Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

You clearly want answer to your questions, why not go to a seminar and ask them direct?

You can get it straight from the horses mouth.

But know, you would prefer to post your comments on a forum and not get a response.

If you care, if you are as passionate as you say you are, then why not put you boots on and go down to the 'free' seminar and ask the questions.

PBoyles went to a vendor and asked questions? Is he not of refined sensibilities?

Use of this forum ensures that debates are conducted publicly, and enables the truth to reach many people. It is also better for the environment, as it eliminates unnecessary travel.

Who is to say that we will not receive a response? Or if not us, then others, perhaps acting in some official capacity? The questions may be of interest to a wider audience, if not now, then at some point in the future. No, I am confident that answers will be forthcoming, Mr Baghdady will be vindicated, and his critics confounded.

I cannot attest to the sensibilities of Pboyles. This is a cause of profound regret to me.

Perhaps you would help me with something? Let us consider a hypothetical situation:

A man sets up a business offering training in how to be a private detective. The courses are very expensive - let us say thousands of pounds for the sake of argument.

However, the man has a highly impressive curriculum vitae, which he makes public and advertises widely. He spent many years in the police force, rising to become DCI in the CID of a very tough urban area. He then left the force and set up his own agency, which was very successful. Now he has decided to train others that they may follow in his footsteps.

Members of the public flock to take advantage of his service, impressed as they are by the man's history and accomplishments.

He does very well from his training business, and even appears at conferences and on the television, where he is hailed as an expert and treated with respect.

Sadly it begins to emerge that he is not quite what he appeared at first. Far from being a high flying DCI, he spent six months as a PCSO before quitting because walking makes his feet hurt. And he never ran his own private agency - the closest he got was selling "Teach Yourself to be a Private Eye" manuals on the internet (badge and novelty handcuffs included with each order).

My question is this:

Is this man guilty of fraud? Certainly it is unethical to exaggerate ones achievements and abilities in order to entice people to purchase one's services, but is it fraudulent in the strictly legal sense?

I would welcome your thoughts on this hypothetical situation.

Perhaps you would help me with something? Let us consider a hypothetical situation:

A man sets up a business offering training in how to be a private detective. The courses are very expensive - let us say thousands of pounds for the sake of argument.

However, the man has a highly impressive curriculum vitae, which he makes public and advertises widely. He spent many years in the police force, rising to become DCI in the CID of a very tough urban area. He then left the force and set up his own agency, which was very successful. Now he has decided to train others that they may follow in his footsteps.

Members of the public flock to take advantage of his service, impressed as they are by the man's history and accomplishments.

He does very well from his training business, and even appears at conferences and on the television, where he is hailed as an expert and treated with respect.

Sadly it begins to emerge that he is not quite what he appeared at first. Far from being a high flying DCI, he spent six months as a PCSO before quitting because walking makes his feet hurt. And he never ran his own private agency - the closest he got was selling "Teach Yourself to be a Private Eye" manuals on the internet (badge and novelty handcuffs included with each order).

My question is this:

Is this man guilty of fraud? Certainly it is unethical to exaggerate ones achievements and abilities in order to entice people to purchase one's services, but is it fraudulent in the strictly legal sense?

I would welcome your thoughts on this hypothetical situation.

I think in your hypothetical situation the fake DCI would have committed an offence under the Fraud Act. I will provide you with the relevant definitions and associated stated cases tomorrow.
The Fraud Act 2006 Fraud Act 2006

Section 2 Fraud by false representation

(1)A person is in breach of this section if he—

(a)dishonestly makes a false representation, and

(b)intends, by making the representation—

(i)to make a gain for himself or another, or

(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
First of all in (a) the representation has to be 'false', in order for it to be false it has to satisfy the following criteria.

(a)it is untrue or misleading, (for example by claiming to have held a position he didnt) and
(b)the person making it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading. (he knows exactly which position he did and did not hold)
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Then in (b) he has to have some intent by making the representation. He must intend to..

(i)to make a gain for himself or another, (he makes the claim intending to sell more courses and make more money) or
(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
A representation may be express or implied. (self explanatory)

For the purposes of this section a representation may be regarded as made if it (or anything implying it) is submitted in any form to any system or device designed to receive, convey or respond to communications (with or without human intervention).

(so no get out clauses for internet or e mail marketing)
Most interesting Pboyles. Thank you for your extensive reply.

Sadly, I cannot agree with your interpretation of the quoted clauses of the Fraud Act, which seems to me to be hopelessly confused and indeed absolutely wrong. I would estimate that only about 99.99% of people would hold the exact same view that you do. Still, you are entitled to your opinion so please do not be embarrassed by it, however widely-held and perfectly correct it might be.

This is what concerns me. It is possible that misguided persons might mistakenly conclude that this applies to Mr Baghdady. They might consider for example that presenting a hedge fund manager (that he has trained) to give him a ringing endorsement in the course of promoting his services is fraudulent if in fact the individual is not in fact a hedge fund manager and the hedge fund does not exist.

I cannot imagine that this occurred, but nonetheless you claim to have proof that it did. Most curious.

A simple denial (and then the inevitable dismissal of the proof you claim to posses) is urgently required.
It would be awful if people jumped to the wrong conclusion - that silence is an admission of guilt in the matter of the accusations made.

They would be less likely to so jump were it not for the earlier high level of activity shown by Mr Baghdady's supporters and well-wishers. But such activity occurred, and cannot now be recalled. The contrast between then and now is most striking however.

It would be most unfortunate if this opportunity to finally dismiss these questions and vindicate Mr Baghdady fully were lost due to indolence. To Mr Baghdady's official spokesman: It is surely not possible that the answers to the questions posed can cause difficulty or embarrassment to your master. So get busy.

Copying and pasting the questions posed, and the issuance of a simple denial, is but the work of a moment.
Official Response on behalf of Training Traders

It has come to our attention that a couple of ex-employees may be looking to setup a rival/alternative company and may be using this site for malicious purposes. These individuals have already been caught on CCTV defacing the company building.

There have been a number of unsubstantiated and untrue allegations posted on this and other similar forums some of which have been removed. These posts are libellous (see: Defamation).

We would like to make a distinction between the above mentioned malicious acts, the posts from people who simply do not like training companies and people who genuinely have a desire to learn how to trade. Unfortunately failure to exercise due diligence has lead to the misrepresentation of information and the desire to sensationalize has overcome common sense.

Requests for personal or company financial data to be posted on an online forum are simply ridiculous especially since we are a privately held company with responsibility primarily to our clients, employees and shareholders. No-one in their right mind would post such data on an open website with anonymous members. Also the request for our clients contact details is equally ridiculous, as this is proprietary information and rival companies would welcome this information.

We respect the right of people to discuss and criticize in an open and objective manor, however in this case there have been a number of misrepresentations and false allegations.

As a company we provide training courses for people new to trading and experienced traders in the Forex, Stock and Futures markets. Included in the course price we provide 30 days of mentoring, 30 days access to our daily live trading room, a graduates club/trading clinic and access to our weekly online trade planning session to ensure our clients have all the support they need.
We also allow clients to re-take the course for free at a later date as we know trading is a skill that is acquired by practice and reinforcement of good practices and rules.

We are not an anonymous web based training company, we perform our training at our offices as well as travelling to our institutional clients offices to train their traders onsite and install our trading software worldwide.

We will arrange a special Q&A workshop and invite Forum members to visit us and see for themselves who we are, what we are about and answer answer their questions.

In response to particular comments:

Chapter 11.
In 1997 Mr Baghdady sued his broker for the wrongful liquidation of his account as a result of erroneous entries in his account. After 12 years of Mr Baghdady pursuing the litigation and despite the broker admitting to his mistakes in court, the court found for the broker as there was no malice. In mid 2010 Mr Baghdady was ordered to pay the brokers costs and legal fees. Mr Baghdady filed for the Chapter 11 in order to protect his assets and negotiate a financial settlement with the broker (standard practice in the US). This case was dismissed in its entirety shortly after filing, as the broker and Mr Baghday agreed to settle their differences to their mutual benefit. This issue no longer exists and is history. Please see attached document.

Alleged “Student Loans “
Mr. Baghdady is a graduate of the American University in Cairo 1972 and as such he has no personal student loans. His children studied and graduated from several fine USA colleges. While they were in college Mr. Baghdady guaranteed their student loans. After their graduation each of his children are currently paying off their individual loans, and until such time as these loans are paid off , as the guarantor for his children loans he appears as liable like any father.

“World of Trading” live trading champion.
Mr. Baghdady was invited to live trade against 6 other bankers and institutional traders at the “World of Trading” live trading event in Frankfurt in 2009. Mr Baghdady traded live on a stage for several hours in front of 1000 viewers and won the “World of Trading” live trading competition in 2009.
Winner of The World of Trading Competition - YouTube
World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt

Mr Tuckey.
Mr Tuckey operated, and was a director of, a fund called Alpine Capital for 5 years. Through pure conjecture, one particular forum member has assumed that this fund did not exist simply because they could not find a corporate website! The fund did not require a public website, as it was a closed fund that was not soliciting communication with the general public.

The existence of Alpine Capital is irrefutable and was of course registered with Companies House.
During the operation of the fund, Mr Tuckey purchased and utilised the Training Traders software and methodology. Mr Tuckey appeared on the commercial stating he had used these techniques – a statement of fact, and he was represented as a ‘Hedge Fund Manager’ – also, a statement of fact. Mr Tuckey has since become a Director of Training Traders, and is still a trader. The forum member erroneously assumed that Mr Tuckey’s directorship of Training Traders had meant that he had never been a Hedge Fund Manager.

For those wishing to exercise due diligence please check Companies House (see attached screenshot) and check the ‘INCORPORATION DOCUMENT CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION’.

Turtles Program .
The Turtle program and the turtles are our pride and joy. We are extremely proud of our Turtles and their performance, hard work and the dedication day in and day out to acquire the great skill of trading.

This is a pure apprentice program, we shoulder all expenses because we have the confidence in our training and methodology to take a group of people and fund their training and trading in order for them to trade based on the methodology we teach.

This is a well thought investment on our part and we fully expect that our Turtles performance will gives us more than the expected returns on our investment.

As has been recognised, we selected candidates from a large number of applicants. These ‘New Turtle Traders’ have been trained, mentored, equipped and funded all by Training Traders. As anticipated, performance between individuals has varied based upon rate of learning, selection of instruments to trade and adapting to the psychological demands of trading. As is normal in any trading team, some traders are in positive territory, some are flat and some are down. This is by no means a reflection on the performance of any one trader. These traders are participating mostly in longer term trading and require a longer period than 4 months for the process and themselves to fully come to fruition.

We owe it to nobody whatsoever to disclose any information beyond what we choose and hope that any individual with a fair and reasonable intellect would understand this and appreciate our inherent confidence in our trading approach to undertake such a time consuming and financially significant task.

Office environment.
We are situated in the city of London right next to Aldgate East tube station in a multi-story office building and have a 7,000 sq/ft office incorporating a fully equipped trading floor and training facilities. We believe that our office based training environment allows us to provide a high level of help and support to our clients. We provide facilities equal or better than most standard business offices. As stated above we are happy for people to come and visit to judge for themselves.

If we could raise our most salient point, it would be that we welcome ANY individual on this forum to visit us, whether you wish to meet us, see our offices or understand more about our methodology.

We are not going to get dragged into a discussion answering an endless number of questions based on misinterpreted information or simply unfounded accusations.

We thank you very much for taking the time to read this.


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Any individual with a 'fair and reasonable intellect' might wonder why it took you one and a half years to come up with this limited explanation. You have failed to answer quite a few points, off the top of my head these are

Joe Tuckey institutional trader claim
Zero income from trading disclosure
World trading champion claim
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Any individual with a 'fair and reasonable intellect' might wonder why it took you one and a half years to come up with this limited explanation. You have failed to answer quite a few points, off the top of my head these are

Joe Tuckey institutional trader claim
Zero income from trading disclosure
World trading champion claim

Dude, you have been blown out of the water by these guys. For the sake of everyone (and yourself) stop dragging out this thread and call it a day.
I think this thread would have died long ago if Mahmoud and his followers hadn't been making up ridiculous excuses.
Official Response on behalf of Training Traders

It has come to our attention that a couple of ex-employees may be looking to setup a rival/alternative company and may be using this site for malicious purposes. These individuals have already been caught on CCTV defacing the company building.

There have been a number of unsubstantiated and untrue allegations posted on this and other similar forums some of which have been removed. These posts are libellous (see: Defamation).

We would like to make a distinction between the above mentioned malicious acts, the posts from people who simply do not like training companies and people who genuinely have a desire to learn how to trade. Unfortunately failure to exercise due diligence has lead to the misrepresentation of information and the desire to sensationalize has overcome common sense.

Requests for personal or company financial data to be posted on an online forum are simply ridiculous especially since we are a privately held company with responsibility primarily to our clients, employees and shareholders. No-one in their right mind would post such data on an open website with anonymous members. Also the request for our clients contact details is equally ridiculous, as this is proprietary information and rival companies would welcome this information.

We respect the right of people to discuss and criticize in an open and objective manor, however in this case there have been a number of misrepresentations and false allegations.

As a company we provide training courses for people new to trading and experienced traders in the Forex, Stock and Futures markets. Included in the course price we provide 30 days of mentoring, 30 days access to our daily live trading room, a graduates club/trading clinic and access to our weekly online trade planning session to ensure our clients have all the support they need.
We also allow clients to re-take the course for free at a later date as we know trading is a skill that is acquired by practice and reinforcement of good practices and rules.

We are not an anonymous web based training company, we perform our training at our offices as well as travelling to our institutional clients offices to train their traders onsite and install our trading software worldwide.

We will arrange a special Q&A workshop and invite Forum members to visit us and see for themselves who we are, what we are about and answer answer their questions.

In response to particular comments:

Chapter 11.
In 1997 Mr Baghdady sued his broker for the wrongful liquidation of his account as a result of erroneous entries in his account. After 12 years of Mr Baghdady pursuing the litigation and despite the broker admitting to his mistakes in court, the court found for the broker as there was no malice. In mid 2010 Mr Baghdady was ordered to pay the brokers costs and legal fees. Mr Baghdady filed for the Chapter 11 in order to protect his assets and negotiate a financial settlement with the broker (standard practice in the US). This case was dismissed in its entirety shortly after filing, as the broker and Mr Baghday agreed to settle their differences to their mutual benefit. This issue no longer exists and is history. Please see attached document.

Alleged “Student Loans “
Mr. Baghdady is a graduate of the American University in Cairo 1972 and as such he has no personal student loans. His children studied and graduated from several fine USA colleges. While they were in college Mr. Baghdady guaranteed their student loans. After their graduation each of his children are currently paying off their individual loans, and until such time as these loans are paid off , as the guarantor for his children loans he appears as liable like any father.

“World of Trading” live trading champion.
Mr. Baghdady was invited to live trade against 6 other bankers and institutional traders at the “World of Trading” live trading event in Frankfurt in 2009. Mr Baghdady traded live on a stage for several hours in front of 1000 viewers and won the “World of Trading” live trading competition in 2009.
Winner of The World of Trading Competition - YouTube
World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt

Mr Tuckey.
Mr Tuckey operated, and was a director of, a fund called Alpine Capital for 5 years. Through pure conjecture, one particular forum member has assumed that this fund did not exist simply because they could not find a corporate website! The fund did not require a public website, as it was a closed fund that was not soliciting communication with the general public.

The existence of Alpine Capital is irrefutable and was of course registered with Companies House.
During the operation of the fund, Mr Tuckey purchased and utilised the Training Traders software and methodology. Mr Tuckey appeared on the commercial stating he had used these techniques – a statement of fact, and he was represented as a ‘Hedge Fund Manager’ – also, a statement of fact. Mr Tuckey has since become a Director of Training Traders, and is still a trader. The forum member erroneously assumed that Mr Tuckey’s directorship of Training Traders had meant that he had never been a Hedge Fund Manager.

For those wishing to exercise due diligence please check Companies House (see attached screenshot) and check the ‘INCORPORATION DOCUMENT CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION’.

Turtles Program .
The Turtle program and the turtles are our pride and joy. We are extremely proud of our Turtles and their performance, hard work and the dedication day in and day out to acquire the great skill of trading.

This is a pure apprentice program, we shoulder all expenses because we have the confidence in our training and methodology to take a group of people and fund their training and trading in order for them to trade based on the methodology we teach.

This is a well thought investment on our part and we fully expect that our Turtles performance will gives us more than the expected returns on our investment.

As has been recognised, we selected candidates from a large number of applicants. These ‘New Turtle Traders’ have been trained, mentored, equipped and funded all by Training Traders. As anticipated, performance between individuals has varied based upon rate of learning, selection of instruments to trade and adapting to the psychological demands of trading. As is normal in any trading team, some traders are in positive territory, some are flat and some are down. This is by no means a reflection on the performance of any one trader. These traders are participating mostly in longer term trading and require a longer period than 4 months for the process and themselves to fully come to fruition.

We owe it to nobody whatsoever to disclose any information beyond what we choose and hope that any individual with a fair and reasonable intellect would understand this and appreciate our inherent confidence in our trading approach to undertake such a time consuming and financially significant task.

Office environment.
We are situated in the city of London right next to Aldgate East tube station in a multi-story office building and have a 7,000 sq/ft office incorporating a fully equipped trading floor and training facilities. We believe that our office based training environment allows us to provide a high level of help and support to our clients. We provide facilities equal or better than most standard business offices. As stated above we are happy for people to come and visit to judge for themselves.

If we could raise our most salient point, it would be that we welcome ANY individual on this forum to visit us, whether you wish to meet us, see our offices or understand more about our methodology.

We are not going to get dragged into a discussion answering an endless number of questions based on misinterpreted information or simply unfounded accusations.

We thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

Based on what is posted here I concede my idea that Mr. Mike could be running scam operation. The information given is far more than what other vendors usually give out that must be said.

This matter should have been cleared on forums a while back by posting the information.

I officially apologize to Mr. Mike and Training Traders and wish them best of luck in their ventures.

Thank you.
Official Response on behalf of Training Traders

In response to particular comments:

“World of Trading” live trading champion.
Mr. Baghdady was invited to live trade against 6 other bankers and institutional traders at the “World of Trading” live trading event in Frankfurt in 2009. Mr Baghdady traded live on a stage for several hours in front of 1000 viewers and won the “World of Trading” live trading competition in 2009.
Winner of The World of Trading Competition - YouTube
World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt


Where in that video is Mike declared 'World live trading champion'. This is the claim that he has made, not that he took part in an evening event at World of Trading 2009? If you doubt this claim just listen to the audio track on the attached video.

Also the World of Trading website archived page from 2009 lists the participants and award winners. Mike is not listed anywhere as being an award winner. Can you explain that? In fact can you produce even the slightest bit of proof that he was declared world champion (proof doesnt include what he says about himself).


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Mr Tuckey.
Mr Tuckey operated, and was a director of, a fund called Alpine Capital for 5 years. Through pure conjecture, one particular forum member has assumed that this fund did not exist simply because they could not find a corporate website! The fund did not require a public website, as it was a closed fund that was not soliciting communication with the general public.

The existence of Alpine Capital is irrefutable and was of course registered with Companies House.
During the operation of the fund, Mr Tuckey purchased and utilised the Training Traders software and methodology. Mr Tuckey appeared on the commercial stating he had used these techniques – a statement of fact, and he was represented as a ‘Hedge Fund Manager’ – also, a statement of fact. Mr Tuckey has since become a Director of Training Traders, and is still a trader. The forum member erroneously assumed that Mr Tuckey’s directorship of Training Traders had meant that he had never been a Hedge Fund Manager.

Alpine Capital LLP existed as a registered company with Ben Tuckey as director, however the company declared itself dormant. How on earth can a hedge fund be dormant for 4 years?

Ben Tuckey has not been FSA registered since 2004. If he was managing a UK based hedge fund (Alpine Capital is a UK based company) he would require to be authorised.
PBoyles .. BUSTED !!!!

My reason for posting this here is due to the amount of posts pboyles has made on this topic.

Peter Boyles has posted on a number of different sites with a range of different nicknames (pboyles, maltapb, Malta Trading to name just a few).

Many forum sites have removed a number of his postings and in some cases actually banned him for his baseless acquisitions which in many if not all cases are not true.

Peter Boyles has and is still trying to sell software on the Collective2 website using the name Malta Trading, I am not sure if he is trying to imply that Malta trading is a company but it certainly is not. There are probably more places and other software is is trying to sell.

Personally I do not trust anyone who uses different names, does not come clean about vested interests and has been done for giving bad information several times in the past.


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PBoyles .. BUSTED !!!!

My reason for posting this here is due to the amount of posts pboyles has made on this topic.

Peter Boyles has posted on a number of different sites with a range of different nicknames (pboyles, maltapb, Malta Trading to name just a few).

Many forum sites have removed a number of his postings and in some cases actually banned him for his baseless acquisitions which in many if not all cases are not true.

Peter Boyles has and is still trying to sell software on the Collective2 website using the name Malta Trading, I am not sure if he is trying to imply that Malta trading is a company but it certainly is not. There are probably more places and other software is is trying to sell.

Personally I do not trust anyone who uses different names, does not come clean about vested interests and has been done for giving bad information several times in the past.

Slow Clap for you WhichWayNow.

Every attempt you make to discredit PBoyles or another person on this forum makes you look increasingly foolish. I'm thinking of the SJ Capital Landbank he exposed and you thought they were legit.

PBoyles, I'l leave it to you to respond the utter horror that WhichWayNow feels because you've used different user names on different forums. Golly, what a total reckless monster you must be PBoyles.......

WhichWayNow - I understand that you're part of Mike Baghdady's team but you're beginning to look like the school dunce with this hilariously poor trash talk. I noticed that one of the things that you allege PBoyles was selling was from 2008 (according to his last log in on the jpeg you posted). Having said that, it seems like he was offering software more recently than when Ben Tuckey was claiming to be a fund manager........

Anyway, I await to find out what horribly awful posts from my past that you can find on me. I must have done something that will have truly horrified you - unlike Mr Baghdady's false marketing claims, lack of true funding for the Turtles, the media blacklist he was on for not paying his advertising invoices etc etc. It's a strange moral compass you have WhichWayNow, but I'm assuming that your moral compass is guided by the man who pays your monthly salary.
And how many trades have been made on that C2 account? How many subscribers does it have and what software is it selling?