market direction

ofcourse entries are important **** tard. so if you got short today that would be unimportant? after missing a 5% decline? rehab.

entires might not be important when your daytrading 4 quid a point with pin bars, but in posistion trading they kinda do matter!

I mean to say that entry is meaningless until you exit.

Before you get a rib removed over catching 5%, let's see how much you actually bank.
entires might not be important when your daytrading 4 quid a point with pin bars, but in posistion trading they kinda do matter!

Entry was probably more important when cracking £4 a point with pin bars since you couldn't **** about using options to hedge or whatever you do.

Grow some balls and hit an outright.
but the rest of your positions deeply in the red, arent u long nat , euro and pound and short cattle ?
dunno about "deeply" in the red.

euro is down and getting writtin off
pound sitll in profit
crude is slightly down
short cattle is down the most, but not much.

3 markets out of 10 are in the red and by much less than any of the markets that are in the green.

so nice try coming to stick the boot in. better luck next time
ok will give a little teaser as to the kind of things i look at.

here we have the natural gas rig count, hopefully i dont have to explain why this is important!

lower the price gets and the bigger the stock piles get the more rigs go offline as they arnt needed and vice versa with low stock piles and higher prices.

you will see the last big drop in rig count coincided with the rally at December. so we should see a rally as output declines and storage drops. in theory ofcourse (and before some smart **** points out i am aware of the weather factor)

this is also theory that the EIA natural gas statistics are grossly over estimated and there isn't actually as much gas in storage as made out.

interesting, i was planning on looking at NG within the next few weeks altho from a different "angle". Where is the best place/sites to get this kind of fundemental info, in your opinion? i've heard some wild stories about the length companies go to get at proper info so is the accessible stuff inadequate?
dunno about "deeply" in the red.

euro is down and getting writtin off
pound sitll in profit
crude is slightly down
short cattle is down the most, but not much.

3 markets out of 10 are in the red and by much less than any of the markets that are in the green.

so nice try coming to stick the boot in. better luck next time

what about nat gas ! what about your hedging cost ? if u dont put numbers and details your journal is worthless , sorry to burst your bubble no offense intended goodluck anyway ...
my journal is worthless? this has never been a journal about my own positions. its called "market direction" something im not often wrong about. so you're hardly "bursting my bubble"

and nat gas is down 80 points in the underlying with weeks left till expiry on the hedge. im hardly concerned.

what is this, find the one market which isnt entirely in my favour? lol loser.
my journal is worthless? this has never been a journal about my own positions. its called "market direction" something im not often wrong about. so you're hardly "bursting my bubble"

and nat gas is down 80 points in the underlying with weeks left till expiry on the hedge. im hardly concerned.

what is this, find the one market which isnt entirely in my favour? lol loser.

if u mention p&l then it is a journal whether it reflects your real positions or not , u r calling the direction of the market with an opened downside !
where have i mentioned how much money i have made or lost in any of these markets? i havnt.

so what if im calling the market with an open down side?

success really brings out the haters doesn't it.
where have i mentioned how much money i have made or lost? i havnt.

so what if im calling the market with an open down side?

success really brings out the haters doesn't it.
well i saw your attachment regarding CL which showed 18k loss then you edited your attachment within one minute i dont know y u did this , but hey no haters i told u goodluck , but calling market direction with unlimited downside will not help u in your hedge fund project , hey guys copper long c u in 2020 !
well i saw your attachment regarding CL which showed 18k loss then you edited your attachment within one minute i dont know y u did this , but hey no haters i told u goodluck , but calling market direction with unlimited downside will not help u in your hedge fund project , hey guys copper long c u in 2020 !

i uploaded the wrong pic perhaps? and that pic is in another thread anyway it was used to **** odt off. down 18k? oh no.. was like 60 points lol.

im short copper, keep up.

and you actually think im going to reveal every single detail in some thread on t2w? i get out when the market tells me to get out, not some retarded fixed point target that you probably use.

stop being a ***c whit

and why would i ever reveal my own positioning and profits on the internet? some of us have things like the tax man to think about, probably not you though with your "tax free" spreadbetting :LOL:
i uploaded the wrong pic perhaps? and that pic is in another thread anyway it was used to **** odt off. down 18k? oh no.. was like 60 points lol.

im short copper, keep up.

and you actually think im going to reveal every single detail in some thread on t2w? i get out when the market tells me to get out, not some retarded fixed point target that you probably use.

stop being a ***c whit

and why would i ever reveal my own positioning and profits on the internet? some of us have things like the tax man to think about, probably not you though with your "tax free" spreadbetting :LOL:

who told u to show real profits ! , my point dont compare your winning trade with your losing trade if u didnt mention your position size in every market , otherwise u cant say hey guys my profits in corn covered my losess in oil or whatever ...
u didnt get my point i am long copper b4 2020 how hard could it be ! , got it honey ?
honey? try reading the thread properly before you stick your fat ugly beak in. i risk the same % for all my markets. if corn is up 10% i will have made the same as if crude is 10% up. hence i can quote % changes for markets. ok sweetheart?

and as far as this thread is concerned its all about percentage gains in each market direction. so please stfu.
whats the matter tar? did you get run over intodays market so want to try make your self feel better? the current track record in this thread is superb even by my own standards and i doubt many would disagree. so get f ucked. long silver by any chance?
volatility is priced into the options, and the price of the options determine the posistion sizing in the underlying. so yes volatility comes into it, but its not something i overly concern myself with when looking at a market
whats the matter tar? did you get run over intodays market so want to try make your self feel better? the current track record in this thread is superb even by my own standards and i doubt many would disagree. so get f ucked. long silver by any chance?

u want to open a hedge fund ha and u dont want to pay taxes ! but anyway sorry if i am standing on your ***il

when u mention positions on options u should mention : strike price , premium paid , expiry date , other wise as i told u it is worthless , and btw i am long silver b4 2020 , and i didnt trade today but i will now , i sell short your thread .....
:LOL: your a clown.

and who said anything about not paying taxes? why should i mention strikes etc?

do you want me to repeat it again? this is a thread about market direction, not my personal positions. can you not read?

yes sell short my thread, very good...w4nker (i hope by that you mean your going to fade all my calls, more money for me)