Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Only 1 thing is certain here:
There can be no question of this, I have opened the deck, I have invited the play, I have tried to include the classic rules and this post is in no way viewed as lulz or offense.


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I'll ask the same question.
How do you know this to be true?

Many here have criticized the TT spokesperson for his earlier responses and now others are laying out claims without any proof to back it up. I have long questioned the validity of several posters on this thread on both sides of the argument which is why I stopped following it much anymore.


Things have gone very quiet. And yet so many rumours and allegations not addressed.

Things have gone very quiet. And yet so many rumours and allegations not addressed.


The Great Australian Adventure.

Just got this one from the inside. Here is another event to put on the very long list of matters that Mike Baghdady and Training Traders may wish to address.

Last year Mr. Baghdady went to Australia on a promotional tour to sell his courses. The word is that it was not successful as the Australian public had not, it seems, heard of "The worlds foremost expert on Price Behaviour Trading".

Not only did he come back without selling any courses, he cancelled the next tour to conduct the courses.
Worse still, he left creditors in Australia and has not paid them to this day.

Another example of not paying money owed and another reason why so many people seem to be after him and his Training Traders business.
The Great Australian Adventure.

Just got this one from the inside. Here is another event to put on the very long list of matters that Mike Baghdady and Training Traders may wish to address.

Last year Mr. Baghdady went to Australia on a promotional tour to sell his courses. The word is that it was not successful as the Australian public had not, it seems, heard of "The worlds foremost expert on Price Behaviour Trading".

Not only did he come back without selling any courses, he cancelled the next tour to conduct the courses.
Worse still, he left creditors in Australia and has not paid them to this day.

Another example of not paying money owed and another reason why so many people seem to be after him and his Training Traders business.

Mike Baghdady Travels to Australia | Learn how to Trade Forex, Blog

A few years ago I was at a trading presentation trying to do a little bit of networking in the allocated breaks and so on however it was made difficult by a certain individual who heckled the presenters was exceptionally rude to anybody trying to press a valid question and in general did everything he could to make his voice heard as the expert in all things trading or no. He even had at the tip of his tongue all the legal precedents why traders were prevented from making money and to be honest I would have suspected him of being a one man hedge fund broker had he not been so clueless about actually trading. He was middle aged, cannot remember much of his appearance other than he came across as a disorganised piece of shiite with an air of disagreeablity about him that made one want to go and stuff a fork into his throat but which one did not because one is civilised. He knew everything (allegedly) about all brokers, training organisations, software vendors, hardware vendors, specific asset classes and the way to trade them, internet resources at al. A thouroughly rude, unsavoury character all round with a probable metallic mental processing disorder. Now he cannot have gleaned this information from attending conventions and seminars, it is not anywhere in the overall public domain which leaves this and other internet forums. If you suspect someone on here who has more vitriol than the Klu Klux Klan or the English Defense league, be prepared to speak up about it. PM me if necessary, I will make sure their name is drilled into the contact lists as someone to avoid at all costs.

Havnt you already said all this? Is this who you are going to shoot? Who exactly do you suspect this person to be? You seem to suggest that it is someone on this thread, why don't you just name names?
I am sure you are right, but Its a little unfair to make those kinds of accusations without providing proof.

You will not find ANYONE from Training Traders (official spokesman or not) come on here and deny this - They would be lying.
Should you wish to research yourself then feel free to contact the following.

Novotel Melbourne on Collins.
Novotel Perth Langley.

There are other people owed money and the details of these will be published when they are ready to do so. Make no mistake - people are owed money in Australia as they are elsewhere.
You will not find ANYONE from Training Traders (official spokesman or not) come on here and deny this - They would be lying.

This obviously isn't proof. But it is getting increasingly odd that nobody is coming on this thread to counter any of these allegations. Previously there were many posts - official spokesman, "satisfied customers", and of course some "new turtles".

Now, total silence. Let's face it, anyone reading the thread is going to draw conclusions from that.
This obviously isn't proof. But it is getting increasingly odd that nobody is coming on this thread to counter any of these allegations. Previously there were many posts - official spokesman, "satisfied customers", and of course some "new turtles".

Now, total silence. Let's face it, anyone reading the thread is going to draw conclusions from that.

The evidence means revealing the source(s) of the information.
That I am unwilling to do at the moment as the innocent(s) do not need to be exposed to Baghdady and his cohorts at this time.
The evidence does exist and they have it.
The evidence means revealing the source(s) of the information.
That I am unwilling to do at the moment as the innocent(s) do not need to be exposed to Baghdady and his cohorts at this time.
The evidence does exist and they have it.

I understand that and assumed it was the case (perhaps for the sake of strict accuracy I should say "assumed it would be alleged that that was the case").

Whatever, human nature is such that when an organisation was very vocal and then suddenly falls silent for no apparent reason, people are going to draw their own conclusions. When it very selectively answers from a list of questions (and those answers are some way below satisfactory or complete) people are going to draw their own conclusions.

Training Traders will get into trouble due to its previous behaviour. It was once very active in matters like this, and now it isn't, but for no apparent reason. People will wonder why, simple as that.
Earlier in the thread it was stated that Mr Baghdadys previous accountants had taken him to court for non-payment of invoices.

As this is a matter of public record anyone wishing to confirm this can search as follows. Do not know the outcome.

Clerkenwell & Shoreditch County Court, London
Claim Number: 1QZ19135

Between: Best Choice Accountancy Ltd & Spyglass Trading Solutions Ltd & Mr M. Baghdady

As I said - evidence of what was claimed..
Who actually gives a monkeys moofelgoop about Boghdady and his debts. Next you will want to discuss David Camerons piles.

The point is this.
Baghdady, Tuckey and Training Traders obviously owe money all over the place.
The turtles are announced in a great fanfare of publicity and £2m is committed.
Presumably this was done in order to encourage sales of the £5k and £10k courses and software to the masses out there!

What happens?
The turtles get about 25% of the funds promised, cannot take trades that set up as trained for and get margin calls all over the place.
Suddenly, they are told to liquidate their positions and stop trading.

Victims everywhere, thats why its important for anyone wishing to learn to trade at Training Traders / Spyglass to know what is / was going on.
Court cases, employment tribunals, bailiffs - thats the point!!!!!!!!!
Training Traders will get into trouble due to its previous behaviour. It was once very active in matters like this, and now it isn't, but for no apparent reason. People will wonder why, simple as that.

Last week it was rumoured that the turtles had been forced to liquidate positions, but no proof was provided.

If that allegation was true, I find it very hard to believe that this could happen without consequences that would be observable to external observers. I dont know how many turtles there are, but judging from the names of the company directors, combined with publicity blurb, I assume there's around 14 of them. I find it hard to believe that at least one of them would not have walked away under those circumstances. If a director had resigned, that would be a matter of public record.

The only people who could force the liquidation of those positions would be an administrator or liquidator, and if either had been appointed, again there would be a public record.

I'm sure if either of the above had happened, it would be made public knowledge very quickly indeed.

It goes without saying that all trading vendors are the scum of the earth, and at the very least they should collectively hung drawn and quartered, and their remains fed to wild pigs, but allegations of shinnanagins without proof should not be tolerated

12 months ago t2w would have been deleting any proof offered, but now they are happy to stick the boot in too, so there's no reason not to back up these allegations. Failure to do so is quite damaging, as it gives Mr Baghdaddy's PR people the ammunition required to dismiss these allegations as a deliberate attempt by a bunch of anonymous lunatics / competitors to discredit training traders and Mr Baghdaddy.

There's no need to name names, but whoever is on the inside, could provide way more information that would enable others to check the legitimacy of their claims. The fact that they're not, make me rather suspicious.
If anyone is in the London area - just pop along to the Training Traders offices and see how many turtles are there and how many are trading.

They were "instructed" to close all "open " positions by Baghdady. No discussion - just do it!
He went off somewhere and the remaining turtles did the same.

Several turtles have left and several more are about to. There is nothing left to do at the moment.

Eventually one will come out and tell the inside story, but I would imagine they are experiencing a range of emotions at the moment including, despair, anger and bewilderment!