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all right, i gambled on friday but i am still in control of myself, or in control again, and those trades could turn out ok
now I am going to write down the daily plants to eat, because i have found the soy milk and now can call myself a vegan, even a raw vegan for the most part, but definitely not a raw unprocessed vegan, because soy milk and corn flakes don't qualify at all - well, ok, but for now the important thing is having gotten rid of milk, which i drank by the liters until now - what matters is that my arteries from now on won't get clogged by milk
ok, let's go
half a liter of soy milk (calcium fortified)
1 bowl of corn flakes
1 weetabix
1 banana
1 peach
1 orange
1 kiwi
1 fennel
1 celery
1 carrot
1 artichoke
1 tomato
1 cucumber
4 leaves of green lettuce
1 tablespoon of flaxseed
1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
1 brazil nut
2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds
Then I must also remember to drink one liter of water per day
guess what: just 1000 calories, and i know i won't lose weight because of eating like this
Yeah, this is my table, having eaten all the list of foods

This is great - everything under control.
I just wish i hadn't gambled on friday
This diet is actually funny because every day i feel that i am forcing myself to eat, by how disgusting the food is. It's like taking medicines. I mean, I don't care to eat a carrot, celery... basically all the vegetables. I could just get by with much less, but, according to the calories and to the weight i lost by eating 1400 calories per month in August, I am estimating that I'd go down if I only ate what I feel like.
I might be one of those who can engage in breatharianism: not eating anything at all. Just breathing nourishes you. If there's someone who can do this, it's me.
Breatharian Institute Of America
Breatharianism - YouTube
Breatharian couple, parents of a breatharian child - Akahi & Camila - YouTube
very very convincing
this is either staggering or hilarious
these guys don't seem to be selling anything, so what's up? why would they be lying?
The interviewer is kind of an idiot (can't even learn the right word "breatharian" and instead uses "breathenarian"), but she's a curious idiot, so an idiot on her way to becoming intelligent.
Inedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More from:
Breatharian Institute Of America
Is this guy crazy (the writer of this text above), too? Or are these elite hiding so much from us? On top of 911, they might be hiding this, too.
More on the breatharian couple:
Akahi & Camila sharing beautiful wisdom at Dan Tian Wellness - Part 1 - YouTube
Can I really trust these guys? I don't know. I cannot assume they're lying either.
But they're very very convincing.
holy ****, maybe this is real
In the beginning there was light - Trailer - YouTube
now I am going to write down the daily plants to eat, because i have found the soy milk and now can call myself a vegan, even a raw vegan for the most part, but definitely not a raw unprocessed vegan, because soy milk and corn flakes don't qualify at all - well, ok, but for now the important thing is having gotten rid of milk, which i drank by the liters until now - what matters is that my arteries from now on won't get clogged by milk
ok, let's go
half a liter of soy milk (calcium fortified)
1 bowl of corn flakes
1 weetabix
1 banana
1 peach
1 orange
1 kiwi
1 fennel
1 celery
1 carrot
1 artichoke
1 tomato
1 cucumber
4 leaves of green lettuce
1 tablespoon of flaxseed
1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
1 brazil nut
2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds
Then I must also remember to drink one liter of water per day
guess what: just 1000 calories, and i know i won't lose weight because of eating like this
Yeah, this is my table, having eaten all the list of foods

This is great - everything under control.
I just wish i hadn't gambled on friday
This diet is actually funny because every day i feel that i am forcing myself to eat, by how disgusting the food is. It's like taking medicines. I mean, I don't care to eat a carrot, celery... basically all the vegetables. I could just get by with much less, but, according to the calories and to the weight i lost by eating 1400 calories per month in August, I am estimating that I'd go down if I only ate what I feel like.
I might be one of those who can engage in breatharianism: not eating anything at all. Just breathing nourishes you. If there's someone who can do this, it's me.
Breatharian Institute Of America
Sounds great to me, because I am just about to blow out my account again, so I'll be read for big changes at the end of 2012....Some along the way connect in some form with a religion of some sort, but in truth these religions, other than harnessing the implicit sense of there being something more, something greater, really in truth do not express the truth of who and what you are and what this particular time is about. As I mentioned before there is great change upon your doorstep and if unless you prepare, you will not survive those energies arriving at the end of 2012.
Now I do not use these words to engender fear; that is not my intention. I have no desire to add my name to the list of beings who create fear upon this planet...
Breatharianism - YouTube
Breatharian couple, parents of a breatharian child - Akahi & Camila - YouTube
very very convincing
this is either staggering or hilarious
these guys don't seem to be selling anything, so what's up? why would they be lying?
The interviewer is kind of an idiot (can't even learn the right word "breatharian" and instead uses "breathenarian"), but she's a curious idiot, so an idiot on her way to becoming intelligent.
Inedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh ****, wikipedia worries me now, because if the consensus of the scientific community on breatharianism is as solid as the consensus on 911, then breaharianism is a sound theory.Inedia (Latin: "fasting") is the alleged ability to live without food. The word was first used to describe a fast-based lifestyle within Catholic tradition, which holds that certain saints were able to survive for extended periods of time without food or drink other than the Eucharist.[citation needed]
Breatharianism is a related concept, in which believers claim food and possibly water are not necessary, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana (the vital life force in Hinduism), or, according to some, by the energy in sunlight (according to Ayurveda, sunlight is one of the main sources of prana). The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy practised as a lifestyle in place of the usual diet.
The consensus of the scientific community is that "breatharianism" is potentially lethal pseudoscience, and indeed several adherents of these practices have died from starvation.
More from:
Breatharian Institute Of America
So you could look at this as something of a wake-up call. So I just want to bring forth a few considered, stern words, I guess you could say, to begin the awakening process, because so few truly understand what is required to complete the ascension process. There are three simple steps required.
One - Acknowledge your Creator. The particles that make up your soul are on loan from your Creator. They belong to your Creator and all that is being asked is that you acknowledge that relationship. That is all.
The second step is to clear all of your negative karmic past and there has been a single command that has been authorized by the Karmic board to enable this clearing to be done, and that command is held by certain Beings who use it in their teaching and healing work. And with time it will be taught to others and activated for others to bring this forth so all of humanity that chooses to participate in Ascension will have access to this command.
The third step is to rejuvenate the physical body. This might sound quite extraordinary from where you look at life in this moment, but there in truth have been many beings who've lived very, very long lives, even in the current consciousness. And before "The Fall" in Atlantis, the physical body did not age. Yes, it suffered from the impact of uncleared karma and every five years all returned to the Temple beautiful for karmic clearing to rejuvenate the physical body. But in truth it didn't age the way it ages today. So returning to a youthful state is really not so strange. It just seems so strange within your current consciousness.
Is this guy crazy (the writer of this text above), too? Or are these elite hiding so much from us? On top of 911, they might be hiding this, too.
More on the breatharian couple:
Akahi & Camila sharing beautiful wisdom at Dan Tian Wellness - Part 1 - YouTube
Can I really trust these guys? I don't know. I cannot assume they're lying either.
But they're very very convincing.
holy ****, maybe this is real
In the beginning there was light - Trailer - YouTube
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