I'm confused

the hare

Senior member
From time to time I make the odd post questioning the validity of threads started by vendors. A couple of days ago one such post received a very strange comment from a member of t2w's staff. The comment said

"Report it! The more members that do that the more likely it is that the mods will tighten up their approach."

I thought the idea was that the moderators enforced the site guidelines, but now I'm told that moderation standards are variable, and influenced by members lobbying. How does that work then ? If I lobby for tighter control over vendors, and mr Spread betting's latest multi nic pushes for less vendor control what happens ?

Do the moderators really tighten up their moderation standards in light of reported posts, and if so why ?, or am I being misled, and if so, is the member of staff who sent me that message deliberately misleading me, or are they as confused as I am.

From time to time I make the odd post questioning the validity of threads started by vendors. A couple of days ago one such post received a very strange comment from a member of t2w's staff. The comment said

"Report it! The more members that do that the more likely it is that the mods will tighten up their approach."

I thought the idea was that the moderators enforced the site guidelines, but now I'm told that moderation standards are variable, and influenced by members lobbying. How does that work then ? If I lobby for tighter control over vendors, and mr Spread betting's latest multi nic pushes for less vendor control what happens ?

Do the moderators really tighten up their moderation standards in light of reported posts, and if so why ?, or am I being misled, and if so, is the member of staff who sent me that message deliberately misleading me, or are they as confused as I am.


Confused ? And it's not even March !
I reported this post many hours ago


Because there is absolutely no good reason why someone would splash their skype all over a chart.

It's obviously against the guidelines. It's a vendor advertising, and I'd bet this vendor has been banned from here before. His intent is clear.

It may disappear because I've now drawn attention to it, or maybe not. Either way, if mods want people to report posts that go against guidelines, then they have to deal with them when they are reported.

I've made an extra effort recently to report posts that go against the guidelines, but I'm stopping now. A few have been dealt with, but of those most were dealt with too late (bullbearforex ituglobal etc), or too leniently, and overall most have not been dealt with at all. Reporting posts is not worth it.

I know there may be some new guidelines forthcoming. If they're not going to be enforced, what is the point?
No need to be confused. Moderators work to T2W standards and a lot of reports about a particular aspect causes moderators to raise the issue with T2W when those standards are re-examined and maybe tightened up.

This is the case with the vendor issue at the moment. Many reports (as well as board discussion) have been made about posts made by vendors that are "innocent" in terms of current standards because members are suspicious (often rightly so as things develop) that they are selling.

The current situation is that vendors are allowed to post unless they are overtly selling or advertising their services. There is, of course, much debate about "overtly" amongst other things and I know that Steve is actively re-examining the whole issue to make things more clear cut.

Thus, it is well worth reporting posts in order to help this debate along even if nothing is done about the particular post or vendor in question.
No need to be confused. Moderators work to T2W standards and a lot of reports about a particular aspect causes moderators to raise the issue with T2W when those standards are re-examined and maybe tightened up.

That makes some sort of sense, perhaps not the most effective method of obtaining member feedback, but I can see where you are coming from.

This is the case with the vendor issue at the moment. Many reports (as well as board discussion) have been made about posts made by vendors that are "innocent" in terms of current standards because members are suspicious (often rightly so as things develop) that they are selling.

A lot of the discussion isn't about "innocent" posts, these posts are in very clear breach of guidelines. 2 weeks ago I recieved a warning from a moderator for a post that I made on a thread started by a vendor without a badge, who was including links to his commercial site in his signature, and breaking at least 6 very clear guidelines. My posts (and others) where deleted, the vendors posts where allowed to stay. That's how bad the situation has become

The current situation is that vendors are allowed to post unless they are overtly selling or advertising their services. There is, of course, much debate about "overtly" amongst other things and I know that Steve is actively re-examining the whole issue to make things more clear cut.

I know the current situation, and I know Steve's been working on this since practically the day he arrived. The problem is, how much more clear cut can you get than a guideline that says vendors cannot include links to websites in signatures ? If that rule can't be enforced, and moderators are deleting posts by members pointing out these violations what hope have we got ?

Thus, it is well worth reporting posts in order to help this debate along even if nothing is done about the particular post or vendor in question.

I'm not sure i agree. I've reported a couple of posts recently that where dealt with quickly and efficiently, (by yourself iirc) but I'm not really sure I'd have felt it worthwhile if absolutely nothing was done.

I honestly think if your going to place the burden on membership for reporting and dealing with the problem that you created for yourselves then there has to be technical solution where posts can be temporarily suspended if they recieve enough complaints. At least in that way, a report would have some meaningful consequences.
..............A lot of the discussion isn't about "innocent" posts, these posts are in very clear breach of guidelines. 2 weeks ago I recieved a warning from a moderator for a post that I made on a thread started by a vendor without a badge, who was including links to his commercial site in his signature, and breaking at least 6 very clear guidelines. My posts (and others) where deleted, the vendors posts where allowed to stay. That's how bad the situation has become...............

...........I honestly think if your going to place the burden on membership for reporting and dealing with the problem that you created for yourselves then there has to be technical solution where posts can be temporarily suspended if they recieve enough complaints. At least in that way, a report would have some meaningful consequences..............

Not sure about the first. If it's exactly as you say we were remiss. I see the vendor is banned and the thread gone now if I've got the right instance.

I don't think it's placing the burden on the membership. Just hoping they'll help out that's all.
why not just come out of the closet and create a Vendor area where anyone can sell their stuff ?..........FF does that

if someone is unhappy they are labelled in that area they have to prove they are not flogging stuff

why not just come out of the closet and create a Vendor area where anyone can sell their stuff ?..........FF does that


They can't do that because of mr charts, DT and sharkys mate.

Those 3 need to hunt on the main forums, and they'd be rather upset being consigned to a vendor cess pit. Its insanity really, but its just the way it is, but its good lulz
why not just come out of the closet and create a Vendor area where anyone can sell their stuff ?..........FF does that

if someone is unhappy they are labelled in that area they have to prove they are not flogging stuff


Is that a typo ? I guess you mean dud stuff ?
You think you have problems, this is 'confused'.
