my journal 2

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Floored (film)

Before even being able to finish "In the Year of the Pig" (the documentary on Vietnam war), I will start another documentary:
...Later he moved to Chicago beginning a 9-to-5 career as a Web designer for trading companies. This is where his fascination with trading began. The attraction was so strong that Smith couldn’t resist trading himself. In the process James got schooled by the market but this experience allowed him access to this secret, and disappearing, society. FLOORED is James’ first feature film.

It was the closed nature of the trading floor, its larger-than-life personalities, and their insatiable penchant for risk-taking that inspired James to turn his camera on Chicago’s pits. The floor reminded him of High School— a place with a hierarchy and a language all its own, dirty bathrooms and even dirtier language. But James found that behind the tough exterior of these bombastic characters were fascinating stories and a window into our own humanity: the risks we take, the life we seek, the history we leave behind...

Watching it here:

It's well made, but the guys interviewed are not teaching us anything about trading. Don't expect that, or you're going to be disappointed.

On the other hand, it is still interesting enough to be watched, for how it shows you their thinking and their lives. So this one is one i expect to be rated 65% at RT. Let's see if it's there - i don't think so.

Yeah, it's there and it has a 60%:

Once again, I was pretty good at estimating critics' response.

Here's one comment I agree with:
Not exactly stock market math for dummies, this horror doc hybrid is nevertheless candid camera capitalism in the raw, penetrating that secretive trader thug life steeped in money lust, booze, designer cigars, drugs, and high end sex on demand.

September 2, 2010 Full Review | Comment
Prairie Miller

It's not as engrossing as I'd have expected, but it does teach you something about these chicago traders.

But I am still watching it right now.

The most important point seems to be where I am at right now: episode 5, minute 2. They're talking about the changes brought by computers: "...the people in the pits lost much of their advantage".

Yeah, episode 5 is the best so far.

Wow, episode 6 is about automated trading. Perfect. This is just as good. It's also scary because I see who is working on the same stuff I am working on (nuclear physicists and so on).

My rating of this documentary is now at 75% - it cannot go much higher because half of the time it focuses on the superficial details of what the right people are saying. Half of the time, it is the wrong stuff from the right people. That's its limit.

Episode 7 and 8 are just as good. Starting with episode 5 they're all good.
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Safe Men

This might be very good. There's a bunch of actors in it, who are good at picking quality movies: Sam Rockwell, Paul Giamatti, Steve Zahn.


It's low-key, so even though it doesn't deliver a whole lot of laughs, it comes off as good. It's not excellent, but it's made by good people who follow decent rules: no cheap laughs, intelligent script, no hollywood bull****, no predictable things. It's a bunch of intelligent people who did somethin good but not their best. But their intelligence still shows. I predict a rating of 55% at RottenTomatoes. Let's see.

58%... there you go: I have also become good at predicting the RT ratings. Am I intelligent or what?


Movie is finished. It was not as bad as anything with tom cruise or nicole kidman, but I would not go so far as recommending it.

I would say it's somewhat similar (in terms of talent put into it, and not being perfectly successful yet intelligent), but definitely less worth watching than this one:

The story was not as good. The acting and the rest was as good, but the story was not that good. The plot. You know what I mean? The story was not worth telling. It was told well, but it was not worth telling.

Here's a review I agree with:

Technically raw and narratively bumpy, this high-concept comedy has all the merits and weaknesses of an amateurish indie. Illustrious cast, headed by Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn, Michael Lerner, and Harvey Fierstein, does its best but it ain't enough.

August 16, 2006 Full Review | Comment
Emanuel Levy

Good efforts, good talents, but not excitingly good movie. It can be watched, but not recommended.
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horrible bosses

Now I am watching this one, with Bateman:

Pretty interesting one, with Colin Farrell in his first comedy role that I can remember: pretty courageous.

Bateman's another one good at picking good movies. Which made get sidetracked and find out that "The Ex" was another excellent movie, together with Mr. Woodcock, that i would have missed due to low RT ratings (since lately I've decided to pick movies based on RT ratings above 60%). The Ex, on RT, has a rating of just 19%:

Yet it's an excellent movie.


Horrible Bosses is a little overdone and overpacked with unneeded comedy, but it's funny all right. One more thing: it has the advantage that I can relate to it, just like all those other billions of people who have a boss. Except, I just never kiss up to anyone. The price I pay for acknowledging no bosses, and not kissing up, is that I never get promoted. But I don't treat the boss like a boss. I'll argue with any boss, I'll disagree... I'll never take any disrespectful stuff.


29 minutes into it, the movie seems like it's trying too hard to please the crowds. 50% or more is just cheap laughs. It's painful to see such good actors star in typical hollywood crappy movie - that's how actors get ruined, by being successful, being offered more money to star in movies with bigger budgets, that have to be more stupid, to please larger crowds, to pay their larger salaries.

The recipe sucks, but the pace is so fast that it is still worth watching. It's not well-made, but the resources employed are so many, that it's still worth watching. Kind of like those american sweets, such as dunkin donuts. They're not that good, nothing like italian cakes/pastries, but they're so packed with sugar that you'll still eat them.


44 minutes into it: this movie actually sucks.

A lot of fireworks cannot distract you from the ridiculous unbelievable plot. Who wrote this crappy plot?

There he is. He never did anything good in his life:

How can they just go and entrust him with such a huge responsibility? Director's fault probably. Who's the director?

No wonder. More crappy work by him as well. Put a bunch of good actors, together with a crappy screenplay and director and you get crap, no matter how good the actors are.

There go the good RT critics who understood this is worthless crap (despite the general rating at 74%):

Ian Buckwalter
Top Critic

The talented cast and colorful vulgarities work overtime to cover for a lack of coherence, but they can only distract for so long.

Full Review | Comment | Original Score: 4.5/10
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Bad Teacher

This is good:

Great plot, great actors, great director, great comedy.

Wait, I am not saying it's a masterpiece or that it's shockingly good. I should have used "good" rather than "great". It's a consistent and uniform movie, with constant interest, constant comedy, constant quality. It doesn't let you down, but don't expect too much of it.

According to Rotten Tomatoes standards, i think it deserves a 61%, barely passing. But I am expecting them to rate it higher, probably 75%, because it just came out, and this is what happens to the latests movies, in terms of score. Yeah, 'cause Horrible Bosses sucked, and they rated it with a 74%.

Let's see:

Oh, good. They wised up. Only gave it a 44%. However, they're wrong, because it is watchable.
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Albéniz, Asturias (Leyenda), guitar solo, James Edwards (animation)


Make sure you watch it full-screen. This is better than going to the movies.

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The Thin Blue Line (1988)

Good, excellent, life-saving documentary. But slow.

Investigative journalism

How do you critique a movie that saves the life of an innocent person? Let's see what they wrote:

Arguably no other film of the 1980s, fiction or non-fiction, was as significant in blurring the boundaries between what's reel and real and in demonstrating the remarkable impact a movie could have.

December 22, 2006 Full Review | Comment
Emanuel Levy

More fantastic documentaries by errol morris:

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woke up early due to neighbour whore

The slut next door was talking on her cell phone and walking around in her high heels at 5.50 am and, as usual, she woke me up.

I wish her death.

Now I am eating ice cream. Drinking coke. And can't fall back asleep.

As far as I am concerned this animal has lived long enough. She must die.

Someone must put her out of my misery.

Now I am playing some music and waking up the child and bitch on the other side of my apartment.

This is how discomfort and madness spreads. One bitch wakes me up, then I wake up, and I play music, and wake up other people - pretty soon the whole city wakes up due to one single loud bitch on heels.

As if it weren't enough now she just came back and slammed her door again.

What does one bitch need to do from 5.50 am to 6.30 am? What on earth did she have to do for 40 minutes at this time of the day? She could not buy anything. She may have parked her car - there might have been some permit expiring at 6 am.

I am not enraged enough to get out of my house, ring her bell, and teach her some manners - this is not ok by my education. I don't feel it's ok to go to other adults and tell them how they should behave. However, what is ok is suing and similar stuff. Having a lawyer teach them. But then I am not enraged enough, nor rich enough, to sue her. I won't talk to the doorman either, nor file any other such formal complaints.

But I am wishing her death with all my supernatural powers, and nothing is happening, because I have no such powers.

I have to make friends with a hit man, like the one played by Michael Keaton in The Merry Gentleman.
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I made it on time

I went back to sleep, with a lot of effort -- it took me one hour -- and I managed to come to work on time. Great.

However, the bitch must die.
moment of weakness... and fragility

I don't know if I'll come out on top, and if I can withstand this moment of weakness.

The idiot boss has been attacking me, erratically, for alleged mistakes I didn't make (it's almost always his fault, but his new sport is "spot errors by travis"). He's clearly getting back at me for telling him "this is a disaster and we're doing everything wrong" about the ace-kaizen revolution of the first semester 2011, for which he was just as responsible. Back-stabbing asshole, who's secretly plotting to have me moved to another office, merely for speaking the truth.

The neighbour bitch is going in and out of her apartment, about 20 times per day, and each time she slams her door, walks heavily on her high heels, and sometimes talks on her cell phone, starting as early as 5.50 AM, like today, and ending as late as 1.00 AM. When am I supposed to sleep?

The child next door keeps screaming, despite having screamed endlessly for the last 2 years. When does a child stop screaming? I thought he would not last that many years. How come the mother hasn't killed him yet?

I am definitely under attack from all sides. Work, home... and even internet, where internet explorer has been giving me problems.

The systems have lost 4000 dollars today.

I am going to try to at least turn the computer off for 4 hours. So I'll be able to sleep. Maybe if I go to sleep at 9 pm, I'll be in deep sleep for the first 4 hours, then the bitch will stop slamming her door, and when she slams it again at 6 AM, I will be well rested and ready to get up.

Too bad my upbringing doesn't allow me to argue, yell, beat people up, scream, sue... I can't do anything. I have to be polite, despite being faced with animals. I can't even hire a hit man, because I can't afford it and due to my upbringing.
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Re: woke up early due to neighbour whore

The slut next door was talking on her cell phone and walking around in her high heels at 5.50 am and, as usual, she woke me up.

I wish her death.

Now I am eating ice cream. Drinking coke. And can't fall back asleep.

As far as I am concerned this animal has lived long enough. She must die.

Someone must put her out of my misery.

Now I am playing some music and waking up the child and bitch on the other side of my apartment.

This is how discomfort and madness spreads. One bitch wakes me up, then I wake up, and I play music, and wake up other people - pretty soon the whole city wakes up due to one single loud bitch on heels.

As if it weren't enougn now she just came back and slammed her door again.

What does one bitch need to do from 5.50 am to 6.30 am? What on earth did she have to do for 40 minutes at this time of the day? She could not buy anything. She may have parked her car - there might have been some permit expiring at 6 am.

I am not enraged enough to get out of my house, ring her bell, and teach her some manners - this is not ok by my education. I don't feel it's ok to go to other adults and tell them how they should behave. However, what is ok is suing and similar stuff. Having a lawyer teach them. But then I am not enraged enough, nor rich enough, to sue her. I won't talk to the doorman either, nor file any other such formal complaints.

But I am wishing her death with all my supernatural powers, and nothing is happening, because I have no such powers.

I have to make friends with a hit man, like the one played by Michael Keaton in The Merry Gentleman.

A very funny read.

I was going to ask you about the film, "The Merry Gentleman", whether it was any good or not...but i remember you advise people just to watch films first and then form your own opinion. Good advice i'd say, as it's impossible not to carry biases in some form, it's what humans do best!
hopeless sleeping

Got woken up just now, at 3 am, by the neighbouring monster child, who's been screaming on and off for the past 2 years.

Now I started the systems. Yesterday they lost close to 5000 dollars in one day. The worst drawdown they had 3 times in a year, during periods of weeks or months -- only this time it happened all in one day.

And, JRP2891, thanks for the compliments. Yes, it was meant to be funny. I write what I think and I know it will be funny, because I add some drama to it. I overdo the drama a little, so it will be funny. If I didn't, I'd expect it to be boring.

Regarding the movie, you need to watch it, as it's part of the post. I am not recommending it. Don't be influenced. I am just saying you must watch it, as everyone reading the post. It needs to be watched as part of reading the post.

I hope I will get some reward, pretty soon, for putting up with all these problems derived from neighbours and colleagues and family and life in general. I had a long hard-working life, with decades of work, and no fun, never any fun... I deserve some reward. Probably I will give one myself, if it doesn't happen soon. I will rob a bank, or similar. I will stop caring about something. Such as becoming dishonest towards someone. When things get tough, you lower your standards. So probably what I'd do is work less for the bank, or help others less as far as trading questions (yeah, some people ask me questions), or stop worrying about useless stuff. I will make my life easier: there's great room for improvement by lowering my standards. I could become rude, dishonest, insensitive, careless... so much I could do. Basically I could be a little less perfect. Or then again, I could rob a bank, or murder some people. That would be the best, but I don't have what it takes. I am not up to it.
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still awake - some deep unresolved issues within myself keep me from falling back asleep. i wish i were the usual average careless carefree human. but i am not. i stay awake and worry. just one screaming child for five minutes at 3 am was enough to get me to stay awake for 2 or 3 more hours.
Yeah. After all, you're always lowering your standards, or rather, you're always living with and accepting your limits.

It reminds me of the usual ads I get in the mail. If you want a 13 inch dick or whatever it is, you're going to have to pay for that product that causes penile enlargement. Well, you get my point. You either rob a bank and lower your honesty standards and then get penile enlargement, or you don't rob the bank, and lower your penile standards and live with a shorter dick.

One way or another, your resources are what they are. It's up to you to choose your priorities.

In my case, other than the penile example, things are pretty clear. At the office, I could stay honest, and can't do otherwise, because that's the way I was brought up to be, and never get anywhere, or I could start kissing up and go out of my way, to get promoted. So I lowered my career standards because I cannot lower my moral standards.

With trading, similar things happen, because I am not doing as much as I could, due to being honest and transparent. I just can't do otherwise.

With the neighbours, since I cannot lower my manners standards, I have to live with lower my sleep standards. But then if I instead choose sleep as a priority over work, then I am lowering my honesty standards by going to work late. Which I often did. But then, since I could not lower those standards either, i ended up taking a day off. So I lowered my vacation standards, which increased my stress. So I lost my temper in the last few months due to never going on vacation, due to using up all my vacation to sleep.

The problem with my upbringing was that they set such high standards for me, and that they got me to accept them, that I basically either die or lower every other standard and objective in my life.

For example, for my mom, every human's task should be to die on the cross, or go die in africa as a missionary. Yeah, she's still alive and not even went to africa, but once or twice when I went home (other city than here) I found some homeless guy in my room. That's the type of person she is - she rebels and gives stuff away, behind my father's back and my back. Then we have to live with a stranger in the house, because she enacted something from the bible, which is actually what they're telling you to do in church, so if you go to church and don't do what she does, you're much worse than she is. Here everyone goes to church, and if there's a beggar outside it, he's not a millionaire, because they all say "he's lazy...", which is bull**** -- they're just hypocrits.

Then for my dad, I should have aspired to becoming the president of italy, anything else being a disappointment.

So for one parent I should have died on the cross, for the other parent I should have given my life for my country, and all this while being honest of course. In the meanwhile, the other kids were stealing my stuff and ganging up on me, since I could not retaliate in any way. Then I'd get home and be told by mom to be sympathetic to assholes in my school, and by my dad that I was an idiot. But then my dad also said my mom was an idiot. But then I could not say it or think it because i had to be respectful. And I had to accept being treated like an idiot, too, because my mom believed in showing the other cheek. So basically in life I was brought up to work hard and be screwed. Actually, according to my mom, getting screwed, being equivalent to dying on the cross, should be everyone's ambition.

No, wait, my dad believes in heroism in war as well. So for one I should die killed by showing the other cheek, and for the other one I should die killed while trying to kill the enemy. So what they have in common is that I should get killed.

So basically, getting back to the topic, I can't be happy, because these standards (being killed as my mission) are so high that first of all I don't want to die so I'll be a disappointment, nor can I become the pope nor the president of italy, so the premise is that I will not live up to expectations. Second of all, besides feeling guilty for neither being a hero nor a martyr, I don't get to live normally, because at least I'll have to try to live up to all the other rules they set for me. So I can't lie, I can't kiss up, I can't complain for lack of promotions, but it's a shame if I don't get promoted. I can't go to work late, but I can't complain to any neighbours if they keep me from sleeping... I just can't do jack**** and I am stuck in a bunch of impossible situations, and despite all these efforts, and all this putting up with things, I still feel like a failure because I neither became the pope nor the president of italy.

So every once in a while I feel like murdering a few people, because by having to live up to all these standards set for me, you have to compensate in some other way... i suppose all the serial killers had parents who set high standards... too high for them, so they put up with it for a while, but then got frustrated, and went on a killing rampage.

And then, ultimately, this upbringing of us serial killers also causes a lot of insomnia.

But then of course the objection could be: why don't you screw those rules and make your own?

To some extent I did - I even added harder to follow rules such as always saying the truth and nothing but the truth.

On the other hand, I also got rid of all that part where I have to help thy neighbour, so I don't give much money to the poor in the street, nor any other thing like that.

But for most other rules, I cannot get rid of them, because that's the problem with education from parents - you cannot get rid of it that easily. They actually convince you of those things from an early age.

For example, if you're brought up Catholic, you grow up to be a Catholic and so on. Otherwise why is everyone in England a Protestant and everyone in Ireland a Catholic... they weren't all convinced... they didn't all choose their own religion... you get my point... people don't reason with their minds. People inherit beliefs.

I inherited beliefs such as "my mission in life is to work hard and be screwed". I did not inherit "the point of life is having fun". I inherited "having fun and being happy is a sin".

There's no fixing that.

The only way to be calm and take it easy for me is to live away from humans. Because then I cease to have to act on those beliefs I inherited. I don't have to be generous, honest, transparent... I don't have to show the other cheek... basically if I stay away from humans I don't have to be screwed, because there won't be humans to screw me.

That is why I need to make money from trading, so I can retire, and get rid of that part of screwing coming from work.

Then I need to move to the island, where there will be fewer humans, mostly relatives on that island, and relatives screw you much less than other humans. Besides, my relatives mostly have similar beliefs, so we'd all be showing each other the other cheek. In fact this is precisely what happens when I rent a summer house from my aunt: I try to pay more and she tries to charge me less, which is the opposite of what regular people do.

Other than this, just to give you a quick example, of all the lowering of standards that I had to... that we all had to pay to having these "higher" standards, take my jobs. I've held about 4 jobs, all of which my father got for me. I could never get any... I only got one job by myself in luxembourg. I quit after 2 weeks.

All my other jobs my father got them for me -- that's the way it goes in italy most of the time anyway. What I am saying is that this is obviously a despicable behaviour. Letting others take care of you.

But there would have been no other way for me, because 1) I've been told by my dad all my life that I was worthless and 2) I had to respect all those standards. So I walked into interviews and said... well, first of all, in my cv I never exaggerated anything like people usually do. So I wrote that I had an average knowledge of english, while others who knew no english wrote they're fluent. And so on. Then at the interview... I said "hey, I don't know if you should hire me -- I have all these deficiencies... really make sure that you think I won't do any damage to your company...".

Maybe I am falling asleep again. I'll try to sleep some more. But to quickly summarize it, sooner or later some standards... some of the ten commandments will have to give in.

My ten or rather my 20 commandments or even my 30 commandments are too demanding, and sooner or later, I will abuse some of the most basic ones. Such as "do not kill" or "do not steal". I've been following too many commandments for too long. Probably I would simply just quit my job and redirect my anger at those who have made my life so frustrating. I'll go to my parents and ask them to support me.

Yeah, and by the way, my dad recently even offered me the money needed for trading on my own, but I refused it, because one of my 30 commandments is to not accept such gifts. If he asks me again I'll definitely accept it. That will be one of the first commandments to fall.

"Be screwed and show the other cheek"... "be virtuous and die for your country"... what a crappy life if you actually believe in those things. It's ok if you just say that stuff, but if you actually expect to be coherent and apply it, it's going to be a miserable life.

Anyway, I am sure that, like everyone else, I am not better... I am just like everyone else, and in order to apply all these crappy rules I was taught, I am compensating or will compensate by just as many shortcomings, deficiencies... you get my point. I might be like one of those priests who have a very immaculate life but then enjoy touching little children in their private parts... you know what I mean? You have to work your ass off for the church your whole life, so you need to compensate in some way. You can't just give and give... and be a martyr.

I don't know what I am saying... it's not a coherent essay any more... I am just trying to fall asleep. Tomorrow, in a few hours, the usual moral dilemma... go to work late, take a day off or go to work tired because my 30 commandments made me sleepless? That is my equivalent of being a pedophile: I feel I am entitled, due to having 30 commandments, to skip mother ****ing work and sleeping all day long. After all I was made insomniac by the 30 commandments, so I am entitled to compensating a little bit.
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Travis, very interesting things to read from you to see where you're coming from. I am not very good with this type of conversation, but I can at least say that we've had similar experiences so I understand what you're saying!
ok, I made it to work on time

Good, even though I only slept 6 and a half hours. Mother ****ing little child who never grows up enough to stop screaming all the time. ****ing nimrod.
Hi mate

Interesting read above, ...back to the portfolio of systems, ..let's say the U.s congress can't agree re raising of the current $14.2tr debt ceiling and August 2nd comes and no vote/agreement potentially causing massive volatility in 'the markets' [unlikley scenario I know as a lot of brinksmanship going on between republicans (particularly) and democrat negotiatiors at the moment,] but let's say it happens...will you suspend trading of the portfolio or let the systems run as normal ?

All eyes on Eurozone at moment of course with Italy in the spotlight/fears of contagion etc... but August 2nd approaching.


Hi Travis

as an addendum to my question above, have you done any work re the relationship/correlation to volatility overall ie for eg do the portfolio of systems work best ie gain when the vix index is at or below a certain read etc.. ?

Of course volatility has increased in recent days in the € related markets but this may be as nothing if the U.s defaults re that 2nd August deadline for a new debt ceiling ?

I am glad people read my insomniac reflections.

Well, regarding your question, instinctively I was going to answer that if the systems work, and they do, it would be normal (but in fact it is only "normal" for my systems) that with an increase of volatility they'll work better and make more money. And if I had to bet, I would bet on that happening, both from how I know my systems and from what I have seen in the past. However, I have done no scientific measurement of this, so right now I cannot confirm it to you.

But I am pretty sure of it, because you see, my systems enter and exit based on entry and exit times, so if the market moves more between the entry and exit time, the system will either lose or make more money, and if the system is good, it will make more money. So if there's more volatility it means the market moves more and it causes the systems to make more money. I might have some systems that prefer range, but even "range" is a complex term, because it all depends what timeframe you're talking about. So, to summarize my answer, I did no scientific tests, but if by "volatility" we mean a larger distance from daily high and daily low, then, from what I know about my systems and the markets, I would predict they will make more money, with a pretty high level of confidence - but I did not measure it. I could measure it now, and I should, but I am tired: my eyes are momentarily tired.

For the same reason of expecting the systems to make more money with more volatility, I would not stop them from trading in moments of potentially increased volatility, such as these you're mentioning. But even before that consideration, if a system is automated it is entirely automated and you cannot just turn it on and off whenever you feel like it. And yet another reason I would not do it, is that there's other people monitoring me and they've made it clear that there can be no tampering with the systems -- and they have convinced me, too. There has been no tampering with any trade made and ended by the systems during the past 13 months. Zero tampering, despite there having been 600 trades. No matter how much a system lost or gained, that system would not be touched, until a subsequent review established, with calm pondering and evaluation, along several days of reviewing, that the given system had failed by exceeding too much the back-tested drawdown or similar performance measurements. This was a big change for me. I used to enable and disable systems after just a loss, and i used to tamper with their entries and exits. In the long run, I only lost money because of it.

Regarding italy and the euro, my dad recently told me that he expects big problems and expects the situation to "plummet". That sounded like good news to me, because what better opportunity to tell him "maybe this is the right time to give me that money for my trading"? He recently told me that he might want to give me some money for trading, and i said "no, it's ok... I don't need it", because he is the one who brought me up to be proud and reject offers of help from him. But if today he tells me again "hey, the euro and italy are in a disastrous situation, that might soon plummet", what better opportunity to ask him to wire money to my US account?

Besides, my systems have lost 8000 dollars lately (5000 all yesterday) and are in their biggest drawdown ever, so from all points of view this is the best moment to wire euros, convert them into dollars, and start trading.

On the other hand, I won't tell him anything, because he's been talking about "plummeting situations" and approaching catastrophes ever since i was born. Let alone forecasting my failure in life ever since i was eight years old (it was his way of motivating me). When he predicts something good will happen, which is rare, that's when you should watch out, because usually it's because he hopes for something good to happen, and instead it goes wrong. His negative predictions are just because he wants to transfer his worries on to you, so he doesn't worry about it anymore. He's been telling me he might die any time soon ever since i was six years old. His father died when he was six. So since i was six, he's been telling me "when i was your age, my father died", and from then on, "when i was your age, my father had been dead for 1, 2, 3... years".

Yeah... "death is approaching" is my family's motto and our soundtrack is this one:

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Hi Travis

Thanks for the reply to my questions. Understand what you say about the systems being automated, principly to stop tampering as you decsribe here and have outlined in this blog before that has been a feature of your manual/discretionary trading and that you partly attribute to the lack of consistent and sustainable success in that discretioary field.

'....if by volatility we mean a larger distance from daily high and daily low...' is what you profer in the post above but I would argue that volatility is probably more the amount of movement between said hi and lo or indeed over any given period. Vix is probably the most widely used measure we have of volatility.

My point about interupting the automated trading (notwithstanding the points you make in youyr reply) is that in extraordinary periods of volatility such as the Lehman crash, then yes the increased volatility may harm or benefit you depending on market reactions etc...but in such circumstances (such as a U.s default or even an Italian default or bail out need - effectively signalling the beginning of the end of the € as we presently know it [if this hasn't already been signalled !?] ) if you are getting hurt badly would you still not consider interupting the portfolio of systems, ie halting the automated trading until volatility settles down (howsoever you mkeasure this or indeed, as you say in your reply can measure this beacuase it is not an integral metric of your systems/portfolio ?)

Intersting comments from your dad, ...we all watch with interest.

Thanks again,

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