🙂 it's the way of life isn't it?
If T2W was a car and one of its member drivers nipped it up to 80 on the motorway the mod passenger might squirm a bit, but it might zoom along unmolested if the police didn't spot it and choose to ticket/prosecute. Course the driver and all the passengers might shout that the T2W car was only doing 70 and it's only the police's opinion that it was doing 80, but who is going to put their hand in their pocket to fund a defence.
Lets stick with your analogy, and how it relates to the Mike Baghdaddy example.
Members drive up and down the motorway 24/7 doing nothing wrong, and every single time, the police pull them over and book them, regardless of what speed they are doing. [members post factual information that portays a t2w advertising partner in a negative light, and mods remove that information, even if its relatively minor critisism, or available elsewhere, for example, a court of law !]
Eventually members stop driving up and down that particular road [members stop posting about Baghdaddy cos they know they are wasting their time trying to help others].
Then one day, a new member takes t2w out for a spin. Before setting off, he drinks 8 pints, takes a gram of speed, slips NWA's **** da police into the CD player, turns up the volume, and then proceeds to drive up the motorway, swerving from lane to lane.
However, this time, the police decide to turn a blind eye. A concerned member of the public points out to the officers that the driver is drunk, under the influence of drugs, driving dangerously, and generally dissing the police !
The police's response is "I dont really know if he's breaking the law or not", "I'm not going to pull him over", "maybe another officer might take a look", "I dont really know if that kind of behaviour is acceptable or not, ummm I'll ask the chief constable next time he pops in to the station". The t2w mod passengers are not remotely concerned, one's in the back snorting coke off a tarts thigh, and the others hanging out of the sunroof with an AK47 shooting at traffic lights.
So what we have here, to use your analogy is the police arresting anyone for the most minor offense (or even arreting people for no reason at all), and then suddently letting em get away with murder.
If such a thing was to occur, I suspect that questions might very well get asked about the sudden change in policing policy.