20 pips a day is all you need! See what I mean..

Black Swan,

way to kepp the conversation on topic.. do you have a problem being disagreed with? Sounds like you dont have the emotional character to be a trader. You have to be ok with being wrong in this market, or your ego will make sure you lose..

I am not saying you are wrong tho, just disagree with your philosophy.

If you disagree with what I am saying, why don't you explain yourself for the benefit of all who read this board..
would love to have some intelligent debate.. if your up for it..

...good trades,

cba, everything you've written is simply sophist tautology laced with puff and air for the gullible and it has been written on this suite of forums (in the same format) time, after time, after time...😴 Me wrong in trading? Hmmm let me see. On my scalping today yep *wrong* 4 times out of 10, if only I'd just gone for 20 pips heh?....I'd be fooked ..😆

20 pips a day and sign off ?...LOL...Good luck with that 5hit...it'll never work...😀
cba, everything you've written is simply sophist tautology laced with puff and air

Nope, no fluff here.. I put my reputation on the line everyday ..I trade live daily for hundreds of other pro fx traders. All you have to do is stop by my live traderoom webcam and you can trade with me live every NY session.. why dont you join me for a day, or as long as you like.. I dont even have to know you're there, you can watch in silence if you like.. you might learn something.

You know of anyone else that trades with this sort of transparency?

Me wrong in trading? Hmmm let me see. On my scalping today yep *wrong* 4 times out of 10


...good trades,
Sam, I understand what you are saying. Many people operate that way. They make a losing trade, then want to get it all back on the next trade, so if they double their margin, they only need to get half the pips to get it all back.
The difference is, and what keeps me trading into the next day is that I have strict margining practices for my self. I have a set of rules that I don't veer on. I consider myself to be impetuous, but the mentality I have towards my trading and my methodology is solid granite, and extreme confidence (Where even at times I might have to apologize as coming off as arrogant.). Therefore, if I see the setup, then I'm taking it. Like Steve Winwood said, "If you see a chance, then take it."
I'm of the belief that if someone is so unconfident in their method to trade by that they are afraid to face the markets after x% drawdown, then maybe they shouldn't be in the markets. Maybe they need further refining on a demo account. I know you have experienced many traders getting into the markets because of impatience, then just blowing it all.
I have kind of a funny way of putting one of your comments. My methodology puts restrictions on my losses.
BTW, you have extended an invitation to your webinar and added how transparent you are, which btw, I do not doubt. Let me extend an invitation to you to visit my thread. There are no gimmicks and nothing to sell. Also, I hope I'm not impugning upon this thread starter in saying that.


If you are a seasoned trader who knows how you react emotionally to losses, then not having daily account drawdown "stop-losses" is probably acceptable. the danger is when a trader draws down 5-10% in a session, and that "make it back" mentality kicks in.. causing them to over leverage their next position, exposing them to even greater damage.. (margin call being the worst scenario).

Sadly, this is the case for most traders.. I have seen it too many times, in most cases it is one trading session that causes the demise of sophomore traders.

If you can put restrictions on your losses (say 2% per day) then you can guarantee that you will not have the same thing happen to you that destroys 90% of the losing traders out there.. you ensure that one session..or one trade doesnt end your career.. that at least gives you a chance to be successful.

getting consistent in forex is not just about seeing a set up and trading it. it takes time to get accustomed to the market and using daily "stop losses" gives a learning trader the time it takes to really have a chance at getting consistent.

...good trades,
Sam, in trading, there are no right or wrong ways to trade-- just what is right or wrong for the individual.
Let me try and put a pespective on some of your comments, and keep in my mind, this is not a repudiation of your view, but a defense of the ones you tried to repudiate.
Personally, I am never suspicious of my signals (I can't help that is it sounds conceited, because I don't mean to be and it is just me.). When I have a chart setup, it is a good trade. As an example, I have a chart setup to go short the EUR/GBP at .8410. I'm not suspicious of it. It will be a winning trade. Now, you might be the opposite. That's okay. You trade that way, because your mindset tells you to do so. I trade the way I do, because I know I'm going to be right. Okay, at the expense of sounding like I'm blowing my horn, I'm only right a little over 80% of the time.
Is there news coming out? If my setup says to jump in before the news hits, then I'm geting in. Guess what? I just get my pips faster. We do live in the age of mircowaves. In trading, microwaves are better than the slow cooker.
Also, let Bernanke run his mouth all he wants. He has nothing to do with how I trade. If he tips something with his mouth, and it turns the markets upside down, that's okay. News creates spikes. A solid methodology creates winning trades consistently.
I had a trade short on the USD/CHF News hit, and spiked against me almost 100 points in 1 minute. Not a big deal. It was a spike. It came back. I was on the property playing with Tucker, so I missed it. A shame. I like seeing candles move real fast. Oh well, I did win about 200 pips on that trade, then jumped back in later and got more. Yes, I like counting pips.
They can eat their lunch in NY, but I'm still going to trade here in Ohio.
The yen follows the market as a rule. Still, if it signals long on my chart and the Dow drops 200, I'm still getting in. I did it last month and made <> +30 pips on the EUR/JPY. Not much, but you cna't be greedy .
The best way I increase the probability of my trading is using my methodology. I let the ichimoku and my proprietary S&R's so all the talking. Oh yeah, Tucker too.
Compile my losses? Naw, the page would be too short.
Forget the equity markets. I'm looking at my charts.
My market environment is created by how I perceive things through my methodology.
Now, let me be honest. Those things I said I meant. There's not a trace of doubt in y mind about any of those comments. There is also no doubt in my mind about any of your comments. Do you understand? You have to trade the way that is best for you, and that is not said in obstinance. I look at it like this. If someone is profiting consistently 2 pips per week, then he is a success.
I believe there is only one thing that is not open to opinion. All traders need to have a solid methodology, solid margin skills, and solid head on their shoulders. I'm not condoning anyone to be like me who has ice in his veins and runs all his trades with no stops, but that is what works for me.
Comments welcomed.

Disagree, Black Swan.. As a trader you are a detective. always looking for clues.. be suspicious of your signals.. just because you have a chart setup doesnt mean it is a good trade.. Is there news coming out? Is Bernanke speaking? Is it NY lunch time? Is your chart setup signalling Long eur/jpy but the dow is at -80 and still dropping? Are you near any longer term S/R levels?

There are ways you can increase your probability per trade. You find these situations by keeping a trade log and compiling your losers.. you will find correlations.. such as all jpy crosses correlate heavily with equity markets. so if your setup is calling for a direction on a jpy cross, then your equity markets need to be in alignment..

whatever your setups tell you to do you should also be aware of the market environment.. it will help you identify false signals.. therefore increasing your probability per trade. Nothing is going to give you 100% accuracy, but you can shave some good percentage points off your losing rate.

...good trades

You are right that there are MANY ways to trade this market. as many trading styles as there are trader personalities. That doesnt mean they are all successful.

Sam, in trading, there are no right or wrong ways to trade-- just what is right or wrong for the individual.
Let me try and put a pespective on some of your comments, and keep in my mind, this is not a repudiation of your view, but a defense of the ones you tried to repudiate.

I was not repudiating anyone's style of trading, just disagreed with a statement that was made. this one...
you have to take your set up each time it appears in order to make the 'probs' work in your favour...

my guess is that you agree with this statement. But I say there are times when you should stay out of the market even if your charts are showing a signal

Personally, I am never suspicious of my signals (I can't help that is it sounds conceited, because I don't mean to be and it is just me.). When I have a chart setup, it is a good trade. As an example, I have a chart setup to go short the EUR/GBP at .8410. I'm not suspicious of it. It will be a winning trade.

It's a good thing that you have confidence in your system, but if you are so sure that that one will be a winning trade, then why not, sell your house (if you can), empty your savings, go get a loan for as much money as you can get, plus borrow from all of your friends and relatives, and put it all on that trade..

The truth is you can't know for sure that any one trade will be a winning trade. You can only take trades that you know you have a good probability of working out over the course of many trades (I'll take a trade that has a probability of 60-70% chance of working out, there are no 100% probability trades.)

Is there news coming out? If my setup says to jump in before the news hits, then I'm geting in. Guess what? I just get my pips faster. We do live in the age of mircowaves. In trading, microwaves are better than the slow cooker.
Also, let Bernanke run his mouth all he wants. He has nothing to do with how I trade. If he tips something with his mouth, and it turns the markets upside down, that's okay. News creates spikes. A solid methodology creates winning trades consistently.

As a trader, you try to find ways to be more accurate as you evolve.. In business it's akin to increasing your efficiency. Noone knows the data that is released before hand, if you open a trade right before news you are basically gambling, news can change sentiment and the entire market environment. you might as well be flipping a coin. That's a 50% chance. So if you take all the trades that you opened right before major news releases, you would prob have about a 50% success rate on those trades, dragging down your equity curve. I dont know about you, but I don't like to gamble..

Bernanke may not have anything to do with how you trade, but he has a lot to do with how the markets behave and his words can cause large and volatile price movements. If you ignore this, you will get caught. yes, a solid methodology will consistently produce, but there are still times to stay out of the market... In fact all new forex traders should definately not think it is ok to ignore news releases.. just see what happens on NFP Friday..

Yes, news does create spikes... sometimes. Sometimes it causes a trend change that isnt coming back..

I had a trade short on the USD/CHF News hit, and spiked against me almost 100 points in 1 minute. Not a big deal. It was a spike. It came back. I was on the property playing with Tucker, so I missed it. A shame. I like seeing candles move real fast. Oh well, I did win about 200 pips on that trade, then jumped back in later and got more. Yes, I like counting pips.

You were basically lucky.. all it's gonna take is that one time that it doesn't spike back, and your done... btw, another danger of trading before news, is it is possible that your stop loss could be jumped and take you out at a much more negative level. (stops are actually market orders that are activated at the stop trigger, but will only be filled at the next available price.. a major news release can jump a 20 pip stop and take you out at -50 or worse.. many reasons to not trade right before news..

The yen follows the market as a rule. Still, if it signals long on my chart and the Dow drops 200, I'm still getting in. I did it last month and made <> +30 pips on the EUR/JPY. Not much, but you cna't be greedy. Forget the equity markets. I'm looking at my charts.

So your saying it worked once, so it must be a winning strategy.. If you flip a coin once, and you call heads correctly, did you just develop a winning stategy on coin flipping?

It's ok that you like only Technicals (charts), but I am just saying if you became aware of just a few things, you would improve your bottom line. Certain things, the charts cannot account for. I would think that you would want to continue to learn and grow in forex so that you improve your trading, if you shut off a whole aspect of this market, you are limiting yourself.

Compile my losses? Naw, the page would be too short.

Too short, huh? This is definately not a healthy attitude for a trader, your losing trades is where you learn the most, surely you don't think you have it all figured out.. Your losers will tell you a lot especially when you start noticing similarities, maybe your dont trade as consistently during certain times of the day, or maybe you r system doesnt perform as well on Fridays. whatever the case may be, you will not know unless you keep a record.. not all traders do this, but that is just because they do not realize the value in it.

I'm not condoning anyone to be like me who has ice in his veins and runs all his trades with no stops, but that is what works for me.

no stops?? for the love, man... a phrase comes to mind...Dead Man Walking.

I have yet to meet one successful trader who doesnt use stops. Without a stop it only takes one trade to not come back and you have a margin call on your hands. Do you really think you will never have a trade get away from you? Especially if you are opening trades before news..

There is more to trading than seeing setups.. money management is key, and without stops how do you know how much you are risking?

pipcounter, if this works for you, great. But I would classify your trading style as "dangerous"..

...good trades,
Last edited:

You are right that there are MANY ways to trade this market. as many trading styles as there are trader personalities. That doesnt mean they are all successful.

It means regardless of the trading style, everyone of them are successful, as long as they are winning styles for that individual. The style is wrong if they are wrong for the individual. As an example, I could never trade your style, becuase it is not right for me. If understand right, you have been winning as a trader, which makes your style right for you.

I was not repudiating anyone's style of trading, just disagreed with a statement that was made. this one...

my guess is that you agree with this statement. But I say there are times when you should stay out of the market even if your charts are showing a signal

I agree, if your method shows a signal, then take it.

It's a good thing that you have confidence in your system, but if you are so sure that that one will be a winning trade, then why not, sell your house (if you can), empty your savings, go get a loan for as much money as you can get, plus borrow from all of your friends and relatives, and put it all on that trade..

I don't need to, I have my own money. I'm not desperate. I already, know as a proven track record, I my trades are on the + side of the ledger 80% of the time.
If you can't just properly margin every trade just like it is another part of your job, then you do not have confidence in the methodology. I've said it many time, "I have ice in my veins." In addition, what would my friends and relatives think of my trading, if I had to borrow from them just to make a trade?

The truth is you can't know for sure that any one trade will be a winning trade. You can only take trades that you know you have a good probability of working out over the course of many trades (I'll take a trade that has a probability of 60-70% chance of working out, there are no 100% probability trades.)

I got news for you. I've posted 22 losing trades this year. Everyone of them were winning at one time. My biggest loser is <>+48 pips. Respectfully, that sort of mentality really surprises me. If a trader cannot be more confident than that, then they need to take another look at their A 60-70% probability is not acceptable. Here's an example. take a short on the EUR/GBP after it hits .8420, then walk away from your computer a few days, and tell me you don't have a winning trade.

As a trader, you try to find ways to be more accurate as you evolve.. In business it's akin to increasing your efficiency. Noone knows the data that is released before hand, if you open a trade right before news you are basically gambling, news can change sentiment and the entire market environment. you might as well be flipping a coin. That's a 50% chance. So if you take all the trades that you opened right before major news releases, you would prob have about a 50% success rate on those trades, dragging down your equity curve. I dont know about you, but I don't like to gamble..

I've never spent a dime on a lottery ticket. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I had one, so that answers your question.
As I mentioned before, even the news has to stay within basic techncial parameters. Someone is not working with the method if all of a sudden, news hits, and blows your methodology out of the water. My odds are much better than 50% because my methodology tells me so. I think I told you before the 1-minute spike I had against me on the Swissy. Big deal! After the markets settled back down, it was right back to normal.

Bernanke may not have anything to do with how you trade, but he has a lot to do with how the markets behave and his words can cause large and volatile price movements. If you ignore this, you will get caught. yes, a solid methodology will consistently produce, but there are still times to stay out of the market... In fact all new forex traders should definately not think it is ok to ignore news releases.. just see what happens on NFP Friday..

Bernanke cannot take away the mathematical ebb and flow of the markets. He has no bearing on my methodology. When it spikes, one of two things happen. my trade accelerates further in my favor, or it spikes against me, and then will come back in my favor. It's no big deal.
New traders should not be trading at all if their methodology is not set in granite and it is not time-tested on a demo account. It takes lot of of work to solidly develop a trading methodology. If that is the case, then new trades should do, just like I do, and you do, trade according to their methodology.
I know you said before that you are not repudiating how someone else trades. By telling someone they should not trade just because Big Ben opens his Big Mouth, or not trade during NFP is a repudiation of how that individual trades.
I respect your thought that you won't trade that way, but, please, don't tell me not to trade, or anyone else, just because Big Ben opens his mouth or NFP comes out.

Yes, news does create spikes... sometimes. Sometimes it causes a trend change that isnt coming back..

The news did not create it. The techncial aspects of it did. Prove to me that the news created a trend that did not come back, and I'll eat my words.

You were basically lucky.. all it's gonna take is that one time that it doesn't spike back, and your done... btw, another danger of trading before news, is it is possible that your stop loss could be jumped and take you out at a much more negative level. (stops are actually market orders that are activated at the stop trigger, but will only be filled at the next available price.. a major news release can jump a 20 pip stop and take you out at -50 or worse.. many reasons to not trade right before news..

Please. Give me a break. There's more to trading than a methodology. In addition to having "ice in my veins" which adds to a very cool mindset, I also have conservative margin practices. In all the confidence I have in what I do, if I make a trade before news hit, you better believe all my ducks are in order. In addition, that Swissy was one of the worse 1-minutes spike I ever have seen. But, it sended up being a nice big winner for me, thank to the directive that was seen in my methodology.
Again, that is no great credit to me. I'm not saying it is right for everyone. It is right for me. What you are saying is that it is wrong for you, and that is okay. But, it is not wrong for other people. Trading is a personal thing.

So your saying it worked once, so it must be a winning strategy.. If you flip a coin once, and you call heads correctly, did you just develop a winning stategy on coin flipping?

ONCE!!!!! I have people that follow my thread that have watched me trade for 3-5 years, consistently. That is not once. 80% of my trades win. I've had 22 losers this year. Sorry, it is not once
I also said I don't play the lottery, so I also don't flip coins

It's ok that you like only Technicals (charts), but I am just saying if you became aware of just a few things, you would improve your bottom line. Certain things, the charts cannot account for. I would think that you would want to continue to learn and grow in forex so that you improve your trading, if you shut off a whole aspect of this market, you are limiting yourself.

I am one of the most open-minded individuals yo have ever met. I adotped the ichimoku cloud by keeping an open-mind. I was talking about the mathematics of the markets with a losing trader, who was looking for the get-rich-quick seheme. He spurned a thought, which spurned an idea; thus, my proprietary S&R's were born.
Improve my bottom line? I'd just like to know what you are assuming when you say, "you would improve your bottom line".
I am always looking for any kind of a niche that will help me grow. The one thing I shut off is anything that has nothing to do with my charts. Again, if you trade or don't trade according to fundamentals, then like the Isley Brothers said, "It's your thang."

Too short, huh? This is definately not a healthy attitude for a trader, your losing trades is where you learn the most, surely you don't think you have it all figured out..

The answer is "no". The older I get, the more I understand how much I don't know. There is absolutely no one in thsi world I want to be than me, and there is no methodology I have more confidence in than my own. Yet, I still feel deeply humbled by the vastness of knowledge that can be gained on this site and by how much I cna learn from others.
What you said is not a matter of a healthy attitude. It is just a true comment. I don't have many losing trades, so if I tsake a piece of paper and write them all down, the story would be too short. That is just the way it is.
Another reason, I don't write them down is because I take out a losing trade then move on. I do not and will not scrutinize a losing trade.

Your losers will tell you a lot especially when you start noticing similarities, maybe your dont trade as consistently during certain times of the day, or maybe you r system doesnt perform as well on Fridays. whatever the case may be, you will not know unless you keep a record.. not all traders do this, but that is just because they do not realize the value in it.

The main similarity my losing trades have is that they have a "-" next to them.
"Not realizing the value?" You're right, I don't. Again, the page will be too short.

no stops?? for the love, man... a phrase comes to mind...Dead Man Walking.

It is a comment like that that really irks me and has irked a few others reading this thread. Would you please try and argue with my personal success as a trader or repudiate it. Not with conjecture, but with facts. Try and prove to me I am wrong in the way I trade. In other words, try to prove to me that it is wrong for my in the way I trade.
Maybe we can do a little EOM pip-comparison ,and see if this "DEAD MAN WALKING (rrrgh)" can collect more pips than you.

I have yet to meet one successful trader who doesnt use stops. Without a stop it only takes one trade to not come back and you have a margin call on your hands. Do you really think you will never have a trade get away from you? Especially if you are opening trades before news..

I jsut repudiated your comment. You have just met one. Go to my thread and ask the old-timers there that have been with me for 3-5 years. You can even ask Tucker. He gets quality dog treats everyday.
You need to open up your mind more, and I'm serious now. The wholeness of my methodology is the msot unique thing you have ever seen.

There is more to trading than seeing setups.. money management is key, and without stops how do you know how much you are risking?

Like I said, you don't me and have no idea. An example, take the EUR/GBP (S) I told you about on your demo with no stops and see what happens.

pipcounter, if this works for you, great. But I would classify your trading style as "dangerous"..

Respectfully, I wasn't asking your opinion. Instead of throwing darts, I would be asking, "How does that guy break all my rules I teach to my people, and he is such as outstanding success?" (Actually, I got to stop listening to Ruch Limbaugh. I'm starting to sound like him.)

...good trades,

I consider this to be a paradox. Waling Dead Men don't make good trades. If you trade "dangerously", you don't make good trades. According to you, if I trade the news, I'm doing something wrong. If I have to borrow from friends and realtives, than I surely haven't been making good trades. If I'm tossing coins, then those aren't good trades. If I'm only lucky, or getting into trades that won't change direction, those aren't good trades.
You need to be consistent. Considering those opinions that were shared, in order to be consistent with your comments, you should sign off with "...bad trades".

Nice to meet you. I'm Paul.
Hi Paul, nice to meet you, too..

I am sorry that you are beginning to take offense in what I say. I never intended to attack your trading style.. I just thought your post had a lot of issues in it that newbie traders can learn from, if they choose. Or they can ignore it all together.

I think this is a good forum for healthy debate on trading forex and the readers and participants can make their own decisions. I was guessing you thought so too..

just to clear a few things up....

I don't need to, I have my own money. I'm not desperate. I already, know as a proven track record, I my trades are on the + side of the ledger 80% of the time.
If you can't just properly margin every trade just like it is another part of your job, then you do not have confidence in the methodology. I've said it many time, "I have ice in my veins." In addition, what would my friends and relatives think of my trading, if I had to borrow from them just to make a trade?

Im sure you have your own money, I was not saying that you were broke.. It seems you totally missed the point.. I was saying you would never use 100% of your capital to place on a trade, and you would never risk your relatives money, because you cant be 100% sure of one single trade.. If you could be 100% sure, then why not borrow from them? I am sure when you returned them 100-200% of their money back, they would actually think very highly of your trading.

I got news for you. I've posted 22 losing trades this year. Everyone of them were winning at one time. My biggest loser is <>+48 pips. Respectfully, that sort of mentality really surprises me. If a trader cannot be more confident than that, then they need to take another look at their A 60-70% probability is not acceptable.

Congratulations. not sure why you are trying to prove to me that you are successful. I hope that you are. But anyone can say anything they want about their success..

Here's an example. take a short on the EUR/GBP after it hits .8420, then walk away from your computer a few days, and tell me you don't have a winning trade.

Not a chance.. I would never take a trade without a stop-loss and walk away.. Just curious.. what lot size will you put on it and what account size would you be using? Would love to know how much you are going to risk.. How far against are you willing to hold this trade. It could actually trigger for you tonite's Asian or London Session. Pleas give me all the details, would like to track your progress..

My sincere question to you is.. If you do not have a stop-loss, then how do you know what lot size to put on each trade? (really, I would really love to know the answer to this question)

As I mentioned before, even the news has to stay within basic techncial parameters.

I don't know what you mean.. but it sure sounds untrue.. The reactions to news releases knows no technical bounds..

By telling someone they should not trade just because Big Ben opens his Big Mouth, or not trade during NFP is a repudiation of how that individual trades.
I respect your thought that you won't trade that way, but, please, don't tell me not to trade, or anyone else, just because Big Ben opens his mouth or NFP comes out.

The news did not create it. The techncial aspects of it did. Prove to me that the news created a trend that did not come back, and I'll eat my words.

Well, most trends and movements are actually caused by news (except for transactions made for purely commerce reasons..i.e. Boeing airlines selling a fleet of airplanes to a japanes airline, this could cause price movements un related to news), It is information that fuels this market..

When you look at a chart, yes, it is a recording of price over a certain time period, but what it also is, is a recording of emotional reaction to financial, or geo-political stimulus "news." This creates market sentiment.. and trends. So the news drives the market sentiment and the charts record all the buying and selling based on that sentiment.

I do agree that technicals are very reliable, and should be used primarily when trading, and this is not an argument against technicals at all. That being said,the technicals don't "cause" anything.. they are just a recording of what is going on. Technical indicators are "lagging" by nature.they are telling you what already happened. I am primarily a technical trader, relying on my signals as well, but I have also learned to read the market, (which isnt that difficult once you understand a few basic principals that te market operates by.)

I have people that follow my thread that have watched me trade for 3-5 years, consistently. That is not once. 80% of my trades win. I've had 22 losers this year. Sorry, it is not once

I don't understand your need to prove yourself, I am just trying to get across useful information. I have checked your thread, and it has only been going for about a month. Good for you if this style is working for you.. But it wont work for 99% of other traders out there.

What you said is not a matter of a healthy attitude. It is just a true comment. I don't have many losing trades...so if I tsake a piece of paper and write them all down, the story would be too short. That is just the way it is.
Another reason, I don't write them down is because I take out a losing trade then move on. I do not and will not scrutinize a losing trade.

It doesn't take many trades to margin call...only one trade will do it. And without using stops it's only a matter of time. I am not saying this because I don't want you to succeed, I do. It's just a true comment.

Anyway, have you heard the saying, "learn from your mistakes?" It applies here in forex trading as well. People who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

It is a comment like that that really irks me and has irked a few others reading this thread. Would you please try and argue with my personal success as a trader or repudiate it. Not with conjecture, but with facts. Try and prove to me I am wrong in the way I trade. In other words, try to prove to me that it is wrong for my in the way I trade.
Maybe we can do a little EOM pip-comparison ,and see if this "DEAD MAN WALKING (rrrgh)" can collect more pips than you.

what happened to the "ice in your veins" and the cool-headedness you boasted earlier? I have no idea how you personally trade, how can i argue your trading success with facts? (not that I want to). You say whatever you want about your success, have I ever said you were lying? No, I just said that not using stop losses, and ignoring news and basic fundamental correlations is a recipe for failure. Maybe you haven't failed yet, but I am sorry to say that if you are not using stops you will be taken out soone or later.. that is a fact!

You sound like every new trader I encounter who doesnt want to accept a losing trade. The comments you make.. "price always comes back, just hang on.." this is naive thinking, price can move hundreds of pips against you without retracement, how much drawdown can you stand? It will probably come back but first, you will get the margin call. It just sounds like you haven't taken your bruises yet, and that is why you have all this false confidence..

btw, If it "irks" any of the other traders on this board to read this thread, why is noone putting their two cents in?

It's funny, I say these things because I do care, not to be argumentative. here is a video recording of a trader who just attended one of my trading courses, I am in it for the success of all..

Sometimes I have to say things bluntly to keep traders from making rookie mistakes, and not keeping stops and managing your risk is the number one killer of traders.. so good luck.

According to you, if I trade the news, I'm doing something wrong.

Not true. News trading is a very acceptable strategy. What i said is that opening trades before news, without regard to it is foolish... If you are trading the news, waiting for the release and then getting into a trade based on that news, that would be good.

Anyway, sorry again for your ill feelings, I was in no way trying to repudiate your style as there are many. but I know what works for most traders. You might be that exception to the rule, and if you are congratulations, you found your way..

...good trades,

P.S. Please don't forget to let me know what your lot size will be on that Eur/Gbp trade... (would be helpful to also know the account size)
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Hi Paul, nice to meet you, too..

I am sorry that you are beginning to take offense in what I say. I never intended to attack your trading style.. I just thought your post had a lot of issues in it that newbie traders can learn from, if they choose. Or they can ignore it all together.

I am very outspoken, and maybe to a fault, but to take offense to what you are saying ?No. As far as newbie traders are concerned, I'm not one of them, so you won't have to address me as a newbie.
As I also mentioned before, the entirety of my method is very unique, which makes it Me. It has made me an excellent trader. I enjoy the dialogues concerning trading. The one thing I take that may appear as taking offense is when someone who does not kow me would say I'm trading dangerously, saying I am bascially lucky, that I have an unhealthy attitude for a trader, I'm a Dead Man Walking. That was all in one post. All I got to say is, back up those allegations, and I'll start making changes. can be the student just as easily as I can be the Samurai.

I think this is a good forum for healthy debate on trading forex and the readers and participants can make their own decisions. I was guessing you thought so too..

just to clear a few things up....

Quite honestly, I do not reccomend anyone to adapt my style. a no-stop-contrarian-type of style that I have. The thing that makes me effective, is, once again, it is Me, and I am properly armed to take care of business.
I am intrigued by your thread only because I do not doubt you are a winning trader, but 20 pips a day? That's 440 per month (Base on 22 trading days.) .I've gotten 44o pps opened and closed in the same day.
Let me be clear about another thing. As long as the methodology produces consistently for that inidvidual, then it is an excellent methodology. I was talking to someone last week about the fact he had gotten 1% last week. I tried to encourage him that he is a winning trader. Compound 1% per week over 12 years after starting with $1,000 is over $1 million. The true measure of a good methodology and the success of the trader is that he is not losing.

Im sure you have your own money, I was not saying that you were broke.. It seems you totally missed the point.. I was saying you would never use 100% of your capital to place on a trade, and you would never risk your relatives money, because you cant be 100% sure of one single trade.. If you could be 100% sure, then why not borrow from them? I am sure when you returned them 100-200% of their money back, they would actually think very highly of your trading.

My point in saying what I did is that it is totally redundant to bring up borrowing from family and relatives. This is the type of business that someone should only start with money they can afford to lose. If they have to borrow it, then they are in the wrong business.
My confidence is also not based on a percentage of an assurety. I win consistently. Just like I told the guy who made 1% last week, that is all that counts.
I love my method, because it knows how to spot reverses, continuations. Even if I am wrong, Most of the time I take my trade out for a miniscule amount of pips, adn sometimes a miniscule loss. My system alos spots momentum or the lack thereof.

Congratulations. not sure why you are trying to prove to me that you are successful. I hope that you are. But anyone can say anything they want about their success..

I don't have to prove I am successful. Click on my thread, and talk to some of the people that I have been with over the past 3-5 years. I'm like you, transparent. Check my forecasts out. I'll let them stand alone, and do the talking for me, as well as certain ones that are following my thread.

Not a chance.. I would never take a trade without a stop-loss and walk away.. Just curious.. what lot size will you put on it and what account size would you be using? Would love to know how much you are going to risk.. How far against are you willing to hold this trade. It could actually trigger for you tonite's Asian or London Session. Pleas give me all the details, would like to track your progress..

I'm quite sure I said to trade it on your demo. I do not expect anyone to have the same confidence in my methodology as I do.
Lots sizes are all based on a percentage of the trade. I put up 1 lot per $10,000. Starting next week, that gets reduced to 1 lot per $20,000.

It does not really matter. I already know it is not going against me that much. I'm looking at holding this one for days.
I have given you the details. Now you can see where it will be at several days from now.

My sincere question to you is.. If you do not have a stop-loss, then how do you know what lot size to put on each trade? (really, I would really love to know the answer to this question)

I covered that question.

I don't know what you mean.. but it sure sounds untrue.. The reactions to news releases knows no technical bounds..

The technical, mathematical realities of the movements of the markets are uneffected by the news.

Well, most trends and movements are actually caused by news (except for transactions made for purely commerce reasons..i.e. Boeing airlines selling a fleet of airplanes to a japanes airline, this could cause price movements un related to news), It is information that fuels this market..

Prove it.

When you look at a chart, yes, it is a recording of price over a certain time period, but what it also is, is a recording of emotional reaction to financial, or geo-political stimulus "news." This creates market sentiment.. and trends. So the news drives the market sentiment and the charts record all the buying and selling based on that sentiment.

Then why can I take a chart of a market, apply my technicals to it, and draw up accurate conclusions? I do it consistently. I got a friend who follows my thread who constantly asks me for my input on gold. I give it to him, along with showing him what I am looking at on the chart. I've never traded gold, except on a deom account.
As a rule, I don't trade the DJIA, but predicted the reversal at 11,246, when it reversed at 11,254.
I know nothiong about the DAX. Someone else wanted my input concerning it, and I was spot on. No specifics here because it was several months ago.

I do agree that technicals are very reliable, and should be used primarily when trading, and this is not an argument against technicals at all. That being said,the technicals don't "cause" anything.. they are just a recording of what is going on. Technical indicators are "lagging" by nature.they are telling you what already happened. I am primarily a technical trader, relying on my signals as well, but I have also learned to read the market, (which isnt that difficult once you understand a few basic principals that te market operates by.)

I know you trade with technicals. The diffeence you and I have is that you also use the news when you make decisions, and I don't and never will.
You're right. Most indicatros lag because of their nature. It is a matter of interpreting the lag (that is me.). As an example, I use the stochastics as a momentum indiactor. My proprietary S&R's, though, have already been decided in advance, and there is no veeering from them, and they work like nothing else has ever worked (Not a bag on anyone. It's my sincerest belief that my proprietary S&R's are the best.). I want to know what the average is. A strong bounce will ensue from them, or they get blown out.

I don't understand your need to prove yourself, I am just trying to get across useful information. I have checked your thread, and it has only been going for about a month. Good for you if this style is working for you.. But it wont work for 99% of other traders out there.

You're right, 99% or more will not succeed in using my style. Also, a majority will not succeed in using your style. That is also a fact.
BTW, until right now, I didn't know you checked my thread. My history of posting goes back to my blog which is 2007, adn the caht rooms go back to 2005.
I have no need to prove myself. My results do all my talking for me.

It doesn't take many trades to margin call...only one trade will do it. And without using stops it's only a matter of time. I am not saying this because I don't want you to succeed, I do. It's just a true comment.

That's you jumping to your own conclusions without a thorough understanding of my methodology.

Anyway, have you heard the saying, "learn from your mistakes?" It applies here in forex trading as well. People who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

Ah pardon me. I only have 20% or less losing trades. Not many mistakes. Forex is a growing process. I am always learning. How do you assume I don't learn from the few mistakes I make.?

what happened to the "ice in your veins" and the cool-headedness you boasted earlier? I have no idea how you personally trade, how can i argue your trading success with facts? (not that I want to). You say whatever you want about your success, have I ever said you were lying? No, I just said that not using stop losses, and ignoring news and basic fundamental correlations is a recipe for failure. Maybe you haven't failed yet, but I am sorry to say that if you are not using stops you will be taken out soone or later.. that is a fact!

My mental makeup towards my trading is what I meant by "ice in my veins".
I chronicled the allegations. If you meant them as such is beside the point. They were still there, and I addressed them.
You can't argue success. This is why I disagree with settling for 20 pips per day, but if it has brought you success in your trading, then I will not argue with you.
And once again, you use your stops, and I won't use mine. I'll trade during the news, and you sit on the side. It's not a big deal. You say it is a "recipe for failure", then have at it. I say you are full of warn out cliches, such as, "Don't trade during the news", "use stop losses", "consider the fundamental aspects". Again, if by using warn out, innondated cliches is your style, then trade accordingly. That was not meant as an insult. That's your style. It's fine.

You sound like every new trader I encounter who doesnt want to accept a losing trade. The comments you make.. "price always comes back, just hang on.." this is naive thinking, price can move hundreds of pips against you without retracement, how much drawdown can you stand? It will probably come back but first, you will get the margin call. It just sounds like you haven't taken your bruises yet, and that is why you have all this false confidence..

I think at times your a little thick. I said I had 22 lsoing trades this year, so far.
Naive thinking? Yes, I can tell you know me real well.
I don't get margin calls. When will you get that in your head?
Experience breeds confidence. I gained my confidence over the years. A false confidence is a newbie that has spent 3 months trading and is lucky enough to keep winning. Real life experience does not breed false confidence. But, you don't know that, because of all the stereotypes you are filled with.

btw, If it "irks" any of the other traders on this board to read this thread, why is noone putting their two cents in?

Some have voiced their opinion. Personally, I know I'm the type that doen't mind a good dialogue. But, I too will call it quits once I know it is no longer constructive .

It's funny, I say these things because I do care, not to be argumentative. here is a video recording of a trader who just attended one of my trading courses, I am in it for the success of all..

Let's be honest. You are also in it for the subscribership. You, if not already, will derive an income from your subscibers.
I'm not looking for any subscribers. I can honestly tell you I am on this site to be challenged in my trading, to learn, and to help other aspiring traders. I make no money on the side, and neither am I selling anything.

Sometimes I have to say things bluntly to keep traders from making rookie mistakes, and not keeping stops and managing your risk is the number one killer of traders.. so good luck.

Sam, you can use those lines on ones following you and your service, but you don't need to be blunt with me if that is what you are getting at. I would prefer having a conversation on a more even level. You should have some sort of discernment as to the type of people you are talking to, which includes the others that have posted in this thread. I would prefer discussing each other's methodology instead of this err that you are going to correct me on anything I do that you don't agree with. Again, I am not here to run your opinion poll. My original thoguth was to have a discussion. I don't really care what you think abotu the way I trade.

Not true. News trading is a very acceptable strategy. What i said is that opening trades before news, without regard to it is foolish... If you are trading the news, waiting for the release and then getting into a trade based on that news, that would be good.

That's what I was talking about. I open trades before the news. It's not up to you to tell me I'm wrong .

Anyway, sorry again for your ill feelings, I was in no way trying to repudiate your style as there are many. but I know what works for most traders. You might be that exception to the rule, and if you are congratulations, you found your way..

Get it in your head. I have no ill feelings towards you. I was raised in California, and I'm sure if we crossed paths, I'd buy you dinner somewhere.
The thing that works for my most traders is what works for them. That is the correct way for the specific trader. We are all different, and all have different mindsets. In addition, all successful traders are exceptions to the rule. Also, there is not run trader that mirrors another perfectly, based on each of our individuality.

...good trades,

P.S. Please don't forget to let me know what your lot size will be on that Eur/Gbp trade... (would be helpful to also know the account size)

Sam, I will politely say, it is none of your business how much I have in my account. I told you I have 1 lot per $10K. That is all you need to know.
BTW, I have 2 paltforms I put my trades on. One is a demo account. It is my demo I always post, because of the idea of not wanting to show my personal information, by accident or otherwise. It still has the identical trades, such as the day I posted 17 trades that I made, then turned around and proved it 2 days later with +3,455 pips. Don't laugh too quick. I'll be the first to tell you it is an exception to the rule, but it is posted on my thread. I did that just to prove it could be done.
Hi Paul,

Sorry it has taken so long to reply, had a busy week. I have checked your thread, and I believe it is of value to this board and other traders can learn from it.. Quite honestly your thread is right in alignment with what the essence of this forum is all about.. Forex traders contributing to a community of other traders for the benefit of all. great job!

One thing I do find interesting is your use of the tenken cloud (an indicator I do not fully understand). Is there anyway, you would be willing to start a thread that is dedicated to explaining how to use that indicator? I would definately subscribe to that, and I am sure other traders would benefit from it.

My apologies also for my tone in the previous posts, although I was not intending to address you as a newbie or someone who was asking for my help, I can see now I was in fact coming off that way. You are a trader who definately has confidence in his indicators and methodology, and one who is comfortable with higher than average risk tolerance. There is nothing wrong with it, if you can make it work..

I have addressed a couple things below..

Quite honestly, I do not reccomend anyone to adapt my style. a no-stop-contrarian-type of style that I have. The thing that makes me effective, is, once again, it is Me, and I am properly armed to take care of business.
I am intrigued by your thread only because I do not doubt you are a winning trader, but 20 pips a day? That's 440 per month (Base on 22 trading days.) .I've gotten 44o pps opened and closed in the same day.

This was my original point in starting this thread...pips do not matter. what matters is account growth. I have my positions weighted accordingly. because i know I will not lose more than 20 pips per day, I can put sizeable lot size behind it, so 20 pips equals 2% account growth. then on days I make 30, account grows 3%. 2% per day compunded weekly turns $1000 into $50,000. You can do the math if you start with $10k. (even if you dont average the full 2%, anything close to 50x account growth per year is an amazing return.)

The thing is, I get my 20 or more in a couple hours (sometime minutes), and i dont have to watch the market all day. when I am done for the day, i dont care what the market is doing. I prefer that than having to watch the market 24 hours waiting for my levels to hit. I think most traders want a way to make a great living in just a couple hours a day, and then be free to pursue other interests..

Lots sizes are all based on a percentage of the trade. I put up 1 lot per $10,000. Starting next week, that gets reduced to 1 lot per $20,000.

So we use the same, I also use 1-2 lots per $10k. I am only comfortable risking 2-4% of my account, so I will trade 1- 2 lots with a 20 pip stop ($200-$400). You are comfortable with 10-20% maybe even more, cuz your letting trades run against you 1-200 pips ($1000-$2000) sometimes. I gotta hand it to you, you must actually have nerves of steel.

Let's be honest. You are also in it for the subscribership.

Yes, I do provide a service. A service that I have great satisfaction from the many traders who have expressed their appreciation for the skills I have helped them develop via daily live trading/coaching sessions and providing them with live calls and a methodology they can adopt and be successful with in only a couple hours per day. And i do it by trading live, not in a "class room" environment, for a minimal monthly subscription. Many of my subscribers tell me I should charge more for what I provide (but glad I don't). I charge just enough to make it a viable business, because I enjoy what I do.

I am mentored by a 26 year InterBank Chief Dealer, and have been coaching for three years, and while not everyone is successful, I have a great success and retention rate, and have yet to hear one negative review or complaint, but have received many gracious reviews..
I have gone into great detail about the usage of each component of the ichimoku cloud. The series can be located somewhere in my thread. The only problem is that it is so deep, I can't find where the respective postings are at. You can also find a complete series on it on my blog at 4xpipcounter.blogspot.com. Go back to Oct. 2007, and then you will be able to find the entire series I did on the ichimonu in there. There is also a series on my S&R's that got spun in there, too.
Maybe later, I'll take you up on that offer of creating a thread just for the ichimoku cloud.
No need to apologize for your overtones. I lack a lot of diplomacy at times myself. I really just try to make my point, and beat nothing around the bush, therefore it would not be fair I found fault with someone else. I believe, by now, we both know what our real intentions are. We mean no harm.
What you mentioned about account growth is sometihng I really agree with. At 20 pips per day, by compounding those gains makes them much more astronomical. I can tell what you do is very steady and consistent. You're like the tortoise. Other people are like the hare. Eventually, they run so hard, but eventually they blow out their account. You just keep plodding consistently along and the finish line is always attainable for you. Without exception, I always applaude a consistent winner in this business.
I have never had a mentor but was self-taught. There are a few traders I have a lot of admiration for. The top of my list is Max McKegg. That man is awesome. He is a daytrader, only trades 5 pairs. I've seen him get 500 + pips in one day. I'm talking about closing and opening the trades in the same day. He is a phoenomenal trader and a phoenomenal human. He does have his own web site. I make nothing for giving him kudos, BTW.

Hi Paul,

Sorry it has taken so long to reply, had a busy week. I have checked your thread, and I believe it is of value to this board and other traders can learn from it.. Quite honestly your thread is right in alignment with what the essence of this forum is all about.. Forex traders contributing to a community of other traders for the benefit of all. great job!

One thing I do find interesting is your use of the tenken cloud (an indicator I do not fully understand). Is there anyway, you would be willing to start a thread that is dedicated to explaining how to use that indicator? I would definately subscribe to that, and I am sure other traders would benefit from it.

My apologies also for my tone in the previous posts, although I was not intending to address you as a newbie or someone who was asking for my help, I can see now I was in fact coming off that way. You are a trader who definately has confidence in his indicators and methodology, and one who is comfortable with higher than average risk tolerance. There is nothing wrong with it, if you can make it work..

I have addressed a couple things below..

This was my original point in starting this thread...pips do not matter. what matters is account growth. I have my positions weighted accordingly. because i know I will not lose more than 20 pips per day, I can put sizeable lot size behind it, so 20 pips equals 2% account growth. then on days I make 30, account grows 3%. 2% per day compunded weekly turns $1000 into $50,000. You can do the math if you start with $10k. (even if you dont average the full 2%, anything close to 50x account growth per year is an amazing return.)

The thing is, I get my 20 or more in a couple hours (sometime minutes), and i dont have to watch the market all day. when I am done for the day, i dont care what the market is doing. I prefer that than having to watch the market 24 hours waiting for my levels to hit. I think most traders want a way to make a great living in just a couple hours a day, and then be free to pursue other interests..

So we use the same, I also use 1-2 lots per $10k. I am only comfortable risking 2-4% of my account, so I will trade 1- 2 lots with a 20 pip stop ($200-$400). You are comfortable with 10-20% maybe even more, cuz your letting trades run against you 1-200 pips ($1000-$2000) sometimes. I gotta hand it to you, you must actually have nerves of steel.

Yes, I do provide a service. A service that I have great satisfaction from the many traders who have expressed their appreciation for the skills I have helped them develop via daily live trading/coaching sessions and providing them with live calls and a methodology they can adopt and be successful with in only a couple hours per day. And i do it by trading live, not in a "class room" environment, for a minimal monthly subscription. Many of my subscribers tell me I should charge more for what I provide (but glad I don't). I charge just enough to make it a viable business, because I enjoy what I do.

I am mentored by a 26 year InterBank Chief Dealer, and have been coaching for three years, and while not everyone is successful, I have a great success and retention rate, and have yet to hear one negative review or complaint, but have received many gracious reviews..
Trade 2 Win is holy ground. No sales!

That's why i provide quality information for free! You know this branjford, because you responded to my thread on my live webcam on how you thought it was a good idea.. you never have to pay me a dime and you can trade live with my via my cam everyday!. and take my calls. My paid service is provided for those who want to take it a step further.

Check the posts I have made for this board.. all quality info, nothing held back.. If you want to immediately disregard someone solely on the purpose that they run a business, then you are not doing yourself or anyone else a service.

I provide transparency and that is something no one else will do.. It's not like I am spamming. I am a member of this community, and I also happen to run a business. But you will never see me with hold info or try to use sneaky tactics. I have never tried to hide the fact that I coach forex traders. I mentioned it in my very first post introducing myself, here.

The truth is, I am sorry to say, that very few traders will become successful reading threads on this or ANY forum. They need proper coaching, I am sorry it is hard for you (like many on this board) to accept that... but it is the truth.

I am here as a member to help in any way i can... for FREE! Take advantage if you want.. or don't..... you choose.

...good trades,

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I have gone into great detail about the usage of each component of the ichimoku cloud. The series can be located somewhere in my thread. The only problem is that it is so deep, I can't find where the respective postings are at. You can also find a complete series on it on my blog at 4xpipcounter.blogspot.com. Go back to Oct. 2007, and then you will be able to find the entire series I did on the ichimonu in there. There is also a series on my S&R's that got spun in there, too.
Maybe later, I'll take you up on that offer of creating a thread just for the ichimoku cloud.
No need to apologize for your overtones. I lack a lot of diplomacy at times myself. I really just try to make my point, and beat nothing around the bush, therefore it would not be fair I found fault with someone else. I believe, by now, we both know what our real intentions are. We mean no harm.
What you mentioned about account growth is sometihng I really agree with. At 20 pips per day, by compounding those gains makes them much more astronomical. I can tell what you do is very steady and consistent. You're like the tortoise. Other people are like the hare. Eventually, they run so hard, but eventually they blow out their account. You just keep plodding consistently along and the finish line is always attainable for you. Without exception, I always applaude a consistent winner in this business.
I have never had a mentor but was self-taught. There are a few traders I have a lot of admiration for. The top of my list is Max McKegg. That man is awesome. He is a daytrader, only trades 5 pairs. I've seen him get 500 + pips in one day. I'm talking about closing and opening the trades in the same day. He is a phoenomenal trader and a phoenomenal human. He does have his own web site. I make nothing for giving him kudos, BTW.

I thought a specific thread would be neat and focused enough to be useful, but fair enough I will search through your thread.. good informatiuon is worth the time to research. Will also check out Max's site (I'll do a google search)..

Thanks for the info..
Part of what you are addressing is what I originally brought up in the conversation. In addiiton, you're 68 posts off. His web cam was in his signature was from the first post. In addition, the advertising has not been in anyone's face. Quietly, by example.
There are not too many on this site that actually know how to trade, but he is one of them. Who can argue with success? I like anyone who can put their actions where their mouth is.

69 posts in and we get the pitch...🙄
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20 pips or 30 pips , all you need....but its important to realise how ?

its very much crucial question...can someone tell me how to secure 20 pips a day...please

Jay Swaminarayan
funny i was just descusing this with someone too. i sent him the tread. anyway shakespear you have the right plan. what these newbie and slash almost pro traders dont realise is you mm is what seperates you from the rest it is what seperates any trader from the rest. i also use these same rules 10pips a day is all i seek. i feel what he was trying to explain to everyone is this is what makes a good system. as it is a fact, markets ranges 100 to 200pips a day and all you need of that to be successful as a trader is 20pips. when one finds a mind frame of this you begin to win more because for one you learn to target these trades and buff out others.. it not getting every move but the right move .take me for example i started out in this market only looking for 10 pips a day. as my trading system grew so did i my success rate and trading. now i can call 50+pips a day and be confident in my trading system because i seen what works. i know how it feels to fail in trading and trust i learned to first make 10pips a day before anything else . and a gained pip is better then making none..

so what i feel hes sayings is start with 10 or 20pips and what ever you find as a success rate, use it cause it works. this is what leads to developing a successfull trading stratagy that works and give you time to do other things through out the day..

i will always say 4 hours a day with 20 pips a day goal beats slaving 12 any day.

the mm system he persented works its up to you to use it...
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go take risk, have fun. shoot for the sky.. maybe you have what it take my young skywalker...😆

no seriously you have to try and try agian until you get it. follow shakespears advice,. seek 20pips ... that is all it takes:drunk:

i lost 20k before i made 1 cent

20 pips or 30 pips , all you need....but its important to realise how ?

its very much crucial question...can someone tell me how to secure 20 pips a day...please

Jay Swaminarayan
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