16:42:06 {prospero:newtrader} Mike can you tell us about the fake advert you showed on Bloomberg, the one where you claimed to be world champion?
16:42:23 {prospero:bill<EN>} you have so many lines on chart...
16:43:05 {prospero:fmd<EN>} try that new trader
16:43:09 {prospero:Len<EN>} newtrader, why don't you leave
16:43:23 {prospero:newtrader} thats not true,
16:43:35 {prospero:edward<EN>} how do we get the software
16:43:36 {prospero:SamShale<EN>} WOW
16:43:37 {prospero:TurtleBooby<EN>} Good stuff; will watch the movie
16:43:37 {prospero:newtrader} I have screenshots of you claiminmg to be world champion