Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Keep the certificate Safvan, it will be worth something to you some day. Trading is work every day, it is not just about the money it is about having the money right. It is getting up at 6am every day to say your prayers get a shower, dress yourself make sure you look good, kiss your loved ones go out for the market to open at 7.30am having your home work done.
It is Attending Trade Planning Sessions and getting somebody else's opinion so that you know that you are trading the truth of the market and not some delusion. Trading is understanding the fundamentals so that the Technicals can be addressed.
Trading is taking a break before the New York session opens. but having a speaker on so that you do not miss anything.
Trading is Money Management, that is keeping your business in order. Trading is having a broker that you can trust. Trading is not patting yourself on the back because somebody is going to kick your rear end while you are not looking.
Trading is passing your exams for your license while you are working full time. Trading is sometimes not passing the exams because they are so difficult and demand really a lot of knowledge. Trading is when you have passed your exams to keep learning. Trading is so much information but knowing the wood from the trees and when you have done a deal to remember who is on the other side of the trade, and knowing that they have their reg reps.
Trading is balancing your books at the end of the day, the end of the week, and then having your accountant do them at the end of the year . Trading is boring. It is numbers, all numbers, but it is people too. It is not a game.
When you trade2win like Mike Baghdady does, trading is all work and no play.`Trading is finishing work at 8pm.
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Trading is balancing your books at the end of the day, the end of the week, and then having your accountant do them at the end of the year . Trading is boring. It is numbers, all numbers, but it is people too. It is not a game.

Did you get the bit about his company being liquidated with debts of over £600,000? Balancing the books isnt exactly his forte.

Trading is balancing your books at the end of the day, the end of the week, and then having your accountant do them at the end of the year . Trading is boring. It is numbers, all numbers, but it is people too. It is not a game.

Did you get the bit about his company being liquidated with debts of over £600,000? Balancing the books isnt exactly his forte.

That is nothing to do with me. I just thought that I would write down what trading is because, nobody who has written on this forum seems to have the first clue what trading is yet you all want to be traders, or are interested in becoming one. The point in fact is that is what a trader does.
Keep the certificate Safvan, it will be worth something to you some day. Trading is work every day, it is not just about the money it is about having the money right. It is getting up at 6am every day to say your prayers get a shower, dress yourself make sure you look good, kiss your loved ones go out for the market to open at 7.30am having your home work done.
It is Attending Trade Planning Sessions and getting somebody else's opinion so that you know that you are trading the truth of the market and not some delusion. Trading is understanding the fundamentals so that the Technicals can be addressed.
Trading is taking a break before the New York session opens. but having a speaker on so that you do not miss anything.
Trading is Money Management, that is keeping your business in order. Trading is having a broker that you can trust. Trading is not patting yourself on the back because somebody is going to kick your rear end while you are not looking.
Trading is passing your exams for your license while you are working full time. Trading is sometimes not passing the exams because they are so difficult and demand really a lot of knowledge. Trading is when you have passed your exams to keep learning. Trading is so much information but knowing the wood from the trees and when you have done a deal to remember who is on the other side of the trade, and knowing that they have their reg reps.
Trading is balancing your books at the end of the day, the end of the week, and then having your accountant do them at the end of the year . Trading is boring. It is numbers, all numbers, but it is people too. It is not a game.
When you trade2win like Mike Baghdady does, trading is all work and no play.`Trading is finishing work at 8pm.

Not sure if you were being sarcastic because my sarcasm detection meter is broken.

In case you were then Bravo. You have earned yourself a nomination in the prime time Emmys.

In case you were not then you are full of 3 day old unflushed ****.

I did scan it and upload it here. Then I did what should have been done a long time ago, which is wiped my dirty hairy a** with it and thrown it in the dustbin. This task was successfully accomplished.

Any how this would be my last post in this thread as I have registered my concern as a victim of a fraudulent scam and vented out the negative energy. Every little detail about this sorry excuse of a human being was fake. Criminal mind set. It would not be hard to believe if he has not served time somewhere around the world in the past which most are unaware of.

End of story. Lesson learnt.
Trading is buying and selling stocks and securities or money market transactions, FX currency trading is buying and selling currencies or rather synthetic Foreign Exchange Instruments.
Not sure if you were being sarcastic because my sarcasm detection meter is broken.

In case you were then Bravo.

In case you were not then you are full of ****.

I did scan it and upload it here. Then I did what should have been done a long time ago which is wiped my dirty hairy a** with it and threw it in the dustbin.

Any how this would be my last post in this thread as I have registered my concern as a victim of a fraudulent scam and vented out the negative energy.

End of story. Lesson learnt.

That is disgusting Safvan.
Not sure if you were being sarcastic because my sarcasm detection meter is broken.

In case you were then Bravo. You have earned yourself a nomination in the prime time Emmys.

In case you were not then you are full of 3 day old unflushed ****.

I did scan it and upload it here. Then I did what should have been done a long time ago, which is wiped my dirty hairy a** with it and thrown it in the dustbin. This task was successfully accomplished.

Any how this would be my last post in this thread as I have registered my concern as a victim of a fraudulent scam and vented out the negative energy. Every little detail about this sorry excuse of a human being was fake. Criminal mind set. It would not be hard to believe if he has not served time somewhere around the world in the past which most are unaware of.

End of story. Lesson learnt.

I couldn't agree more. Especially the bit about his Criminal mind set.

Baghdady is obviously a fraud, a coward and someone who thinks that by telling people that he is a great trader enough will believe him. Even though his own Turtle experiment DID NOT SUCCEED with his sitting a few feet from the poor people, using his (ahem) 'bespoke' software and the techniques that he taught.

Riddick, if there are so many of his students applying Baghdady's techniques successfully, then why can't Baghdady manage to do it himself?
Answer: Because he cannot trade successfully, cannot run a company in a fit & proper manner and is only interested in scamming people. Mike Baghdady is a con artist. Pure and simple.

Riddick, did you ever see Mike Baghdady trade? Did you ever see his trading history? BUT, You are aware that he couldn't pay his margin calls, declared himself bankrupt and ended up in London trying to escape the clutches of Robbins Futures aren't you? And you think this is someone worth defending? The more fool you.

All this nonsense about 'what is trading' is childish. This is a forum about a con man who happily and knowingly takes from unwitting members of the public who know no better.
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Slap Boobies is at it again! He's been on the Facebook page for the Turtle Traders to say that the reason the Turtle programme failed was because PFG went bankrup AND he is chasing their money in the courts. Obviously this is a total lie as the Turtles had ended long before PFG went into liquidation.

As someone earlier posted, if Slap Boobies was aware of PFG's status, he was duty bound to report it. And why would he have left 'his' (ie everyone else's) money with PFG if it was going under?

Yet more public nonsense and lies from Mike Baghdady.
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Slap Boobies is at it again! He's been on the Facebook page for the Turtle Traders to say that the reason the Turtle programme failed was because PFG went bankrup AND he is chasing their money in the courts. Obviously this is a total lie as the Turtles had ended long before PFG went into liquidation.

As someone earlier posted, if Slap Boobies was aware of PFG's status, he was duty bound to report it. And why would behave left 'his' (ie everyone else's) money

He's also mounting a defence on twitter, again saying PFG collapsed, not the turtles.
He's also mounting a defence on twitter, again saying PFG collapsed, not the turtles.

It is becoming reminiscent of his tribulations with Robbins Futures He failed miserably, lots lots of money and didn't pay his margin calls. In being pursued, he somehow tried to find fault with Robbins. Eventually he was found guilty.

Now he says that the turtle programme didn't fail because he's inept, a con man and full of bull, but because PFG went into liquidation? It's a staggering miss-use of facts and shows what a horrible con man he is!

He replied to a tweet on 11 October saying it was PFG that collapsed not the turtles.
Here's the Facebook lies:

Mike Baghdady The short answer is ... PFGBEST the broker holding the Turtles and our account went bust an we are pursing them to get our funds back as one of their creditors in court
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Mike Baghdady We are the Only people in the World that put their money behind our trading methodology where our mouth is ... . all the Turtles succeeded to various degrees not one blew out .... We continue to train traders and supporting our clients . Also I am teach 1 day trading course and Long term course each month . We train new traders the same way we taught our turtles. Due to on going legal matters I am limited in what I can say .... if you have any questions feel free to contact me directly NFA shuts PFG down, puts it in liquidation only status, founder attempted a suicide | Forex Magnates
2 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

It also confirms his location as New York, which we knew any way.

He really is rotten to keep lying like this. Each time, it seems that his lies are easier to uncover too. He's just delusional now. A desperate man with not one ounce of decency left in him.