my journal 2

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the invention of zero

Yeah, I would say it was an invention. But then again this could be debated.

The Story of Maths part 2/4 episode 2 - YouTube

Zero | Define Zero at
0 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sometimes he does talk too fast about formulas, but i really liked how he explained the concept of 1 divided by 0 being equivalent to infinity.

...but then again:
What is one divided by zero? - Yahoo! Answers
what is 1 divided by 0?
Division by zero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So is math an exact science?
Exact science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An exact science is any field of science capable of accurate quantitative expression or precise predictions and rigorous methods of testing hypotheses, especially reproducible experiments involving quantifiable predictions and measurements. Mathematics and Physics can be considered as exact sciences in this sense. The difference between Mathematics and Physics is that Mathematics does not describe physical reality whereas Physics does.

The term implies a dichotomy between these fields and others, such as the humanities. Related but not equivalent terms are hard science, pure science, and fundamental science.

Is Mathematics an Exact Science? | CTK Insights

This just about sums up my thought:
Is mathematics an exact science? | | Mathematics and MultimediaMathematics and Multimedia
True, mathematics is probably the most consistent among the sciences, but does it really live up to our expectations?

The truth is mathematics is NOT that mighty. In the following examples, I will discuss (forgive my amateurish attempt) why mathematics is not, to certain degree, as exact as we think it is.

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Fascinating narrative on Fibonacci introducing the hindu-arabic numerals in Italy, very well written and spoken. This BBC series is a masterpiece. I am going to underline the fascinating things I found, in this episode 2 part 4/4:

During the centuries in which China, India and the Islamic empire had been in the ascendant, Europe had fallen under the shadow of the Dark Ages. All intellectual life, including the study of mathematics, had stagnated.

But by the 13th century, things were beginning to change. Led by Italy, Europe was starting to explore and trade with the East. With that contact came the spread of Eastern knowledge to the West.

It was the son of a customs official that would become Europe's first great medieval mathematician. As a child, he travelled around North Africa with his father, where he learnt about the developments of Arabic mathematics and especially the benefits of the Hindu-Arabic numerals. When he got home to Italy he wrote a book that would be hugely influential in the development of Western mathematics.

That mathematician was Leonardo of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci, and in his Book Of Calculating, Fibonacci promoted the new number system, demonstrating how simple it was compared to the Roman numerals that were in use across Europe.

Calculations were far easier, a fact that had huge consequences for anyone dealing with numbers - pretty much everyone, from mathematicians to merchants.

But there was widespread suspicion of these new numbers. Old habits die hard, and the authorities just didn't trust them. Some believed that they would be more open to fraud - that you could tamper with them. Others believed that they'd be so easy to use for calculations that it would empower the masses, taking authority away from the intelligentsia who knew how to use the old sort of numbers.

The city of Florence even banned them in 1299, but over time, common sense prevailed, the new system spread
throughout Europe, and the old Roman system slowly became defunct. At last, the Hindu-Arabic numerals, zero to nine, had triumphed.

Tartaglia, Cardano and my city of Bologna in this video by the usual bright Du Sautoy:

The Story of Maths part 4/4 episode 2 - YouTube

He's actually making me like maths by the way he talks about it. This was my eigth video and one of my top 3 favorite videos.

I really like what he says at the end:
...It was the first great mathematical breakthrough to happen in modern Europe. The Europeans now had in their hands the new language of algebra, the powerful techniques of the Hindu-Arabic numerals and the beginnings of the mastery of the infinite. It was time for the Western world to start writing its own mathematical stories in the language of the East. The mathematical revolution was about to begin.

It is some fascinating history that I ignored until a couple of days ago. Math came from the east and from africa. We regard these guys as savages, whereas math came from egypt, from iraq, from china... all these countries being regarded today as underdeveloped. Yes, ok, probably the truth lies somewhere in between: in the percentage of illiterate people. There may have been math geniuses in china, india and so on, but maybe the percentage of ignorant people was much higher for a long time. Maybe it still is. Probaby so. Definitely so. Anyway, for thousands of years, there always were at least some guys in those countries, who were smarter than anyone in europe.
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delving into history: "the art of the abacus"

Fascinating, I just found the book and I can actually understand it (it's in vernacular Venetian, very close to present-day Italian):

Treviso Arithmetic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Treviso Arithmetic, or Arte dell'Abbaco, is an anonymous textbook in commercial arithmetic written in vernacular Venetian and published in Treviso, Italy in 1478.

The author tells us the reason for writing this textbook:[1]

I have often been asked by certain youths in whom I have much interest, and who look forward to mercantile pursuits, to put into writing the fundamental principles of arithmetic, commonly called abacus.
The Treviso Arithmetic is the earliest known printed mathematics book in the West, and one of the first printed European textbooks dealing with a science.

The art of the abacus - 10/12/1478
The first printed book on mathematics: on December 10th, 1478 the first printed book on mathematics was published in Treviso. It was called "l'arte dell'abaco" (the art of the abacus) and was written by an unknown author, probably a priest, and dedicated to some of his young friends who had consistently asked for it.

It is a basic study limited to the commercial applications of arithmetic. It follows the "Liber Abbaci" of Leonardo Pisano, also known as Fibonacci, written in 1202, which was a more complete work and remained fundamental for almost 300 years until surpassed by Luca Pacioli's book, published in Venice in 1494 with the title "Summa di Aritmetica, di Geometria, Proporzioni et Proporzionalità". The book printed in Treviso, written in Italian with use of many dialect terms, can still be easily read today and is one of approximately 30 books on arithmetic printed before the end of the 15th century, half of which were still in Latin.

So I guess they're saying that Fibonacci's Liber Abaci was not printed?

Liber Abaci - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liber Abaci (1202, also spelled as Liber Abbaci) is a historic book on arithmetic by Leonardo of Pisa, known later by his nickname Fibonacci. In this work, Fibonacci introduced to Europe the Hindu-Arabic numerals, a major element of our decimal system, which he had learned by studying with Arabs while living in North Africa with his father, Guglielmo Bonaccio, who wished for him to become a merchant.

Liber Abaci was among the first Western books to describe Arabic numerals, the first being the Codex Vigilanus completed in 976; another pivotal work followed by Pope Silvester II in 999. By addressing tradesmen and academics, it began to convince the public of the superiority of the new numerals.

Well, well... now I have to go and find the Codex Vigilanus as well.


Anyway, this only means that Fibonacci didn't print it because the printing press did not exist yet, not because he could not get anyone to "publish" it. Well, I guess he just wrote it himself, like I am writing my journal. Now, where can I get a digital copy of 1) Liber Abaci and 2) Codex Vigilanus... I am curious to see them.

Task 1, Liber Abaci:
Fibonacci's Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation)
In 1202, Leonardo Pisano (Leonardo of Pisa), also called Leonardo Fibonacci (Filius Bonaccii, son of Bonaccio), published one of the most influential books ever published in mathematics.

His book, Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation), introduced the Hindu numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to Europe, along with the Latinized Arabic word, zephirum, which became zefiro in Italian, and in the Venetian dialect, zero, the name by which we know it in English, and several other European languages, today.

Oh, wow. Fascinating. So "zero" is a Venetian word. I finally found out.

Oh, and this is important, too: "Leonardo Fibonacci (Filius Bonaccii, son of Bonaccio)". That's all it means. It's not a magical name. It just means "son of his father". Like your father is "john", and your name is "johnson". Big deal. Everyone keeps saying "fibonacci here" and "fibonacci there", "fib here" and "fib there", and so I had started thinking there was something special in that name. Instead it just means "johnson", but for those who are lazy and say "fib", it just means "j...son"... well, here it is:
Fibonacci is a shortening of the Latin "filius Bonacci", used in the title of his book Libar Abaci (of which mmore later), which means "the son of Bonaccio". His father's name was Guglielmo Bonaccio. Fi'-Bonacci is like the English names of Robin-son and John-son. But (in Italian) Bonacci is also the plural of Bonaccio; therefore, two early writers on Fibonacci (Boncompagni and Milanesi) regard Bonacci as his family name (as in "the Smiths" for the family of John Smith).

Fibonacci himself wrote both "Bonacci" and "Bonaccii" as well as "Bonacij"; the uncertainty in the spelling is partly to be ascribed to this mixture of spoken Italian and written Latin...

Anyway. It's written in Latin:
Liber abbaci - Wikisource

But then I can find a translation, can't i? There:
Fibonacci's Liber abaci: a ... - Leonardo Fibonacci, L. E. Sigler - Google Books

Fascinating crap:


Task 2: Codex Vigilanus
Liber Abaci was among the first Western books to describe Arabic numerals, the first being the Codex Vigilanus completed in 976...

Codex Vigilanus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Codex Vigilanus (Albeldensis) or Códice Albeldense (Vigilano), full name Codex Conciliorum Albeldensis seu Vigilanus, is an illuminated compilation of various historical documents from the Visigothic period in Spain. Among the many texts brought together by the compilers are the canons of the Councils of Toledo, the Liber Iudiciorum, the decrees of some early popes and other patristic writings, historical narratives (such as the Crónica Albeldense[1] and a life of Mohammed), various other pieces of civil and canon law, and a calendar.

The scribes: Serracino, Vigila, and García as drawn by Vigila.The compilers were three monks of the Riojan monastery of San Martín de Albelda: Vigila, after whom it was named and who was the illustrator; Serracino, his friend; and García, his disciple. The compilation was completed in 976 and the original manuscript is preserved in the library of El Escorial (as Escorialensis d I 2). At the time of its compilation, Albelda was the cultural and intellectual centre of the Kingdom of Pamplona. The manuscripts celebrate with illustrations not only the ancient Gothic kings who had reformed the law — Chindasuinth, Reccesuinth, and Ergica — but also its contemporary dedicatees, the rulers of Navarre: Sancho II of Pamplona and his queen, Urraca, and his brother Ramiro Garcés, King of Viguera.

The Codex contains, among other pieces of useful information, the first mention and representation of Arabic numerals (save zero) in the West. They were introduced by the Moors into Spain around 900.

History of the Hindu

976. The first Arabic numerals in Europe appeared in the Codex Vigilanus in the year 976.

Thirst for knowledge momentarily satisfied.

No, wait.

When did the Indians invent these numeral system to begin with?

History of the Hindu
Historians trace modern numerals in most languages to the Brahmi numerals, which were in use around the middle of the third century BC.[3] The place value system, however, evolved later.

Yeah, but then I need to find out about the "place value system", because that is what counts.

Positional notation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
With counting rods or abacus to perform arithmetic operations, the writing of the starting, intermediate and final values of a calculation could easily be done with a simple additive system in each position or column. This approach required no memorization of tables (as does positional notation) and could produce practical results quickly. For four centuries (13th–16th) there was strong disagreement between those who believed in adopting the positional system in writing numbers and those who wanted to stay with the additive-system-plus-abacus. Although electronic calculators have largely replaced the abacus, the latter continues to be used in Japan and other Asian countries.
Georges Ifrah concludes in his Universal History of Numbers:
Thus it would seem highly probable under the circumstances that the discovery of zero and the place-value system were inventions unique to the Indian civilization. As the Brahmi notation of the first nine whole numbers (incontestably the graphical origin of our present-day numerals and of all the decimal numeral systems in use in India, Southeast and Central Asia and the Near East) was autochthonous and free of any outside influence, there can be no doubt that our decimal place-value system was born in India and was the product of Indian civilization alone.
Aryabhata stated "sthānam sthānam daśa guṇam" meaning "From place to place, ten times in value". His system lacked zero[citation needed]. The zero was added by Brahmagupta[citation needed]. Indian mathematicians and astronomers also developed Sanskrit positional number words to describe astronomical facts or algorithms using poetic sutras.

So, ok, so far it seems that it was definitely the Indians and the place value system needed the zero, so the guy was this Brahmagupta. Let's read up on this:
Brahmagupta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brahmagupta's Brahmasphuṭasiddhanta is the very first book that mentions zero as a number, hence Brahmagupta is considered as the man who found zero. He gave rules of using zero with negative and positive numbers. Zero plus a positive number is the positive number and negative number plus zero is a negative number etc. The Brahmasphutasiddhanta is the earliest known text to treat zero as a number in its own right, rather than as simply a placeholder digit in representing another number as was done by the Babylonians or as a symbol for a lack of quantity as was done by Ptolemy and the Romans. In chapter eighteen of his Brahmasphutasiddhanta, Brahmagupta describes operations on negative numbers. He first describes addition and subtraction,
18.30. [The sum] of two positives is positives, of two negatives negative; of a positive and a negative [the sum] is their difference; if they are equal it is zero. The sum of a negative and zero is negative, [that] of a positive and zero positive, [and that] of two zeros zero.
18.32. A negative minus zero is negative, a positive [minus zero] positive; zero [minus zero] is zero. When a positive is to be subtracted from a negative or a negative from a positive, then it is to be added.[5]
He goes on to describe multiplication...

So, ok, the book was writtein in 628, so we didn't really waste much time, considering Fibonacci took over in the 1200s. We took over 600 years later. European scientists were just resting for 600 years.


The Brahma Sputa Siddhanta by Brahmagupta written in AD 628. Wikipedia
states - "The main work of Brahmagupta, Brāhmasphu
asiddhānta ("The Opening
of the Universe"), written c.628, contains some remarkably advanced ideas,

including a good understanding of the mathematical role of zero...
As you could see only two texts among the five listed above is available. The​
Brahmagupta's text named "Brahma Sputa Siddhata" is quite popular.

Ok, here it is. I found it on this page:

They provide this link for the text in Devanagari (which I can barely read)ब्रह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त

I have to stop my search here or I will get distracted and too far away from portfolio theory.

But what is important is that now I know that everything we have today was born with numbers, and not just "numbers" but with the present-day decimal "Hindu-Arabic" numeral system, and that required a zero, for positional notation, so this crap was conceived in 628 AD more or less by the Brah... magupta guy, the "father of zero". In India. Then these numbers ("numeral system") went on to Arabia, and then 300 years later, they appeared in Spain ("Codex Vigilanus"), and then, 300 more years later, they appeared in Italy ("Liber Abaci"), in both cases due to the fact that they (the Spanish and the Fibonacci dude) were in touch with the Arabs. And, from then on, the Europeans took over.​
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on to descartes

Wow, first Tartaglia, then Descartes (and others, too)... it seems like all mathematicians start out as "sickly children" who spend a lot of time at home:
Descartes himself was born here in 1596, a sickly child who lost his mother when very young, so he was allowed to stay in bed every morning until 11.00am, a practice he tried to continue all his life.
I am pretty sick, too, I spend a lot of time in bed... so I should be able to figure some math out, too.

The Story of Maths part 1/4 episode 3 - YouTube

To do mathematics, sometimes you just need to remove all distractions, to float off into a world of shapes and patterns. Descartes thought that the bed was the best place to achieve this meditative state. I think I know what he means.

With a laptop, this can be achieved efficiently: doing everything while lying in bed.

Very funny and entertaining series:
The Story of Maths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not much more left to watch. Good. It's heavy because I have to constantly look things up on wikipedia. It would be useless otherwise.

Anyway, on with watching the video on descartes:
He wanted to publish all his radical ideas, but he was worried how they'd be received in Catholic France, so he packed his bags and left. Descartes found a home here in Holland. He'd been one of the champions of the new scientific revolution which rejected the dominant view that the sun went around the earth, an opinion that got scientists like Galileo into deep trouble with the Vatican. Descartes reckoned that here amongst the Protestant Dutch he would be safe, especially at the old university town of Leiden where they valued maths and science.


René Descartes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
n 1622 he returned to France, and during the next few years spent time in Paris and other parts of Europe. It was during a stay in Paris that he composed his first essay on method: Regulae at Directionem Ingenii (Rules for the Direction of the Mind).[7] He arrived in La Haye in 1623, selling all of his property to invest in bonds, which provided a comfortable income for the rest of his life.

- He merged algebra and geometry.
- Right.
- So you could have formulas and figures and go back and forth.
- So a sort of dictionary between the two?
- Yeah, yeah.

This dictionary, which was finally published here in Holland in 1637, included mainly controversial philosophical ideas, but the most radical thoughts were in the appendix, a proposal to link algebra and geometry.

Each point in two dimensions can be described by two numbers, one giving the horizontal location, the second number giving the point's vertical location. As the point moves around a circle, these coordinates change, but we can write down an equation that identifies the changing value of these numbers at any point in the figure. Suddenly, geometry has turned into algebra.

Using this transformation from geometry into numbers, you could tell, for example, if the curve on this bridge was part of a circle or not. You didn't need to use your eyes.

Henk Bos:
"I think he was not an easy person, so... And he could be... he was very much concerned about his image. He was entirely self-convinced that he was right, also when he was wrong and his first reaction would be that the other one was stupid that hadn't understood it".
As Du Sautoy would say, "I think I know what he means".

Marcus Du Sautoy:
"I'm not a believer myself, but there's little doubt that many mathematicians from the time of Descartes had strong religious convictions. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but perhaps it's because mathematics and religion are both building ideas upon an undisputed set of axioms - one plus one equals two. God exists. I think I know which set of axioms I've got my faith in".

I am learning so much by listening to these videos! He says: "building ideas upon an undisputed set of axioms". But wasn't that the definition of an "exact science"?

Exact science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An exact science is any field of science capable of accurate quantitative expression or precise predictions and rigorous methods of testing hypotheses, especially reproducible experiments involving quantifiable predictions and measurements. Mathematics and Physics can be considered as exact sciences in this sense.

Mmh, not exactly. I got confused.

Anyway, now he's talking about Pierre de Fermat. So, I'll take a break. I'm sure he'll also talk about Blaise Pascal afterwards.

You know what? I am going to stop at Fermat, which in Italian is "mi fermo a fermat".

Yeah, because look at his grave:


This gravestone told me "fermati a fermat", "stop at fermat", because they even put the equation on the gravestone, and guess what? I don't understand it.

This means that until now I've only gotten acquainted with math, by making myself like it, by keeping things light and studying the history of maths, or the "story of maths" as the series is called.

It would not make sense to proceed any further without seizing the opportunity given to me by the gravestone to investigate further on the biggest ignorance problems I have. This means that now I will set out to learn everything I can about equations, because after all, they're formulas, and formulas are where I want to get: portfolio theory is my final objective. Let's never forget that.
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what are "equations"?

I need to delve deeply into this, and learning everything i can about "equations". So I would like to start off by addressing the question of what "equations" are and who came up with them. I need to learn everything i can, and practice through exercises, too.

Equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions.[1] In modern notation, this is written by placing the expressions on either side of an equals sign (=), for example
asserts that x+3 is equal to 5. The = symbol was invented by Robert Recorde (1510–1558), who considered that nothing could be more equal than parallel straight lines with the same length.

So this means two things. I have to first study what expressions are, and who invented them. Then I'll get back to equations.

Expression (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In mathematics, an expression is a finite combination of symbols that are well-formed according to the rules applicable in the context at hand. Symbols can designate values (constants), variables, operations, relations, or can constitute punctuation or other syntactic entities.

You know something? I am getting quite depressed. I am realizing that these math riddles are passed from one century to the next and anyone learning, studying or doing maths is basically walking in a cemetery, full of people who gave their lives for these formulas. I don't like the idea at all. I don't want to be stuck in this cemetery with my formula on my gravestone like De Fermat. This is quite disturbing. I am going to try to learn these things as fast as possible, so I can get out of this cemetery called Math. I mean everything in math reminds you of death because there isn't a good formula and invention that was created by someone who's still alive. It makes you feel like you're going to be next. Instead all I wanted to do is make money with trading and live. But these guys just want to give their lives away to leave their formula on a textbook.

It's different for other sciences, such as finance (markowitz is still alive for example), or acting (De Niro is alive), or... you get my point. Math is very well represented by De Fermat's gravestone:


which pretty much says: he gave his life for this formula.

But this is not going to be a way to cop out of equations.

I need to find some exercises now. I just don't want to keep reading on wikipedia that this mathematician raised a question and that it was solved 200 years later, and then another guy 200 years later asked another question, that was answered another 200 years later... which reminds me the dead threads here on trade2win, where people answer questions being asked six months earlier (i told you - it's because you have too many sub-sections, but hell no, you wouldn't listen to me, after making me write you an essay with my detailed advice).

So let's find some tons of equations online.

But first a slow approach, by watching some youtube videos on equations. So who was this Robert Recorde?
The = symbol was invented by Robert Recorde (1510–1558), who considered that nothing could be more equal than parallel straight lines with the same length.

Robert Recorde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pethe: DJ Williams / Robert Recorde 1/2 - YouTube

I don't know what they're saying. Very heavy welsh accent.

Damn. This welsh accent was really hard to understand and it sent me into a tailspin, so in the meanwhile I kept searching desperately on wikipedia to find out about Robert Recorde (interesting biography) and i came across an awesome link:
Table of mathematical symbols by introduction date - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This pretty much sums it all up and it tells me that if the Indians gave us the 0 to 9 numbers and Brahmagupta's concepts, after Fibonacci, in the following centuries, we proceeded pretty quickly to create the rest of the mathematical notation we have today, at the rate of 5 symbols per century.

I still want to know where it all started so I'll keep looking in my favorite scientists hideout, youtube.

Did not find it. But! I found this other good link:
chycho: The Language of Mathematics: Table of Contents


Nothing. The history branch only goes so far. Now it's either math exercises and theory, or nothing. I can't find anything on the history of equations (let alone finding something as fascinating as Du Sautoy's BBC series).

I am going to have to either continue watching that series, or stop and study some hard stuff on formulas, exercises and so on. It's not going to be easy from here on.

I will go for this chycho guy here:

The alternative is giving up, and it would be ridiculous to study the history of maths and then not go any further than that, when i actually did all this to make myself like the study of math formulas, which is what I need for portfolio theory.

So, let us try to keep filling up my math ignorance, by keeping this flow of knowledge uninterrupted, from the web to my mind, propelled by the curiosity and passion that i intelligently managed to spark in my head, like when you try to start a fire and yet have nothing but humid wood in your hands. With my curiosity, knowledge of excel, and web search skills, I intelligently managed to revive my math abilities, which were killed in me as a teenager by a strict demanding father. Now let's keep this little fire burning, and try to expand it so it will burn up the whole forest of math.
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usual masterpiece with steve carell

Watch Crazy Stupid Love online - on 1Channel | LetMeWatchThis



After about one hour it has become clear that almost all actors give excellent performances (carell and gosling are good), but there's a problem with the plot not being coherent and breathtaking as it should be. So you're left with a bunch of good parts but that don't fit well together: it's as if you were watching two or three different movies, that occasionally meet. So screw the director and the screenwriter basically, because they really did a bad job. I don't even want to know who these guys are.
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doing it all over again, from pre-algebra

You know what? I'll just do it all over again, why not.

I am starting from pre-algebra. I like this web site and it will be pleasant:
Algebra - Math - Brightstorm

Besides, now I know the history of maths, so I am comfortable with studying these things, given that for every little video I watch, there's one guy who gave his life to work out the formulas and notation used in it.

Yeah, I guess this recipe for learning could be applied to any subject: a little bit of history, a little bit of theory and a little bit of practice. When you start out, you need a reason to learn it: so you need practice first, to show you that you need math, which is what happened in my case with losing money in the stock market due to a lack of portfolio theory. Then, once you realize you need theory, it is still not enough, because there's a whole lot of theory to cover, and you will give up if you do it all at once. So you need to approach it a little bit at a time, and need some history. Then you go back to theory. Then some practice. Then history, and so on. If you ever get lost into theory just go back to history, videos... backwards to simpler stuff. You can't learn math all at once, just like i didn't learn english all at once.

Like for English, the problem with math is not about being intelligent enough to understand formulas, but about being knowledgeable enough to know the mathematical notation. The problem with all of us is that we think we're not understanding because we're stupid, and then this makes us give up. Instead it is just like any other language, and it takes more learning than reasoning.


In my effort to cover maths, but only the maths that I need, I will try to define a structure of a few branches of maths, or areas, so i can cover it correctly and not randomly and disorderly. I want to be as orderly as possible:
Areas of mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Way too many on wikipedia's entry above.

This one's interesting, too, but too many once again:
Outline of mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will use this guy:
Melvil Dewey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Dewey Decimal classes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

510 Mathematics

Screw Topology. I will never need it.


Done. TIring but absolutely worth it.


Now, with this healthy and orderly structure (not too many categories nor too few), I am ready to immerse myself into math and learn to swim in it.
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The Story of Maths part 2/4 episode 4 - YouTube

Topology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Topology (from the Greek τόπος, “place”, and λόγος, “study”) is a major area of mathematics concerned with properties that are preserved under continuous deformations of objects, such as deformations that involve stretching, but no tearing or gluing. It emerged through the development of concepts from geometry and set theory, such as space, dimension, and transformation.

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interesting puzzle on squaring a negative number

Did you know that the exponent gets calculated before the sign?

Order of operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But then excel does it differently, and just about everyone has his own opinion on it. Wikipedia has one:
Plus and minus signs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Order of operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



As they say in wikipedia (cfr.picture above), minus three to the second is equal to minus nine. Always. And this is because of the ("PEMDAS") order of operations. First you calculate the exponent and you get 9, and then you use the operator, which makes it become negative.

But then Yahoo answers has another:
The square number of negative number is ......? - Yahoo! Answers India

It is tough indeed. And it's not "irrelevant" as someone just told me on skype. It's a major issue.

Google has another answer:
minus two to the second - Google Search

Excel behaves differently, too:


Does it make any sense that 0-2^2 is different from -2^2 ? Yet that is the way it is for excel. Much like the guy i met on skype said, if the number is all by itself, it is considered one way, and if it is near another number it is considered another way.

Wikipedia does not agree with it, nor does google.

Please no one post any superficial opinions on this or I will ban you as usual. I did a lot of research and I can't stand it if someone shows up and writes his superficial opinion as if it were a fact.


Here's another one in contrast with Yahoo Answers and Excel:
Squares and Square Roots



I don't wanna hear any moron telling me that this is trivial. If we can't reach a univocal answer on this, we cannot go any further. We can't just say like i heard from someone on skype "you just use the parentheses and eliminate the doubt". I want to know what i do when i find it without parentheses, NOT what i have to to do to be clear.

And so far one guy says one thing and another guy says another. Yesterday my dad ask his physicist friend what is "minus two squared", and he answered "four". I still believe this is wrong, and I want to get to the bottom of this. And given that all math books tell me i am right and "minus two squared is minus four" and that all the conceited people in the world instead tell me "of course minus two squared is four", I want to prove them wrong.

Then what makes me angry is they try to talk their asses out of it by accusing me of being ignorant or implying i don't know math or by saying "things are only sometimes ambiguous when you don't have a full understanding". Damn moron. This guy went from saying that it was unequivocal to saying it was equivocal because I am ignorant to saying it was equivocal because "math is language" and has limits, to saying that "pedantically" i was right, and stayed as conceited as he was at the start. If you were wrong then admit it. I cannot accept being treated as an idiot from someone who's actually wrong about what he's saying.


Here it is, finally. Dr. Math agrees with me, and disagrees with the conceited and ignorant science people of the world:
Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

Negative Numbers Combined with Exponentials

Date: 03/09/2001 at 01:07:20
From: Dee Ryno
Subject: Negative numbers combined with exponentials.

I know that -3 ^2 {to the second power} is negative 3 because the
order of operations tells us exponentials are done first and then the
answer {9} is multiplied by (-1), but why isn't the negative attached
to the -3 to say -3 * -3, which would make it positive, since 3 ^2
{to the second power} is 3 * 3? Help.

This has confused a lot of teachers too!


Date: 03/09/2001 at 15:29:24
From: Doctor Peterson
Subject: Re: Negative numbers combined with exponentials.

Hi, Dee.

You are aware that the order of operations is the key. Because
negation is taken as a multiplication, and exponentiation is done
before multiplication, we read


rather than as


The exponent holds on to the 3 tighter than the minus sign does.

I think you're asking why we have this rule, when the minus looks so
close to the 3, and it seems so much more natural to think of it as -3
squared. I could just say this is a choice that has been made, and we
just follow the convention. But there's an additional reason besides
the logic of seeing negation as multiplication by -1. When we get to
algebra and want to write polynomials, we find ourselves working with
-x^n, which has to follow the same rules as for -3^n:

x^3 - 3x^2 - 3x + 5 = 0

There's little question here; we know that 3x^2 is taken as 3(x^2),
and then we subtract that. But what about

-x^3 - 3x^2 - 3x + 5 = 0 ?

Do we take this as (-x)^3 or as -(x^3)? Because this is a polynomial,
we know that x is meant to be the base of all the exponents; we don't
want to have to write -(x^3) to make it mean what we intend; so we are
perfectly happy to follow the logic where it takes us and treat the
negation as a multiplication done after the exponentiation, rather
than as a part of the base. The rule helps here, rather than seeming
odd: In a polynomial we want exponents to come before everything else,
because they are the stars of the show.

I suspect that polynomials drove much of the development of the order
of operations; many of the early examples of algebraic notation in
which those rules can be discerned are polynomials.

- Doctor Peterson, The Math Forum
The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

Math is unequivocal. It's you guys who are conceited and ignorant and have the nerve to tell me things like "things are only sometimes ambiguous when you don't have a full understanding". Instead I would change that sentence into "Things are unequivocally wrong and you're so conceited that you won't admit it".

It's unbelievable how far ignorance can go. Even excel is wrong and says that "-2^2" is "4". That's not because they're right. That's because when they made excel, there was an ignorant programmer who coded it this way. Like the programmer I met today and told me I was wrong. So now we know that being a programmer doesn't mean you're good at math.

Here's another bunch of conceited idiots:
Is a -9 to the second power a positive result ? Does anyone know a rule applying to this type of question? - Yahoo! Answers

Here's the beginning of what was voted "best answer":
(-9)^2 is a positive result -- 81.
This is because (-9)^2 = -9 * -9, and the product of two negative numbers is always positive...

Everyone kept saying how the product of two negative numbers is always positive, but this is overshadowing the fact that he did not say (-9), but only -9, and therefore since, as Dr.Math says, "exponentiation is done before multiplication", the result is, once again, -81.

So we have a bunch of people on yahoo answers (and on skype) who are spreading ignorance on the web, and now maybe I will be called ignorant as a consequence, because the rule becomes the wrong version and ignorance rules (just like in the "Idiocracy" movie). But the problem is that there's still a large majority of mathematicians who agree with me. It's only the conceited ignorant people who are spreading ignorance. Now the problem becomes if some of the ignorant crowd become programmers and turn excel into something ignorant. Then people start saying crap like "things are only sometimes ambiguous when you don't have a full understanding", then crap like "math is a language" and so there's "ambiguities", and then "yes, you're pedantically right". When instead they are wrong and won't admit it, and they're spreading ignorance while calling others ignorant.


Here's another ignorant mother ****er:
What does -4 to the second power equal

Whenever you square a negative number it becomes positive. so -4^2 is -4*-4=16.

Be careful though. (-4)^2 is not the same as -(4^2).

He asked neither of your answers. He asked -4^2 and the answer is -16, but you pretended he asked (-4)^2 and replied 16, which is not the case because that is not what he asked.


This is someone on my side again:
Positive and negative numbers - This DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!! - College Confidential

Ok so my book says: -3^2 = -9 and (-3)^2 = 9
When the -3 is in the parentheses it means you are multiplying -3 x -3, equaling 9. Without the parentheses, you are multiplying 3 x 3, and adding the negative to it, equaling -9. With that idea -

-3^2 = -9


And finally a yahoo answers guy knowing how to ask a (rhetorical) question (by giving himself the answer) so to spread some knowledge on the web:
Negative number to an even power? - Yahoo! Answers

Negative number to an even power?
Why do so many people think that a negative number ie -2 to an even power ie 2 as in -2^2 has an even answer as in
-2^2 = 4
when the correct answer is -4?

Additional Details

I meant a positive answer not an even answer.

without parenthases -2^2 = -4 is the correct answer

-3^2 = -9

Even in these answers some people are saying the answer is positive or it depends on grouping. If useing parenthases then it does depend on grouping but without the answer is always negative.

Pretty neat. There's so much ignorance that he still got the wrong answers, even after giving the answer himself, and they ended up choosing as best answer, the usual lame answer, "they're both right, depends on how you write it", which is the usual bull**** because he did write it one way and it can only be interpreted in one way, since he did write it.

Here's another one by dr.math, and once again, of course, it agrees with me (this question was asked 4 years before the other one, cfr.quote above):
Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

Exponents and Negative numbers

Date: 03/02/97 at 11:15:14
From: Anonymous
Subject: Exponents and negative numbers

Dear Dr. Math,

In different texts about this same question, I can find two different
answers. The solution to: (-3)squared = 9. But when -3 is squared
(without the brackets), one source may say 9 while another source
says -9.

In context, the -3 squared used in sequence will always be -9; why
would the exponent apply to the negative sign unless it is enclosed
by a sign of grouping? In short, why wouldn't the answer to -3
squared, standing alone and without parenthesis or brackets, be -9?

Thanks very much.

Marvin E. Crim

Date: 03/09/97 at 14:53:39
From: Doctor Ken
Subject: Re: exponents and negative numbers

Hi Marvin -

After a lengthy discussion among the Drs. Math to make sure we had our
facts straight, I think we have an answer for you.

If you ever see the expression -3^2 evaluated as 9, that's incorrect.
The exponentiation is always done before the negation unless there are
parentheses there to indicate otherwise.

However, there are some contexts in which it _looks_ like texts are
saying that -3^2 = 9, but a closer inspection will either reveal a
subtle interpretation or a misunderstanding. For instance, what is the
difference between the following statements:

"If I take negative three and square it, I get nine."
"If I square negative three, I get nine."
"If I evaluate negative three squared, I get negative nine."
"If I take the opposite of three squared, I get negative nine."

All of the above statements are correct. The reason some of them
end up with 9 as the answer and some end up with -9 is that some of
the statements have groupings implied in their phrasing. The first
two statements translate into algebraic notation as (-3)^2 = 9, the
third statement translates to -3^2 = -9, and the fourth statement
translates to -(3^2) = -9.

So the confusion here is not really about mathematical notation, it's
about how to translate English into mathematical notation. Either
that, or your textbook is incorrect!

I hope we've cleared up some confusion. The bottom line is that
-a^b is always evaluated as -(a^b).

-Doctor Ken, The Math Forum
Check out our web site! The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

So you heard that. Either that, or there's a mistake. If it is written -2^2 then it is always -4. So excel is wrong, too. And all these conceited mother ****ers are wrong as well. So **** you all for wasting my ****ing time.

This is yet another situation where there's a majority who is wrong (all confused by the rule "Whenever you square a negative number it becomes positive") and a minority who is right.

The textbooks are usually right, but they're written by a minority of people. Instead the web, since the majority gets to write on it, is mostly wrong, and gives you the wrong answer. So the few informed people (like me) are overwhelmed by the ignorant people. But then one wonders: in the dictionary after a while, if everyone says something one way, then the ignorant version takes over and it becomes the rule. Will it be the same for math? I don't think this is as likely. I don't think the widespread ignorance about mathematical notation will change mathematical notation.


After 4 years of harassment (questions) even Dr.Math is changing his mind. Damn. They harassed him out of his knowledge:
Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

Squaring Negative Numbers

Date: 02/19/2002 at 10:59:10
From: Thanh Phan
Subject: Squaring negative numbers


I would like to know: does -9^2 = 81 or -81?


Date: 02/19/2002 at 12:38:08
From: Doctor Rick
Subject: Re: Squaring negative numbers

Hi, Thanh.

You really should be precise about what you are asking in this case,
since (-9)^2 means -9 times -9, but the expression -9^2 could also be
taken to mean -(9^2), that is, the negative of the square of 9, which
is -81.

When we're working with variables, if we see -x^2, we interpret it in
the second way, as -(x^2), because squaring (or any exponentiation)
takes precedence over negation (or any multiplication; -x is treated
as -1*x.

When you have numbers only, as in -9^2, it's not at all clear that we
should treat it differently from -x^2. However, some will argue that
it should, because -9 represents a single number, not an operation on
a number. Thus, some will interpret -9^2 as (-9)^2, while others will
read it as -(9^2).

Because of the difference of opinion, I highly recommend that you put
in the parentheses explicitly whenever this situation arises.

- Doctor Rick, The Math Forum
The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

No no... wait. There's 3 different doctors. It was first Peterson, then Ken and now Rick. So this is even better because 3 different experts gave 2 answers in favor of my version and more in favor than against it (this last one).

Ok, I asked my own Yahoo question, and already got lots of answers:
Why such ignorance about squaring negative numbers, as in "-2^2"? - Yahoo! Answers

This is pretty good and it is raising some doubts in my mind:
You are incorrect in thinking PEDMAS has anything to do with this. If a number is negative, well then it is negative, it isn't a function that you do after parenthesis, exponents, mult/divide.....

If a number is negative, it is on the opposite side of 0 on the number line than it's positive counterpart, so that is a trait of the number, not something you may do to it later.

Judging by your post, I don't think you will believe this, so hopefully thousands of years of mathematicians much smarter than you, doing it the way you think is false, will convince you.

Finally, a big part of your example is if you are squaring negative 2, which would be (-2)^2, or are you taking the negative of 2 squared, which would be -(2^2). Trust me when I say both of these work out as they should, the first is 4 & the second is -4, regardless of your opinion.

This bill guy seems quite authoritative, with his insulting tone, but it's not enough to convince me. He makes something that might be a good point, in his first paragraph, but given all the mathematicians that I read on the web... it seems just his opinion, along with all the ignorant guys, against all the mathematicians.

Besides, I got a whole lot of other yahoo answers agreeing with me.

And I have this authoritative wolfram dude on my side, too:
-2^2 - Wolfram|Alpha



Best answer so far:
Why such ignorance about squaring negative numbers, as in "-2^2"? - Yahoo! Answers

Unary minus is usually given lower precedence than exponentiation, but as you found out this is not always the case. According to Wikipedia, Microsoft Excel and also the programming language bc give unary minus higher precedence

Order of operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As someone with hands in both mathematics and programming, I can say Excel and bc are atypical in this regard. For example, in Haskell -2^2 evaluates to -4, and in Perl and Python -2**2 evaluates to -4. In fact, until about a year ago, I didn't know that the convention used in Excel existed.

Different authors/fields use different notations/conventions, it's as simple as that. In general, such differences don't cause significant communication problems except for those who are not familiar with the territory (read: newbies!). It can be an inconvenience, but it's hard to eliminate because the conventions are embedded in the literature/language.

Specialists understand that different conventions exist, and they choose a convention appropriate in their field and communicate accordingly. When in doubt, notation can be defined before it is used.

I disagree with your claim that having different notations makes mathematics inexact. It's analogous to one author writing in English and another in French. Sure, it might cause problems if you can't read French, but that doesn't invalidate anything. And in reality the differences in notation are not nearly as dramatic as the differences between English and French.

I liked this last one and I chose it, even though it is partly wrong. This guy is saying that there's a different spelling and that such spelling is like French. Instead that spelling is nothing more than a widespread "misspelling". Just because one of the many misspellers is none other than Excel, it doesn't make it "French". It is still a misspelling, especially in math. Then he goes on to say that it causes me confusion only because I am a "newbie", and he basically also implies that I am not knowledgeable enough to criticize. But dude, it's precisely the foreigners and the children who pick out the mistakes in a language that is foreign to them and that they are discovering. The others might have gotten used the mistake. So it's precisely the newbies you should rely on to find mistakes in your language. At least as far as the intelligent and precise ones like me, because the others will simply learn what the majority uses, which is the wrong form, and that is how it becomes widespread, and how Idiocracy comes true.

So it's not english vs french but it's correct spelling vs misspelling. And yes, it might become the rule, since that's the way it works with misspellings. And yes, now we're at a point where you call it a different language. Just like American, which became a new language, whereas at the start it was considered just a bunch misspellings. But my question (and it was my question from the start on yahoo answers, cfr. above) was precisely if we will go, even in a precise science like math, towards Idiocracy and its spellings:

Idiocracy Mash-up - YouTube

Idiocracy - Trailer - YouTube

But you see, we cannot afford to have 2 different math spellings, so in this case either British or American will have to prevail. Well, you get my point and you get the situation here. I am learning English, but I am neither in the UK nor in the US, and I am having to choose between two different spellings: the good one, and the wrong one, and I wanted to make the right choice as I don't want to cover all the material with the wrong spelling (US English, which later became an acceptable spelling).

I still can't believe this programmer friend of mine on "skype" (just like many others answering this question on the web) told me it was "fairly basic stuff" treating me like an ignorant or an idiot and then proceeded to give me the wrong answer, which is:

I can't stand being treated as stupid/ignorant especially if it's not a "minor issue" and by someone who doesn't know the answer.
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more thinking about what we did wrong

You can pick the systems based on some fixed performance parameter (individual sharpe ratio) and see how their combined drawdown did in the past, and that will give you a good estimate of future drawdown.

But you can't test hundreds of combinations and their relative combined drawdown or sharpe ratios, pick the best one (in terms of either combined sharpe ratio, or combined drawdown to profit ratio), and then expect that combination to deliver the same performance of low drawdown and high profit in the future.

Our latest portfolio was the product of curve-fitting and that is why it lead to an unexpectedly high drawdown. What we carefully avoided in the back-testing of individual systems and creation of them, we totally screwed up when it came to collective performance and the creation of a portfolio.

Big mistake. I could accept the mistake, if it weren't that they blamed it on my systems, which is a total lie basically, whether in good faith or in bad faith. It's like blaming your mistake on my hard work. And your mistake happened because you had me working on the whole thing, to the point of being burned out. So I ended up being guilty for everything, because 1) i was wrongly blamed for my systems, which in fact had not failed and 2) I was blamed for applying their rules, which in fact seemed my mistake again because they did not do but had me do it. So, as we say in italy, "chi non fa non sbaglia". It was all my mistakes, because I was the only one doing any work. On top of all this, now I am burned out due to all the work i did, and they took off with my 120 systems: since there's no way i can take them back. Screwed out of my systems, made no money (actually negative balance, due to the cost of renting the server), burned out mentally, and even blamed for the systems failure. Pretty good lesson for the future.

Anyway, my one concern has always been to be honest, so i'd rather be screwed than screw other people. My conscience is clean once again. Some people are born with a conscience, while others are born with selfishness and their conscience is clean just because they feed themselves lies.
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done with The Story of Maths

Done with this:
The Story of Maths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was great.

But I went pretty fast across the centuries so I am left with some doubts and ignorance. For example, how did the ancient Greeks count?

Greek numbers

And the other guys? I'd like a nice table comparing all ancient numeral systems but I have not found it yet.

List of numeral system topics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Number Systems
Numeration system

This is the best comparison I found so far (concise):
Comparing Different Numeration Systems

Anyway, Marcus du Sautoy made another BBC series, so that'll be next:

No no... I will not watch this. It has nothing to do with portfolio theory. He started with math series and then he went off on a tangent, encompassing the universe.

I am watching it anyway: the part about copernicus is fascinating.

Here's another one I have to watch:

Made by this guy:

Oh, here's another excellent documentary by Marcus du Sautoy, but totally unrelated to math:

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Math is getting into my head. The full immersion self-course is working.

I have stopped buying pills today. I decided I won't buy melatonin or xanax anymore. I am tired of spending so much money on pills. I am keeping tolep and propecia though. I am not giving up on my dream of immortality.

I had problems sleeping, despite taking the pills last night (the last ones). So if I have problems sleeping despite taking the pills, I might as well save money on the pills.

I also decided to cut on expenses. I got rid of a few friends, who were costing me dinners. There's one more to go.

This weekend the wife with the child will come to visit me. I hope she won't cost me more than one dinner.

I am not going to pick her up at the airport as she suggested that i do.

I think, unconsciously, this is a consequence of math itself (getting into my head and subconscious), but also aging. You see: aging made me realize this is one last shot I am getting at success, and I can't miss it, so if it takes doing math all over again, then I will do math all over again. And then by doing math, this thing is getting ingrained in my mind, and math is univocal (unlike the guy on skype told me and the other guys on yahoo answers) or at least I'd like to keep it that way. And univocal means the power to make choices based on numbers, such as "deleting friends because they cost me money" or saying to a former girlfriend "no, i am not coming to pick you up at the airport because it's not convenient".

Maybe it's not math at all, and maybe I am just tired of being exploited.

But maybe it's math. Like... that spreadsheet I did to not get screwed by taxi drivers. That was math helping me to not get screwed: that was me using math to not get screwed, and using the drive to not get screwed to learn math (I still have to work on equations long enough to figure that problem out).

Also, formulas make you isolate yourself and lose touch with the world and with humans, and if you do that, then you don't care about what they think, and then you acquire freedom. And freedom allows you to say to people "hey, you're too expensive - it's not convenient to meet you".

What else.

I didn't lose focus on the portfolio theory I have to study. I purposely decided to spend time making myself like math, by approaching it gradually, starting from history.

After all the biggest risk is not that i won't be able to cover all the material, but that I won't do it. You know what i mean: if i do it right, i can get done in a few months. If i exaggerate with the speed, I will just quit.

It's like swimming or running. If you start too fast, you'll stop after 10 minutes. If you slow down a little bit, you will keep running/swimming for two hours, and will cover the distance.

So yeah, i've been running a marathon all these years, for trading. The systems are ready. I need to cover portfolio theory. The money will come, once I am done with all the math and portfolio theory. I was talking to my dad last night, and he seemed impress with my resolve to tackle math all over again. I think he will give me the money once I am done with all these formulas.

I've shown him the markowitz's money management formulas and I told him i decided to study math again because i need it to figure those formulas out, and he said "you will manage to figure them out", which from him sounded like "i am proud of you and i will give you the money you need to start investing, once you have figured them out".

Now the problem ahead is math. And in math like with anything else, if you fully focus on it, you can solve it. And I am really good at focusing on one thing at a time, and right now I am focusing on math. I am good at obsessing. And I am obsessing about math.

I think the only way i can fail now is if I die. As long as I don't die, I will figure this out and I will succeed.

I remember i did the same with excel and vba. I read at least 1000 pages of Walkenbach's manuals. I went from not knowing anything about excel and vba, to having today 120 systems automated on one excel workbook. I can do math, too. In the same obsessive way.
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This is a terrible and unexpected emergency.

I mean, I have just checked my online banking and I have a negative balance of 2400 euros. Deep trouble.

I am going to have to cut down on all those dinners I keep paying to my neighbour, to my highschool friends... by the way: no more vacations paid by me. No more dinners for anyone, not even me.

Screw them all. I must have spent half of my salary at restaurants.

It's all over. The only thing that I won't give up is propecia (very expensive pills) and the daily cab ride to/from work.

Every other expense will have to disappear. And especially screw all these friends that I have been treating to restaurants. I can do without them.

And to think that just a month ago I was expecting to make several thousands per month from trading. All gone now, and why? Money management mistakes. Too much capital and too many systems traded and the wrong ones, and yet an unrealistic expectation of a low drawdown. I can't blame myself for this, because I was pushed so hard that i burned myself out. The guys who should have been monitoring this, had me do the whole thing, but the problem isn't even that. The problem is that the formula was wrong. The problem is not that I made any mistakes. I applied the method i was recommended to apply, and a method i grew to trust, but it was wrong:

In short, (cfr. link above) you can first select your portfolio of systems based on some parameters, and then see how they did in the past and assess the potential drawdown, and in that case it will be reliable. If you go the other way around, and select the systems traded based on their past drawdown, and check all the combinations and choose the best one, this is equivalent to curve-fitting of the portfolio and the systems will still make money (because they've been selected based on their individual profitability), but the appraised drawdown will be unreliable, because contracts will have been allocated based on curve-fitting overoptimization of the back-tested drawdown. This is definitely the mistake we made, but I still have to figure out the right recipe for selecting systems. I know this was wrong. I don't know what is right. I know what could be better, but i don't know what is good enough. Otherwise my work would be finished.

So, we did it wrong, and drawdown was consequently rapidly exceeded, and then, understandably, they quit. And now they're left with my systems, no obligations to me, and I am left with just my dick in my hand.

But if I can hang in there, and cut down on restaurants and other people making me spend money, and if I can study math in the meanwhile, I will get out of this mess, have my money management figured out, and when the money will come my way again, I will solve for good my financial worries.

I am not giving up now. I still have my dick in my hand after all.

I tell you what actually: I am not giving up ever. I am going to keep trying until I get this thing done. Or until I die.
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narrowing it down

As I learn more and more about the subject, I am getting a better idea of how to narrow it down. I don't need to study geometry or trigonometry or topology. I need first of all to master equations and summation notation. It won't be that hard. I have to tackle this limited area and master it. I will take my time. Just like I did with "-2^2". I will take my time and make sure I understand every little detail and nuance. There is no room for doubts. It's not at all like that guy said on yahoo answers, that people speak two math languages. I am not accepting that. I am going to learn the right language, and everyone else will be speaking the wrong language:

This lady for example. I like her:

I am following her lessons. I like how she explains. Yeah she's talking to children maybe, but so what. I know my limits and I know my strengths.
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taxi ride riddle

My little task is getting closer and closer to being accomplished. I got ripped off by the taxi driver, I made him lower the fare, because I knew he was ripping me off, but now I am getting clsoer and closer to proving that he did rip me off.

In fact what he told me was that there was traffic and that so and so... but eventually he gave me a discount, because he was in bad faith I think.

Anyway, I think it's impossible... anyway, for the next try I will be more prepared to debate.

View attachment taxi_practical_problem.xls

But I am still far from achieving perfection with equations. This is just a practical exercise to make myself get acquainted with the reasoning.

I feel like archimedes. I am only behind 2000 years, and I am... reinventing the wheel.

At the same time, however, "reinventing the wheel" is an important tool in the instruction of complex ideas. Rather than providing students simply with a list of known facts and techniques and expecting them to incorporate these ideas perfectly and rapidly, the instructor instead will build up the material anew, leaving the student to work out those key steps which embody the reasoning characteristic of the field.

The field is solving practical problems. There's no point in doing a ton of equations if i don't know what they're for. I can't even make myself do them, and I will stop the minute I don't know what I am doing them for.

This way I can do math without being bored. The summation notation is to understand portfolio theory, which is clearly necessary, and equations are for both the summation notation and for taxi rides.

The whole point of this thing is only one thing: portfolio theory. I need to be able to understand the various recipes and then maybe discard even all of them, but first i need to understand them. Why? Once again, because we've lost money due to underestimating drawdown and not building the portfolio correctly. They trusted me applying their method, and I trusted them having a good method, and the method wasn't good (here more details). And I was too burned out to even realize it. They were too busy loading me like a mule to notice it either.
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