Where do we go from here?
If you want to take a more practical approach to fannying about with different money management idea's I can recommend taking a look at this product
Money Management Trading Software :: Adaptrade Software
The company are nowt to do with me and the tight bstards dont even pay me an affiliate fee even though I reccommend them everyone I meet, there's a 30 day trial which should be more than enough to run some analysis on your historical results.
I found this presentation regarding position sizing the other day whilst reading a proper trading forum, he does a pretty good job of summarising the advantages and disadvantages of the most common techniques, and its well worth a listen
Thank you Zupcon.
I found the webinar at the second link very interesting - all 1H and 13 mins of it!
Of particular interest was his treatment of the Fixed Ratio and Fixed Fractional methods, and the Optimal F examples. From the 34 minutes mark forwards I think people would get a lot from this webinar. I gathered from it that the best approach would be to use a Fixed Fractional method, with Optimal F, and a conservative as oppoesed to an aggressive position sizing model, would reduce the drawdown, and reduce the time it takes to grow the a/c to a pre-determined amount.
I had read quite a bit of Fixed Fractional and Fixed Ratio Position Sizing through Ryan Jones' "The Trading Game" but to be candid most of it went over my head at the time. I did come away with the idea that a better position-sizing method could be found, compared to a flat 2% of a/c.
Unfortunately he was getting drawdown in the vicinity of 68% with a 5% Fixed Fraction and 86% with 10%. Not too many traders would have the cast-iron stomach required for that kind of trading!
Particualrly depressing was his comment that "If you trade long enough it is 100% certain that you will go broke."
Been there!
Think I'm right? Course I am 😛
Kelly IS the optimal amount to increase account side, the maths is on wiki.
Well Hotch - I have to concede that you have actually come up with a better plan than I had hoped. But I guess we succeeded in getting the discussion out of the 2% flat area.
Can I claim a win-win here? If not, I will search for the humble pie recipe!
While I have heard of the Kelly Strategy (
Kelly criterion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) it too is a bit beyond my capability, though if I actually apply the odds of a Casino Roulette Wheel to the formula, it begins to make sense. However - I am not interested in Roulette!
Could you please enlarge a little on how the Kelly Strategy might be applied to our account? Is it as simple as substituting the odds and probabilities in the Kelly formula?
I think if I can get a stronger handle on some of this it would be something I would pursue and eventually attempt to use.
I found that by deleting and then re-entering the first "40%" in the XLS programme from your post at #26 in this thread, it re-drew an entirely different set of Equity Growth curves. The drawdowns that occurred plus the fact that the souped-up position-size did not always beat the flat 2% was very sobering for me.
Finally - I found this link:
Fixed Ratio and Fixed Fractional Money Management - InformedTrades at which David Waring (haven't heard of him before) discusses this same issue.
I didn't read any of the links in that site yet - but I will, and expect to get further enlightenment there.
Best wishes