my journal 2

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Great. I'll keep posting them.

This one makes you want to whistle, but then you can't whistle like that unless you're him. And then he's also playing the guitar, and, given his age, how the hell does he have the energy to whistle like that...?
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weekly drawdown update

All right, here we are. As you might remember, I said that I didn't feel like showing off so I'd post the equity line only in a period of drawdown.

So here it is:


That's right -- pretty scary fall last Monday, due to some unprofitable trades on the interest rate futures.
super combo

I was working and came up with a potential scaling up combination, which is super.


It adds 18 systems to the 28 already traded, but
1) it actually doesn't increase the maximum drawdown, whereas
2) it does increase overall profit by 25%,
3) it improves the sharpe ratio from 4.8 to above 5, and
4) it decreases the max drawdown days from 40 to 29.

The profit you see in the image above is from the backtested period of 8 years. It returns about 12500 every month, but since the future is usually worse than the past, then I'd be counting on 8k per month.

Margin-wise: the margin required by now we know it's only half of the maximum theoretical margin, and, the more systems I add, the better will be that ratio. It's a fact I had forecasted a long time ago. But now it's proven scientifically:


That's right. The red line in the background is the maximum margin required IF all systems were to trade at once, but since they don't (in theory they could, but in the past 13 months they never used more than 20k of margin at once, as the black line on the bottom of the chart shows), then actually the ratio keeps on decreasing the more systems we add.

You see, it works like this: if we were trading one system, then of course when it trades, the ratio is 100% of the max theoretical margin. But then, if we trade 2 systems, the chance of them trading together decreases: they won't always trade together or maybe never. So the max theor.margin goes up, whereas the actually needed margin stays the same. And the ratio max/real goes down. Now imagine a situation where we are trading 46 systems. The chance of all of them trading at once does exist, because we're talking about systems potentially trading in the same time zone (otherwise the max theoretical margin would be even higher, but it wouldn't make sense to add them up if it's impossible for them to trade at the same time), but that chance is very small. It's like when you toss a coin many times: there is always a chance that if you toss it 1000 times, it will come up with head each time, but you can invest as if the chance wasn't there. Now: we're tossing that coin many times all at once, so we can count on needing about 50% of the maximum theoretical margin. Also, because, even when, once a year, that ratio will be exceeded, there will always be some extra capital on the account, which is there to cover potential drawdowns.

So my confident forecast is that we can trade this new combination of 46 systems with a capital of 60k, since their max theoretical margin is 120k.


I also want to get ready for super combo version 2, when all 46 systems get their contracts doubled up and we add systems on silver.

Ok. Here's super combo 2:


The days of drawdown increase but so does the sharpe ratio so it's good. Maybe I can get rid of some double contracts for those systems that perform the worst and things can even get better.

Here's all the systems/contracts it needs (i've enabled a bunch of silver and natural gas systems):

AUD_ID_01 2
AUD_ID_02 0
AUD_ID_03 0
AUD_ON_01 2
CAD_ID_01 2
CAD_ID_02 2
CAD_ID_03 2
CAD_ID_04 2
CHF_ID_01 2
CHF_ID_02 2
CHF_ID_03 0
CHF_ID_04 2
CHF_ID_05 2
CL_ID_01	0
CL_ID_02	1
CL_ID_03	1
CL_ID_04	1
CL_ID_05	0
CL_ON_01	0
CL_ON_02	1
CL_ON_03	1
CL_ON_04	0
CL_ON_05	1
ES_ID_01	0
ES_ID_02	0
ES_ID_03	0
ES_ID_04	0
ES_ID_05	0
ES_ID_06	0
ES_ID_07	0
ES_ON_01	0
ES_ON_02	2
EUR_ID_01	0
EUR_ID_02	0
EUR_ID_03	2
EUR_ID_04	0
EUR_ID_05	2
EUR_ID_06	2
EUR_ID_07	0
EUR_ID_08	0
EUR_ID_09	0
EUR_ID_10	2
EUR_ON_01 0
GBL_ID_01	2
GBL_ID_02	2
GBL_ON_01 2
GBP_ID_01	0
GBP_ID_02	0
GBP_ID_03	0
GBP_ID_04	2
GBP_ID_05	2
GBP_ID_06	2
GBP_ID_07	2
GBP_ID_08	2
GBP_ON_01 0
GC_ID_01	2
GC_ID_02	0
GC_ID_03	0
GC_ID_04	0
GC_ID_05	0
GC_ID_06	0
GC_ID_07	0
GC_ON_01	2
GC_ON_02	0
GC_ON_03	0
HG_ID_01	0
HG_ID_02	2
HG_ID_03	0
HG_ID_04	0
HG_ID_05	0
HG_ID_06	2
HG_ID_07	2
HG_ON_01	0
HG_ON_02	0
JPY_ID_01	2
JPY_ID_02	0
JPY_ID_03	0
JPY_ID_04	2
JPY_ID_05	0
JPY_ON_01 0
JPY_ON_02 2
NG_ID_01	2
NG_ID_02	2
NG_ID_03	2
NG_ID_04	1
NG_ON_01	1
NG_ON_02	1
NG_ON_03	1
NG_ON_04	1
NQ_ID_01	0
NQ_ID_02	0
NQ_ID_03	0
NQ_ON_01	2
NQ_ON_02	0
SI_ID_01	1
SI_ID_02	1
SI_ID_03	1
SI_ID_04	1
SI_ID_05	0
SI_ID_06	0
SI_ID_07	1
SI_ON_01	1
SI_ON_02	1
YM_ID_01	0
YM_ID_02	0
YM_ID_03	0
YM_ID_04	0
YM_ID_05	2
YM_ID_06	0
YM_ON_01	2
YM_ON_02	0
ZN_ID_01	0
ZN_ID_02	0
ZN_ID_03	2
ZN_ID_04	0
ZN_ID_05	0
ZN_ID_06	0
ZN_ON_01	0
ZN_ON_02	3
ZN_ON_03	0
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Everybody's Fine (2009)

Not bad. The movie is well made even though the topic will hardly be worth it, from what I can tell so far (25 minutes into it). It all depends on how it will evolve. So far it's good but nothing has happened (25 minutes into it). It reminds me of About Schmidt.

I was going to say that it's a neorealist movie, but I guess not: the daughter is too much of a bitch for it to be realistic, so that the movie is not neorealist nor is even good maybe. We'll see.

No, wait, at minute 29 the movie rescues itself with a good plot twist.

Damn, wrong again. A few minutes of bad acting and bad script -- minute 34.

46 minute: nothing has happened yet. Another 20 minutes of this and if something doesn't change the movie is a flop. Or rather -- I don't care if it is successful or not, but it is not a good movie.

Minute 54: getting worse and worse.

It's failed. I am going to look at RT and see what they say about it. I bet it's below 60% rating. The problem for this typical hollywood director is that the music and some poetry is not good enough to make a good film: you also need a good and (in this case) a realistic story.

I am going to rate it a 56%, just because it made an effort to tell a few sad facts -- it had some good in it, just not enough. I expect RT to do the same (of course I know theirs is just the average of the ratings by a bunch of people)...

Oh, my god! Minute 58: there's drew barrymore, totally miscast in this. Pathetic. She's usually just great, but not here.

Anyway, here's RT:


See? I told you it wasn't good and it would not be appreciated by RT either.

I'll quote whoever I agree with the most:

Disappointment that it isn't what a De Niro movie used to be - powerful, challenging and edgy. Now his movies are weak and clichéd with a mushy centre.

February 26, 2010
That's right. It's really sad and true. Who do I have in my avatar? Still, I have to say that this is true. It's a crappy movie, like many others De Niro has done in the last 20 years.

God, 1:06... Barrymore is so pathetic, once again.

De Niro, Barrymore, Rockwell... a bunch of excellent actors all wasted on a bad script and a bad movie made by a bad director.

The only good thing about this movie is this song by Paul McCartney:

It's interesting. Finally a video that unites my two favorite people, one for music and one for movies.

Such a good interview I just found on youtube:

And here's Kevin Keegan:

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I just woke up, and finally I slept well, 9 hours. I could have even slept longer. I kept sleeping thanks to one or two dreams. The neighbour bitch or other sources of noise woke me up several times, but I was dreaming so I went back to sleep and continued the dream.

A dream is like a complete movie or a short film that your subconscious mind directs in your head. It's better than anything I could create. I am not creative at all when it comes to writing stories. I can only write what has happened. But in dreams, anything can happen and it's all perfectly coherent. Or rather: it is always perfectly convincing. Even if you told the story you dreamed to others, and you told it with all the details, it would convince them it can happen, just like any good movie does. You don't stop in the middle of the movie and say to yourself "this is not realistic". You just follow it till the end, engrossed in it.

The only trouble is writing down your dream as soon as you wake up. If you work, you can't do it, because you have to rush to work. If there's people in the house, you can't do it, because they distract you as soon as you wake up, with questions and such. If you're stressed out, you're going to wake up and resume your stressing out, and forget about your dream.

Lately I've been too stressed out to even remember my dreams, or maybe I was even too stressed out to even dream. Let alone waking up and writing them down.

The best place to dream and write dreams down is when you're on vacation by yourself, and there's no one around.

I remember that the year I was in Spain and France, I used to wake up and write down my dreams. They're all in my thousands of pages of diaries -- provided my mom didn't lose them. They're in another city, where she lives, and she loses everything: wallet, cables, instructions, appliances, documents, my stuff, my books, my mom... there's only one word that qualifies her and that word is "stupid". I can't help saying it and thinking it.

Anyway, now I am going to look for a movie, or some movies, entirely based on dreams, hopefully not invented ones, but a movie that tells dreams exactly the way they were dreamed by someone, because i think that if you write it down in all its details, a dream can make a perfect movie. Well, maybe a short film.

Here's something in that direction:
Dream art is any form of art directly based on material from dreams, or which employs dream-like imagery.

Got it!

Filmmakers noted for their use of oneiric or dreamlike elements in their films include Luis Buñuel,[3] Wojciech Has,[4] Sergei Parajanov, Ingmar Bergman, David Cronenberg, Alexander Dovzhenko, Andrei Tarkovsky,[5] Lars von Trier,[6] Krzysztof Kieslowski (e.g., The Double Life of Véronique from 1991)[7], Carlos Atanes[citation needed], Alejandro Jodorowsky, Sergio Leone (particularly Once Upon a Time in America)[citation needed], Orson Welles (particularly his adaptation of Franz Kafka's The Trial), and David Lynch (e.g., Mulholland Drive).[8] Film genres or styles noted for their use of oneiric elements include 1940s and 1950s film noir and surrealist films; moreover, oneiric elements have also been noted in musicals, thriller and horror films and in comic films such as Marx Brothers movies.[9]

Yeah, I knew there was a strong link between films and dreams, but what I want is different: I want a film entirely based on dreams. The directors listed above didn't do that. I am not satisfied with watching movies with "dreamlike elements".

And this, too:

Here there's a list of "Works intended to resemble dreams, but not directly based on them". I can't be happy with that either.

Ok, here it is:
Notable works directly based on dreams

Several films of Andrei Tarkovsky, most notably The Mirror
The major films of Sergei Parajanov, most notably Sayat Nova and Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Much of the filmography of David Lynch (e.g. Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, etc.)
The Brother from Another Planet by John Sayles
Dreams (1990) by Akira Kurosawa
Many works of Federico Fellini (1920–1993)
Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), At Land (1944), and Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946) by Maya Deren.
Waking Life (2001) by Richard Linklater
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) and Science of Sleep (2006) by Michel Gondry
The works of Luis Buñuel
Paprika (2006) by Satoshi Kon
Eyes Wide Shut (1999) by Stanley Kubrick
Inception (2010) by Christopher Nolan
Yeah. Today I need to start watching this stuff.

I was going to get started from "dreams" by Akira Kurosawa. Then I got sidetracked by looking at his biography, and interestingly he directed a propaganda movie:

Where he met his wife.

This movie makes you understand what it was like in Japan during the war. These women in the factory are like soldiers in the army.

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more about max theor.margin vs historically needed margin

Continuing from here:

What I want to add now is that I came up with a formula summing up that the more we increase the number of systems, the closer we will get to the average traded days of those systems.

This is very complex because many systems trade futures requiring different margins so we cannot simply find max theoretical margin, see which systems trade at that time, and then find out how often they trade, but a rough guesstimate tells me that i can figure it out pretty reliably.

You see, my 120 systems trade 34000 times in 8 years, which is equivalent to 2000 days. Since each system can only trade at the most once per day, then this means that each system trades on average 34000/120 = 283 times every 2000 days. This is equivalent to 15% of the days. Let alone the fact that in most cases the trades last less than 1 day, so we can't say that a system on average is trading 15% of the time, but only that it starts a trade 15% of the traded days.

Now, correct, there will be some peaks of trading, because systems tend to trade more when there's volatility. But not that much more, so let's keep that 15% figure to compensate for peaks of trading.

So the more systems will trade, the more the max theoretical margin ratio relative to the actually needed margin will approach that 15% value. And look here:


You see, as the number of systems traded increases so does the max theoretical margin. However, the actually needed margin is always down there at 20k. Except that it might happen more often rather than rarely.

Right now, to be on the safe side, we've allocated enough capital to cover 66% of the max theoretical margin. But in the future, as the number of systems increases, 50% would definitely be a safe figure. But I would even say 33% would be enough.
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movies based on dreams

I'll watch this first, The Brother From Another Planet:

Then Inception:

Brother from another planet is crap. But here everyone gives it a good rating:

Even though they also say it sucks in many cases. Very odd. Almost if no one dared to give it a bad score.

Will watch Inception now.


Pretty bad. Let's see RT:

Damn! 86%. For once I am totally in disagreement with them. Actually, the same just happened with The Brother From Another Planet.

Maybe it's not a coincidence. I like dreams, but I don't like movies about dreams. I like movies that are realistic.


You know what I think actually? The guys at RT were fake critics bought by the producers of Inception. This movie was so expensive that they also invested some money into affecting the RT reviews. This movie totally sucks. Let me find some real reviews by real critics:

Gareth Simms
Platform A film trying feverishly to spin your head whilst feverishly trying to explain how it's spinning it.

Kelly Vance
East Bay Express One way to salvage some fun with this blunderbuss would be to fall asleep while watching and dream up a better movie yourself. Try it. You'll avoid a headache.

Gee, finally some intelligent people.

Kimberly Gadette
Indie Movies Online Without a substantial story to support the whole, the piece is as weightless as the 'Zzzzzz team' itself, floating through the multiple levels of dreams within dreams.

Christian Toto
What Would Toto Watch? Inception is a nightmare for audiences looking for coherent fiction.

Gary Wolcott
Tri-City Herald Inception is so slow and so confusing that you may actually fall asleep. Or wish you were really dreaming and could wake up and dream another movie.

I get the point. Let's read what the scumbags who praise it wrote:

It's only the latest indication that Christopher Nolan might be the slyest narrative tactician making movies today.

July 16, 2010 Full Review | Comments (5)
Amy Biancolli
Houston Chronicle
How much did they pay her?

It's a bold, stunning feature of impossible technical virtuosity. It also has the tendency to be about as emotionally stimulating as a college lecture.

December 21, 2010 Full Review | Comment (1)
Brian Orndorf
How much did they pay him?

This movie is so engrossing that I could have stopped watching it at minute 1, 2, 3... any time during the 2 and a half hours it lasts. Bad acting, bad plot... piece of ****.
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Re: movies based on dreams

I'll watch this first, The Brother From Another Planet:

Then Inception:

Brother from another planet is crap. But here everyone gives it a good rating:

Even though they also say it sucks in many cases. Very odd. Almost if no one dared to give it a bad score.

Will watch Inception now.


Pretty bad. Let's see RT:

Damn! 86%. For once I am totally in disagreement with them. Actually, the same just happened with The Brother From Another Planet.

Maybe it's not a coincidence. I like dreams, but I don't like movies about dreams. I like movies that are realistic.


You know what I think actually? The guys at RT were fake critics bought by the producers of Inception. This movie was so expensive that they also invested some money into affecting the RT reviews. This movie totally sucks. Let me find some real reviews by real critics:

Gee, finally some intelligent people.

I get the point. Let's read what the scumbags who praise it wrote:

How much did they pay her?

How much did they pay him?

This movie is so engrossing that I could have stopped watching it at minute 1, 2, 3... any time during the 2 and a half hours it lasts. Bad acting, bad plot... piece of ****.

I was curious if you were going to talk about your movies that you're watching or not; thanks for putting up the 'review'! I actually hadn't heard of these before; but the guy in the "Brother from Another Planet" looks like Dyson from Terminator 2. Its him, isn't it?
Actually that guy is Joe Morton, and I advise you against watching either of those movies. In case you need good movies to watch, here is my list.


yet more on max theoretical vs historically used margin

This song introduces the subject, in that it says "why should we worry?". That's right: "why should we worry about margin?". There's no need to worry about maximum theoretical margin, I am telling you, again and again.

Here's the latest chart:


After a whole month at 67k of maximum theoretical margin, my systems did not require more than 25k, which is a bit more than one third. Even if they'll ever require more, it will be covered by the extra profit (which is there to cover potential losses). But let's even settle for needed margin to be 50% of maximum theoretical margin, which is 33k, and will probably be used once a year.

Why is this so important? Because by using maximum theoretical margin you're decreasing the performance of my systems, and decreasing the amount of contracts traded, too. And third, because it is not needed. It is a waste of capital. The chart speaks clearly. All that was ever needed in the past year was 25k.
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I am getting worried, due to lack of activities to do.

Not that I need any more work on the systems. No, thanks. 120 is enough for now. Not that I need other people to get in touch with me to work on new systems.

I've helped an italian guy just a month ago, worked on it every day for a month, and now he just disappeared. Well, hopefully, at least he'll tell me how well he's doing.

But I don't think he's got what it takes. I mean, yes: he opened an account with IB in one week, installed tradestation as I told him to do... did a lot of stuff very fast. But then what? Then he said he could not do any more work because he had to go to the beach, had to meet his girlfriend, had to meet friends... he doesn't have what it takes. I've created a system for him, gave it to him and now he's trading it. He even got some guys in Switzerland to finance his investments, but you know what? He's not going anywhere. If you're busy with friends, girlfriend and so on, all the shortcuts in the world won't help you.

I showed him all the shortcuts but if he doesn't have the right stuff, then he won't get anywhere still. I gave him a system, I showed him the way, but he won't be able to create any more on his own... he just lacks the motivation - that's evident by the fact that he prefers to go to the beach.

Well, I definitely won't build him any more systems. There's so many people in the world, even whom I met, who tell you they want to do this and that, but then they stop, sooner or later. This guy was obviously one of the most motivated ones. He did everything I told him for a month, and then he went back to his life... lol, ah ah... that's not the way to go. You must not have a life to do this stuff.

Moron. Unmotivated slacker. He doesn't deserve any more help than i've already given him.

Anyway, I was saying I am getting worried. Right. When I feel bored and idle, worries start growing in my mind. If I everything is just perfect, I'll even start thinking about death. When I was in my early 20s and everything was perfect, I used to think "yes, it's perfect, but then there's death, approaching".

So, now instead, now that there's more things in front of death, to hide it from my sight, I am thinking about those things, and if I ever will get them out of the way, I will again see death, get depressed and kill myself maybe. That's maybe why some rich people do drugs or kill themselves. They have everything, so that nothing is hiding death from the horizon. Death approaching.

The things that are hiding death from my sight are smaller worries, such as my teeth rotting. Maybe they're not rotting, but I still worry about little pains, little sensitivities.

Then if I don't have that worry, I'll think about bags under my eyes.

Then if I don't worry about that, I will worry about someone who's about to screw me.

I can't watch movies on this laptop. I shouldn't. It's bad for my eyes. But what do I do then?

I don't want to work. I don't want to go out. I don't want to waste money with people at restaurants.

I don't... I will go take a bath, and then I'll watch tv. A lot of tv. This is the healthiest thing I can be doing right now. If one day I'll be living at the beach, I'll go swimming for hours and hours.
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rc submarine

The bath worked very well. I stayed there for over an hour, just making phone calls, right and left.

Right now bath tub is even healthier than watching tv, because it keeps me away from a screen altogether. I think I know what I need to do: I need to buy myself one of those remote-controlled boat that I dreamed of as a child and that I can now afford. That way I will stay in the bath even longer, playing.

But the speedboat is too fast for a bath tub, so I need something slow, like a remote-controlled submarine. A sailing boat with a fan would be ideal, but the fan is too impractical. Submarine is best, also because I could devise something to go underwater with it, such as a small time bomb, so I could develop a weapons to use when I get to go in the ocean. An underwater bomb.

I am going to buy this, so I can turn the lights off and watch it go underwater:

The price is right:
Street Price: $18.76 US
Manufacturer: Unknown
Mfgr's recommended min. age: n/a
Our recommended age range: 7-11
Primary use: Indoor

The age is ok, too, because I am old enough.

This is it. I am buying it, because it on sale for 0.99 cents on ebay right now. Expiring in 6 hours:

Bought it. This is going to do wonders for my eyesight, since I'll spend many more hours in the bath tub.

It is indeed a little gem. A little masterpiece. Can you find anything better for 0.99 cents? Only problem is that shipping costs 15 times the cost of the product.
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depressing father

Damn. And once again, for the umpteenth time, my father told me the euro is in trouble, and italy in particular. That we're all about to go bankrupt like greece and they're about to raise taxes on futures... damn damn damn.

He keeps telling me horrible things ever since I was born. I will spare you some of the other unpleasant things he told me. Catastrophes are approaching us from all sides.

The only thing working correctly and under control is... are:

1) the bath tub
2) the purchases of rc sumbarines on ebay
3) my server
4) my excel workbook running on the server

I will focus on those few things that are going well and that are under control.
gonna try to go to sleep early

Will try it tonight. Everything else is under control. Sleep is important.
woke up

Wow, I can't believe I got that submarine for 0.99 cents. It's the best purchase of my life. I will buy more in the future. Most definitely a helicopter, too, for when I am lying on the couch.

Regarding sleeping. I just woke up from another good night of sleep. Here's some major improvments in my sleep:

1) the screaming child in the room next to mine went on vacation - hopefully he'll drown and not come back.

2) starting the systems at 7.15 am instead of 23.00 has nothing but advantages, because this way I don't have to stick around until late and if I go to bed earlier, the noises in the first few hours wake me up less than the noises in the last few hours, because sleep is always deeper in the first few hours than in the last few hours, so you make sure you offset your sleeping schedule enough to have more noise when you're sleeping more heavily than the opposite.

3) since I am more relaxed lately, due to less work at home and less worries at work (the ace-kaizen team is gone for good), I still wake up a couple of times every night (the other neighbour bitch is still around, slamming her door), but I go back to sleep and keep dreaming. Major dreams tonight as well. And they kept me sleeping, because I was relaxed enough to go back to sleep and continue my dream. And when I am engrossed in my dreams I sleep better.

Yeah, now I am going to work.
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