mark2017's Stocks to Watch

Interesting companies.

I have been invested in a very interesting company myself for several years now.

Finally a really big breakthrough seems to be near.

It’s about a new display-technology in 3D/Holography and the company Realfiction says they have found the ”Holy Grail of Holography” a new technology that erase ALL the problems with ALL other technologies of lightfield/directional pixel displays.

In addition the technology, called ECHO, can reduce energy consumption in ALL LCD/OLED-displays by 80%!

They have tried the technology on LCD/OLED-TV:s of Samsung/LG/SONY, the reduction of 80% would in USA alone save $7,4 bn/year, only on TV:s!

Read a very interesting blogpost/analyze on:

IDP Education launches its virtual offices across India
India Education Diary Bureau Admin
May 29, 2020

Mumbai: IDP Education, a global leader in international educational services announced the launch of its virtual offices across India recently. This is an incredible opportunity for students aspiring to pursue higher education abroad who can now connect with IDP’s international education specialists from the comfort and safety of their homes.
These virtual offices have been launched to provide the best-in-class services, which would be at par with IDP’s physical offices, and will continue to help students fulfil their dreams of studying abroad without having to step out of their homes. This is an endeavour by IDP to keep connected with its students and their parents and deliver its promise of guiding them throughout their study abroad journey.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Piyush Kumar, IDP Regional Director (South Asia), said, “IDP’s virtual office is expected to elevate the industry-leading services further. We know and understand that studying overseas is a life-changing decision, not only for students but for their families too. During this pandemic, a virtual office will help us stay connected with the students and their parents. Moreover, by incorporating technology into our design, we can help students connect in real-time with representatives from higher education institutions around the world.”
IDP’s virtual offices will operate Monday to Saturday (10am- 5pm) where certified international education specialists will be available to assist the students in their study abroad journey. In these dedicated virtual counselling sessions, the students will be able to discuss their international education plans, queries about the choice of courses, university selection, visa application process, scholarship options, post-study work rights, and much more. These virtual counselling sessions are free and will be held via Zoom video conferencing app.
With this initiative, IDP aims to provide its students with a great experience and help them achieve their international education dream.

Plug Power to Host Conference Call on June 23, 2020 to Discuss Recent Acquisition and Vertical Integration Activity
Goldman Sachs sugiere que el precio de las acciones de IDP Education (ASX: IEL) cobrará más
James Mickleboro | 10 de septiembre de 2020 14:09 | Más en: IEL

brokers asx
El precio de las acciones de IDP Education Ltd (ASX: IEL) ha tenido un comportamiento positivo el jueves.

En el comercio de la tarde, las acciones de la empresa de colocación de estudiantes y pruebas de idioma subieron un 3% a $ 19,37.

¿Por qué el precio de las acciones de IDP Education es más alto?
Los inversores han estado comprando acciones de IDP Education hoy después de que fuera objeto de una nota de corredor positiva de Goldman Sachs.

Según la nota, el corredor ha mantenido su calificación de compra y ha elevado su precio objetivo en un 32% a 22,50 dólares.

Incluso después de la ganancia de hoy, este precio objetivo todavía implica un potencial alza de más del 16% durante los próximos 12 meses.

¿Por qué Goldman Sachs es optimista sobre la educación de los desplazados internos?
Goldman señala que IDP Education está bien posicionada para el eventual reinicio del mercado internacional de estudiantes.

También cree que las condiciones comerciales continúan mejorando. Su investigación parece respaldar la opinión de que ha habido una continuación de la recuperación de la utilización de la red del Sistema Internacional de Pruebas del Idioma Inglés (IELTS) del 55% informado a mediados de agosto.

Y si bien espera una recuperación de los volúmenes anteriores a COVID hasta el año fiscal 2022, cree que vale la pena quedarse con la compañía hasta entonces.

Especialmente dados los indicadores positivos, como que el Reino Unido comienza a abrir viajes internacionales y programas piloto que se están discutiendo en Australia del Sur y el Territorio del Norte para que los estudiantes internacionales vuelvan a ingresar a Australia.

Un futuro positivo.
Son las perspectivas a largo plazo de IDP Education las que más entusiasman a los analistas de Goldman Sachs.

Señalan que es un actor líder expuesto a vientos de cola estructurales de larga data en la educación internacional y bien posicionado para aumentar su participación en el mercado fragmentado de colocación de estudiantes.

El corredor también ve oportunidades en una posible reestructuración del acuerdo IELTS y para nuevas adquisiciones complementarias.

¿Deberías invertir?
Estoy de acuerdo con Goldman Sachs y creo que IDP Education sería una excelente opción a largo plazo para los inversores en este momento.

Sin embargo, con 46 veces las ganancias estimadas para el año fiscal 2022, ciertamente no es una compra barata. Por tanto, sugeriría que los inversores limiten una inversión a solo una pequeña parte de una cartera equilibrada.
Publicacion resultados


Third quarter 2020Order intake fell 3% to SEK 4,486 million (4,638). For comparable units, it was a decrease of 2%.Net sales increased slightly to SEK 4,599 million (4,595). Comparable units were unchanged.EBITA increased by 16% to SEK 685 million (588), corresponding to an EBITA margin of 14.9% (12.8%).Profit for the quarter rose 24% to SEK 458 million (369), and earnings per share were SEK 3.80 (3.05).Cash flow from operating activities increased and amounted to SEK 761 million (534).1 January - 30 September 2020Order intake rose 4% to SEK 14,491 million (13,901). Comparable units were unchanged.Net sales rose 5% to SEK 14,189 million (13,548). Comparable units were unchanged.EBITA increased by 12% to SEK 1,903 million (1,699), corresponding to an EBITA margin of 13.4% (12.5%).Profit for the period grew 12% to SEK 1,216 million (1,084), and earnings per share were SEK 10.07 (8.97).Cash flow from operating activities increased and amounted to SEK 1,988 million (1,190).
