mark2017's Commodities to Watch

Lithium Australia confirms VSPC process
Lithium Australia has confirmed the Very Small Particle Company process was capable of producing quality lithium iron phosphate cathode material.

Newsbites FinanceNOVEMBER 2, 20174:20PM
Lithium Australia (ASX: LIT) has confirmed the Very Small Particle Company process was capable of producing lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cathode material that is equivalent to or better than the LFP standard reference cathode material.
LFP is a safe cathode material that is used in lithium ion batteries for grid and off-grid energy storage (solar and wind power storage) and e-bus applications. The electrical energy storage sector is rapidly expanding, driven by the need to increase baseload capacity of networks which are being increasingly supplied from renewable sources.
The material was produced in 2012 at its pilot facility in Brisbane Australia and was recently tested for electrochemical properties by an independent laboratory in Germany (Custom Cells Itzehoe GmbH).
Testing was performed on coin cells manufactured from the VSPC LFP product and on a standard reference LFP material. The VSPC product performed well compared with the laboratory standard reference material, demonstrating good cycling stability, as well as higher potentials and higher discharge capacities compared to the standard reference material.
The company last week completed due diligence for the acquisition of advanced cathode material producer, VSPC. The acquisition provides LIT with proprietary processes for the production of lithium ion battery cathode material, a comprehensive pilot plant and advanced laboratory and testing facilities.
Applying the technology to the direct production of cathode materials would potentially remove two process steps involved in the manufacture of cathode materials, resulting in a process which would capitalise on the value add generated by progressing from lithium chemicals to cathode materials.
Shares in LIT have responded positively to these recent developments, increasing more than 50 percent in October to hit a 12 month high of 21.5 cents.
Sayona mining. Good News

Currently completing an updated PFS
Sayona Mining Ltd (ASX:SYA) has lodged the drilling permits for the Phase 3 resource expansion drilling program at its Authier lithium project in Quebec, Canada.

The company is planning a diamond drilling program of up to 3,000 metres commencing in early November.

Sayona is currently completing an updated pre-feasibility study, due for completion in 3Q 2017, prior to the commencement of a definitive feasibility study (DFS).

Importantly, the drilling and pilot metallurgy programs are expected to be the last major work programs before completion of the DFS in early 2018.

Drilling a large sample for a pilot metallurgy program
Sayona’s primary objective of the drilling is to collect up to 5 tonnes of drill core for a pilot metallurgical testing program to be used as an input into the process plant design in the DFS.

The company will also infill drill within the main resource zone where the mineralisation is not well defined and is currently treated as waste, with the objective of reducing the waste to ore ratio.

Furthermore, Sayona will aim for a potential expansion of the northern pegmatite zone which intersected 7 metres at 1.36% lithium from 15 metres in the last drilling program.

The company is also planning to complete geotechnical drilling which will enable finalisation of the pit wall slopes for the DFS.

Exploration commencing over Pilbara conglomerate gold targets
Sayona is preparing to start a field exploration program for conglomerate hosted gold in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Last month, the company identified Fortescue aged rocks, which signal conglomerate-hosted gold potential within its Mallina Lithium Project.

The focus will be at the Deep Well area, where initial reconnaissance has identified favourable stratigraphy, including Fortescue aged rocks.

The conglomerate at Deep Well ranges from quartz pebble conglomerate to those being dominated by felsic volcanic and chert clasts.

Global investor interest in Pilbara conglomerate gold has increased recently, driven by gold discoveries made by Novo Resources (CVE:NOV), Artemis Resources (ASX:ARV) and De Grey Mining (ASX😀EG).
Pandora a/s

Pandora abre su primera tienda propia en El Salvador y se expande en México
Por Francelia Rodriguez Ceballos - 30 de noviembre de 2017
Pandora toma las tiendas de su negocio en El Salvador, al mismo tiempo que pisa el acelerador de su expansión en México. Se espera que en los próximos días, la marca de joyería danesa inaugure su primera tienda propia en el mercado salvadoreño. Por otro lado, en México, Pandora ha inaugurado este mes de noviembre nuevas tiendas en diversas ciudades, así como sus dos primeros puntos de venta en Liverpool.

La nueva tienda de Pandora en Galerías Querétaro. - Pandora México

Con sus más recientes colecciones de joyería femenina, la marca ha anunciado que abrirá en estos días su primera boutique de operación directa en territorio salvadoreño, ubicada en el primer nivel del centro comercial Galerías, en San Salvador.

Pandora desembarcó en el país centroamericano en 2012 de la mano de la cadena de joyería La Joya, y en 2015 abrió su primera tienda franquicia en el Multiplaza de Antiguo Cuscatlán. En la actualidad, la marca continúa operando ambos puntos de venta.

Por otro lado, tras haber tomado el control directo de su negocio en México el pasado mes de julio, y en línea con su agresivo plan de expansión, Pandora ha realizado cuatro aperturas en estas últimas dos semanas y prepara una más para el próximo diciembre.

El jueves 23 de noviembre, la marca especializada en joyería femenina inauguró una tienda en Galerías Querétaro.

Un día después, el viernes 24, Pandora dio un paso importante en México y abrió el primero de sus dos córneres en la cadena departamental Liverpool, en la sucursal de Perisur de la capital del país. Según la información facilitada por la marca, este espacio cuenta con 16,70 metros cuadrados de superficie.

Hasta ese momento, la empresa danesa tenía cómo único aliado departamental a El Palacio de Hierro, con tiendas monomarca y puntos de venta.

Para este jueves 30 de noviembre, Pandora realizará dos estrenos simultáneos en México. A las cuatro de la tarde, la firma inaugurará su segundo córner de 17,20 metros cuadrados en el Liverpool Parque Delta, en la Ciudad de México, mientras que, al norte del país, abrirá su nuevo establecimiento en el centro comercial Fashion Drive, en la ciudad de Monterrey.

Respecto a sus nuevas aperturas para antes de que finalice el año, hasta el momento, Pandora ha anunciado esta semana a través de un comunicado que llegará al centro comercial Andares, en Guadalajara, el próximo jueves 7 de diciembre.

Con las nuevas aperturas realizadas a lo largo de este año y sus espacios ya establecidos, Pandora ha rebasado los 70 puntos de venta en México. En el mercado nacional, la firma cuenta con concept stores en Monterrey, Guadalajara y Ciudad de México, y está presente en una red de retailers autorizados en otras ciudades como Cancún, Villahermosa y Puebla.

En 2016, Pandora aumentó sus ingresos un 21%, hasta los 20.300 millones de coronas danesas (2.700 millones de euros), mientras que su flujo operativo (EBITDA, por sus siglas en inglés) creció un 27% a 7.920 millones.

En sus previsiones para este 2017, la empresa declaró a inicios de este mes que sus ingresos se situarán entre los 23.000 millones y 24.000 millones de coronas suecas (3.091 - 3.230 millones de euros) y que su margen EBITDA alcanzará un 38%.

Fundada en 1982 y establecida en Copenhagen, Dinamarca, Pandora emplea a más de 22.300 personas a nivel mundial de las cuales aproximadamente 13.200 están localizadas en Tailandia, donde la empresa manufactura sus joyas.

Sus diseños son vendidos en más de 100 países en seis continentes a través de aproximadamente 7.700 puntos de venta, incluyendo más de 2.200 concept stores.
Neometals evaluates direct shipping of titanium and vanadium

09:28 24 Jan 2018

Prices are at near five year highs due to strong demand and Chinese cutbacks.
The Barrambie project is in Western Australia’s mid-west region

Neometals Ltd (ASX:NMT) aims to take advantage of strong titanium and vanadium prices by evaluating direct shipping options for its Barrambie project in Western Australia.
The company has received approvals to mine a circa 50,000 tonne bulk sample of high grade titanium at Barrambie and is awaiting road transport approval.
Grade control drilling has been completed in the area proposed for mining of the sample and assays are pending.
Examining DSO options

Neometals is examining direct shipping ore (DSO) options for the high grade titanium and vanadium as an option for project development.
Chris Reed, managing director, said: “With titanium and vanadium prices at near five-year highs and recent additions to the executive team, we are accelerating technical and commercial activities for Barrambie.
“With the natural advantages of the Barrambie resource we are confident of finding the best development option.”
READ: Neometals admitted to Nasdaq International Designation

The project hosts one of the world’s highest grade hard rock titanium deposits and also has significant levels of high grade vanadium.
Prices are at high levels due to strong demand in energy storage and pigment markets, exacerbated by Chinese production cutbacks due to environmental compliance issues.
Barrambie titanium and vanadium resource

Barrambie has a resource of 47.2 million tonnes at 22% titanium and 0.63% vanadium and within this is a higher grade vanadium resource grading 0.91%.
Beneficiation studies have shown this zone can be upgraded to concentrate zones of 1.4% vanadium while test work is showing titanium concentrate grades in excess of 36%.
The option of DSO with a titanium focus is the primary evaluation area for Neometals and comprehensive cost modelling has been undertaken.
Sample sent to Chinese processor

A representative sample of Barrambie DSO from the planned starter pits has been received by a Chinese titanium processor with performance tests to be completed on the sample.
The company has recently appointed former Iluka and Talison executive Paul Wallwork as general manager of marketing and product development.
Together with Eileen Hao, Neometals’ general manager in China, discussions with toll treatment operators as well as titanium and vanadium end users are progressing.