Conservative traders way to riches

I meant with blogs my english languge is not great. I do not have expirance with forex companies I was trading soley as a part time trade for 4 years but now I think i can support myself without a job so I been on the internet more. I have little expirance with forums and blogs and all these kinds of things.

I cant post live trade calls they are not my calls but I seen them posted live at that blog I posted elswhere and they are really posted. I wont say I can make trades with 95% accuracy only trading this system I have been able to comeplte such a feet but mer prsonally alone I can no do that well.

please refer to the blog i posted elsewhere to see the live calls that is the same way i take the calls. I generate myself but the blog posts match to my calls. it is
icon, you seem to be nice personality but if you insist staying into this business you have to be less naive

there is no win-only system be it vanessaFX or carol or samantha. Losses are unavoidable as well as losing streaks. So risking anything above 5% is road to poverty. Forget this lady and her movie screenplay.

best wishes to you

well she is risking 4% with 40% in the market with a 5 pip stop is 2% and with a 10 pip stop is 4%.

I am correct no? She says only to enter on the perfect setups that you risk only 10 pips on and she nevers said the system was never unprofitable. She said to be very careful trading the bigger system in february because it does not work well.

I understan that no system is profitable always but what i learn in that forums is not only a system a learn how to make all the basics toagther into a strategy and how to use basices like candle stick pattrns and support/resistance lines to make the system more profitable. She also said that she had lsot overall in only one month last year that being February but because some weeks they make 800 pips at the end of the year it all averages out to 200 pips per week. It makes sense to me an d back testing the system with has show me that it is trully profitable for 5 years running. I do not think I am naivew i think that you should maybe find out about how it works b efore you knock it.
it has nothing to do with here I can trade my own account with successs I jsut enjoy this form of trading better
Iconoclast said:
well she is risking 4% with 40% in the market with a 5 pip stop is 2% and with a 10 pip stop is 4%.

I am correct no? She says only to enter on the perfect setups that you risk only 10 pips on and she nevers said the system was never unprofitable. She said to be very careful trading the bigger system in february because it does not work well.

I understan that no system is profitable always but what i learn in that forums is not only a system a learn how to make all the basics toagther into a strategy and how to use basices like candle stick pattrns and support/resistance lines to make the system more profitable. She also said that she had lsot overall in only one month last year that being February but because some weeks they make 800 pips at the end of the year it all averages out to 200 pips per week. It makes sense to me an d back testing the system with has show me that it is trully profitable for 5 years running. I do not think I am naivew i think that you should maybe find out about how it works b efore you knock it.

Give it a go. See how it works out. There are traders out there making those types of returns. There's traders in Market Wizards risking more than 5% per trade and one trader without a single recorded loss.

Having an open mind in forex is good.

My win rate is around 60-70% and I only usualy risk 2.5%. per trade.

Who cares what I do? If you've got something that's backtested and works in real life then go for it!

Every success,

nickerson334, I havent seen a single entry from your site.

u r talking too much
I have tried many systems or indicators but all are the same and made me bankrupt until I used my own strategy ( no more strategy) and I can make money. What I just to watch is only chart. nothing else and Ican win the game at least 90% out of 100 trading. ha..ha..ha.. I treat trading just like playing game...