my journal 2

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Yeah, the journal is a whole body of content, like one single post, so this is bound to happen when I am forced to fit content into these posts. In fact I am continuously editing them, until the allowed 24 hours expire.
beautiful day at the office

Oh, what a beautiful mornin',
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I got a beautiful feelin'
Ev'rything's goin' my way.

Vito is not here today, nor is the other roommate. I'll be able to keep the door shut and to work focused. Thanks, god, for this beautiful gift. Probably vito did not get the stray bullet I was hoping for, but this is good enough. Another week of peace.

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oh, i forgot to tell you

I didn't remember to post a detailed summary of last week's equity line.

Continuing from here:

After the previous disastrous six weeks, we have finally had a beautiful week:


On the other hand, the correlation with EUR/USD is on the rise again, which sucks:


It is now back at a value of 0.65 (I am using excel's "correl" function and comparing the system's running balance with the EUR/USD value).

Recently we have dropped every single system that wasn't healthy and had either exceeded its own in-sample drawdown or had been unprofitable in the whole out-of-sample period. So it is as if we had a finetuning period of six months, during which I had to open my eyes and acknowledge that I had made poor choices.

Of the systems that we are still trading now, only one of them hasn't been profitable (GBP_ID_5), but we're keeping it because it has been profitable in the out-of-sample and it has not exceeded its in-sample drawdown.


But let's look at the weekly equity line again:


You see, this awfully ugly line, or at least "awfully irregular" line, does not represent my present systems at all. Those big falls and so on are the consequence of all the bad systems, which we were still trading. The line would have looked quite different if I had not included the bad ones until a few weeks ago and if I had included the best ones from the start (in most cases the good ones were indeed trading from the start). Without trading the bad systems we would now be at 8000 dollars of profit:


But we would have scaled up a while ago, and, with new systems added a while ago, the profit would be even higher. We'd probably be at least at 12000 and I'd almost be able to quit my job.

And mind you, this is not just stupid and self-evident in that the bad systems I am referring to are not just systems that didn't do well in the period we traded them, but they failed even before, and I could have easily spotted them. Yet I included them, because I had "good feelings about them" or because they lowered the drawdown during the in-sample. Yet the problem is that the in-sample is meaningless if a system does poorly in the out-of-sample.

Now that we got rid of my poor choices, I think we will just rise in the next few weeks, making about 1000 dollars per week, and probably we'll reach by the end of January the famous 5000 dollars profit, which is the threshold set by the investors to allow scaling up. After that, we will most likely double the systems traded (right now we're only trading 6).

At which point, we will start making a steady profit of 4000 per month, and that means I can almost quit my job.

On top of all this, I am now trading my own account as well (with no compulsive gambling) and the money will come out of that as well.

So the news is that, after 13 years of endless losses, the money will now start to pour in from everywhere. I won't let it get to my head thanks only to investors who handle completely their account (I only provide technical assistance for my systems) and who monitor my account via their golden share. If it wasn't for them, I'd be at great risk of gambling, because profit does get to my head very quickly.

The pattern with my gambling (you witnessed it here) was always this: I'd get excited and make a trade on that impulse, I'd get frustrated from work or because of my dad and I'd place a trade, I'd change the systems traded during a trade, I'd decide to not close a trade opened by a system, to close it earlier... everything was decided and done on the spur of the moment.

Now it goes like this: I get some impulse, and I forget about it because it cannot be done (it's not my account) or I write an email to the investors. They reply sometimes one day later saying it's not a good idea, and I live with it. But even before they reply, I change my mind about it, and I write them a second email telling them to forget about my previous email.

It reminds me of that movie, Goodfellas, where Robert De Niro changes his mind about whacking that guy with the toupee, Morris:
01:40:24 Forget about tonight. Forget about it.
01:40:27 HENRY: It was a load off my mind.
01:40:30 He never knew how close he'd come to getting killed.
01:40:33 Even if I told him he would have never believed me.

But the difference is that, whereas, like Jimmy, I often feel the urge to kill (my account), I never kill. Jimmy instead kills Morris eventually. And it seems that with this golden share arrangement also my account is safe from my gambling urges. It's as if the investors were Henry but they had the power to talk some sense into me and keep me from killing accounts. But they don't talk to me: they do the job simply by being there, because I can't cheat people. I can cheat myself all right, but I can't cheat others. I am too honest to gamble on their account without telling them, or to gamble on my account (with their golden share in it). The urge to be honest beats the urge to gamble, and I knew it from the start, that it would be like this and that this method would have worked. But the bad news is that they will have to be in my accounts forever I think. I don't think I will beat my gambling urges otherwise.

I am not a shopaholic so I don't need them in my own checking account of course. I just have this one thing that is beyond my control: the urge to... not to gamble actually, because I am not a gambler otherwise... it is rather the urge to make money and get the hell out of this office. I don't think that if I were on the beach instead of here, I would have problems or feel such strong urges to trade and try to make my account bigger. The urge probably comes entirely from my dislike for the workplace.

You see, I've never been a gambler otherwise, never played casino, lottery, cards, nothing at all. It's just that with trading I think I have skills and I feel the urge to use those skills to increase my capital so I can quit my awful job, which to me is like a prison (that is why I am not very good at being on time here). I don't have many addictions at all (don't smoke, don't drink, don't gamble otherwise), so you see, the compulsive gambling is really coming from the illusion that you have an edge that trading is so good at giving you. Trading deceives you into thinking that you have an edge even if you don't. I can't elaborate on that right now, but it's a fact.
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good news on the office front

Good news: Vito will not be here for another week. I am positive about that. Today he is not here. Thursday it's a holiday. So there is no way he will come back from Bari just to be here on Wednesday and Friday. He's going to stay on vacation until next Monday. Good. A few more days of peace and focused work.
The day is proceeding very well. My door is shut and no one is bothering me. Just friends dare to knock and come in, and they leave quickly. This is the way it should always be. Instead Vito the Chimp is usually here, and the door has to be kept open otherwise he feels like he's in a cage. Yeah, and he has to socialize, make connections, and drop his phone call to pretend he's working his ass off when the boss walks in the hallway. All this cannot happen if the door is closed. It doesn't occur to him that others work better with the door closed and that he is not even hired yet. Actually I am often accepting to keep the door open when he's here, because otherwise the alternative would be worse: he'd start bothering me. Much better if he interacts with the people walking by, so that they ask him on a coffee break.

Hopefully he will be a distant memory as early as February. For now I'll have to put up with him. I don't think he got hit by the stray bullet I was hoping for.
On the other hand, I am well aware that my time is running out. My life is ending - it's been ending ever since I was born, but I only realize now how fast it goes.

So yes, it is good to be on a part-time schedule. But, even when I get home, I can't waste any time. It's not like I have many years ahead of me. Things have to happen fast now. I need to focus on the systems as much as possible. Yes, things have definitely been going in the right direction since I've been on this journal (thanks to all, once again) and since I have met the investors they have picked up speed even more.

On the other hand, of course, all the work was produced by my efforts and I even increased my efforts recently because never before like now have I felt that my life is running out and that I can't spend any more of it at the office.

One thing is to say, when you just got hired by your first bank and you're at your first job, and you are in your twenties that soon you will retire due to making money with trading.

Another thing is to keep saying the same exact thing after 13 years.

I need to get to work for the investors and do everything they ask of me in terms of systems' creation and research. I need to see it as my second, or even as my first job.

Vito has been instrumental in making me work even harder, as I realized that I can't be stuck after all these years in a situation where I have to still put up with such idiots at work.

He's been giving me fuel to work harder and harder on my systems. Probably I created all these new systems thanks to Vito moving into my room.

He made me realize that I can't be here with him. If i had had a better roommate I might have enjoyed myself more and might have allowed myself to work less on the systems, because life here at the office would not have been that bad. But now things are clear: life at the office is hell, and it will keep on getting worse as younger idiots will keep on pouring in year after year, ganging up on me. So it's better to get a taste of it with Vito, while I still can take steps to get out of here, rather than when it will be too late. I must not allow myself any alternatives. I must get out of here, and the only way out is automated trading.
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back at the office

Last but one day without Vito. I am going to enjoy it as much as I can.

It is like being on vacation. And, on top of it, tomorrow it is a holiday.

Today I am so relaxed that I didn't even roll up my sleeves as I usually do.

With my door shut, I am a different person. At least, I want to have the ability to shut it whenever I want (and I'd keep it shut most of the time).

I am a peaceful person, I don't meet anyone, it's like being at home. Yeah, especially because today I am alone here.

Yes, some people go by whistling in the hallway, rude people. But at least I don't see them. They don't stop by to utter their crap.

When Vito is here, all idiots flock to this room to joke around with him. Now you understand why he bothers me so much.

But today he is not here and I feel like a king.

Hopefully he will not get hired. He still has one month to go.

Hopefully he won't even come back from Bari, due to being hospitalized with a broken leg or worse.

Hopefully he died.

I am going to complain about him until he's out of my sight.

You can accuse me of anything except that I pretend to be his friend. I hate him and he knows it.

Nonetheless, I treat him fairly. I don't do anything behind his back, like he did with me (messing with my stuff). And I help him if he needs my help. I want to make sure that it is clear how different we are and that I don't treat badly newcomers but I just resent idiots who bother me.

This butt-kissing jerk on the first day told me "I feel that I am already attached to you...", after I treated him to the restaurant, but it was just a way to endear me - he tells this type of thing to everyone. Indeed, a few days later, he was messing with my stuff. He goes from being friend to disrespecting you and bothering you pretty quickly. Actually "being friend with someone" for him is a synonym with "disrespecting/bothering someone". It's rare to meet a person who causes you less damage if you are his enemy than if you are his friend. And I am not just talking with me, his roommate. I am talking about people who are 30 years older than him, and whom he calls by their first name, when, after several years, we still call them "mr so and so" and address them formally, and instead he's almost patting them on the back. I hope his sleazy politician tactics won't get him hired. I hope others won't be fooled, like I wasn't. It took me just one day to grow suspicious and it took me 3 months to have the certainty he's a worthless, dishonest, false, insincere, manipulative, calculating person. Hmm, maybe the others did not have as much exposure to him as I did, so that is why a lot of them were fooled. I probably would have been fooled as well if I had met him just a few times in the hallway.

The day I decided our relationship was over is when I came and found both my keyboard and my scanner flipped upside down, on October 29th:

And he said "it must have been the cleaning lady...". However, this famous "cleaning lady" never did any such thing to my stuff in the previous years I was here. Nothing ever happened of this nature, until Vito came into this room. She focused her spiteful tricks against me only since Vito has been around. Strange, huh? Also, it is strange that someone would see such a stupid behaviour as the daily routine work of a cleaning lady, as if it were self-evident. Hey, Vito, the problem is that this never happened to anyone in years at this bank, and it's been happening repeatedly to my stuff since you've been here. But I didn't tell him anything. I reported the problem to my boss and his boss, they talked to him, and then he stopped. Even though he pleaded innocent (and convinced them! my boss said "he's not even hired - it can't be him, it would be too stupid of him..."). Hopefully the word spread and he won't get hired because of this, too. You can't expect to fool everyone with your salesman tactics. It would have been much easier for him to work hard and be a serious person, instead of trying to fool 100 people. People can tell how sly you are. Your tactics may work in politics, but hopefully they won't work at getting you hired.

Let's read more about salesman tactics and see if he uses them:

I will mark in red the things he does, too.

Whenever you go to a store or a dealership the salespeople focus in. They have their defined list of tactics to get the sale. Don’t be fooled by their tricks and be cautious about who you trust with your money:

1. Calls you by your first name often – By using your first name they are trying to establish some trust with you so it can be exploited.
2. Mentions their family - Joe the sales guy is out to get you but not Joe the family man. He’s a regular guy just like you and will give you the best deal. Not!
3. Last one in stock – Its a pressure tactic to get you to commit to a sale. If at any point you feel pressured you should leave even if it is the last one in stock.
4. Have another offer – Another common pressure tactic. If there is another offer then congratulate that person and move on.
5. Special promotion today only – This is the third pressure tactic. Once again just walk away if you are feeling the pressure. There will be other promotions and you will get your item at the price you want.
6. Tells you what you need – This applies to both good and bad salesmen. With a good salesman you go in for a minivan and walk out with a minivan with all of the features you need. With a bad salesmen you go in for a minivan and leave with a Porsche.
7. Talks himself up – A salesmen will try to talk about how great of a sales person they are and the kind of figures they put up. They are trying to draw you into a false sense of security. Because he puts up great numbers doesn’t mean he is giving you the best price.
8. Spin the financing – They quote the financing price using longer periods or weekly payments to make it sound cheaper then it is

And yes today I wasted hours on this, but if the boss comes, I won't pretend I've been working. I am not like Vito.

Yeah, his tricks don't work on me. They forgot the compliments he pays. He pays a lot of compliments, and so do salesmen probably.

Regarding calling my name, it is counter-productive because I've complained about it to him from very early on. I told him that I feel treated like an idiot when someone mentions my name at the end of every sentence. It is actually even disrespectful to call someone's name all the time, as you're speaking to them. It's like an invasion of privacy, which he also does by touching people all the time as he talks to them. He was touching me from the first day here, on the shoulder. It's totally disgusting. I really hope he won't go far.
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The day is proceeding beautifully.

The sun is shining on my face. There's silence around me.

People like me.

The new girl came here and she told me some stuff, an excuse to talk to me, because she likes me. I wonder why exactly.

Vito is not here.

My door is shut.

I am lying down on my chair, reclined as far back as possible. Lowered to almost the floor.

I am ahead of schedule. No work to do. No worries.

Such few worries that I am concerned about the fan of my computer making too much noise and being overheated.

It's winter and it's cold outside, but here it's warm.

And what is best is that I am leaving in one hour and a half.

There will be nobody at home. I can do the work on the systems, for the investors who asked me to do some tests.

It will be quick and easy.

I hope to find out that my latest systems are profitable on all the stocks they gave me.

Also I hope to find that the GC_ON trade made money, a lot of money. I can't monitor it from here, due to the firewall.

I could do anything now.

Go back to work, read newspapers.

I will space out just until I will start feeling guilty.

Then I'll get back to work.

Oh, and yes, I am at work, but I almost feel like I am at home.

This is the way it should always be, and this is what I strive for. Vito has interfered with this project of mine: being able to work peacefully and without outside interferences.

Everyone in his room should be like in his own house. People should not come in without knocking and they should not be forced by some newcomer nimrod to keep their door open, because he has to socialize.

Now I'll go back to work for another hour.
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I am way ahead of schedule and now, as usual, they'll overload me with work. While the others do nothing as usual.

Those who work get overloaded and those who don't are left alone.

I can't go any faster than this though. I am using autohotkey for all the repetitive tasks so I don't go crazy.

And the part-time helps as well.

Basically I work every day about 5 hours. Yeah, 'cause I'm here for exactly 6 hours, but during the day I probably space out for the first 15 minutes, writing on the journal or so, and then I might talk for another 15 minutes during the day. Then during lunch break or before leaving, like now, I write on the journal for another 30 minutes. Oh wait, I also write emails for about 30 minutes per day.

This means I only work 4 and a half hours. Not bad at all. Now, if I slacked off like the rest of them do, then I could actually get away with working just 2 hours per day, and would not get in trouble because of it.

For being on a part-time schedule I think I am the most productive employee of the whole bank. If you asked the people I work with, dozens of people throughout our branches in Italy, they have no idea that I am on a part-time schedule. I bust their balls at every hour of the day (not after 15.00) and every day of the year, when there's documentation missing in their reports.

The boss wasn't that smart I think.

We're like the busiest office in the whole compliance department and he chose to spend his first week in charge of this office being on vacation, while instead all of us employees are here, working as usual. Pretty bad choice and bad first impression.

He's sending the message that we're on our own. Even the hardest working people will slack off a bit more because of this first impression. If the boss slacks off, then we also slack off a bit more. I can't slack off because the reports keep coming in, and I can't just burn them. But certainly I won't volunteer to do new things that no one is asking me, since they're on vacation.

Also, when he'll come back, he will find that the usual slackers (2 out of 6 employees) have done nothing at all.

And he will be overwhelmed with work. He'll have no choice but to let me handle everything, because since I keep the office in order, they totally rely on me as far as knowing where things are, what emails to check and what emails to ignore. As my mother said, offending me, I am basically the secretary of the office. But this is offensive because I am not going to buy the boss his cigarettes nor am I going to take care of his agenda and appointments. And also, he doesn't tell me what to do basically. I just keep things in order, the data and the emails, that is the only thing in common with a secretary. In return, I am asking to be left alone. I don't want to have to go to meetings, nor having to be rushed and bossed around. I keep the office in order, and you leave me alone, because I am already doing my job, constantly. Hopefully this new boss won't try to change things, because otherwise it will be a total disaster, because order is very important and if you are not orderly there's no way you can become orderly overnight.
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ok, great great news

Today the systems made another few thousands. And we broke through the previous equity peak.

Yes, amazing. They've gone from -2000 to +2000 for six months and now they made almost 6000 dollars in less than five days.

This is partly because of luck, but partly because we gradually disabled all the systems that were bad.

Since we're almost at 4000 and at 5000 we'll be scaling up, I will now analyze the systems I want to suggest for inclusion within the portfolio.

I have been planning this moment for six months, day and night.

Scaling up means that soon I might be able to quit my job.


I will ask for those marked in green circles to be added. And, one, which doesn't appear, which is the NG_ID_2 (which we are already trading with the mini contract).

These are all systems I'd take a bullet for, and they're not that many. We'd get to a total of just 12. Considering we started with 10, and dropped a bunch of them along the way, this is just a minor increase. Also considering my excitement. But adding more than this would be overdoing it because I'd be including systems I would not take a bullet for and I might end up regretting it, as I did during these six months.

Let's also see the drawdown of this combination.


The excellent CL_ON_3 has a drawdown that we cannot afford. It would bring us down to -15k at its worst moment.

We have to live without adding it for now. I can't just disregard everything we said for six months, just because I am excited as hell.

So it will be just these that we will... should add (if investors agree):
NG_ID_2 (going from mini contract to big one)

Not much, but better safe than sorry. Then, when we'll have a larger profit cushion, we will add more.

Realistically, they'll bring an extra 2000 dollars per month, bringing the total to 4000 per month. More realistically, they'll add 1000 dollars per month, bringing the total to 3000 per month.

In the meanwhile my other account has been and will be making money, and whenever and whatever I get paid from the investors I will transfer to that account, and I should start making big money from that one (under the monitoring of the investors, who hold a golden share).

Tonight I will have a hard time sleeping, out of excitement.

I have already started scratching my head. Now what worries me is how to scale up on both accounts so fast that I will maximize my retirement. This is the kind of excitement that made me blow out accounts as much as revenge trading did. Both euphoric and revenge trading get me in trouble... basically the only thing that is now keeping from blowing my account is that there's the investors on both accounts and I can't just act on my impulses. Whether we just made a lot of money or lost a lot of money we will just keep going at the same speed and according to the same rules as we have been until here.

In a sense the investors' presence adds the automated money management which I was always lacking. On top of having added the non-tampering with the automated trading which I was also lacking, on top of having stopped me from adding discretionary trades, which I was always doing. Basically, the investors were a cure for all my unprofitable behaviors. I suggest this method to everyone. The key however is that they are healthy to begin with, and this means knowledgeable about trading. Otherwise it won't make any difference. You'll all get excited together and cause each other to trade even worse.

Instead, I keep on writing my excited emails to the investors, and no matter what they reply, the slowness of the reply, the subject even, the tone, everything brings me back to my non-excited safer state of mind. Hopefully they will not get sick and tired of my depressed/euphoric emails. They are a necessary and healthy buffer between me and the trading platform. Until they exist I won't touch it nor relapse into my compulsive gambling. If they ceased to exist, I would be in huge danger, as these journals of mine witness.

Yeah, without the investors this would be me right now. but I would be trading instead of just whistling and playing guitar:

I came to this forum, started a journal, looking for an answer, asking for help. And I got it. I found the answer and I was helped. I solved my problem. I didn't solve my addiction, but I found a way to stay away from it, distant enough to not relapse. As if you placed a buffer between a magnet and some piece of iron. They are like the distance I needed to trade safely, like a referee, who, even without blowing his whistle all the time, by merely being there, is a deterrent against foul play.

I will cling to the investors and will stress out their importance post after post, because it was never evident to me before, and I need to make sure it really sticks to my mind. The right investors are not easy to find. And they are not easy to keep. They need to have the money of course, but they need to also give you direction, and this is a strange combination, because if they've already got all these qualities, why would they be interested in helping you out? In some rare cases you might find the right combination that benefits both. In most other cases either one will lose (money or time) or they will both lose. You could also meet people interested in ripping you off, which happened before. They ask for your systems and then they disappear. Luckily my systems sucked back then. Well, actually a few of them were ok, but probably they didn't even notice them.

It's a long story, but the point is always the same. If you don't die/quit before, if you keep working at it, you will eventually turn profitable. 13 years, baby. Back then I was a different person, a different person started this, but I kept on going, through various phases of my life. Until I finally saw this whole thing coming together, like Michelangelo carving a statue out of marble, as if the statue had always been in it. I already saw excel with the formulas and one hundred systems on it years ago. I knew this was the potential and this is where I wanted to get. Just like Michelangelo said: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free", I could say: "I saw the systems in the excel workbook and filled the cells until I set them free".
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I am tired but I can't sleep yet.

I feel this was too great a day to end it already.

It'd be a pity. I should do this now.

Trick myself and start watching a movie. Then I'll go to sleep as I'll watch it.

The weapon I have against my compulsive tendencies is never to defeat them, because I can't.

It is to work my way around them.

Hypnosis audios, things to distract my brain... investors to monitor me.

I can't face my problems and solve them. That is just bull****, people saying "be a man" and similar crap. You're just going to die trying.

Much better to trick yourself.

Such as with eating. If there's food in the house, I'll eat it all. But if there's no food in the house, i won't go and buy it and stay in shape.

It's just like not keeping guns in the house. If you do, someone is going to get killed sooner or later. You don't tell someone: yes, sure, keep guns, but be a man and never use them. You say "it's even better to not have guns around".

Same with food, with trading... it is different. If we want to make money trading, we have to trade. And trading is like having a gun on the table.

But you must take steps to prevent yourself from abusing that power. For me the answer was first of all automated trading, and, since it wasn't enough, the investors - to make sure I implement the right money management and that i don't tamper with the systems, and many other benefits.

Ok, I am tired. I am feeling some pain in my head. Might be a tumor. Hopefully not.

But my hope is not enough to cure a tumor. Maybe it is just from staring too much at the screen, or maybe from the cold showers.

But maybe it's a tumor.

Since I became atheist I have an extra problem: I don't have god on my side anymore. Unlike before, now I can't think "god loves me and he won't let it happen to me". I can't even hope for statistics to be on my side, in that yes I did have a benign tumor before, in my head, but that doesn't count and if it counts it could actually increase my chances of having more tumors.

Whatever it is, I am not likely to die in my sleep, and I can't use this fear as a reason for scaling up faster than the profit cushion allows.

You see, that is why the investors are so useful. A fear like this, in other times, would have been enough to make me scale up faster than light. Investing all my capital on the next trade. With such a method, sooner or later, even if they are good, your systems will blow out your account.

What was that famous quote... i will change it into: create systems as if you died tomorrow, and invest as if you lived forever. Yeah, because compulsiveness in creating systems is only good: there's performance parameters to filter out the bad ones. But money management you cannot be compulsive about. That is the ultimate guard to your money. You could get everything right or everything wrong, but if you do the money management right, you won't fail and if you do it wrong you will fail (even if you had done everything right up to that moment).

Say you got crappy systems: money management will say "invest zero" and that saves you.

Say your systems never fail. Then money management will say "invest everything".

But say cases in between: it will make the difference between losing and winning. Money management is something that only lets you pick the fights you can lose. You can't pick a fight that will wipe you out if you lose it, whether your system is excellent or mediocre...

drifting... and floating... let go...

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Market-on-Close (MOC) Orders

I am doing a research on MOC, for the investors. Their question seems to be: what does the MOC do and how does it vary across exchanges? In particular Nasdaq and Nyse.

A market on close (MOC) is a type of market order which directs that the sale or purchase of stock should occur as close to the end of the trading day as possible.
What is a "market on close" order?

A "market on close" order is also known as a MOC.

A "market on close" order is a market order that is to be executed as close to the closing price as humanly possible.

A "market order" is an order to buy or sell a stock at the best available price at that moment.

Example: A trader buys 500 shares of Microsoft. The stock is ramping up into the close, based on the fact that the market is expecting a strong earnings number from the company after the close.

You want to participate in as much of the run-up into the earnings report as you possibly can - however, you don't want to hold the stock through the report.

So you place a MOC order for your 500 shares. This will sell your shares via a market order at the end of the day.

Note: MOC orders can be handy if you need to exit a position before the end of the day, but aren't going to be around when the market actually closes.
A buy or sell order which is to be executed as a market order as close as possible to the end of the day.

Interesting FAQ on MOC by the Toronto Stock Exchange:
Why did TSX Markets implement a Market On Close (MOC) facility?
TSXMarkets implemented aMOC facility to:
• provide equal access and opportunity in setting the closing price;
• reduce volatility at the close;
• guarantee anonymity of broker numbers and volumes in the close.

A Market-on-Close (MOC) order is a market order that is submitted to execute as close to the closing price as possible.

Hmm, as close as possible, but not guaranteed. This is what every web site says.

IB makes it available on TWS and on some of their US exchanges, among which I do not see the Nasdaq:
North America
American Stock Exchange (NYSE AMEX)
Arca (NYSE)
INET (Island)
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Toronto Stock Exchange
Q: What are the Closing Cross order types?
A: There are two order types:
On-Close Orders (OC)
�� Allow investors to specifically request an execution at the closing price.
�� Can be both limit-on-close (LOC) and market-on-close (MOC).
�� Accepted beginning at 7:00 a.m., ET.
Imbalance-Only Orders (IO) the Closing Cross.
�� Provide liquidity to offset on-close order imbalances during
�� Must be priced (limit); no market imbalance-only orders.
�� Execute only at or above/below the 4:00 p.m., ET, NASDAQ offer/bid. �� Buy/sell orders priced more aggressively than the 4:00 p.m., ET, NASDAQ best bid/ask are re-priced to the NASDAQ best bid/ask...

I will do some more research, specifically on the two exchanges mentioned by the investors and then I will wrap it up.

NYSE Order Types
Market on Close (MOC) Order
A market Day order that is to be executed in its entirety at the closing price.

Then I also found the "Types of Orders" mentioned for the "NYSE Arca Equities" (already mentioned by IB), but not for the other equities (however there's no such section as "Types of Orders"):
Order Type: Market-On-Close (MOC)
Description: A market order that is to be executed only during the closing auction.
Eligible Sessions: Closing Order Auction
Eligible Stocks: NYSE Arca Exclusives

Noticed how it mentioned "Eligible Sessions: Closing Order Auction"? I need to do research on that, too:
NYSE ARCA Auctions
Closing Auction
Like NYSE Arca’s current Opening Auctions, the Closing Auction is a single-price Dutch auction that matches buy and sell orders at a price that maximizes the amount of tradable stock. NYSE Arca will calculate and continually disseminate the indicative closing price, indicative closing volume and the auction imbalance prior to the Closing Auction.

Eligible Symbols
The Closing Auction is run for NYSE Arca primary listed stocks, NYSE listed stocks subject to a sub-penny trading conditions and exchange listed ETFs and ETNs. Auction specifi c order types, such as Limit on Close or Market on Close, submitted in non-NYSE Arca listed primaries are rejected.

Eligible Orders for the Closing Auction
Orders eligible for the auction include all live displayed orders participating in the Core Trading session, in addition to Market on Close (MOC) and Limit on Close (LOC) order types.
• Market on Close (MOC) Order Type – A Market Order that is to be executed only during the Closing Auction.
• Limit on Close (LOC) Order Type – A Limit Price Order that is to be executed only during the Closing Auction.
• Auction Only Orders – A Market Order that is to be executed in an Auction only. If the symbol is halted during Core Trading session and the order participates in a Halt Auction, the order will participate in the Closing Auction. The non-displayed portions of reserve orders, will participate in the NYSE Arca Closing Auction. The reserve portion of an order will not display in the indicative matched volume, but will contribute to the indicative match price.
• Between 3:59 and 4:00 p.m. ET (the freeze period), MOC and LOC orders cannot be canceled.
• LOC and MOC orders that decrease the imbalance will be accepted for Auction processing during the freeze. LOC and MOC orders that increase the imbalance or would otherwise flip the imbalance will not be accepted (e.g. if there is a buy imbalance, no buy LOC or MOC orders will be accepted).
• Orders participating in Core Trading can be cancelled during the freeze period.
• Market Orders entered during Core Trading that are not identified as MOC orders will be eligible for execution in the core session, they will not be included in auction calculations or participate in the Closing Auction.
• The Market-on-Close Orders that are eligible for, but not executed in, the Closing Auction shall be cancelled immediately upon conclusion of the Closing Auction.

In other words it seems there's not even a guarantee that the MOC orders will be executed (see parts I highlighted in red).


On wikipedia they say their web site is this:

This is quite shocking to me, because I've found on it pages that make it look like a cheap web site full of ads:

They're even advertising other brokers. IB's web site is more institutional looking than Nasdaq's. No point in looking for regulations and Types of Orders, because it is as close to a scam web site as an Exchange web site can get. IB's web site looks like in comparison.
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self-defeating excitement

I think I know what is going on in my mind.

Probably losing was a way of relieving my excitement for winning.

I am so excited when things are going well that it's as if I were jumping up and down until I manage to destroy everything I am rejoicing for.

I am so unused to winning, that it makes me so uncomfortable that I'd rather sabotage myself and start losing again, than bear the thought of winning.

The systems are making more money now, and I am nervous. I am restless and want to speed everything up, I am writing emails to the investors, rushing them... they still haven't told me to get lost, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. After all they're still on vacation and even if they weren't, it cannot feel good to be rushed in scaling up investments. I would hate not to be in total control and to be rushed by someone else on how to invest my money.

So I know I should take it easy, and calm down, but the more money gets made by the systems, the more I grow restless.

The famous threshold of 5000 dollars of profit is approaching faster and faster. Now we're just 1000 dollars away from it.

It is like this, with my rushing of things and my wishful thinking, that I sped up things during these past six months, and when a car is going to fast, and things go wrong, that's when people get killed.

What I am trying to say to myself is that counting on the investors to stop my restlessness is a good thing, but it's not enough, because they could get sick and tired of it and call it quits.

I should try to stop myself from continually writing them emails on the subject of scaling up.

In the last six months I must have mentioned the subject of scaling up at least once a week. And never until now was it justified, because we were always far away from the 5000 threshold.

I need to calm down, or I will tire people... I mean if I am this excited at a profit of 4000, how will I ever make millions happen? I'd have a heart attack long before that.
still very excited

Still very excited, but as the investors do not answer my excited emails, I am getting deflated... I've been checking for replies about once every 20 minutes, and I am at once pissed off that they don't reply while on the other hand I realize it is doing me good, because it is calming me down. There's nothing worse than writing a series of replies, back and forth, which is what I do when they keep replying immediately.

In the meanwhile I've updated our equity since we started trading and here it is:


Now you know why i am so excited. In less than 5 trading days we have made more money than we ever did in six months.

Here is its correlation to EUR/USD and SP500:


It seems to be stable at 0.6 for the comparison vs the eur/usd, but I don't know if I am measuring it correctly (comparing eur and sp vs the systems' running total rather than vs the single daily changes).

Anyway, I have found something to do. If today the ZN_ON_2 will deliver at least 500 dollars of profit, I will ask the investors if we can include GBL_ID in our trading. This way we will double profit and decrease the potential drawdown (yes, because while the ZN_ON_2 loses, the GBL_ID would keep on making money, since they're not correlated).

The email is ready and saved as a draft, entitled "request for permission to include GBL_ID". I will not send it yet, because it would be "scaling up harassment". I might send it later tonight if I still feel restless, provided that the ZN_ON_2 delivered the >500 dollars profit that I am seeing now.
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Always struggling with my restlessness.

On the other hand that is the same energy that makes me work so hard.

The restlessness now comes from the fact that I see the end of my work near, the end of my office days near, and, just like when i get home and I've been holding my pissing all day long, and I can't hold it any more and I almost **** in my pants, now I can't hold my patience and want to break free as fast as possible. I've been patient all this time and now that I see the gate opening I start pushing the others to let me through. Before it's my turn.

That's how I blew out my accounts before.

But I don't feel like I have anything else to do. All my energy goes into one direction: scaling up, getting there as fast as possible, retiring.

To me, it's either drawdown, systems failing and that causes me to be patient. Or if the systems are being successful, it is rushing things and scaling up and having a blast, blowing away, being blown away.

That's one of the reasons I built all these systems: to see things moving. I could have never sat and waited days before a trade was made, which would have been the case with one or two systems. I need to see at least 10 trades per day.
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Doing ok today.

I am drying after the shower, and I will soon go to work for my last day of "vacation" without Vito.

After today, with Vito back, work will be the usual pain in the ass.

I scaled up in my account by adding GBL_ID, with the investors' permission. Now we're trading: GBL_ID_2, GBL_ID, ZN_ON_2, NG_ID_2 (small contract).

The colleagues will have to be prepared to seeing a different travis from next Monday, as I'll have to stay serious all the time, to avoid exciting vito, who's like a dog. If he sees someone joking, he starts getting excited, jumps on him and licks him all over.

Smiling is not allowed when vito is around, nor is joking. I always have to be serious and on guard.


All right, let's do it! Let's make it happen. Let's go to work.
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I made it: I am at work

Today is the last day of vacation without Vito, as I said in the previous post.

I am so happy and relaxed that I am starting to worry about very meaningless things, just so I can worry about something, out of habit.

For example, in the last few minutes I've been worrying about a girl, who came by, and she wasn't friendly enough, or maybe it bothered me that she called me by my name. I said "hi" and she replied "hi, travis".

As i said in previous posts, it bothers me when people say my name at the end of a sentence. It sounds patronizing, if they do it all the time. And every time she says hi she always says "hi, travis". How dare you call my name, you bitch?

But usually when this thing bothers me it's because there's nothing worse to worry about.

When i am even less worried, I get pissed off because people ask me "how are you?", which seems a very superficial and at the same time an intrusive question. How dare you ask me how I am? Are you implying there might be something wrong with me? Or how dare you bother me with such a deep question when you won't even stay long enough to listen to my long and detailed answer? Or how dare you force me to lie and say "fine"? You mother ****er... whichever way you meant it, "how are you?" is a question that people should never ask. Just say "hi", if you really have to say something.

Will I ever stop worrying? Will I ever be happy/serene?

Yes. Just give me enough money, a few hundred thousands, so I can quit my job and keep everything under control. Then I promise not to worry about meaningless things.

Just like Michael Corleone said to Tom Hagen: I don't want to wipe everyone out, just my enemies: everybody out
02:59:16 Do you want to wipe everybody out?
02:59:18 I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out--
02:59:21 just my enemies, that's all.
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