my journal 2

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There, despite being totally depressed, I am still at work increasing my knowledge:

Unbelievable. My father...

Lately an Italian has shown interest in investing on my systems, and so, given that my father told me so many times that I have been stupid in my dealing with investors, yesterday I asked him "this time tell me BEFORE I do it, rather than later". He's always been good at giving me hindsight and useless advice.

For over a year, until a month ago, he had been telling me that I have been stupid to give my systems away (without guarantees) to the former investors. And he had been telling me that I should have gone to him instead, because he would have given me the money to trade and would have told me what to do and similar things. Just like my american friend, the one running the server. Great advice with hindsight and great offers of help.

Then, just like the american friend, yesterday, when I asked for advice on the new situation and wanted to hear his new offer of help, there was none. No advice and no offers of help. The american friend said there had been a misunderstanding (whereas, until a month before, he had told me he would have given me 100k). My father, much in the same way and tone, looked as if he was lost, clueless, as if he had nothing to tell me, and as if he didn't want to get involved.

I am disappointed.

But there is clearly a tendency for people to offer help when you don't need it, and to take their offer back when you actually need it. As there is a tendency to give you advice, when it's useless and too late, and to not take risks in telling you what a good plan would be, when you can still actually implement their plan.

With my father it went like this: when I didn't need his help, he was offering plenty of advice and help, even financial. Then when, yesterday, it became clear that I needed help and advice, he wanted nothing to do with my problems. Same with the american friend.

In Italy we say "tra il dire e il fare, c'è di mezzo il mare". It means "an ocean separates saying something and doing something".

Now let's see how it goes with the Italian investor. It seems better, given that I got in touch with him by sending him our equity line going from a profit of 37k to -11k, and that he showed interest after seeing it.


I am not mad though. I am not angry at my father nor at the friend running my server. I feel sorry for them, as I do for humans and all living beings.
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Depressed, crying, disappointed by my father... come what may, I still did some math exercises.


And of course I am still running my systems.
weekly update

Still hanging in the area of the bottom we hit at the end of September, reached exactly on the day we stopped trading real money:

saturday, doing better

The ex-girlfriend is here, we're talking... i feel better. This doesn't mean my situation is any better. It just means that i feel better.

I managed to do some math, too:


Chatting on skype with the latest prospective investor, who's been pissing me off, by not replying to my emails. If we have to argue, let's argue immediately and break off the relationship from the start. I don't have any more time to waste. Oh, and this time I made it clear from the start that I am not going to disclose my systems.
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Done with another few exercises. I am getting used to it. And it's math, something I was afraid of until recently.
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depression is decreasing

In the last few days, thanks to being with a few friends, and thanks to my decision to stop thinking about sad matters, my depression has been decreasing. It didn't disappear of course, but I've been able to sleep better.

Also, I've been in touch with new investors. By the way, in the meanwhile, on Sunday, another friend, one of those who had told me "why don't you take my money?" just a few weeks earlier, suddenly did not seem interested any more. This happened after I showed him the usual chart with the declining equity line. So it is now three out of three and the list is complete. Everyone who had told me "take my money please" up to August has now lost all interest:

1) american friend
2) father
3) friend from rome

No, wait, there's one guy left and it's the guy I was talking about, the sardinian guy. And that is the guy I am negotiating with.

I made it clear from the start that I will not show him my systems. He will see the trades, he will see the back-tested trades, but he will not see the code. Also, given the previous experience, I made it clear that I will not pay any of their taxes and I will accept 30% of profit (after commissions), and that of course they won't even be able to access my server. Also, I made it clear that it's non-exclusive, which is i can trade with other people, too, and also that anyone can stop at any time the partnership.

Oh, and very important: I wrote him that there will be no profit cushion built up by me. I am not interested in working for free another year, not interested in giving my systems away again, and not interested in paying other people's taxes contrary to initial agreements, not interested in getting screwed anymore. I'd rather do nothing.

But if they accept these conditions, I might even accept a lower % of the profit, even as little as 25%.
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I just came to work and found my keyboard with one of those hinges that had come off and got really mad. This told me that... I am getting back to my old state of mind and my old position in the maslow's hierarchy of needs.


After being at the top for a few weeks and contemplating those scary existential questions, I have now returned to the usual bull**** matters and worries, which today constist of: why doesn't this bitch get fired? Why can't this bitch be hospitalized for a couple of years?

This bitch does not clean, does not do anything, and to pretend she cleans she moves our keyboards around. And occasionally she breaks something by moving things really fast. She goes from room to room very fast and moves things around.
There's no god. There's just people ripping me off. They'll get away with it, and make money with my systems. There's no god punishing them, or looking after me.

Done my usual math exercises today:

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Well-mannered crooks.

Anyway, I have done some more math exercises.


It's really becoming a habit.
falling asleep

I am here at work. And I am falling asleep, but not just in the normal sense, but in a wider sense. I am bored. I have done this job for years, and there's nothing new. And there's been nothing new for years. I feel like quitting. But I can't. So I just keep coming here.

I'd like to do some math exercises but I can't because the youtube videos here are blocked and I need them.

I've been teaching some english to my roommate in the last few days, but today he's busy with some work, so I can't teach him anything.

Despite discouragement and boredom, I picked up math again, and did some more exercises:


Why not, since there's no work to do.
The more depressed/upset I get, the more exercises I do. I am not giving up yet. I might, one day, but I am not yet.


Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All - YouTube

Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

I really can't do any more for today.
I did more exercises after all.

But, given that the exercises get harder and harder, I won't be able to top this for a long time, probably on a weekend, if ever:


Depression kept up, and so i kept doing math, trying to distract myself. Probably i will soon switch back into denial, like the rest of humans, because the thoughts I've been having are unbearable.

Anyway. I've got 120 exercises to go. At the rate of 3 per day, which is a reasonable estimate, it will take me... 40 more days.

I am getting used to formulas, and I am getting confident in math. But I will not be done after these 40 days. I will need to finish all the videos at

Then I will need to finish all the exercises at It's going to take months before I can approach those markowitz formulas I need to tackle.
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Ok, I've done some more. I was really depressed. The more depressed, the more math I do.

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