Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

they kicked me out too for no reason at all !

Nonsense! There is a very good reason for kicking you out of any events like this! 😆

If I was a vendor I'd kick you out of my webinars long before you had a chance to comment!
If I was a vendor I'd kick you out of my webinars long before you had a chance to comment!

Maybe it was my comments about the bankrupcy that upset him 😕 However everything I said was true, and verifiable.

I think he might also have taken exception about the comment I made regarding the difficulties of creating an autotrading system without any actual entry or exit rules.

On second thoughts as it only needs to trade in hindsight, pointing out trades that look OK in retrospect, so its not that hard after all.
16:42:06 {prospero:newtrader} Mike can you tell us about the fake advert you showed on Bloomberg, the one where you claimed to be world champion?
16:42:23 {prospero:bill<EN>} you have so many lines on chart...
16:43:05 {prospero:fmd<EN>} try that new trader
16:43:09 {prospero:Len<EN>} newtrader, why don't you leave
16:43:23 {prospero:newtrader} thats not true,
16:43:35 {prospero:edward<EN>} how do we get the software
16:43:36 {prospero:SamShale<EN>} WOW
16:43:37 {prospero:TurtleBooby<EN>} Good stuff; will watch the movie
16:43:37 {prospero:newtrader} I have screenshots of you claiminmg to be world champion