my journal 2

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-2^2=-4 confirmed yet again

Getting back to my favorite lecture and crusade of teaching people that "-2^2" equals -4 rather than 4, as the assholes of the world keep asserting.

I was doing some of these exercises here:
Math - exponent

And I came across doubts on exponents, so I went to brightstorm and reviewed exponents and listen/watch to the last minute of this online lecture:
Laws of Exponents - Free Math Video by Brightstorm

I still can't believe that, two weeks ago, this nimrod programmer told me "this is fairly basic stuff" and then proceeded to tell me the wrong answer. Then my father asked his physicist friend, who said "of course it is 4". Then I asked my uncle, who's supposed to be very good at math and he said "it's 4 and there's no discussion about it".

All these mother ****ers should be put in jail. I can't stand it when I am told I am ignorant or stupid and then it turns out that the person insulting me doesn't know the answer to begin with.


There! An even clearer statement of the concept:
Laws of Exponents - problem 2 - Free Math Video by Brightstorm
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negative number in scientific notation

Look, I know this is not relevant to trading but here's what I was working on.

My favorite math teacher was saying that you cannot have a negative number written in scientific notation, but only numbers equal to or above 1 and less than 10 (minute 1:30 of the video):
Scientific Notation - Free Math Video by Brightstorm

To be precise, she said that -3.2 * 10^4 is not a good example of scientific notation.

But this got me started wondering how on earth you can write a negative number in scientific notation. Mind you, this is very related to my favorite problem of -2^2=-4 in that scientific notation uses exponents.

So I kept wondering and wandering on the web. I came across this, which contradicts her:
How do you write a negative number in scientific notation? - Yahoo! Answers

Then I went to wolfram, which also contradicts her:
-32000 in scientific notation - Wolfram|Alpha

Then I went here, which also contradicts her and agrees with the other two links above:
Decimal to Scientific Notation Converter

But then, I was not satisfied because she's never wrong, so I kept looking and found this:
Convert between Regular Decimals and Scientific Notation - WebMath
So, the final answer is -32000 × 10^0

Which makes sense, but disagrees with her and disagrees with the other 3 links above.

And then I also found this:
Decimal To Scientific Notation Converter

Which gives me an answer of "not a number": "NaN * 10^NaN".

So I am really puzzled. I don't know what to do. I thought math was univocal and unequivocal, but the further i get, the more disagreeing versions I find of it.

But the first question to the lady...what's her name?

Well, anyway. I'd ask her 1) why can't you write -3.2 * 10^4, and 2) how else would you write -32000. She does not answer either question, and no one explains it to me on the web.

Wikipedia doesn't explain it either:

The only thing that bothers me is that this lady does not agree with wolfram alpha. They have always agreed so far.
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finally, done

After spending a whole day on exponents, I did the exercises i started this morning and got 9 out of 10 right, but only because I could not figure out until getting one wrong how they wanted me to write the fraction sign:


I spent 10 minutes looking on the web and on the character map, because they wouldn't allow me to type "/" nor anything else, but the deal was that they expected me to work my way around that problem. Indeed, c/a can be written as ca^-1. That's a good thing, because they made me figure it out. I had to get one wrong to figure it out. I feel pretty smart now, for having figured it out. I had not realized it.

I hope that I'll get some reward for doing math... I hope that things will go better for me after doing all this work I am doing.

But in some way I am staying out of trouble. Look at my former girlfriend. She had a child, and now she's attending her child, night and day, day and night, and cannot sleep, and wanted me to help her out probably by moving in with her.

At least I didn't get anyone pregnant by studying math. It's a way to stay out of trouble.

At least I get to go to sleep when I want and wake up when i want, and I don't have to be prisoner of a child for the next x years. I might have enjoyed the sex required to produce the child, yeah, but i wasn't thinking about that. I was thinking that right now, if i weren't doing math, i might be bored, and I might call her up and telling her that I want to get together with her, so I can join her family... boredom will do that to you. It will make you get in trouble.

Then, if on top of not being bored, i get to become good at something that will help my trading, then so much the better. I don't have any money anyway, so i could neither support that child, nor find any worthwhile activities, because they always cost money. Nor could i be trading right now. So what else should i be doing if not math. The only thing I fear is that once i'll do all this, markowitz's formulas will still not be enough to solve my problems. But then I might come up with something better. Who knows. Maybe I'll win the nobel prize, too.

That will increase the visitors on the journal. And it might boost my confidence.
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log-arithm (not related to al-gorithm)

Pretty good lectures here, too:

Introduction to Logarithms - YouTube

I was doing the usual exercises on and came across logarithms. I had forgotten all about them.

The first thing i wondered about is where the name comes from:
Logarithm | Define Logarithm at
Origin: 1605 – 15;< Neo-Latin logarithmus <Greek lóg(os) log-+ arithmós number; see arithmetic

[C17: from New Latin logarithmus, coined 1614 by John Napier, from Greek logos ratio, reckoning + arithmos number]

So you'd think this term might have something to do etymologically with "algorithm", but hell no:
Algorithm | Define Algorithm at
1690s, from Fr. algorithme, refashioned(under mistaken connection with Gk. arithmos "number")from O.Fr. algorisme "the Arabic numeral system," from M.L. algorismus, a mangled transliteration of Arabic al-Khwarizmi " native of Khwarazm, "surname of the mathematician whose works introduced sophisticatedmathematics to the West(seealgebra). The earlier form in M.E.was algorism (early 13 c.), from O.Fr. Modern use of algorithmic to describe symbolic rules or language is from 1881.

You follow me? People think that it has something to do, so they start pronouncing it and writing it one way, and then the wrong etymology almost gets away with it:
refashioned (under mistaken connection with Gk.arithmos "number")

It reminds me a lot the skype chat where a nimrod friend of mine told me "it is fairly basic stuff... -2^2=4". The idiots and superficial people spread ignorance by being so superficial and then they shape the dictionary. Just the way "American English" was born, from misspellings of English, and English in turn is full of misspellings of French, and French is full of misspellings of Latin, and Latin is full of misspellings of Greek probably. On and on. The majority is always right basically, even when they're wrong. So now al-gorism (which was already a misspelling) has come to be written as "algorithm", yet its etymology is not related to that of logarithm.

Good. Another question to ask these arrogant mother ****ers who think they know it all.

Some people should not be allowed to say "of course it is..." and "it is fairly basic stuff...". Such nimrods should be forced, after making a mistake or two at the most, to use the phrasing of "my best guess would be...", regardless of how ignorant they think their counterpart is.

"refashioned under mistaken connection"... mother ****ing mistaken refashioners.


Oh, look at the author of that video:

"Self-paced lecture at home"...genius and very clear speaker.

Wow, these guys are just as good educators as the guys at

They've got finance lectures, too:

Pretty amazing this world of math, that is making me discover such useful resources on the web. We cannot really say the same for humanities and business. Mostly you find bull**** on the web. But with math, things are different.

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You know what i was thinking? People can be good at math without being intelligent and people can be intelligent without being good at math.

Yeah, because it's all a matter of math literacy. It doesn't have much to do with being intelligent.

All right, generally speaking it is like that. Then there's the math geniuses of course.

Forget everything I said.

I don't know the ratio of stupid people bad at math and... forget this. I am too tired to continue. You get my point: all i am saying is that being good at math is not a guarantee for being intelligent, and being bad at math is not a guarantee for being stupid. They might be related, but not as tightly connected as i thought.
just watched a movie

Good movie:
Watch Welcome to Collinwood online free 2002 - download Welcome to Collinwood - LetMeWatchThis

Guàrdali, dai treni in corsa si sbilanciano
in cannottiera ti sorridono
come di, come di

Come di, come di orchestra illusa a Napoli
e poi sgridata a Minneapoli
comi di, Comédie…

La comédie d'un jour, la comédie de ta vie,
la comédie, la comédie

Ma cos'è la luce piena di vertigine,
sguardo di donna che ti fulmina
come di, come di

Come di antica amante vista a Napoli
con lontanissimi binocoli
comédie, comédie d'un jour

La comédie

Pàrlami, dunque il ricordo si semplifica
nel suono dolce ed infelice, qui,
come di, come di, come di

Come di, come di orchestra che precipita
in un ventilatore al Grand-Hôtel
comédie, comédie

La comédie

Paolo Conte:Come Di Lyrics - Lyric Wiki - song lyrics, music lyrics
Paolo Conte - Come Di Lyrics
Lyrics Planet - Paolo Conte - Come Di Lyrics
Paolo Conte - Come - Di Lyrics
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khan academy

It takes a very generous and bright person to get this thing started. His academy spans across all scientific subjects and more, and it start from here:

Basic Addition - YouTube

It is explained so well, that, despite knowing basic addition, I learned aspects of it which I had not realized.

I took a lot of courses already and have totalled over 32000 points. This is very good. Better than just doing crosswords or watching tv.

The classes might be taught more clearly at, but the whole organization of exercises plus classes is unbeatable.
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Amidst my depression... today there were some good news so to speak.

The guy I tutored in building trading systems is a hell of a salesman. He is a college student and he organized a convention of all economics students (and from other departments probably) interested in trading, and he will be speaking there, hosting famous traders... amazing. He has nothing to sell yet, but he has a lot of customers. I have plenty to sell, and I have been left all alone.

Anyway, he also said he's interested in my systems. And, given my general despair, I said why not. I got ripped off so many times that I don't even care anymore about running such a risk.

This guy is in touch with a poker player who has millions of dollars to invest. Why not.

The problem will be that we'll have to split the profit between 3 people this time, and most likely, since the capital is all in the hands of one person, we will only have 33% to split between the two of us.

Better than nothing.

Two other problems.

I had said I would not give my systems to anyone ever again. Given my present state of despair, this is not an issue anymore.

I had said my portfolio theory gaps didn't enable me to start trading again. Given that it's not my money, and given my present state of despair, it's not an issue anymore.

We do know that we do have a problem, and that we could incur similar problems as those incurred with the previous investors, which is, a wrong estimate of potential drawdown. But there is no way that I will say no to capital just because our portfolio theory is not reliable and automated.

If something is not reliable, simply do not rely on it.

I can always trade safely and expect drawdown to be the sum of all drawdowns, and things will still go better than they did in this last experience. If we invest on all systems without counting on diversification, it is like not counting on portfolio theory, which is better than counting on a wrong one.

Pushing your limits on a ferrari is more dangerous than playing it safe on a fiat cinquecento. We know our limits and we should still do better than when we didn't.

I suck at portfolio theory, that's for sure. But I could still do better than someone who's excellent at it, and pushes his limits.

I mean, I am doing this to make money, rather than to write treatise. So there you go. I am ready to trade again.
khan academy

Wow. I never had so much fun doing math. Khan Academy rules.

I have accumulated 60 thousand points in arithmetic and I am still going... and going... there's no stopping me. This is fun.

I have shown the web site to a colleague, to my uncle... for his nephew, this web site is free, not-for-profit, it is really a pleasure.


I used to feel like I sucked at math, and now I feel like a champion.

I owe this to my efforts first of all, and then to:

2) Marcus du Sautoy documentary
4) wikipedia of course (always, for everything)
5) youtube of course (always, for everything)
6) google of course (always, for everything)
7) wolfram alpha
8) and now also to
Andy Williams-Love said goodbye - YouTube

SO many years spent working hard, in an effort to achieve my dreams of grandeur, of love, of respect, of power and admiration.

Ever since watching the Godfather, I have gone after the dream of controlling the world. It didn't happen. There just wasn't enough time, Michael.
Still depressed, and i would call it "desperate" rather than depressed. But I am doing math, endlessly...


I am so grateful to salman khan for the web site he created.
I have been doing more exercises:


Still very depressed. I guess it cannot be helped. Probably I'll get used to it, as I did before. I had a similar crisis a few years ago. It comes and goes every so many years. It usually lasts about two months.

This time it's more severe though, because I don't remember having sleeping problems due to being depressed.

I have contacted an old girlfriend of mine, and asked her to come visit me in the weekend, as she often suggests, because this time I am so depressed that I need her.

I think this depression might be ending, anyway. Because the thoughts I'm having are so unbearable that I'll find a way to remove them. I'll remove them like everyone else does.
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Woke up at 4 am, and haven't been able to fall back asleep. I was trying to figure out a formula to estimate the people who've died since the beginning of Anatomically modern humans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This time my insomnia has nothing to do with the neighbours making noises. Nor with compulsive gambling. It's not one of my usual complaints of the past. This insomnia is related to existential problems, and it has a lot to do with time going by, with studying math, and getting in touch with this symbol:
Infinity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those Du Sautoy's documentaries have really opened my eyes. And, as a consequence, I am very depressed/desperate. And I am neither willing nor able to talk about this to anyone (don't comment on this or I'll most likely ban you), because it hurts enough as it is, and because at any rate people are usually doing their own hiding and camouflaging of reality, so they don't have to deal with it.

If I ever brought this up with anyone, they'd either take me seriously and get very depressed (thereby making me even more depressed), or they'd just dismiss my ideas completely and quickly. In both cases, it's not what I want.

For someone who focuses on things as much as I do, this is the most terrifying experience. Probably traders are very subjective and egocentric people like me, so we don't usually face this kind of concern. Or maybe this is not true at all, and it only applies to me. At any rate, I'm rational, so I am not going to jump to conclusions and jump out of the window, despite feeling desperate. After building a completely rational life, efficient, in a control-freak style, the most frustrating thing is to realize that the entire experience doesn't make any sense. A long sequence of intelligent, rational and efficient behaviours by individuals seem nonetheless to lead to unacceptably inefficient consequences.

Never study maths, nor astronomy, nor biology, because it's going to throw you in despair. Now hopefully there will not be any comments from anyone or I'll ban whoever writes anything on this subject, because given the average stupidity I have seen on the web, I will be disappointed. Furthermore, if I get a good answer, it's going to be just as depressing. So don't even try, because I will ban you without even reading it.

On the other hand, why am I writing: because it makes me feel better. And this is why I've been writing this journal from the start.

And this applies to everything I'll do. Even if it won't make sense, I will do it, because it will make me feel better, and doing what makes you feel better makes sense. That's why we give money to the poor. Not out of generousity, not because we're trying to impress those around us (not in my case). We give it, because it makes us feel better. My mom taught me the catholic principles all my life, and I can't get rid of them, so if someone asks me for money, I give them money. I can't refuse. I am not catholic, but I still act according to what my mom taught me. It might not make sense nor be coherent, but if I can't get rid of that concept, then it's just faster to give people money than to try to fight it.
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mood at bottom

Actually I didn't get drunk yet, but instead I called my mom, something which I rarely do, because she's not really that good at comforting me.

Usually I call my aunt instead, who always tells me I am right. My mom, if I ever got home and told her that someone beat me up, would try to make me feel sorry for those who beat me because they must have had an unhappy childhood.

But tonight i decided it's time to start calling my mom as well, because my aunt is not enough anymore.

Not only that, I also called an ex-girlfriend, who's also good at comforting me.

Needless to say, I am always thinking about death. Not just my death but everyone's death, but I won't say anything more on this, because it's depressing enough to mention it quickly like this.

Everyone keeps joking around at work, and everywhere else, whereas... I mean it's a wonder if everyone isn't depressed rather than the other way around, whereby if you are depressed they tell you to get cured. Depression should be the rule.

Enough of this, too.

So let's not worry about why I am depressed, because I don't want to make everyone depressed without a need for it, and because i don't want to get more depressed. I will just focus on the symptoms of my sadness and the modality and evolution of it, and that, once again, I will do because it makes me feel better. The fact of documenting my sadness gives me a needed false feeling of being in control. As if I were someone who can stay in control at all times, but it's not the case, but maybe it's the case... anyway it makes me feel better.

I cried for example. I've been wanting to cry for a few days, and given some medical problem i had a few years ago, I can't really cry that much, but this time I cried a little bit. It made me feel better probably, and probably i feel good about writing it here, about having cried.

Unbelievable as it may sound, I did tell my roommate at work about these feelings, and even more unbelievably he didn't react superficially to them. But his wise words made me even more depressed. That's why i said I don't need any feedback on this, because it will make things worse, whether intelligent and wise, or superficial and insulting.


Anyway. Tomorrow they need me at work, so I'll definitely will get drunk tonight, because I must at all costs manage to get at least 6 hours of sleep, which can be factored as 2 times 3.

I think this experience will change me forever. By experience I mean all these weeks of depression triggered by the Du Sautoy's Story of Maths documentary.

For one thing, during this depression, I am not feeling like writing "mother ****er" about anyone anymore. My hate for people is totally gone. I pretty much feel sorry for everyone right now, but let's drop it here, because as i said, I don't want to dwell any further on this.

As i said, I just want to describe what I am feeling (as always) in order to make myself feel better (as always) by writing it down on the journal.


After recovering from crying, and smoking a cigarette while crying, I came back here and started writing this post. Now I would like to wrap it up by doing a few math exercises on They're getting harder and harder. I've already done about 100 of them, almost all of them without watching any videos.

By now I've built up a lot of confidence with regard to math. At least something good was done, even though... ok, let's not mention it again.

Very tiring/frustrating to write all this, but it made me feel better. Now, if i kept writing, it would make me more depressed. So I have to stop here. Anyone commenting will be banned and I won't read their message.

Oh, something more. One issue here is that I get no moral support, ever, from my family. This all began because of my father being such an asshole/tough guy that there can only be competition in our minds, no time for comforting or anything like that. So, here we are. When I need them the most, I can barely call my mom. And when they need me the most, they can barely speak to me. Such a pity. We had time, we were healthy, but we were indoctrinated by my dad that feelings are a bad thing. For example we never celebrated anyone's birthdays. It's the usual The Great Santini situation, where the father has a military upbringing and instead of saying kind words he insults you. I don't know where this comes from, why this was necessary, but these are the consequences. Consequences such as having to call my aunt to speak about my feelings, and saying to my parents that everything is ok more or less, even today. Actually I said to my mom that I am sad, but nothing more - i mentioned trading as a cause. And if my dad asks me, I will tell him that i am fine.

His dad died in the war, when he was six years old. Ever since then, he's been like this. I remember when i was six, he told me that when he was my age, his dad died. And he's been repeating it to me regularly ever since. That's the kind of emotional abuse I've had to take. That's why I am so angry. But now, I am starting to feel sorry for my dad as well. That's a very bad sign, when you're not mad at anyone anymore. It sounds great, like a happy ending movie, but to me this shows how bad the situation is.

Anyway. Enough of this, now I will need to start pretending I have had a regular day, and pretend I have a regular mind, who can watch tv and root for a soccer team. That's the best way to sleep. Maslow's hierarchy of needs once again. If you're on top of the pyramid, you're just going to jump below from despair. If you're on bottom and are busy getting food and shelter, you won't have any of the concerns higher up.

I guess this is what I achieved by not sleeping well for so many days. I might actually be able to sleep again, after getting so exhausted from looking at the view from the top of the pyramid.

No wonder so many mathematicians were having "mental problems". Being at the top of the pyramid and contemplating the universe is tiring, painful, and can drive you crazy very quickly.


Miracle. Maybe the forum is now aligned at the center again, even on Internet Explorer.

I might not do any more math for today.

I will go smoke another cigarette. Then most likely I will get drunk.
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