simon & Garfunkel, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Central Park - YouTube

Your time has come to shine, all your dreams are on their way.
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who would have imagine this on zn


and this on nq


as a consequence i am now losing thousands, maybe around 2000

instead of making 1000 which I could have if I exited yesterday

guess this is what it is all about - imagining things

capital is now at about 7000, probably lower

hoping for some sort of reversal, especially considering that friday is the most bullish day of the week
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pretty awesome cartoons i found on facebook on the american police state:

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I would even say that vinny eastwood is a genius. Look at his age the things he's saying

Why are Truthers broke? Vinny Eastwood on Freedomslips Siobhan Ciresi Show 3Nov2012 - YouTube

minute 13: "... the world is not structured in an economic fashion to allow those who are intelligent, truthful and conscientious to also become very powerful and use their truth and use their power to help others.".

He's right up there with the other conspiracy theory gods, such as james corbett and bob tuskin and of course g edward griffin. Obviously in this field intelligence is abundant, and so is sincerity, because you first of all have to be intelligent to figure out the truth, and second you have to be sincere and courageous to speak it.

In the meanwhile in the US the sheeple are buying... actually are getting enchanted by this hypnotic crap:

President Obama's Election Night Victory Speech - November 6, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois - YouTube

As vinny says, if you want to make money by telling lies, you can. If you want to make money by telling the truth, you can't.
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