Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

It's in GBP, so your USD equivalent today is a cool $862,308 -- but it was always academic, wasn't it?

So 80ish percent of the total is supposedly owed to Mahmoud himself? How does that work, he will he get 80% of the final liquidation? Something's not right there.
It appears that figure includes money he lost trading or lost to the turtle program as credit he put up front. He should't be allowed to get any of that back.

What a ****** dirtbag.

Bottom line is that he was not completely out of funds when he came into this business.

Running business with a mind set of not paying costs. It works no where.
There is presently an investigation into this affair, that will likely lead to an official report. If you have anything to present to the liquidator, please find her contact details, below...

Sent: 10 October 2012 14:06
Subject: RE: TMZF Limited (In Liquidation)
"As a liquidator, it is one of my duties to investigate [TMZF Limited, Mr Mahmoud Ali Baghdady, Mr Malcolm Steel, Mr Benjamin Tuckey]'s conduct and report my findings to the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (‘BIS’).

Kind regards
Angela Kelly, FCCA
41 Skylines Village, London, E14 9TS

[email protected]
Who appointed the liquidator? Who's paying? Tell them to spend their time going through the director's current account movement and not to rely on accounting software records. If you look at bank transfers etc then that's where you'll get him. Liquidators are notorious for wanting to wrap up asap and move on to the next one.
There is presently an investigation into this affair, that will likely lead to an official report. If you have anything to present to the liquidator, please find her contact details, below...

Sent: 10 October 2012 14:06
Subject: RE: TMZF Limited (In Liquidation)
"As a liquidator, it is one of my duties to investigate [TMZF Limited, Mr Mahmoud Ali Baghdady, Mr Malcolm Steel, Mr Benjamin Tuckey]'s conduct and report my findings to the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (‘BIS’).

Kind regards
Angela Kelly, FCCA
41 Skylines Village, London, E14 9TS

[email protected]

dont hold your breath ..........most Liquidators I have dealt with end up as puppets for the Liquidated party and usually sell the assets back to them under the guise of new companies created

last year I was hunting a Developer who owed me money and I watched the Liquidator undervalue 2 half built properties and sell them back to the Developers new company some £200k below market value ...it would have been £300k bmv but I got involved with a bid for the houses and upset the applecart.........

still frustrating though

Bottom line is that he was not completely out of funds when he came into this business.

Running business with a mind set of not paying costs. It works no where.

is that like the question

how to you become worth a million pounds ?

give a bad trader £10m to trade for you

Are Training Traders and MB claiming to not be trading (in a business sense) any more? If they are still trading how does that affect the current proceedings?
is that like the question

how to you become worth a million pounds ?

give a bad trader £10m to trade for you


Everyone was under an impression that he was completely out of notes.

This turned out not to be the case.

Setting up a business in the UK requires an investment of at least 200k pounds to get an entrepreneurship visa. This is liquid cash that must be in the current or savings bank account.

So he went, got up, dusted himself, some how managed to get the gold again only to drain it down again thanks to "I will never learn" bumper of his brain.
I've been searching for him online. But nothing comes up this month about any news on him.

The Training Traders twitter account is still active. They made a post saying the Turtles project has not collapsed that it was PFG Best that collapsed. It seems they are attempting to resurrect the TT name, probably under a new company.
If the turtle program had not collasped, how come all of the turtles were left hanging with no instruction and no direction on what will happen post office retreat. The decision to close the accounts to preempt PFG collasping was a convenient excuse, if the program was to continue in whatever future guise was dreamed up then the monies in the turtle account would have been put towards that.

Thinking about it logically, if they had intended to continue trading and defend the TT brand the best way would have been to keep the turtle program - whether it failed or not, it would have solved the credibility problems the organisation was facing. Cutting and running, instead of a thought through reduction and shift to an online approach just suggests there was no intention at all.

Thinking even further about it, if TT is doing online trading sessions, there is no logical reason why the turtles couldnt have set up at their respective homes, not gotten paid a wage, and just traded the existing accounts through LMAX or something like that. There was always a way forward to keep the program, there was not however, the will to pursue it.

Blaming PFG is just another exercise in spin.
Training Traders - Mike Baghdady - PFG Best

Lets get this one absolutely clear so that everyone is aware of the whole truth about Baghdady.
The Turtle scam was pulled by Baghdady after instructing Ben Tuckey to tell the Turtles to close all positions. This was in March of this year.

PFG Best went belly -up in July of this year.

If Baghdady is sending out the message that he pulled the scam as he new that PFG Best were going down - he is an absolute, complete, utter liar.
So he, Baghdady, had this knowledge before all the professional clients that PFG had, before the auditors, before the banks, before the regulatory bodies and even before the guy who was running the operation, the son Wasendorf junior!!!!!

The reason Baghdady cut and ran was because he and Tuckey did not have the funds to back the Turtles as claimed.He was even charging up to £50,000 for some Turtles to join the scam. He was also trying to recruit additional Turtles who would pay even as the scam was falling apart.
The Turtles were becoming frustrated at not having sufficient margin to take trades that complied with what they were being taught.
Baghdady was not paying his creditors and the bills were pilling up. He had no sales coming in as he screwed up the sales operation, assaulted the sales manager and did not have the money to advertise. The remaining sales team walked out on him.

In short - the wolves were at the door and the lying coward bolted and left a lot of people shattered and in some distress.

If anyone is any doubt about the integrity of this cheat they need only take a look at the creditors list issued last week showing that he, Baghdady, is the main creditor. Does anyone really believe this?????

Baghdady skipped back across the Atlantic to New York and in partnership with the "honorable Malcolm Steel", has set himself up online doing exactly what he was doing in London.

Malcolm Steel should be very worried assuming that the liquidators do their job and actually investigate what was going on. I am told that he lives in the UK and as such will be subject to any remedies that the legal process will impose as he was a director of the company. The same applies to Ben Tuckey.

However, Baghdady is well out of it in New York. How the mugs must be feeling now!!!
They are dishing out jail sentences to internet trolls now you know.

Internet Troll
"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion."

So what is controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic in what I have stated in the post below???

I am well aware of the current law and what is being proposed for future law.
If Baghdady would care to come on here and challenge what is stated below I am sure we would all be delighted. But he will not because what is stated is true. Simples!!!!!
With all due respect PP this forum is a witch hunt. There is no discussion on the system that TT sells or objective discussion on trading, which whether he is good at it or not is what Baghdady does, pure play Technical Trading. There is no other vendor in the market producing the product direct to retail such that Baghdady provides, some people want to purchase said product. This forum is worse than the TT fiasco in that it's main presumption is that vendors of training products for trading are not viable. No offense but blanket bans on all trainers is not going to cut the mustard. I wouldn't blame Baghdady for turning a blind eye on this forum it is rubbish the amount of views that have been gained on the blog pity that it is all gossip about Baghdady and not real insight into trading and what is happening in the markets.
The real insight is that his turtles project failed miserably. Leaving aside the allegations of dishonesty, assaults etc etc if he had anything of value to offer why did the people he trained for weeks and who had access to all his magic software fail so badly. I can't think of another vendor that has done more to prove how useless he is.

Certainly there is something of a witch hunt from former employees and indeed fellow directors, some of whom probably shouldnt be flinging too many stones around their glass house but their information has helped bring this whole nonsense to a close and possibly save some innocent people from being scammed.