
the hare,
I've reported your post as, IMO, it amounts to harassment. Even if the Mods disagree, it's still a complete load of bunkum.

Perhaps it escaped your notice, that someone who was a moderator, has said pretty much the same thing. Putting your head in the sand like an ostrich, in the hope the problem goes away wont really work.

I started a thread at the weekend, asking what t2w actually wants these days, because I really have not got the slightest idea what the sites supposed to be about these days

The first stage in getting this stuff sorted out is admitting that you have a problem. Have you actually read the forum this morning ? is that really what sharky wanted all those years ago ? or even what he wants today ?
IA previous comment that some members have all posts removed is about efficiency as there is the option to use a "One Touch Ban and Clean" facility. This removes all posts made and bans at the same time and is used when there has been multiple posts that need cleaning that would take too much time to remove individually.

I can understand why thats appealling, I really can, and there are countless instances where it would be useful.

You have a real problem at the moment with multi nics. They follow a pattern, they arrive, and engage themselves in lulz, but then almost without exception, they start contribuiting quaity material, which rarely leads anywhere, and is appreciated by very few, and possibly out of frustration, leads to behaviour which ensures that their inevitable ban. Consequentially, there's been some great content lost in those purges, and that in turn leads others to believe the site isnt interested in serious discussion, the level of cynisism rises, and the problem gets worse.

I dont have much sympathy, but it is frutrating to see the nuculus of what might develop into a higher quality of dicussion jut deleted, a if it where junk.
Quality is subjective. There is a lot of junk posted that remains because the masses believe it is quality. They would be upset if it got deleted after a ban whereas I would say good riddance.
Perhaps it escaped your notice, that someone who was a moderator, has said pretty much the same thing. Putting your head in the sand like an ostrich, in the hope the problem goes away wont really work.

I started a thread at the weekend, asking what t2w actually wants these days, because I really have not got the slightest idea what the sites supposed to be about these days

The first stage in getting this stuff sorted out is admitting that you have a problem. Have you actually read the forum this morning ? is that really what sharky wanted all those years ago ? or even what he wants today ?
the hare,
In spite of any protestations you may have to the contrary, you know full well the answers to all your (rhetorical) questions, both here and all your other posts. As and when you demonstrate that you're genuinely interested in the well being of your fellow members and helping the site to be the best it can be, I'll be delighted to engage with you and listen to any constructive criticism you may have. Until that time, there's simply no point in discussing any of this with you, as your agenda is clearly negative and not in the interests of the site or its members. If I'm wrong about that, (and I dearly wish I am), you can make a start to convince me by having the courtesy to reply to the PM I sent you recently inviting you to write an article for the Articles section of the site. A good contribution there would be an excellent 1st step on the road to redemption.
you can make a start to convince me by having the courtesy to reply to the PM I sent you recently inviting you to write an article for the Articles section of the site. A good contribution there would be an excellent 1st step on the road to redemption.

I read your PM yesterday evening, and after careful consideration, I did intend to answer later today, and indeed I will do so. We live in an age where rather sadly advancements in communications technology have resulted in people taking offense if reponses are not instantaneous. Personally, I feel that in some cases, most responses would benefit from a slight delay, whilst the recipent of the message actually thinks about a response, rather than an instantaneous reaction. Most people who work with me will tell you that I dont answer telephones, nor respond to texts, and a response by email might typically take a week to 10 days !

I appologise if this causes you offense, that was not my intention, and I would have hoped by now that you would have realised if I wished to be offensive, I would do so in a far more direct way 😆

If I decide NOT to go ahead, I think that since you've seen fit to discuss the matter in public, then I should be free to explain why I took that decision.
Hi the hare,
Fair play to you.

I mentioned the PM as I knew you'd received it by virtue of the fact that you were posting on the boards. And yes, I assumed that your lack of response was a deliberate snub, but your explanation makes good sense and I accept that I jumped to the wrong conclusion too hastily. I apologise for that; feel free to take as long as you want to reply - there's no rush. I would add one thing though: I hope I'm wrong, but I sense a refusal is on the way with a detailed explanation as to why. I hope that you'll give equal thought to the merits of the offer and the benefits it would bring to the site, it's members and your own standing within the community.
I hope that you'll give equal thought to the merits of the offer and the benefits it would bring to the site, it's members and your own standing within the community.

Thanks Tim, there's no apology needed, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and I am giving this serious consideration. I sent you a PM too 🙂
Hi Dash (brie/assorted cheese)

I hope you posts above dont get removed and you can continue as Brie but I guess you have to follow the rules within reason (no porn).

Since you have come clean I have decided to follow suit. I am the following in date order:

Custard Cream
Chocolate Digestive

It was suggested that I was WallStreet1928 and I can confirm I was NOT WallStreet1928. Personally I thought WS was a fraud from the off but I wanted him outed so I set about an agenda to up his exposure to a level where he could no longer hide under the umbrella of delayed calls/ partial lots etc. This eventually worked and he was outed. I took a lot of stick for supporting him but it was all reverse psychology and the required effect was achieved.

I just want to say for the record I am sorry to everyone on T2W if they were offended by the porn esp. the man stuff. It was suicide by mod but nobody seemed to be reporting me so I posted some stuff I really shouldn't and it got out of control. I am also guilty of gaming a lot of the time asking stuff I know about already or arguing points I don't believe in. A lot of the time this is just to stimulate trading conversation and banter and to find the levels. By voicing a strong opinion people question their thought processes and you get people's real thoughts not this boring mush.

At the end of the day trading is just a game but with money on the line.

I promise I wont break any more rules. Please let me stay as chocolate digestive.

peace and love

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where is fonz?
and GOAT?
and HOTCH?
and WackeyPete?
(actually, **** hin)

I am sure GOAT is Paz, I reckon. What does G.O.A.T stand for anyway?

respect for Toast he knows his onions - easy to game him
where is fonz?
and GOAT?
and HOTCH?
and WackeyPete?
(actually, **** hin)

I see I'm well hated by all your multi-nics :smart:
Don't fret, I got nuttin but love 😍

I am the following in date order:

Custard Cream
Chocolate Digestive
You've cut me to the heart Major. How can I trust you ever again.
I kinda thought Jonnyfutures was a bit too smart for the newbie questions he was asking.

I just want to say for the record I am sorry to everyone on T2W if they were offended by the porn esp. the man stuff. It was suicide by mod but nobody seemed to be reporting me so I posted some stuff I really shouldn't and it got out of control. I am also guilty of gaming a lot of the time asking stuff I know about already or arguing points I don't believe in. A lot of the time this is just to stimulate trading conversation and banter and to find the levels. By voicing a strong opinion people question their thought processes and you get people's real thoughts not this boring mush.

At the end of the day trading is just a game but with money on the line.

I promise I wont break any more rules. Please let me stay as chocolate digestive.

peace and love

I think my heart is bleeding : sob: : sob:
Yeh, Ok you can stay on the condition you change your nic from ChocolateDigestive. How on earth did you come up with that name.